it's said that light speed is the fastest possible speed for anything to travel at but why is that couldn't somthing move faster light speed if so what
all comments welcome
the only effect of dark energy im aware of is that it's responable for the increasing rate of the universes expansion wikipedia has some detailed explanations of dark energy
I meant to put energy
I was daydreaming and I thought about time running it's infinite path and then I thought would it be possible that there's anti-time and what would anti time be any ideas
All comments welcome
what is this thing about whilst your young (most the time) your skinny even though you eat tons of crap and when you get older you suddenly start gaining weight
i've noticed that i never seem to get cold while im sat down wearing nothing but a t-shirt and trousers no coat or anything everyones wearing big coats and complaining there cold and i'm warm any particular reason why some people fell the cold (a lot) worse than others
might i also add i feel the warmth worse than other people
blackholes can absorb anything light matter ( possibly even time) what would have the power to do that i mean it's more than just a gravity well so what is it
before the big bang what was there if the big bang started time and space then what was before that because there had to be something to contain the big bang in the first place but what was it
my opinion is no
how can there be a loving god that would forgive anyone for anything
when there is so much death sorrow conflict in the world surely if there
was a god he would stop all that
if a tiger and a lion mated you would get a ligon or a tigon (depending on the genders and these are real) then if the cross breeds breed you get li ligons li tigons alsorts check the link for a more detailed explanation
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