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About CMN

  • Birthday 07/13/1985

Profile Information

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  • College Major/Degree
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Organic Chemistry
  • Occupation
    Lazy Student :-)


  • Lepton

CMN's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. jdurg "Actually, HCl has a sour taste because it's an acid. Basic substances have bitter tastes." Are Bitter and sour not the same i thought bases had a soapy taste like ehh...... soap
  2. Does anyone have a near complete or complete collection of elements? And when you collect them what do you do with them? Do you display them in cases or what? Is it not kinda dangerous to have so many different types of elemnts near eachother???
  3. Exactly which means that when water is freezing it can still be a liquid. Latent heat and all that malarky
  4. Freezing water is water at 0 degrees, but if a body of water is at 0 degrees it wont neccesarily(i cant spell i know or i can spell and i dont know it ) all be solid. The body of water will take a while to freeze because of latent heats....... I think......
  5. Even if you have everything the same hot water will freeze faster than cold water under some conditions. I think ill try it out with some ice trays and see what happens
  6. I was under the impression that hot water freezes first If you have equal volumes of boiling and room temperature water in a container the hot water can actually freeze faster. I reckon that there are some good reasons for it aswell: Convection is one, when some of the water cools at it will mix with the hotter water bringing down the temperature. Evapourtion is another one to be taken in to account the boiling water will loose some of its volume It can depend on the container and its insulating values aswell. That would be my impression but im not entirely sure
  7. Just curious as to why the ammonium tri iodide is so stable what causes the explosion?
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