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HIi John, sorry, I should have put that in quotes. The hyperlink takes you too page that has that quote. I believe if it exists it is natural. I believe Fuller stated it something like that also i.e. only that which is natural can exist i.e. Universe is natural. Now of course all of our words have to be taken in context of relativity i.e. typically when we humans-- at least the culture I'm familiar with ---natural means that which is not made by humans. Hope that clarifies where I'm coming from with my previous posting of my thoughts. Cixe
Carbon vs Silicon as basis for biological/soul. Pure silicon is too reactive to be found in nature. Biological/soul is primarily based on carbon--- less complex tetrahedral formation---and is more simpler and more flexible than the more complex silicon. Woman{ Xx } > man{ Xy } = most complex biologicals/souls ergo most complex consciousness and most access to mind/intellect. Also the most and difficult reproduce and sustain. Silicon based pattern integrities aka AI, are more easily mass-produced off a factory assembly line. Simple, single cell bacteria, are most prolific biologicals/souls and if left unchecked, would reproduce so rapidly there mass could equal that of known Universe within a few years. Carbon--- 6 protons and 6 neutrons ---- ...2, 4 electron count.......... Silicon--- 14 protons and 14 neutrons ----- ...2, 8, 4 electron count...... Pure carbon comes in three forms; Diamonds, graphite and Fullerenes or their subset of carbon nanotubes. r6
In the year 2525 Cixe
Pattern Integrity = Soul Previously I always reference these two as synomym biological = soul ergo biological/soul Recently, and for no apparrent reason, I had equated soul with any pattern integrity, that re-incarnates itself. I then stated, that, a fermionic proton is the most stable pattern integrity of Universe, that, humans know to exist and, I presume, that, all protons are identical. Just as I presume all other fermionic particle identities are identical to another with the same indentity. Then we get into the 92 atomic elements plus the transuranics, of which many or most have slight variations as isotopes of themselves. Then we get into a number of differrent kins of viruses, that have either RNA or DNA but never both within, their protein shells. Then we get into the biologicals as the membraned, single cell bacteria and then algae, the fungus the plants then animals with humans being the most complex biological, that is the least likely to have any identical--- actually no known identicals cause even twins will have some aspect that is not identical( my best guess } ----. After posting that, I realized that, for a human to ever be reincarnated exactly, then that may only happen in a eternally existent Universe H,mm it also just crossed my mind that clones, similar to identical twins, may be the closet we come to humans being identical, like two protons being identical. So, I may have stuck my foot in mouth, or we may say that, we have differrent degrees of soul. "U"niverse > Universe > universe{s} > I-verse < you-verse < we-verse < them-verse Human > bacteria > virus{ twilight-zone } > chemicals > atomics > sub-atomic{ time/charge{? } > gravity{ gravitational space{ twilight-zone } Proton/soul{?} = 3 quarks = OO OO OO = 2160 degrees of stable variation Human/soul = most complex set = most vulnerable and hardest to reproduce, or re-incarnate. Gravitational space > geometric pattern integrities > angle > frequency{ twlight-zone } Time/motion{?} > spin > charge > frequency{ twlight-zone } r6
- 50 replies
4.3 Sine-Wave Unification of Universe (( Inside-Outing ))
cixe replied to cixe's topic in Speculations
When you have something that actually invalidates any of my comments as stated please share. Thx. You have not because you have not. I do not apologize for truth as stated. You continue to insult by your inproper use of the word drivel. Sad :--( case of hot air. PLease share when you have something to say that is actually rationally logical if not also common sensical. Thx r6 -
4.3 Sine-Wave Unification of Universe (( Inside-Outing ))
cixe replied to cixe's topic in Speculations
When you actually have something that is rationally logical and invalidates anything Ive stated please share. Thx. You do not because you have not. I think you need a weeks vacation at minimum to learn English and Arabic numerals as you have obvious lack of grasping even the most simple of concepts such as inside-outing a glove/mitten, a plastic bag etc... My mother taught me these simple concepts as a child. Sad :--( case of hot air around here by moderators and their ilk Not new news is my best guess or at least to those of who had a caring/loving mother to teach us children simple finger saving functions how to treat others respectfully. r6- 40 replies
4.3 Sine-Wave Unification of Universe (( Inside-Outing ))
cixe replied to cixe's topic in Speculations
We all piggy back on usage of English terms used by many, although you appear to havespecific trouble understanding simple English and arabic numerals Ive posted. Narrow closed mind is the problem around here not piggybacking as you would like to falsely propose as signficant to any rationally logical conversation, that you continue to avoid. When you have something valid to say that actually invalidates my comments as stated, please share. You do not because you have not. Sad :--( case of derogatory hot air. This forum appears to have plenty of them. :--( r6- 40 replies
4.3 Sine-Wave Unification of Universe (( Inside-Outing ))
cixe replied to cixe's topic in Speculations
This typical response of narrow or closed minded people with little access to mind/intellect. Please share when you actually have something to say that is rationally logical if not also common sensical that invalidates my comments as stated. Thx. You do not offer such because you have not. Is my best guess. Derogatory comments is best you have to offer us. Sad case. r6 While I attacked your ideas, you have attacked me personally. This is the insult business you were admonished for and still fail to understand. Again, your ideas as expressed so far are meaningless drivel. Are you the drivel dude? You need to get a dictionary and find the definition for "drivel" as you obvious have no idea of its proper use. When you have something valid to say, that, actually invalidates anything Ive stated please share and do so by addressing my comments as stated. You do not because you have not anything valid to say in my regards. Sad :--( Thx R6 -
4.3 Sine-Wave Unification of Universe (( Inside-Outing ))
cixe replied to cixe's topic in Speculations
..."Original prime line{ L2 }, numerical sine-wave below"..all prime numbers except 2 and 3. If you read the graphic it becomes kinda of obvious. r6 -
"model" I make no claims of a model. Please reread my comments as stated and address as stated. If others do not understand then they remove the chip on their shoulders ex "poppycock" is just one many derogatory type comments that only purpose is to push others buttons and not have a rationally logical-- if not also common sense ---disccusion of ideas, thougths models etc.....so please moderator, focus on correcting their unneccssay unhelpful, off-topic derogatory comments. Thx. r6 Please reread and address my comments as stated regarding Carbon-12 > equlateral triangles > synergy > biologials/souls > anthropic principle etc....... or please move along to find those that only purpose in life is to degrade others with non-helfpful and uneccessary, derogatory statements. My guess is that this forum is over run with them. Sad :--( Thx r6 So, if there is a question that is specific to my commments as stated, please ask, or just move along. I'm happy to attempt to answer questions for those with sincere intent to have rationall logical disscussion. No moderation or derogatory button pushing is needed in this thread. Thx r6
I have not figure "it" out. ergo my question to you. My comments stand as stated. If and when you find something Ive stated invalid plaese share, by adddressing those comments as stated. You do not beause you have nothing rationally logical that invalidates anything Ive stated. Carbon 12 > equalateral triangles > synerge > biologicals/souls etc......Thx r6 When you can actually address a word or comment by me that you dont uderstand then you can ask. Are you too ashamed to ask questions when you lack understanding? Please stop making yourself out to be the victum and disscuss my comments as stated, irrespective if you ability understand the words or concepts intended. Thx. r6
4.3 Sine-Wave Unification of Universe (( Inside-Outing ))
cixe replied to cixe's topic in Speculations
This typical response of narrow or closed minded people with little access to mind/intellect. Please share when you actually have something to say that is rationally logical if not also common sensical that invalidates my comments as stated. Thx. You do not offer such because you have not. Is my best guess. Derogatory comments is best you have to offer us. Sad case. r6 -
Sorry for personal attacks, can you tell me specifically what comment was a personal attack? Inquisition? r6
Here is so more similar stuff to help others here assimilate more a comprehensivly broad viewpoint--- certainly Hoyles approach --- in regards to Carbon-12 article(s) "Hoyle predicted his state on the basis of the anthropic principle, arguing that if the state didn't exist we wouldn't be here," he says. Anthropic has to do with human ergo biological/soul. ..."For the past 60 years nuclear physicists have been trying to understand the nature of this "Hoyle state", which is not predicted by standard nuclear models." Not predicted ergo also reminiscent of synergy as is this next quote. ...."This is a very important reaction in the sequence that generates life-giving molecules,"..... r6 Your obviously afraid of my thougths because of your inquistion-like replies to my simple thoughts and not a danger to anyone. ...."you do not appear to understand that biologicals/souls and specifically humans are a synergetic syntropic( anti-entropic ) resultant, that results in another synergetic syntropic of acccessing mind/intellect.".... Reread and when you get to a word or simple concept you dont understand I will attempt to help you understand that word or simple concept. I've already posted a link to simple graphic to explain synergy. If you still dont get it i can attempt to walk you through it. It is really not as hard you appear to think the above words and concepts are to grasp There all words in dictionary or if not I give a ( dictionary word ) to assist you the reader in understanding. PLease feel free to ask but be specific to the words an/or phrase you do not understand. Ex "you do not appear to understand" is first part of a simple phrase that you post you do not " have a clue". Or maybe it is you dont understand what a biologicals/souls are. Maybe it is the word synergetic or syntropic( anti-entropic ) you dont understand. Maybe you dont understand the word resultant. I dunno what exaclty is you do not have clue too as the most of the words are in dictionary. r6
I guess it depends on how life is defined. By using the word biological there is more clarity in what I mean. Same goes for use of the word soul/biological as it clarifies our definitions of word the use. You need to go back and reread the sequence of my thoughts as they occurred involving statements you do not quote above, ex regarding equalateral triangle that began with its being stated in the article. If you do not appear to understand that biologicals/souls and specifically humans are a synergetic syntropic( anti-entropic ) resultant, that results in another synergetic syntropic of acccessing mind/intellect. It may help you to understand what the word synergy actually means. Connected none the less and in sequential way that began with ideas in the article. Whats with the inquistion in these regards? What exactly is that your afraid is happening, or may happen with my post? Wont you or someone always be around to moderate-- or email the moderator ---for those who speak incorrectly or get out of lines or whatever? r6
..."without which there would be no life here on Earth ".... ..."This suggests that the Hoyle state is a "breathing mode" whereby the equilateral triangle expands.".... All biological/soul life is based on carbon, amongest a few other elements. You need to reread the article and understand better the what the article actually states,and the significance to our existence. If and when you actually have something to say that invalidates any of my comments as stated. Please share. Thx. You do do not offer any--- and especially with rational logic if not also common sense --- because you have not is my best guess. r6
When you actually have something rationally logical, if not also common sensical to say, that invalidates any of my comments as stated, please share. Thx. My guess is you do not,ergo you offer not. r6
4.3 Sine-Wave Unification of Universe (( Inside-Outing ))
cixe replied to cixe's topic in Speculations
You need to go back and start from the beginning and read my text as stated. I'm talking about prime numbers and that is obvious to anyone with sincere desire to seek truth and put out reasonable amount of effort to understand what their reading. Some of words and/or terminologies I use are in dictionary and some of those words I first heard used by Fuller, and later by others. Fuller no anyone else has a patent on words stating that others must state that, there using a word that Fuller used. I did not mention any quanta A modules, so, if and when you want to address my comments as stated then perhaps we can have a rationally logical common sense disscussion regarding my thoughts, or any quotes of Fuller that I've given or referenced. Please be specific with any your qeustions of my comments as stated. Thx r6 -
..."Physicists have obtained important new evidence showing that the structure of the carbon-12 nucleus – without which there would be no life here on Earth – resembles that of an equilateral triangle."... Carbon nucleus seen spinning in triangular state - physicsworld.com 1 equalateral triangle + 1 equlateral trianlgle = 4 equlateral triangles ergo 2D area > 3D volume via synergetic process/operation. Biologicals/souls are creatures with a resultant, synergetic access to metaphysical-1 mind/intellect. r6
4.3 Sine-Wave Unification of Universe (( Inside-Outing ))
cixe replied to cixe's topic in Speculations
Why is proton so stable? Does more complex = more stable? Does less comlex = more stable? Previously I associated L2 and L3 with fermionic matter and gave numerical examples of #3 or multiples thereof--- 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,27,30,33,36( 18 + 18 ) ---too fermionic fundamentals. Proton has 3 quarks as does neutron. We will leave out consideration of gluons and overall spin for the moment. L1---...1.........5....7........11.....13............17.....19...........23|..((25))........29..((31))..........35....37.........41 L2/3-0......3.......6........9......12.......15........18.........21........|24........27......30........33.........36......39....... . .L4--......2....4..........8.....10........14....16............20.....22....|........26....28...........32....34..........38....40...... 0} 0 and 1 = ? 1} 2, 3, 4 = prime #2( even ) that is only even prime and prime #3 and even 4 so two consecutive primes and non-prime #4 2} 5, 6, 7 = primary #5( phi associated ) prime and twin prime #7 3} 8, 9, 10 = no primes, two evens and one odd. 4} 11, 12, 13 = twin primes, and #12. 5} 14, 15, 16 = no primes, two evens and one odd. 6} 17, 18, 19 = twin primes and 18 7} 20, 21 22 = no primes one odd. 8} 23, 24, ((25)) = First four sets of three are distinct from each other. At set #5} 14, 15, 16, we see a repeat of similar aspects of no primes being involved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L1--....1...........5....7.........11.....13...........17......19............23|...((25))...........29..((31))...........35.....37.............41 L2--0.................6.................12....................18......................|24.......................30......................36.................... ............3........3.......3........3..........3...........3..........3..........3..|.........3............3..........3...........3.........3........3 L3--..........3.................9...................15.....................21.........|..............27......................33....................39........... L4--......2.....4..........8.....10..........14....16............20......22....|.........26.....28.............32.....34...........38.....40....... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L1---...1.........5....7........11.....13............17......19...........23|..((25))........29..((31))..........35....37.........41 L2/3-0......3.......6........9......12........15........18.........21........|24........27......30........33.........36......39...........L4--......2.....4..........8......10........14....16............20.....22....|........26....28...........32....34..........38....40....... -
4.3 Sine-Wave Unification of Universe (( Inside-Outing ))
cixe replied to cixe's topic in Speculations
Yeah, like I stated early I like this clever and creative creation! Finallly I remmbered to use the Plus Minus viewer on my Firefox browser to zoom in. The lines now make sense and I see they only show what is obvious without zoom, that you have just taken additional 4 levels added them the first 4 to make 8 levels opposite directions and reversed. I get that and as I stated Cool! So this still leaves me scratching my littel gray cells, as to how to integrate this scenario into a cosmic view, along with some analogies. Layers of tubes as onion{ vegetable } jas layers/shells. Electron has shells. 8 is indeed critical. Suns, did you read the quote from Synergetics regarding trigonometry and 45 degrees in 8{ ? } quadrants being signiifcant to Fuller.? You have 4 levels in four quadrants. You can find what I'm about to post at this link and then go too, 1238.20, 1238.23. adn 1238.29. The whole Scherazade section may be of interest, but the following is what I thought might most perk your interest. ......The Fourteen-illion Scheherazade Number accommodates all the omnirational calculations of the trigonometric function tables whose largest prime number is 43 and whose highest common variable multiple is 45 degrees, which is one-eighth of unity in a Universe whose polyhedral systems consist always of a minimum of four positive and four negative quadranted hemispheres. ..."When the central angle is 90 degrees, then the two small corner angles of the isosceles triangle are each 45 degrees. After 45 degrees the sines become cosines, and vice versa. At 45 degrees they balance. Thereafter all the prime numbers that can ever enter into prime trigonometric computation (in contradistinction to complementary function computation) occur below the number 45. What occasions irrationality is the inability of dividends to be omni-equi-divisible, due to the presence of a prime number of which the dividend is not a whole product. ...For instance, in a system such as spherical trigonometry, consisting of 360 degrees per circle or cycle, all the numerical intervariabilities occur within the first 45 degrees, .: 45 × 8 = 360. Since the unit cyclic totality of the Fourteen-illion Scheherazade Number is the product of the first 15 primes, it contains all the prime numbers occurring within the 45- degree-limit numerical integer permutations of all cyclic systems together with an abundance of powers of the first eight primes,"..... ...." The Fourteen-illion Scheherazade Number includes the first 15 primes, which are: 1n·212·38·56·76·116·136·172·19·23·29·31·37·41·43 It reads: 3,128,581,583,194,999,609,732,086,426,156,130,368,000,000 r6 -
4.3 Sine-Wave Unification of Universe (( Inside-Outing ))
cixe replied to cixe's topic in Speculations
view4.pn I like the 8 Level graphic best. That is very creative idea! Not sure were I can go with 8 levels/lines. Cannot think of any analogies off-hand. And some of your numbers do not make any sense to me. Ex you 17 > 12 on olive green line, and none of my levels in either sine-wave patterns has that. I see that you have what appears to be negative primes in exact same columns with positive primes L1 and L8 and vice versa. however, your graphic lacks clarity for me. Hard to see the numbers, and you do not give any step-by-step guide to what is what, where, when or why, for that particular set of 8 levels. Please give step-by-step guide this graphic, to my concerns. If you can ever explain that graphic clearly, and with numbers easier to see, and why some are not same as numbers in my some of my levels, then maybe we can have a reasonable discussion more of what is what and why etc.... If that ever happens, then we would need to move onto how, why, what and where to integrate in 8 levels to anything else ex toroids, sphericals/spheroids, or some biolgical reality. 8 levels on each side could maybe shell layer of tubes, like onion, or some other vegatable with multiple layers that could be associated with tubes. If we can identif one or more good analogies then we can speculate on electron shells reference to 8 levels Needs much more step-by-step clarification. r6 Ok Sunshake, i see now your numbers is the same as mine, it was just you had 17 written where it should be 18 and that threw me off. So, if numbers lines are same, just reversed levels, then that only leaves what some of the arrows mean, and what to do with those 8 shells or is there an analogy to fit with them? Thx again. r6 -
4.3 Sine-Wave Unification of Universe (( Inside-Outing ))
cixe replied to cixe's topic in Speculations
Here below I wanted to correct clarify my previous statement. This is can be difficult to visualize and more so if a person has never operated Fullers hand held toy, the jitterbug aka vector flexor aka Vector Equlibrium, aka cubo-octahedron which folds into a double-sine-wave pattern, that, may be likend to the numerical sine-wave pattern that I've recently inside-outed, as the irregular and complex sine-wave patterned set. ...."I would also make clear, that, on the original cubo-octahedron--- considered as the whole Universe set, or as one of many, within the context of a larger set of overlappng cubo-octahedra, as the Isotropic Vector Matrix ---each with the set of 8 surface triangles, we could consider the following to happend--- at thermal heat deat' --to being happing on a much larger scale ...if we had anEuclidean icosahedron, face bonded to each of those 8 surface triangles, then, when the Euclidean cubo-octahedron contracts/collapse's to the subdivide triangle phase,-- see link --- that we have our bilateral set of icosahedral sphericals/spherioids-- or Euclidean polyhedra for sake of understanding the face bonding concept --- on each side of the four on each of the four triangles. So we have four, bilateral sets of icosahedra-- think of concept of Euclidean icosahedron, within the 31 curved geodesics arcs attached Euclidean icosahedron a the appropriate places ---ergo there will be some overlap, between the three perimeter icosahedra with the central bilateral set, even before we consider concept of the 2:1 ratio folding into their respective central icosahedra. So, as the perimeter triangles-- 2:1 ratio --with a bilateral set of icosahedra each, fold into the their respective bilateral set in the middle, we actually have one icosahedron that sticks out, from one side of one central based icosahedron, and two icosahedral the stick out from the 2nd bilateral icosahedron, ergo we have a lumpy, complex Universe scenario of overlapping icosahedra. My point is, if begin with concept of no less than 8 icosahedra, one each, face bonded to the cubo-octahedrons, 8 surface triangles, that, even at some alledged thermal equilibrium 'heat death' of Universe, we have a lumpy Universe scenario. Four bilateral sets of icosa{20}hedra .....6, 10 and 15 = 31...the 15 being congruent with ergo semi-defines the 30 edges of Euclidean icosahedron.... 2 * 31 = 62...great tubes/circles geodesically overlapping 2 * 31 = 62.."" ""....bilateral set of spinal nerves in humans 2 * 31 = 62.."" "" 2 * 31 = 62..."" "" 1) So I began with four planes-- ergo 4 hexagonal planes if radii are present ---of cubo{6}-octa{8-hedron--- ergo 12 vertexes, 24-edges, 8 triangles and 6 squares --- that, as the Vector Flexor jitterbug, infolds to a topology of a double-sine-- think EMRadiation ---wave that recongirues in two ways as basic body plan of cetacceans{ mammal } ergo 4 primary appendages for mobility, and fish, with their two fins and double finned tail for appendages for primary mobility. ....jellies may be the oldest animals on planet and some are called box jellies based on their cubo-like shape or 4 quadrants{?}..and some have 24 eyes...and simple nervous system tho some worms have simple nervous system also..... 2) I associate that with the four level, numerical sine-wave...see 6 * n + or - 1 = all primes of Universe except 2 and 3 3) I then turn the regular numerical sine-wave, inside-out--- with a resultant irregular, complex wave pattern that has a regular wave pattern within ---to have a resultant of more nodal-vertexial events on the outer convex surface, as I believe is the case for ultra-micro, gravitational membrane that embraces, and restrains our less nodal-events, inner concave observable reality of existence. 4) my conjecture/speculation/sugeestion is, that, there are no less than 8 icosa{20}hedra associated with the 8 surface triangles of the cubo{6}-octa{8}hedron, as the simple geometrical version of any alledged thermal 'heat death' of Universe. ....again we could have huge, but finite, semmingly 2D lattice set of triangles, approximating a seemingly flat, seemingly 2D, photonic Universe, with the repspetive huge sets of bilatearal sphericals/spheriods on each side of this flat seemingly 2D lattice of triangles 5) that, great circles represent great tubes, or may even be an axis{ spine } inside each tube, that may compose a great toroid and collectively integral a set of 3, 4, 6, 12 and 6, 10, 15 = 56 such great tubes and 87 when we consider left and right-skew set of 6, 10, 15, and maybe only 73 primary great tubes/circles when we consider that 14 those 87 planes are congruent, tho not all of their radius/radial values may be the same. I know there is something missing-- ex Fibonacci ergo phi{ 5 } and Pi associations --but this above is a good generalized overview for my cosmic view, without going into specifics of my cosmic heirarchy. r6 -
4.3 Sine-Wave Unification of Universe (( Inside-Outing ))
cixe replied to cixe's topic in Speculations
HI Sunshaker, Sorry. I use colors to help distingush catagories of this from that. In some ways that is true, it least we have many similar interests. I kinda of hate to do this here, as it will break any continuity in your message, but you mentioned some interest in #45 on peroidic table, or something, so I want to lay this info from Synergetics on you before I forget about it. You can find what I'm about to post at this link and then go too 1238.23. adn 1238.29. The whole Scherazade section may be of interest, but the following is what I thought might most perk your interest. ...."When the central angle is 90 degrees, then the two small corner angles of the isosceles triangle are each 45 degrees. After 45 degrees the sines become cosines, and vice versa. At 45 degrees they balance. Thereafter all the prime numbers that can ever enter into prime trigonometric computation (in contradistinction to complementary function computation) occur below the number 45. What occasions irrationality is the inability of dividends to be omni-equi-divisible, due to the presence of a prime number of which the dividend is not a whole product. ...For instance, in a system such as spherical trigonometry, consisting of 360 degrees per circle or cycle, all the numerical intervariabilities occur within the first 45 degrees, .: 45 × 8 = 360. Since the unit cyclic totality of the Fourteen-illion Scheherazade Number is the product of the first 15 primes, it contains all the prime numbers occurring within the 45- degree-limit numerical integer permutations of all cyclic systems together with an abundance of powers of the first eight primes,"..... { I had forgot any emphasis by fuller on first 8 primes, but in the sine-wave I make note of those first 8 on prime line being contigous ergo it is only at (( 25 )) that the order is broken/distintegrates/diminishes's/falls apart etc...... On the irregular sine-wave, #45 occurs on L3( reality line ) Yeah same thoughts here, except for, on the irregular sine-wave, there is only the Fib, non-counting 0 on reality line L2. L1 and L2 are symmetrical balance with fibs, out too 144. On L3 we have 3, 21, and 89. 3 * 7 = 21. If we make 10 columns of primes{ see link } 89 falls in #7 column and 89{ L3 } is 10 more than prime #79( L1 } which falls on #3column list at the link I give. I'm always on the lookout for asssociations with #10 becasue, the 5-fold( phi-fold ) icosa{20}hedrons 31 great circles/tubes,define 5 sets of overlapping 4-fold cubo-octahedra{ see link }. The 4-fold cubo-octahedron aka the vector equlibrium, and the 5-fold icosahedron, are, for the most part, rationally incomensurate with each other. The cubo-octahedron is considered the Operating System of Universe by Fuller. Remem ber it is the basis for 3D{ volumetric } version of the commonly viewed Flower-of-Life. I was having day to day conversations with Jim when he discovered the 3D version, within context of Synertics explorations. I see your X marks the spot, and I presume your refering to my texticon of bilateral icosahedral set (( 31 ((Z)) 31 )) for heat death of Universe, I dunno. Oh yeah, skimmed your site and click on couple of links but they did not take me anywhere, only back to where I was. Those 7 discs/circles you posted along with Z in the square was very helpful, but you never got back to me, as to how many Z's should we be considering within a square. Z takes 3 of the squares 4 lines ergo some of lines would have to do double duty to have more than one primary Z of consideration Were on similar page here as I believe I posted that I o believe the finite set of elements is 184 i.e. 2 * 92. and half way of that is 92. However, when I stated that 55 was approximately halfway when viewing the table I posted link too, only really meant to consider the first 92. Fuller calls them the 92 regenerative elements. To create the ones beyond 92 happens sequentially because they take so much energy/effort to create via fusing. Pi-space 31 + Fib-10th or 11th integer position = 86. There are 87 primary great circles/tubes, but 14 are reduntant. IF there is only 172 elements that could maybe significant. Pi-'time' 24 is Euclidean if we associate with cubo-octahedrons/Vector Eequlibriums/jitterbugs 24 outer chords or 24 internal radii. Pi-space ( ( 31 ) ) is more dynamic as it is conceptulization, inferring a dynamic( energy ) spin property/motion. Ha, in the above texticon I realize that the the overlapping, bilateral set of icosa{20}hedral based (( sphericals/spheroids )) , since tubes they still should be considered to carry a concave{ red reality } aspect,, so to corrrect all my past 'heat death' texticons, I now offer this optional alternative to that bilateral set, and low and behold, now the Euclidean Z--- see subdivided triangle of collapsed cubo-octahedral jitterbug ---has conceptualized dynamic spin circles associated with those 24 contracted/collapsed chords. Ha! ( ( 31 ( ( Z ) ) 31 ) ) And remember, with this subdivide triangle--- 8 triangles so 4 perimeter and 4 bonded as one in center ---we could have the outer 4 doing the assymetrical 2:1 folding to left and right sphericals, yet that still leaves the central set of 4 bonded as one, ergo, we say that, those 4 triangles are a tetrahedron, that remains likened to matter even only percieved as 2D or the longest wave, least energetic photon to ever exist. I would also make clear, that, on the original cubo-octahedron--- as the whole Universe set ---with the set of 8 surface triangles, if we had a icosahedron face bonded to each of those 8 surface triangles, that when the cubo-octahedron contracts/collapse to the subdivide triangle phase, that we have our bilateral set of icosahedral sphericals/spherioids, but they may actually be four sets of 31 left and 31 right bonded as one bilateral set we see as only two. 4 * 31 = 124 4 * 31 = 124 Just a thought. Reminds me of aluminum, painted black, passive solar panels I used to help build in 70's. The warm air in panel was pumped into the house and then through a radiator to preheat water going to the hot water heater. r6 -
4.3 Sine-Wave Unification of Universe (( Inside-Outing ))
cixe replied to cixe's topic in Speculations
Taking a look at teh Fibonacci's within the irregular inside-outing sine-wave complex. I want to show which levels fibonaccie 0 - 144 fall on. L1...1, 5, 13, 55.... L2...0,.... and then no others at least as far as I searched L3...3, 21, 89.... L4...2, 8, 34,144. On the peridodic table, 55 appears to fall approximately midway. 92 / 2 would be 46, so 55 is not exactly halfway, just looks that way. See Mg and Fe on the following chart. See this dynamic table. Previously I mentioned Pi^3 = 31.00 62 7.... I recall also that Pi^4 then divided by 4 = 24.35 22 7.... Pi-'time' = 24---'time' is sometimes referred to as 4th dimension Pi-space = 31---Pi^3 is an XYZ 3D volumetric operation 24 + 31 = 55 Previously, above, I divided Pi^4 by 4, tho I did not divide Pi^3. I dunno know that I have any good reason to treat any Pi powerings after Pi^3 any differrently than Pi^3, but here is my best given explanation. I would identify it as being akin to renormalization, i.e. I'm renormalizing a higher dimension, back to 3D by dividing it by itself. Is that mathematically proper? I dunno. Pi^12 / 12 = non-prime 77022.317 9361 45 1551... ..this above is first appearence of 55 on irrational side.... Pi^14 / 14 = non-prime 651583.6 55 83959 66 55 01.... ..this 2nd occurence of 55 on irrational side.... r6