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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Note that Scandium is currently classified as a group 3 element. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Group_3_element https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boron_group
  2. Elements with similar configuration of valence electrons (i.e., outermost) have similar physical and/or chemical properties, so for convenience they are grouped into columns on the Mendeleev periodic table and other periodic tables from the past. From Scandium to Zinc? You need to look at their electron configuration. It can be found on the right side of the Wikipedia page of the element in question. f.e. You see "Electron configuration [Ar] 3d1 4s2" and "Electrons per shell 2, 8, 9, 2" It means that s-subshell is filled the last (4>3). d-subshell electron 3d1 is unpaired, so it is valence electron as well, so Scandium compounds will often have form Sc2O3 ScCl3 etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_shell
  3. You read incorrectly. It was 1908 K, which is 1635 C for Sb. Ref https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antimony The other source says 1587 °C. Ref: https://www.rsc.org/periodic-table/element/51/antimony
  4. Didn't get the memo? The national nightmare is coming on January 20..
  5. Motorola Moto E6 is some ancient thing from 2019.. On eBay I see it for $30.. 2GB memory, 16 GB storage, obsolete CPU, obsolete GPU etc. etc. Try to install up Windows 11 on Core 2 Duo or horse ride 100 km/h.. 1) developers make apps for clients. 2) developers and investors (clients) have the best cell phones. 3) clients expect the app to run on most modern operating systems and devices (percentage of the market does matter). This does not mean on all of them. Some are too old to bother with. 4) if a developer wants to upload an app to the Google/Apple store every year they increase the minimum version of SDKs that is allowed. 5) It doesn't make sense to support a marginal percentage of devices. i.e. if somebody would come and tell to make app for Google Store which will support Android v4.x, I simply cannot do it - such an app won't be allowed to be put on Google Play Store. https://developer.android.com/google/play/requirements/target-sdk i.e. new apps must be for Android v14+ old apps must be for Android v13+ Above is sentence of death - if you update your app, without increasing target SDK, Google Play Store starts showing your app as unable to be installed from newer devices. I have/had an app that runs on Android v14. I have not followed this nonsense from Google. And if you go to the Google Store with a brand new Android v13-v14 device, it prevents my app from downloading. It works on Android v14. But you can't download it from the Google Play store. You can only manually or from 3rd party store. With Apple it would be event worse nightmare, as Apple is a piece of shit.. You would have to root your iPhone to just install your own app. They license you hardware and software, and don't tell it. Otherwise nobody sane would agree to pay $1000 for license a hardware and physically do not own it even if it is in your pocket or desk.. I completely agree. Therefore I don't install apps that I did not write with a few exceptions.. ..then you had a lot of time to study.. ..have you been hiding under a rock for the entire mobile technological revolution? How have you wasted your life? If you are not moving forward you are moving backward. Haven't you heard the saying? A smartphone is not a phone. I don't use a smartphone to make calls and I don't let anyone call me. It's a microcomputer that you have in your jeans pocket or in your hand. Wait until Musk forces you to plug in a neuralink.. This is silly. You should check the cloth before you buy.... Or you don't know your size...? I've never bought clothes online - it doesn't allow you to check before you buy.. OMG, you want to return the underwear you put on your butt and demand a refund.. ??? OMG! Here they would kick you in the butt.. The butt wearing their underwear.. In any shop I know underwear is non-refundable.. Iowa will now have terrifying dreams about who redeemed your panties that you returned..
  6. I wholeheartedly agree with this. A car traveling at ~ 70 km/h is moving at 19.5 m/s. 2s before it is 40m away. 3s before it is 60m away. The chances of hearing a car (any car) in a city full of noise in the middle of the day are close to zero. Especially since pedestrians are all the time staring at the mobile phone and have headphones on their ears. The same people in the cars hearing radio, mp3 or watching smartphone. The distraction is literally lethal. The misunderstood problem by policymakers and its solution was transferred to car manufacturers, who did not solve anything anyway. Automatically controlled vehicles would not have such problems because they would stop politely at every traffic light. A pedestrian who crosses in a forbidden place is not worth the time spent solving the problem of a potential hit. Such things are simply impossible to solve. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Elaine_Herzberg 1.3 seconds before the accident, 25m away, the system detected a bicycle object (it was in an forbidden place) Any modern car can analyze where other cars are or simply download data from the cloud with their GPS location (and upload their own), speed, acceleration. It can predict where they will be in a few seconds or minutes. The same can do anybody with a smartphone. Chinese-style invigilation.. Of course with the message "it's for your own good! we're saving your lives!"
  7. Thanks for sharing @beecee I wanted to post this too. Good thing I used a search engine and found it was already on SFN New York was almost at the top of the world, 750 million years ago: 210 million years later, at the bottom, underwater:
  8. There is also corruption in the US and Western countries, but in white gloves. Not so obscure with money from hand to hand. Lobbyists come in, offer and give money for election campaigns. Millions or billions (in the case of presidential elections) that go for advertisements and pay all the bills of the team working on it (just hire there families and friends there). Of course, they expect the politicians they support to vote in line with the companies and individuals who paid for it, or a stream of money will vanish. Lobbyists come to politicians and tell them behind closed doors that the companies or industries they represent will hire their family members and/or friends. Where do former politicians who don't get elected retire? They are employed in these companies for the next few years until they are re-elected. Eddie Murphy made a movie, comedy, The Distinguished Gentleman, showing how to do it in white gloves: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0104114/ Pointing out that there is corruption in Venezuela or Argentina is silly.. It depends on country. If a country has taken a lot of foreign loans, or has a lot of demand for foreign goods, then it must acquire foreign currency. If for some reason it will have difficulties with this then the problems begin.. A country can sell locally produced things on foreign markets instead of the domestic market (to get foreign currency for loans), lowering the supply with the same demand will raise the price of the product. Poorly developed countries do so with unprocessed agricultural products that have poor margins. The local population is struggling to get increasingly expensive food. The riots are beginning and the fight for raises (especially by government employees, pensioners, disability pensioners, people paid by social security). Politicians are afraid of messing with them because they are a significant group of the population that can easily not elect them at the next election, so politicians agree to increases (in local currency) that further fuel inflation and increase the country's troubles. Foreign investors sell off the local currency, sell local stocks and evacuate to save their money (which is easy peasy with Internet connection, just a few clicks), the exchange rate for the dollar and euro rise, making it even harder for the government to repay foreign loans, and the spiral begins. Venezuela is a large exporter of unprocessed oil so it is very dependent on the world oil exchange rate, over which it has no influence. At the same time, it has very large needs for foreign currency, which it uses to pay for social welfare expenses for the public. The evacuation of foreign investors from Russia after the attack on Ukraine can be seen in this chart:
  9. A counter overflow (an error similar to the Y2K problem) caused the spacecraft to fail. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_Impact_(spacecraft)#Contact_lost_and_end_of_mission Overflow alone will not cause problems. For fatal problems to occur, there must also be arithmetic operations and logic that depend on correct results. For example, subtracting two dates from each other to do something with them. Restart of the device? Programmed shutdown after a certain period of operation? Alternative code that is executed when the device is 1 year old, 2 years old, 3 years old and so on.... ? The invalid code will be executed after overflow.
  10. Obviously we had. In our city, 20%+ of the buses are electric. Some brainless idiot thought it was a good idea to make a spare sound because an engine is damn quiet so as not to hit a some pedestrian who thought it was a good idea to walk in the street full of cars.. Instead of nice peace and quiet, we have beeping and buzzing to pretend fossil fuel car, for only the one in a billion people who are drunk enough to walk on the road under the wheels of an electric vehicle and survive at the last second after hearing that beeping and buzzing. It would be easier to win the lottery than to be hit by an electric car you heard when you were so drunk.. Gasoline, fossil-fuel-based engines are good at museum. Old car rallies. Extravagant stunts. Antarctica or similar places.
  11. You watch too many too low quality sci-fi movies.. How about some reading for Friday night? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimension https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimension#Spatial_dimensions I do it this way: x' = x * cos( angle ) - y * sin( angle ) y' = x * sin( angle ) + y * cos( angle ) This is an example of transformation: rotation in spatial dimensions. Such a matrix is applied to each vector in the world to be rendered in 2D or 3D, every time the player turns his head, i.e. in each frame. This causes the problem of too many operations if the world is large. Therefore, the world is partitioned into smaller parts, which are not transformed, but skipped if they are too far from the player to be noticed. If the object is far away, we use a low-quality 3D mesh, which gets better and better the closer the player is. LoD = Level Of Detail. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Level_of_detail_(computer_graphics) 3D for different levels can be generated on the fly, from a base grid, when the game starts. (a low-quality 3D mesh has fewer vertices than base mesh, so the transformation takes less time and is indistinguishable to the player because he is too far away to notice inaccuracies).
  12. Since when human do so? Neither human or AI are able to do so. How do you verify the mass of the Earth by yourself without using 3rd party references? How do you verify the mass of the Sun by yourself without using 3rd party references? etc. etc. How many people verified G, e, or any other physical constants by themselves? All modern science refers to previous references.. The number of independently conducted experiments by a person is microscopic/miniscule, and independently made discoveries is microscopic^nth.. You believe (just believe from papers, videos etc.) there is a country called Egypt, or whatever, until you get there by plane..
  13. If you spend all your money on luxury items, exceeding the income limits, it is inevitable. A new iPhone for the whole family (2+2) every year? Each for about $1,000? That's $4,000 of wasted money on an items you don't need (unless you're an Apple app developer).. People have become accustomed to living luxuriously beyond their means and are becoming poorer in the long run because of it. Nonsense. Here you have a few counter examples: CNN 2018: https://money.cnn.com/2018/01/18/pf/lack-of-savings-cover-unexpected-expense/index.html CNN 2021: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/11/success/1000-emergency-expense/index.html Fox 2024: https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/most-americans-cannot-afford-1000-emergency-expense CNBC 2024: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/01/24/many-americans-cannot-pay-for-an-unexpected-1000-expense-heres-why.html The problem with such articles is that they are read mainly by intellectuals, financiers, businessmen, not the people referred to in the article. Article can't reach the target it is aimed. This year I had an unusual frequent contact with a young person aged 23-24. He has no clue about the whole world. He doesn't even know what went on in the city during the day. He doesn't watch television. He doesn't read online newspapers. He doesn't read business media, etc. etc. Basically, he doesn't read anything except Google and FB snippets, which must first be translated from English into his native language (which introduces a lot of problems). His English is abnormally unexpectedly weak. ps. In the spring, he spent $1,200 on one of the world's best smartphones (surpassing any iPhone in terms of features and performance). His salary is the national minimum.
  14. Because you confused odd numbers with prime numbers?
  15. In English? From left to right and from top to bottom.. ps. Almost every day I see a guy who just reads Google snippets created by AI or whatever, and it pisses me off.. RTFM! He can't read something that is more than 20 words long. Born after 2000. Born with ADHD. Glued to a cell phone. If something takes more time than reading Twitter/SMS, they give up..
  16. This is understandable and desirable. It doesn't make sense because you previously said the government enormously enriched Musk through these contracts. This is mutually exclusive. How could he get rich on the microscopic margin from the product/service he sold? Unless you are suggesting that NASA is embezzling taxpayer money? Why can't NASA make something as cheap as a private millionaire? Is NASA paying 10x more to the same engineers and 10x more for components and fuel?
  17. Over the last 20 years, there have been 12 years of Democrats in the White House and 8 years of Republicans. Apparently they both want to outsource the space program to a private company (like everything else)..
  18. You wanted it to be this way. You voted and elected your representatives in the elections. Did not you? Now you have a government that will 1) contract with a private company to build buildings 2) contract with a private company for highways 3) contract with a private company for prisons and now 4) contract with a private company for space rockets *) repeat for any other things which are contracted with private sector.. If you wanted government to create government companies who will do this stuff for government (without contracts with private business), you should vote for politicians who had it in their program. I almost "forgot". You only have two political parties.. so basically no choice.. And no responsibility for what they have in their promises.. Musk is simply the person who filled the gap. It was going to be this way since at least 15-20 years. The last shuttle flight was in 2011 without anything to replace it. Now you "wake up" and complain. This is a problem from 20 years ago.. Our government ~15-20 years ago destroyed/screwed up the private sector - it contracted to build facilities and highways for the government, but cement and concrete price and wages rose (due to these contracts in a large quantity) from the time they won the contract with the lowest bid until they were paid, and a significant percentage of the sector simply went bankrupt.
  19. This only applies to McDonald's etc, retail, farming etc, i.e. in jobs that anyone can do, without any education, they can easily be replaced by others willing to do so. In IT or other hi-tech, a programmer earns more than the president of the country. This year Tesco (a British retail company) employed programmers here. They offered 30% more than salary of the president of the country for a junior, and 60% more for a senior engineers. If you pay workers less than what it is worth in the marketplace, workers will leave their jobs for a company that pays more. But they have to have education. To be an attractive employee for a future employer. Billionaires are getting richer because their stocks are rising. Why they are rising? Because other millionaires, billionaires buy shares directly or indirectly through holding companies and financial institutions. They prefer financial investment over what we call "groundwork" i.e. making a fresh new company. Such investment in stocks give a chance to exit at any time of investment. There are many people willing to buy shares, their price increases, and thus the rich become even richer. Tesla Stock Growth Chart: Last month: Last year: Did Tesla produce 2.6 times as many cars in November 2024 as it did in May 2024, so the share price rose from $138 to a maximum of $362? No. It was the shareholders who bought more shares.. Twitter shareholders saw the reduction in costs by laying off Twitter moderators as a sign to buy shares, causing their price to soar.
  20. People feel “proud” or “guilty” about what they have done or not done. A simple emotional response for most people. And this depends on previous decisions. And these previous decisions depend on the previous historical decisions of you or someone else in an "infinite" number of loops and interconnections. Parents say: "I am proud of you (because you perform well in school), as a reward here is your new smartphone." You got a good score because you chose to study instead of playing computer games etc. or because of cheating. You got a good result because the teacher taught you well (or ignored your cheats). Quite obvious connections between past events. You are only on Earth because dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago.
  21. This is the whole problem with old routers and DHCP - sometimes they assign the same IP address to several devices, such as a cell phone that is frequently disconnected/connected to the same network. This happened to me several times this year, until we forced a static IP address on some cell phone. The surveillance cameras were disconnected by it.
  22. When it is working check NAS's IP address by: cmd.exe; nslookup Nas-01-fc-3b and then try \\IP-from-NAS\ in explorer. it should work the same as \\Nas-01-fc-3b\ and make shortcut somewhere. The later, if/when issue will happen again, you will have it at hand. This way you will verify if it is LAN UNC domain resolving issue and IP address conflict. And try if you can execute: ping IP-from-NAS
  23. A web browser is used to access the device's administration panel. Without it, we don't know if there is communication between the NAS and the desktop computer. The article you linked to above is about how to make it available again in modern web browsers.. You need to find its IP address. Then ping and connect from a web browser on the appropriate port for your device. If you are able to open the admin panel, take screenshots. I think this is just from history, not a fresh discovery of a working device. I've seen it many times. Try to access via IP address. i.e., where you have the address bar with "My Computer", type \\IP\ where IP is the IP address of the NAS device. If you are entirely clueless how to figure out an IP address, start by running ipconfig /all and arp and take screen-shots.
  24. Ancient. From 2007. Normally devices with a web interface use no encryption, just work via http:// no https:// which is problematic on some modern web browsers, which refuses to open HTTP and force HTTPS. You don't need to configure entire Firefox the way from the article. Just make shortcut with --profile PROFILE-DIR-NAME. On Linux have this command or so: mkdir -p my-new-profile firefox-esr --profile my-new-profile (and then disable TLS like in the article) In the OP you talked about the inability to open directories ("references") in Explorer, not about problems with the web interface / admin panel.
  25. You have provided very little information, missing model id of the NAS, whether the drives are SSD, NVMe, 2.5" HDD, 3.5" HDD, etc. What changed throughout the network between when it was working well and when it stopped working? Operating system/software updates? New devices on the network? (e.g., IP address conflicts?) I would try unplugging the drives and manually connecting them to the computer (if you are able - which may be difficult if you are trying to connect a 3.5" HDD to a modern laptop - this requires special USB cables with external power. NVMe and SSDs will also require interfaces suitable for them via a USB cable. Do you have them?).. Once you've verified that the data on the drives is intact, try repairing the NAS. Regular diagnostics of a network device are: what is/was its IP address, whether pings arrive and respond (did they arrive and respond ever in the past? Devices typically respond, unless ICMP traffic is blocked in some firewall settings - people/admins disable it for security). Does the NAS have a network interface or SSH, for example? That depends on the missing information, i.e. brand and model name. I see people on the web saying they have a web interface on their NAS via http://192.168.x.y:5000/ Check the brand and model name for details about your device. Windows (which version?) uses protocol SAMBA/SMB https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samba_(software) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Message_Block It operates on ports 137, 138, 139 I would use Kali Live Linux pendrive (https://www.kali.org/get-kali/#kali-live ) with penetration tool Wireless Shark ( https://www.wireshark.org/download.html ) (built-in Kali) to see if there is transmission to/from your NAS at these ports and the proper NAS IP address. When I was using Windows, 20 years ago, often devices on the LAN were not accessible if you specified them by name, such as. \\Laptop\C, but were still accessible if they were accessed via a direct IP address, e.g. \\\C, etc. NETGEAR ReadyNAS Remote Access has cloud support. Did you configure it? Does it work? Did it ever work? There is interface via web browser, via Android and via iOS apps. Do you have such admin panel?
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