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Everything posted by Fed

  1. Also, swansonet, very offtopic but i thank you for your reply but the page you refer me to is too matmatically complex for me to understand however, i am not totally mathmatically challenged and i would be more than interested in expanding my mathmatical knowledge so that i may understand it. i realise this would take time to learn but am well up to the challenge. could you please direct me somewhere so that i may learn the meaning of the many different formulae this topic requires (i.e: e=mc2 is energy = mass x speed squared, e=energy, m=mass, c=speed. but this is as much as i know if you exclude global mathmatical terms (pi etc) and would like to expand my knowledge in this area
  2. http://science-documentaries.com/?p=1110 the third video in this playlist may help you to understand double slit comes in aroun 17-18 min of said video
  3. yes, i am aware that the original is destroyed, but the information it contained is then sent through the entangled state and recreated using what was the entangled "twin" of the particle that sent the information. my question is that they are not entangled "twins" but rather entangled "triplets" would this information be sent to both remaining entangled particles or just one of them? ill find the page i read about 3-way entanglement and link it here (apologies for my lack of terminology, but i am trying very hard to explain my query as accurately as possible) http://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/54366/three-particle-quantum-entanglement'>The Link to where i read about 3 way QE http://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/54366/three-particle-quantum-entanglement this is where i first read about 3way QE
  4. I have read in places that this is not outside the realm of possibilities but the details are pretty vague, can anyone elaborate if this would be similar to normal 2 particle quantum entanglement? what i mean is, with 2 particel QE and enough computing power wtc we know it is possible to "teleport" the information i contain to another predetermined location, would this work with 3-way+ QE? for instance, in this case would there now be 2 of me that are recreated, essentially giving me a "Quantum Twin"? the reason i ask is not because i want there to be 2 of me, but rather, if this is correct, it could essentially eliminate world hunger and any such resource deficiency we may have once manipulating QE can be done on a more major scale
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