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Everything posted by AlexSaly

  1. Okay, got it Thank you very much for your help!
  2. Thanks for replying. No, I don't have a model. I think I know how I would proceed from a model, but I was wondering first if there existed some criterion to show convergence directly from the data... Do you think there is a way to do that?
  3. Hello, I have obtained data from experiments, and when I plot the values I obtained vs the time, I can see that at large t, it's going towards something constant. I would like to prove that it converges (or find a criterion to determine "from this t, we can already see that the data will converge, so we can stop the measurement at time t"... something like that ). I have never tried to do a "convergence proof" with real data, so I am a bit lost... Thanks for your help!
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