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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. ""Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"...
  2. Do you have experience writing Android applications? Write app which is using Google Cloud from Android application. Does not have to be fancy. e.g. here you have samples how to encrypt/decrypt data using AES: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6788018/android-encryption-decryption-using-aes
  3. You're forgetting about availability of nutrients. There are known cases of "eruption" of algae as a result of pollution of sea by human made nutrients used in agriculture. Here is example of natural enrichment of ocean by volcanic activity: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/kilauea-lava-eruptions-fed-massive-ocean-phytoplankton-bloom "From June 3 to August 6, 2018, Kilauea spewed 50 to 100 cubic meters of metal- and nutrient-rich lava daily into the Pacific Ocean (SN: 1/29/19). Three days after lava first entered the ocean, satellite images showed a patch of water enriched in chlorophyll-a — the pigment that can make plants and algae green — off the island of Hawaii. Once the lava stopped flowing into the ocean, the patch dissipated within a week." Algae and microalgae are the main source of food of the all higher level sea living animals.
  4. First, you need to multiply what you have prior bracket with what is inside of bracket e.g. -3(a+3) = -3*a-3*3 = -3a-9 then the same with second one, 5(3-a)=5*3-5a=15-5a then move the all numbers to the right side, changing signs -50+9-15=-56 sum the all a on the left side -3a-5a=-8a so you have finally -8a=-56 divide by -8 either side a=-56/(-8)=56/8=7 ps. It's not geometry, but algebra. Linear equation with single unknown. https://www.khanacademy.org/math/cc-eighth-grade-math/cc-8th-solving-equations
  5. And that is very good route. The smarter community, the better community.. Unfortunately many fake universities and fake schools have been made here, which are just pulling people's money for worthless education (due to level). Or even just giving diploma for money without any education. Verification of knowledge of students must be done outside of the university or school, in complete anonymity to prevent fraud. Hm.. Google Glasses, or similar product, to record what student is doing during exam? It would help to solve problem with cheaters and fake diploma for nothing..
  6. ...if you didn't fail at school, you would have a completely different life, with a completely different wife, with completely different children.. Once, I was walking on the street, some girl couple meters in front of me, and speedy driven car had accident and literally fly through our pedestrian path, 5 meters from that girl. I said to her "if you would get out of home 5 seconds earlier you would be dead by now"..
  7. No. What you described is black surface.. No. You need to have object with refractive index = 1.0. Without any reflections. Like it is showed on this video: There is liquid with R.I. the same as glass, therefor glass placed inside of liquid is invisible to human eye.
  8. Humanist describes world or universe, using words. Mathematician and/or scientists add to it mathematical equations describing how physical system is behaving, interpolating and extrapolating further in time. It's easy to verify if mathematician or scientist is correct or wrong by looking at what was predicted and what has been found after a while when physical system evolved. Book writer humanist could predict "human will be able to fly". Mathematician and/or scientist could tell how long will fly using how much fuel, velocity and thrust etc. What I meant, humanist is not limited. Only by just his or her imagination. So can claim whatever he or she wants. Without any additional equations allowing to verify claim. Which is typically the case in Speculation section of this forum. Plentiful word of explanation, without any attempt to verify these words on the real data (using mathematics).
  9. This is science website, not humanist's blog. If you make a claim, you need to support it by proper math equations. Humanist can claim whatever he or she imagine. Scientist must be able to make prediction of how physical system is behaving, provide equations describing system, and confront it with experimental data. If confrontation is negative, equation is not correct, and entire hypothesis or theory, dismissed, dissolved.
  10. The less developers, the more stable team (no job quitting, no acquiring new (unknown) programmers), the less chance to have leakage of details of the system. Final user (developer) of cloud service can use his or her own e.g. AES-256 password to encrypt the all data sent/received from cloud (and using it as just storage), from his or her web-server or computer or mobile application using cloud. This way data are not (easily) readable even by admins or owners of cloud service (nor middle man intercepting the all transmission, even if managed to pass through HTTPS/SSL).
  11. Declining are only countries/nations with ratio children per woman less than 2. Here you have links: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_and_dependencies_by_total_fertility_rate (check table with fertility rate per woman) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_fertility_rate#Replacement_rates (check world map on the right, colors indicate whether country has replacement or decline of population)
  12. ..what problems UN hide.. ?
  13. He meant hypothetical "white hole".. Sun, similar like other stars, is burning fuel (Hydrogen and Helium), which was sucked and gathered billions years ago during formation of Solar System. If it would be "white hole", it would have infinite (?) or finite (?) amount of fuel from opposite "black hole".. Which would mean it could exist for much longer time than expected by scientists. It would break the all currently accepted physics laws.
  14. They are brainwashed on daily basis by Fox and similar TV channels, so they have no idea what D.T truly does and what are effects on US economy, global economy, politics, finances.. etc. etc. Nobody will explain them in these TV channels that e.g. they will have to spend more their money on the same item in the shop as a result of duties on Chinese products. They will be happy "waving a flag" for introduction of such duties, without truly understanding results of these actions.
  15. ..you can do it in almost any 3D application.. Search net for "animated 3d graph" e.g.
  16. Every specie is invasive specie, it is just a matter how long in history of the Earth (or continent, or island) we look at.. The Big Island ("Hawai'i") is just ~400k years old. The oldest one is 5.1 Ma. Mosquitoes at various stages of their development could already became source of food for native species, like birds, fishes or bugs. They had over two hundred years to adopt.
  17. The best place to put solar panels are: roofs and roads. Roofs don't require any special treatment. As showed by Musk, solar-tile can be indistinguishable from regular tile. Roads would require rethinking entire solar panel design. The most optimal IMHO would be invention of special photon-absorbing paints. Agricultural farms should be in agricultural skyscrapers with hydroponics. It has many advantages over traditional farming. Much smaller water usage. Minimal or none usage of pesticides. Entire year fresh vegetables and fruits near house.
  18. BTW, duration of time of zero is plausible in computers. Just because time in computers is quantized. e.g. clock_t t0 = clock(); clock_t t1 = clock(); clock_t duration = t1-t0; printf( "Duration %d\n", duration ); It should show zero, because we have no code between two executions of clock() function. Typically it returns time quantized to 1 millisecond (CLOCKS_PER_SEC =1000). Also, duration of time negative value is possible in computers (when using different functions of getting current time than clock() e.g. time()). It is because we have time-zone changes two times per year (it depends on country). One time one hour is added, and other time one hour subtracted. If computer code is executed, and unlucky in the middle of time-zone change, it'll report negative duration of time. Manual change of time and date by customer of computer also can lead to invalid calculation of duration of time inside of application. These all cases must be properly handled by application which is measuring duration of time.
  19. Really high energy gamma photon is able to create pair of matter-antimatter, in pair-production effect, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pair_production and cause particle shower https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Particle_shower or photo-disintegrate nucleus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photodisintegration Observation of these effects reveal that high energy photon collided with our medium. Pair-production requires gamma photon with at least 1.022 MeV energy or more. Photodisintegration of Deuterium requires gamma photon with at least 2.22 MeV energy or more.
  20. Yes, they can. It's called two-photon physics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-photon_physics
  21. Duration of time is difference between time we start measurement and end measurement. Similar like: Length is difference between initial position of object and final position of object. e.g. I started measuring time at 12:00, and end up at 13:00, total duration of time is 1h.
  22. No problem, just take off tape from your devices cameras, so A.I. will analyze image and properly identify what you are doing..
  23. It's more complicated with network traffic.. https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/internet-telecoms/mobile-roaming-costs/index_en.htm
  24. Sensei

    Questions to Ask

    ..additional dimensions in String Theory are "collapsed"/"compacted"... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compact_dimension
  25. S is shortcut from Stupid, not Safe, Secure or Store..
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