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  1. Evening all, I have an allotment (in the UK an area used to grow food) and I am thinking of setting up an aquaponics system (which is where you grow vegetables in a media bed and raise fish for food in a closed loop system http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquaponics) but the trouble is I have no access to electricity (to pump the water from the fish tank into the vegetable growing media bed). I stumbled across siphoning and was wondering if it would be possible to utilise this phenomenon to get around the need for a fish pump? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siphon 'While a simple siphon cannot output liquid at a level higher than the source reservoir, a more complicated device utilizing an airtight chamber at the crest and a system of automatic valves, may discharge liquid on an ongoing basis, at a level higher than the source reservoir, without outside pumping energy being added. It can accomplish this despite what initially appears to be a violation of conservation of energy because it can take advantage of the energy of a large volume of liquid dropping some distance, to raise and discharge a small volume of liquid above the source reservoir. Thus it might be said to "require" a large quantity of falling liquid to power the dispensing of a small quantity. Such a system typically operates in a cyclical or start/stop but ongoing and self-powered manner.' Thank you for your help, Samuel
  2. Morning all, I was just curious to know if you were in charge of drawing up the science curriculum for schools, what would you put in? Your suggestions may be related to what would get children hooked on science or what would be useful in this ever changing world we live in for example. Thanks for taking the time to get back to me & I look forward to reading your suggestions. Samuel
  3. Evening all, I have touched upon various anthropological areas and I have developed a taste for this area of study and was wondering if anyone could recommend any good all round introduction books on this area of study? Many thanks, Samuel
  4. Morning all, I studied various science subjects at school/college/university and I am interested in getting some books to help me learn about different areas in science which will benefit me practically. For example, I have my own allotment patch so having scientific knowledge of various different areas will help enable me to get the most out of my plot (e.g. soil food webs, plant nutritional requirements, food preservation, planting by the moon etc). I was just wondering what areas of science would be useful for me to teach myself which will aid me practically in everyday life? Im particularly interested in things such as attempting to build a solar panel etc. Thank you for your help, Samuel
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