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Everything posted by WVBIG47
Thank you. I know for a fact that there are Muskrats in this area. We lived in the area when I was a kid & my dad trapped a couple that were eating our corn. I just wasn't aware they hopped
It was at the bottom of a driveway in the country. It hopped like a little Kangaroo
Yesterday I saw what I thought at first to be a black or dark brown squirrel sitting up on it;s back legs. But then it hopped on its back legs into the weeds & I noticed it had a slimmer tail than a squirrel. I'm in West Virginia. Any ideas about what it was?
Did you check out Bill Munns's website on his analysis of the Patterson/Gimlin film?
Here is what special effects costuming expert Bill Munns has to say about the video: http://www.cryptomundo.com/bigfoot-report/bill-munns-matilda/ Bill Munns has been analyzing the Patterson/Gimlin film for a few years now. Here is what he has to say about it: http://www.themunnsreport.com
Bigfoots haven't really been hunted with weapons, is my point. I'll bet if it could be known, very few of the deer & bears whose remains have been found, died of natural causes. Especially the bears because they hibernate. I still think Bigfoots stay in thick coniferous forests in winter. I have to believe they exist. Not just because of the Patterson/Gimlin film. I had a sighting in 1997 while Turkey hunting in an area where no one knew my brother & I would be there. It wasn't our planned location. It walked out of the woods on two legs, looked around briefly, smoothly turned around and walked back into the woods. It was coal black & about 6' tall. I've checked & black bears can't smoothly turn 180 degrees while on two legs. I don't believe it was just a hoaxer's luck to find someone to witness him because I didn't report it & there has never been a sighting reported from there in all these years. A hoaxer would've kept doing it until he got some attention
1)Then why are all the DNA samples fragmented? 2)The problem with the argument that "Deer & Bear remains are found, so why not Bigfoot remains?" is Deer & Bear are game animals. Both are hunted with bows. A lot of bow & arrow kills are never recovered. Even some gun kills aren't. Suppose Bigfoots do den up sometimes. Most people don't believe Bigfoot exists & would more than likely assume any hair or feces found, belongs to a bear. As I've stated before. There are both hair & fecal samples that can't be linked with any known animals, but without known Bigfoot hair & feces to compare them to, they aren't of much value
It's being promoted through social media & cryptid websites/blogs. No expenses for that. I think if anything, the DNA is just wrong. Like my brother says. For every person at the top of the class, there is someone at the bottom of the class. But let me ask you this. With as quickly as animal remains disappear & as quickly as DNA degrades in the wild, how likely is it that their existence will ever be proven if they do exist?
http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Matilda+Bigfoot+video&qpvt=Matilda+Bigfoot+video&FORM=VDRE#view=detail&mid=0D8B8AC9B4264AE489D10D8B8AC9B4264AE489D1 Even I know if the results of the DNA teststing aren't consistent, it's a problem What money? The dvd has never been released & they have a backer
I don't know if it was pre-approved or not. I know some things Medicare only pays for every few years. For example, I'm a paraplegic who walks with a walker. Medicare will only pay for one every 3 years. It's only been about 2 years since he had lung cancer. He surely had a PET Scan then. Maybe it's just too soon for them to pay for another one. The first time I ever heard of a PET Scan was when my late brother-in-law had one. They said it showed no cancer. It was wrong. Is there maybe a more reliable test now?
1)Why would she put it out there if it's BS? 2)What's the motive for a hoax?
That link is a bit dated. The paper is now free to the public. The video is clear enough that analysis should be able to make a definitive judgemeent of its authenticity, one way or the other
He was scheduled for a PET Scan, but Medicare won't pay for it now. I thought maybe it was because the likelihood was high enough that a PET Scan would be considered unnecessary
If a person has had lung cancer once & is having the symptoms again, how likely is it that the cancer has returned?
You didn't see the very clear, very close up face shot?
Dr. Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA study is now free http://sasquatchgenomeproject.org
Photographs are good enough for birds, but not Bigfoot? Interesting....
But all of those are discoveries by actual scientists with funding for proper equipment & the skill to use it properly. We are mostly amateurs with poor equipment & little time to research. As I stated before, one researcher posted on Facebook to see if anyone could suggest a DNA lab for him to take hair samples to. Money isn't a problem. He can't get a lab to test possible Bigfoot hair samples
The link is to a 2012 video of a Thylacine. A very clear one. Bigfoot is a primate. Possibly ape. Possibly primative human
I'm suggesting that 1)Possibly their hair acts like insulation, as with some dogs 2)Possibly they go elsewhere when it's really bitter cold, if need be. There are lots of Coniferous trees there. Don't underestimate the effectiveness of Coniferous trees as shelter from cold & wind 3)Lava tubes have been proposed as possible shelters for Bigfoot This is sort of related. It goes to show sometimes science is wrong about a species being extinct. Not a Coelacanth or an Ivory-billed Woodpecker http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DLL0ELg-y8&feature=share
West Virginia Black Bear hunting seasons for 2013:http://www.wvdnr.gov/Hunting/Regs1314/Season_dates.pdf Again, fossil evidence of chimps was only discovered relatively recently. Right? Bigfoots are often reportedly seen at high altitudes in rugged, remote areas. Not much chance of getting hit by a car in those areas. What roads there are, are too bad to travel at highway speeds
Did you read where I said I believe they are seen a lot in the fall because they are gathering food? Pine seeds are very high in protein & fat. Black bears don't hibernate per se. Why should Bigfoot need to, to any greater degree? Bear season is in winter by the way. Kind of a dumb time to have it if they're all holed up in dens all winter long, wouldn't you say?