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Everything posted by jamey2k9

  1. so the only thing connecting time and space is the speed of light how does that work
  2. there one episode of star trek were they encounter some anti-time vortex paradox or something like that I was half asleep so ha:D:-p
  3. talking long shot would there be any possibility of there been anti-time
  4. space and time are always somhow linked but what links them and how are they linked
  5. it's said that light speed is the fastest possible speed for anything to travel at but why is that couldn't somthing move faster light speed if so what all comments welcome
  6. I've been studying hubbles law red shift e.c.t but I still carn't see how this proves the universe is expanding
  7. the only effect of dark energy im aware of is that it's responable for the increasing rate of the universes expansion wikipedia has some detailed explanations of dark energy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_energy I meant to put energy
  8. would it be possible to explain hubbles law a bit simpler and detailed and without the equations
  9. everybody's saying the big bang definitely happened but weres the evidence and I mean solid evidence not theory
  10. I was daydreaming and I thought about time running it's infinite path and then I thought would it be possible that there's anti-time and what would anti time be any ideas All comments welcome
  11. jamey2k9

    the cold

    what is this thing about whilst your young (most the time) your skinny even though you eat tons of crap and when you get older you suddenly start gaining weight
  12. jamey2k9

    the cold

    i've noticed that i never seem to get cold while im sat down wearing nothing but a t-shirt and trousers no coat or anything everyones wearing big coats and complaining there cold and i'm warm any particular reason why some people fell the cold (a lot) worse than others might i also add i feel the warmth worse than other people
  13. does anyone have any links to any sites on black holes
  14. blackholes can absorb anything light matter ( possibly even time) what would have the power to do that i mean it's more than just a gravity well so what is it
  15. pretty dumb question but what exactly is the quantum theory
  16. i was asking for theorys and ideas
  17. before the big bang what was there if the big bang started time and space then what was before that because there had to be something to contain the big bang in the first place but what was it
  18. my opinion is no how can there be a loving god that would forgive anyone for anything when there is so much death sorrow conflict in the world surely if there was a god he would stop all that
  19. if a tiger and a lion mated you would get a ligon or a tigon (depending on the genders and these are real) then if the cross breeds breed you get li ligons li tigons alsorts check the link for a more detailed explanation http://www.hemmy.net/2006/06/19/top-10-hybrid-animals/
  20. what actully happens to the muscle when you pull it ?
  21. thankyou that was answer I wanted
  22. thx but I ment does the galaxy itself move at all (and what's the virgo supercluster)
  23. do galaxies orbit around a certain point or just float around. and if so what would have the gravitational pull to move a galaxy
  24. what is the bermuda triangle and how did it occur and why is it contained in the one specific area? all coments welcome.
  25. hey i wasent intending to steal i just wondered if you could get it free from some site not illegaly
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