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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Computer Science, Physics and Astronomy

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Can we use JOptionPane to show messages while we are using a scanner as out public class? ( import java.util.Scanner; ) ?
  2. Heres how i did it.. Would you guys do the same? */ import javax.swing.*; public class Temperature2 { public static void main (String [] args) { // Declare variables here String userInput; //In celsius, input of temperature int temperature1; //integar final int WINTER_TIME = -15; userInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter the temperature in celsius") ; temperature1 = Integer.parseInt(userInput); if (WINTER_TIME < temperature1); //if the temperature input is below -15 degrees System.out.println("Put on shorts and a light jacket"); //The print the following // all done, exit System.out.println("\nEnd of processing."); }// main }// Temperature2
  3. Hey Everyone, How would you program this in simple way? I am trying to Create a program that Asks the user, via JOptionPane, to input a temperature value in Celsius and Convert this value to an integer. i also want it to Check if the temperature is below -15 degrees. (Use a constant to store this value.) If so, instruct the user to change out of their shorts and put on a light jacket. How would you program this? (new to programming)
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