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Everything posted by ajaysinghgoshiyal
Sure. I hope they allow it.
You want me to provide the name of the author of the book that is the original source? If so that is definitely against forum rules if i am right?
I have said exactly the same thing on this forum under a different name but no one seems to understand. It is because their brain is seemingly hard wired to think in old ways and that leads them to falsely reject any new information and to evade reality. To such people I would say that without a brain a mind would not exist and that the choices that they make are not their doing and that they are not morally responsible for their thoughts let alone their actions and that raping or killing someone is not their fault. Consider a particular scenario. A person who has Obsessive Compulsive disorder is forced by his brain to do things which are irrational to his rational mind. Yet he can make the choice via his mind given that he accepts its power to veto that very action that his brain his telling him. It is a very simple case of Free Will versus Free Wont. To refrain from an act is no less an act than to commit one. Charles Sherrington 1947 AD
I agree. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I am biased towards Jeffrey Schwartz. Ever heard of him.?? My view as well. They call it a user illusion. This is materialist reductionism at its very core. Like I just said. Benjamin Libet said it years ago. It is called the readiness potential. This is very simple Quantum Physics and also subatomic particles. Also called mindful awareness. The power of the tangible over the intangible. You are totally wrong. Please google a term known as Materialist Reductionism to understand my view. You are totally wrong. Please google something called Materialist Reductionism to understand my point.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schrödinger_equation Line 02 describes how the quantum state of some physical system changes with time - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncertainty_principle Line 12 this physical argument is now known to be fundamentally misleading - So there are no limits to any thing. So maths cannot define every thing.
Thread hijack - 'The Burden of Life.'
ajaysinghgoshiyal replied to ajaysinghgoshiyal's topic in Trash Can
I have provided the evidence many times in something called a work (stuff that really works ) b**k. But rules prevent me from naming it out here. Case is closed yet again. End of argument. -
Thread hijack - 'The Burden of Life.'
ajaysinghgoshiyal replied to ajaysinghgoshiyal's topic in Trash Can
You would not believe what i say as usual. So i will not bother writing anything. Case is closed. End of discussion.- 6 replies
http://philpapers.org/rec/SCHQPI This is also good It is the very same article on another web site
http://www.amazon.com/OBSESSED-Compulsions-Creations-Jeffrey-Schwartz-ebook/dp/B00EO4R3SK Schwartz is best known to the public as the man who coached Leonardo DiCaprio for his Oscar-nominated role as the OCD-afflicted billionaire Howard Hughes in The Aviator. But his extraordinary professional contribution, achieved through a lifetime of obsessive work, is a breakthrough therapy that has helped free thousands of OCD sufferers from their habitual behaviors, compulsions and irrational fears. http://books.google.co.in/books?id=Q3EPeOcnEpMC&pg=PT176&lpg=PT176&dq=henry+stapp+jeffrey+schwartz&source=bl&ots=iZIO89tTLe&sig=RUI2Qswkq8TiHdUsbRWMupvLpvo&hl=en&sa=X&ei=h2GuUtTnDIOOrQeq6oCoCw&ved=0CGQQ6AEwDg#v=onepage&q=henry%20stapp%20jeffrey%20schwartz&f=false Read Quantum Zeno effect http://www-physics.lbl.gov/~stapp/PTRS.pdf This is Really Hard.
What does time have to do with the nature of the mind ? Are we going on a tangent out here ?
That link i posted appears to say what you have just said. But I honestly cannot imagine the mind being made up of bits of knowledge like a dumb computer that cannot even think. If a computer had one hundred trillion synaptic oh sorry electrical connections and was simultaneously capable of using its 2..5 petabytes of mass storage at quantum speed (maybe less) ... then maybe it can possibly think...
I meant that both have to co exist. Please read the following. The layman always means, when he says "reality" that he is speaking of something self-evidently known; whereas to me it seems the most important and exceedingly difficult task of our time is to work on the construction of a new idea of reality. Letter to Markus Fierz (12 August 1948), as quoted in The Innermost Kernel : Depth Psychology and Quantum Physics : Wolfgang Pauli's Dialogue with C. G. Jung (2005) by Suzanne Gieser I hope this is not plagiarism. Please issue a warning if it really is.
It is not apparent from such intellectual discussions as to why one would argue whether free will exists or not because in sum it is apparent that people here possess enough free will to write what they want to write. The mind has enough free will and more over the brain but not entirely so because the mind has programmed the brain since childhood to do what it wants it to do. please look this up http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/your-brain-work/201005/is-free-will-real-better-believe-it-even-if-its-not please look this up as well http://phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/2013/08/26/book-review-obsessed/
At least you did partially believe what i was saying. I did not mean to completely rule out classical physics. Nothing would possibly exist without it. Please give a link to what ever is computational neuroscience.
It provides techniques for doing so. That is all i can say.
I have no proof that god does exist. But i have given enough proof that of soul does really exist.
If free will does not exist, then my brain is thinking and typing and my mind is non existent. If free will does exist, then my mind is thinking and making my brain do the typing.
A computer will never think. Because it is a machine. A brain will never think. Because it is a machine. It is not a computer or the brain that thinks. It is your mind that thinks. A separate entity unto itself. Apart from the stuff running under it. The brain certainly produces the mind. But without a mind the brain could never learn anything. Talk about the failure of dualism and materialism. Talk about the failure of Classical Physics too. Is anyone out here even remotely aware of the success of Quantum Physics in this area ? If the mind can alter the brain through something called Neuro Plasticity which is very firmly grounded in quantum physics ... then it seems logical to conclude that the brain interacts with the mind through quantum physics as well ..
No i do not believe in magic. But that does not imply that god simply does not exist.
What is sounding familiar?? It is reading "sarcastic"..
Have you seen "i robot" starring will smirh?? Watch it and you will understand why science fiction is still just that .. .. computers dont think..
The problem is not with science itself but with the neccessary fact that science is at bottom a human endeavor. Science did not invent mankind but rather the other way. As for spirituality it also cannot have all the answers. Or philosophy or psychology etc etc for that matter. In my own view we need both Meta Physics and Quantum Physics to understand every thing. Meta Physics and Spirituality (what the ancients knew) are topics that are unfortunately restricted to discussion in many "scientific circles". Quantum Physics and Science rule the world today (what the moderns know). This is a thread i tried to start to bring about both subjects under a single umbrella which got locked out instantly called ontology of consciousness.
Line 28. "Humans appear to have something no other animal has ever had,, an imagination." etc http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130525041341AAnZPBF Click on Read more