Regarding great circle planes( GrCP's )--- i.e. axi of great tubes imho ---I've arrived at two possible scenarios that add to the desired 206 mass differrence between the electron and the muon electron. (8 * 25 ) + 6 = 206 I like/prefer this option above, because, it allows for only using the GrCP's of 3-fold and 4-fold polyhedral systems and not the 5/phi-fold. 450.11A 25 GRCs ergo, this means that were using the VE/cubo-OCTAHEDRON,and that we're in the neighbor hood of my considerations of an electron particles association with the OCTAHEDRON and specifically the its 3-GrCPS, that are found in the contracted VE/jittebug cubo-octahedron ergo double-valenced as 6 GrCP's. 3, 4, 6, 12 = set of 25 GrCP's So, we may say that we have 8 sets of the above 25 GrCP's + 6 GrCP's and that may be the only actually set that is double-valenced. I know this all appears somewhat adhoc, but then again, if others have any other ways of arriving at the desired 206 then please share them. Not likely any have any solutions. This approach is the only scenarios I've ever seen that works. In some ways it is like my questioning in many groups-- and couple of forums --- for years, that, if any others know of any toy-like, hand held models, that will present/express more cosmologically exotic shapes/confgiurations, than the VE/jitterbug/cubo-octahedron, then please share.
Fullers discovery of the jitterbug is the Euclidean basis for a relatively simple Operating System of Universe( OSU ).
In ten years, none have ever offered anything else for the latter above, and now I'm offering this new challenge to others here at Sf(n), to present any way of arriving at the desired 206 mass differrence between electron and muon electron, that, have significant correlations to geometry or whatever,
and is not just a summing arbitrary sets of numbers to 206.
The mass of muon electron is approximately 206 times that of the electron. Below is two ways of adding together great circles to arrive at the desired 206 or come close to 206.
(7 * 25) + 31 = 206 ..31 being the 31 GrCP's of the 5/phi-fold icosahedron (8 * 25 ) + 6 =206 ...could be 4-fold, 6-GrCPs or 5/phi-fold, 6-GrCP's... I believe the electron is associated with the 4-fold octahedron's, double-valenced set of 3 GrCPS' but neither 3 nor 6 evenly divide into 206 206 / 3 = 68.66 66 66 206 / 6 = 34. 33 33 33. 206 / 9 = 28.88 88 88 206 / 27 = 7.62 96 29 ..3^3 = 27.... 206 / 81 = 2.54 32 09 87 ..3^4 = 81.....