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Everything posted by VultureV1

  1. Thanks for the reply and λν = velocity , just any velocity , so why is the assumption made that that particular velocity is c , I can just keep it as e = h velocity/wavelength , why do I put in c .
  2. this may be kinda stupid but isn't frequency * wavelength = velocity ? how is λν = c , that implies that the speed of light is dependent on wavelength and frequency . more importantly . e = hf , and e = h c/wavelength . Should'nt it be e = h velocity/wavelength .
  3. Sqrt(x) = x^1/2 I assume that is what you're asking , the square root of anything , say x , is x raised to the 1/2 power .
  4. So , the faster an object is traveling and the heavier it is the more it curves space ?
  5. So , the anime group is a substituent rather than a functional group ?
  6. So the gravitational field generated by mass bends the space time ? If that's the case , then causes a gravitational field to be generated in an object ? the atoms ??
  7. Is putting amino in the prefix rather than in the suffix a convention only for amino acids or even compounds ?
  8. Wa ? Can you please explain how mass bends space ?
  9. anyways , thank again , So , the integral is the infinite sum of small rectangular strips ?
  10. Never mind that , thanks , Btw , how do you delete a post ?
  11. I'm sorry , I'm actually new here , so what is 'your' design ?
  12. I just started learning calculus by reading articles on the internet , I got through differential calculus easily and I understand the concept of anti derivatives or integrals but I can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that anti derivatives can have something to do with area .
  13. why do the microtubules break apart only in the neurons to form neurofibrillary tangles ? why don't they do the same in other cells ? or do they ? . First of all , why do the microtubules break apart anyways ?
  14. I hear the extreme gravity of black holes bend light ? Light is massless and F=GMm/3^2 , If m is 0 then the force of attraction is zero right ? so light should not be affected by gravity , I also heard people say that the force of gravity is not dependent on mass but is dependent on momentum and energy , but p = mv , and if m is zero p is zero . Can I haz an explanation ? is there some equation that says gravity is influenced by energy rather than mass ?
  15. Can someone give me an intuition on why the definite integral represents area under a curve ? Thanks .
  16. How do enzymes actually increase the rate of a chemical reaction ? Take ATP Synthase for example , how does it work ? does the rotary motion squish the the inorganic phosphate to adp and make it chemically bond to form atp ? Likely not , Can someone explain to me what exactly happens ? What about the enzyme catalase ? I believe It does not have moving parts . What exactly happens in the active site of catalase ? Sorry for stuffing in these many questions .
  17. eg : 2-Amino-5-guanidinopentanoic acid (arginine) , in this case prefix amino is put rather than the suffix amine . Why does this happen ? Am I missing something ?
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