According to this site http://www.intmath.com/applications-integration/11-arc-length-curve.php the arc length of the curve y = f(x) from x=a to x=b is given by:
length_ab = Derivative_ab( Sqrt ( 1 + (dy/dx) ^ 2 ) dx)
So, we got a sine wave function which is
y = A * sin (F * x + P) from x=a to x=b
the length of this is
length_sine = Derivative_ab( Sqrt ( 1 + (A * F * cos (F * x)^2 dx)
Example of this is in first link or here:
Now, my question is what is the algorithm to compute length for specified x=a to x=b. For example, let's say:
step 1) set length = 0;
step 2) for x = a to x = b {
increase x by 0.01;
length = length + derivative(x);
step 3) return length;
I have implemented such a function, but it gives me the wrong length according to wolfram. Is it because of the increasing x or wrong derivative function?
Thanks in advance!