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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. How did you connect multimeter to measure current.. ? Serial to original circuit or parallel to original circuit?
  2. Steinmetz equivalent circuit of induction motor has branches: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Induction_motor#Steinmetz_equivalent_circuit
  3. ..and that typically happens on parties with friends, where you're invited, and can meet many new other unknown people friends-to-be, like I said in 4th post in this thread. One friend is inviting you to other people, and so on.. network of connections, acquaintances, is expanding.
  4. Sensei


    Typically, I am giving upvote to somebody with whom I agree, and giving downvote to somebody who wrote insulting post, or repetitively wrote nonsense.
  5. Very strange question. What support?? You will pay him/her, or they will pay you for whatever you're specializing or selling.. Payment does not have to be direct cash. It might be opportunity to make greater business together with you and others fellows. Depends on what additional value you can give 2nd side.
  6. Right. After "invention" of Facebook people often says "find me on Facebook" instead of giving business cards.. I think business cards were/are more professional, more private.. ps. I do not have FB. Are you joking? I am talking about any parties that you are invited to by friends, neighborhood, family etc. etc. ...on specialized business parties people will know they will meet clients-to-be en mass so they are prepared with hundred business cards in advance to spread them.. e.g. there is held climate change symposium with prime minister, energy minister etc. VIPs. Person working in renewable energy sector is subscribing to such symposium and meets people from the same industry. They exchange ideas, exchange phone numbers, exchange business cards, details about themselves, to gain new customers, expand their network.
  7. For example: If you want pizza, you make a call and pizza is delivered. 1) If Internet is malfunctioning, you make a call to admin of network, and he or she, fixes it. 2) If you want lawyer, you make a call to your friend who is lawyer, not some randomly picked up an untrusted person from the phonebook. If you are ill, you make a call to friend doctor to get advice (copy'n'paste the rest from above). 1) If you would have friend, who owns pizzeria, and know they make great pizzas, you would call for his/her pizza instead of random unknown (perhaps not so good). 2) If you would have IT specialist friend, you would call him or her to talk about computer issues. etc. etc. So, some people, spread e.g. business cards on parties, telling e.g. "I am a doctor, my name is X Y, here is my business card, you can call me at any hour", and then is a normal talk (or not) like on parties. Some people use such parties as a way to advertise their specialization, businesses, ideas, investors, etc. etc., and gain new friends-clients-to-be for whatever they offer. ps. Do I do it this way? No. So nobody can call me and ask to do anything. But I do understand people who are acting like this.
  8. ...you always have flooding, if too much of ice is melting very quickly e.g. after every ice age.. In the article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_age you have graph of historical ice ages: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_age#/media/File:Ice_Age_Temperature.png
  9. "Scientists who behaved in unusual (...) ways" Does it count.. ?
  10. 20 mL of Coca-Cola (we don't know which one, I assume "Original" i.e. with sugar), with ~10% wt has ~2 grams of sugar. Single small tea spoon carry 5 grams of sugar.. i.e. single cup of sweet tea has more sugar than that Coca-Cola..
  11. There was global scale flooding of the Earth thousands years ago, due to melting of ice, sea level increased level by over 120 meters..
  12. @CharonY and/or @Arete Dimreepr on the first page of this thread showed YouTube video where it has been shown how different amount of the same antibiotics affect bacteria. https://www.scienceforums.net/topic/120340-antibiotic-resistance-suggested-tactics/?do=findComment&comment=1120983 Could you make and upload to YouTube similar video but to show people how temperature influences them? Make long petri dish, like authors of the above did, but different parts of it heat with steps +0.5 C or +1 C more than previous one. In range +36 C ... +44 C or +45? and eventually with negative temperature steps. I am thinking about visualization for viewers how different pathogens react with varying temperature of environment.
  13. It is sexagesimal not sexadecimal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexagesimal https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sexadecimal "Definition of sexadecimal: of or relating to sixteen or sixteenths : proceeding in computation by sixteens : expressed in the scale of sixteens" ps. Sorry for nitpicking..
  14. Who would have thought that cartoon can teach you something...
  15. @koti Galactic offworlders have specific sense of humour. Off this world. Human can laugh from getting lost in mall, hotel etc. and turn it to anecdote for friends and family. Offworlder can laugh from getting lost in space.
  16. Author of the video could use IR, UV or edited video in post-production. People are making such videos every day to impress viewers, get audience and earn money on advertisements.
  17. Good reason to learn astronomy... Don't get lost in space..
  18. It is easy to cheat in such videos, as laser with 200 mW+ can ignite matchstick from longer distance..
  19. Bullshit. You are using the wrong words. Organic life is trying to optimize energy. The easiest route, the smallest energy usage. If somebody invests time, money and effort, in building dam to provide energy, for further things, actually it is example of optimization of energy. Invest some energy in building device once, so device will work for you for years, instead of you in the future (or better in future generations).. Energy spend on learning at early stage of life + energy spend on learning things which are valuable (i.e. programming, high-tech etc. etc.) << energy spend on doing nothing at primary school + having no college + having no university + having low paid job as a result of the all previously taken "optimizations" at childhood..
  20. "The device is simple: a transparent two-liter bottle is filled with water plus a little bleach to inhibit algal growth and fitted into a hole in a roof." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liter_of_Light
  21. "Feeding mice helps them to fight viral infection, whereas starvation is a better strategy against bacterial infection — lending support to the proverb 'feed a cold, starve a fever'. Ruslan Medzhitov and his colleagues at Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut, studied the effects of feeding on mice that were infected with either the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes or an influenza virus. Bacterium-infected mice that were deprived of food stayed alive, whereas well-fed animals died. By contrast, almost all mice with flu died when they were starved, but most survived when they were fed. During bacterial inflammation, glucose from food inhibited a metabolic process that protects brain tissue from damage, whereas the sugar protected the brain during viral inflammation." https://www.nature.com/articles/537283c
  22. Correct answer. Test.zip #include <stdio.h> int get( int i, int j ) { j = 3 - j; for( ; j > 0; j-- ) i /= 10; return( i % 10 ); } int swap( int i, int a, int b, int c, int d ) { int result; result = get( i, a ) * 1000; result += get( i, b ) * 100; result += get( i, c ) * 10; result += get( i, d ) * 1; return( result ); } bool check( int i, bool verbose = false ) { if( get( i, 0 ) == 0 ) return( false ); if( get( i, 1 ) == 0 ) return( false ); if( get( i, 2 ) == 0 ) return( false ); if( get( i, 3 ) == 0 ) return( false ); int j; j = swap( i, 0, 1, 2, 3 ); if( verbose ) printf( "ABCD %d\n", j ); if( ( i % 13 ) != 0 ) return( false ); j = swap( i, 1, 2, 3, 0 ); if( verbose ) printf( "BCDA %d\n", j ); if( ( j % 11 ) != 0 ) return( false ); j = swap( i, 2, 3, 0, 1 ); if( verbose ) printf( "CDAB %d\n", j ); if( ( j % 9 ) != 0 ) return( false ); j = swap( i, 3, 0, 1, 2 ); if( verbose ) printf( "DABC %d\n", j ); if( ( j % 7 ) != 0 ) return( false ); return( true ); } int main() { for( int i = 0; i < 10000; i++ ) { if( check( i ) ) { printf( "Result %d\n", i ); check( i, true ); } } }
  23. Yeah. Good idea. Simply check if number 8888888888(8) will have some parts missed.. LCD display problems are the most common way how calculators (and electronic multimeters in fact) are ending up their life being useless.
  24. Antibiotics fight with bacteria. Bacteria can have altered DNA by viruses. There could be prepared custom virus attacking just enemy bacteria at interest. It does not even have to kill bacteria. It could just change bacteria DNA in such a way to have slower rate of reproduction, or change them to being antibiotics helpless again, reversing acquired resistance.
  25. Since original puzzle has been solved, I have puzzle for you Commander: what four-digit number will be solution, if any digit might be used multiple times.
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