I have to conduct an interview with someone who is able to answer questions (30) about "why we should invest more money into ocean exploration rather than space?" I am NOT a professional in the field, but I have to interview someone who is educated in the subject. I guess you can message me your replies so it's not to cluttered in here. *Please, do not cut and paste answers into my questions from different sources. If you can't answer it just specify. Just give the answers you know.* I would appreciate any feedback you have to offer. Question: "How we should invest more money on Ocean Exploration" These (pretty simple) questions are me interviewing you on “how we should invest more money into ocean exploration” NASA (23.7 billion) vs. NOAA (3.8 billion) 1. What got you interested in the field, which is related somewhat to the ocean? 2. How many years have you researched or been educated about the field? 3. Are you involved in any non-profit organizations that have to do with the ocean or have done any projects involving the ocean? 4. What is it that you enjoy about the vast ocean? 5. Do you know what percent of species could be undiscovered and hiding in the depths of the ocean? 6. Approximately, how much of the Earth is covered by water? 7. Do you believe we should invest more money into exploring the vast ocean rather than space? 8. Why do you believe ocean exploration has been put on the back burner for so long? 9. How much would you estimate ocean exploration in a whole would cost? 10. Why do you believe the NOAA’s Office of Exploration and Research received just $23.7 million in 2013, while the NASA’s exploration budget was 3.8 billion? 11. Where do you believe we would be today if we had invested as much money in ocean exploration rather than space exploration? 12. Do you believe we should ignore space all together and stick to what we have here on Earth (Ocean)? 13. Do you believe space exploration is a waste of money? 14. Do you believe we have only explored less than five percent of ocean? 15. Do you believe more exploration of the ocean could lead to scientific breakthroughs in the medical field, i.e., cure for some type of disease? 16. If NOT, what benefits do you think the ocean holds? 17. Do you believe the Ocean is inhabitable? 18. Do you believe Space is inhabitable? 19. Do you believe there are any benefits of space exploration? 20. If so, what are the some benefits (your opinion) 21. Do you believe that the ocean and space are similar and that they hold many secrets, or that the ocean is nothing but vast emptiness? 22. What do you believe is holding back the funding of ocean exploration (NOAA)? 23. Do you believe we have found everything we need to in regards to ocean exploration? 24. Do you believe there has been enough “space discoveries,” to validate why they have invested more time into space oppose to ocean exploration? 25. Do you believe that ocean exploration would just cost too much (creating new technologies) when it came to the bottom of it? 26. Do you believe that pollution has ruined any chances of us ever getting the full benefits of ocean exploration? 27. Do you believe ocean exploration could give us a better insight on phenomena’s like earthquakes and global warming (if you believe in that theory)? 28. What do you think we could do to start funding more money into ocean exploration? 29. Should there be more concern on the vast amounts of ocean we have not explored? 30. Last question, do you see a BIG and heavily funded expedition of the ocean in our near future?