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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. @Lawrence Dawson BTW, "Hydrogen bond" is this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_bond It's what keeps water in liquid state at much higher temperatures for typical molecule with rest-mass 18.016 u. It's what holds DNA together etc. etc. Therefor people (scientists) say you are writing "word salad".. as they interpret your words through mainstream terminology filter.. and you don't know (well) this terminology, therefor confusion caused by using inappropriate words in the wrong moment..
  2. Nice. I would get a few eggs of this bird, rise them, and check whether they are able to make such nest on their own. If not, it is knowledge they gained from their parents, shared and sustained from generation to generation. Obviously I like Chimp Memory Test: ps. I have "hilarious" idea for experiment: wear VR glasses on chimp and let him or her walk and see virtual reality through them generated in the real time (and let him or her being able to modify this VR world).
  3. Seems like you don't understand principles of laser cooling. It's wrong energy (13.3875 eV) for laser cooling.. you should try 1.5111 eV instead (13.6 eV / 3^2 - 13.6 eV/ 1000^2 = ~ 1.5111 eV). Photon with 13.3875 eV will excite atom from ground-state n=1 to excited-state n=8. Then it'll fail back to n=1. Nothing you will gain. No additional energy will be emitted. If you have slightly excited atom, not in ground state, like n=2, and you hit it by 3.4 eV, it's already present 10.2 eV plus incoming 3.4 eV = 13.6 eV. Photon with 13.6 eV could by made and emitted, when electron will be reacquired back. So you spend ~3.4 eV, and emitted is ~13.6 eV, and decrease of internal energy of matter under test is 10.2 eV total. ...I seriously doubt you checked it at all... ...not to mention it must be precisely fine-tuned to utilize Doppler shift effect and relative motion.. Probably error in quoting..
  4. Worked fine for me too, from desktop machine with Firefox. Try Tor perhaps.
  5. The easiest to make is cosmic space is Solar furnace. Space-equivalent of this solar-furnace: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odeillo_solar_furnace "Temperatures above 3,500 °C (6,330 °F) can be obtained in a few seconds." (on the Earth!). Everybody should be using such solar-furnaces on the Earth to limit coal burning..
  6. 1 ton of cargo on orbit is worth 2.2 million dollars.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falcon_Heavy#Launch_prices "As of March 2013, Falcon Heavy launch prices were below $2,200/kg ($1,000/lb) to low-Earth orbit when the launch vehicle is transporting its maximum delivered cargo weight.[85] " Better/cheaper to move factory to orbit or deeper-space, and have final product made there, than bring it to the Earth.
  7. ...you rather meant "more than human extracted from the ground in the entire human history".. which is per mile of per mile of the all available (human reached just couple km below the ground so far from ~ 6370 km radius).. So, the question is what is cheaper: bringing asteroid from deep space to the Earth, or digging the Earth to really serious depths.
  8. ...if you're using DC for electrolysis.. If you're using AC, you will get mixture of gases (easily fixable by four rectifying diodes). Boiling point of liquid Oxygen is 90.19 K Boiling point of liquid Hydrogen is 20.28 K. This difference in physical properties could be used to separate them. I know, not very helpful for your car case.
  9. Hydrogen does not die in the Sun. It transforms to Deuterium, later to Helium-3 and then to Helium-4. Helium-4 does not die in the Sun. It transforms to Beryllium-8, later to Carbon-12. etc. etc. You used to be part of star, in distant past. Now you are here.
  10. Let me peer-review this claim.. Due to relativistic Doppler redshift and blueshift any photon can have such frequency and wavelength. It depends on direction and velocity of body which emits photons or receives photons. Additionally ~ 365 nm is UV light with energy ~ 3.4 eV (four times less than ~13.6 eV i.e. Hydrogen ionization energy ). UV photons have energy enough to ionize matter. i.e. eject electrons from some atoms and molecules. If you apply (slightly modified) Rydberg formula i.e. E = 13.6 eV * ( 1/n12 - 1/n22) with n1=2 and n2= "infinity" or simply "very large value", you will get ~3.4 eV E = 13.6 eV / 22 - 13.6 eV / 10002 = ~3.4 eV so if the Hydrogen atom is in a slightly excited state, and you hit it by ~ 3.4 eV photon, the electron will be ejected. Once it's acquired back, ~ 13.6 eV of energy is emitted (in the form of a single photon or multiple photons with energy sum of ~13.6 eV). Add to it a bit of Doppler shift, caused by the motion of matter sometimes toward the light source, sometimes in opposite direction, and you have effect known as laser cooling: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_cooling
  11. ...the spiral of hatred increases, the tension increases, it grows to the point when escalation can lead to physical fight and murder..
  12. You can get more info here https://www.google.com/search?q=google+game+cloud
  13. If photons took 2 Earth's days to reach the Earth, they started travel at d = c * t = 299792458 m/s * 2 * 24 * 3600s = 51,804,136,742,400 m = ~ 51800 millions km = ~51.8 billions km away from the Earth.. Each planet have different meaning/length of "day". Prediction, observation and measurement of speed of light being finite, predates Einstein by centuries. Jupiter and Saturn have moons, which orbit around them. If you make measurements when the Earth is the closest to Jupiter or Saturn, and repeat measurement half-year later when Earth is on the opposite side of orbit, and the farthest from them, there is visible difference in delay that early astronomers noticed. In the case of Jupiter ~16 minutes. Why? Because the Earth is 300 millions kilometers away (in frame of reference of Solar System). Conclusion of astronomers: speed of light must be finite!
  14. IT companies work on game-clouds *) i.e. instead of selling games to end-users, they offer servers sending screen-shots at 30 FPS+ through Internet, together with audio, together with user reactions back to central server. If it's supposed to be real-time at Full HD raw data have 1920 x 1080 x 4 x 30 bytes/s = 237 MB/s. With advanced compression it'll be obviously less, but still tremendous amount of data to send through Internet, if significant (multi-millions+) amount of people will join in game-cloud-network at the same time.. Comparable to YouTube @ Full HD settings, and more, as people are starting to move to UHD. *) user will not be owner of the game, will be unable to play it off-line, will not need to buy top-notch computer every couple of years, will be able to play the same game on the all devices (smartphone, tablet, laptop and desktop) as they will just connect to central server and don't do any specific game specific actions (like web browser, but for games). Hardware companies are not happy. Traditional game industry is the main reason why people buy new high-end computers and high-end laptops.
  15. Don't install free suspicious apps with ads, and you won't get sexual related ads on your mobile device. Trojan apps try to influence your mobile device e.g. replace browser's home page, over and over again. Browser is from Google ("Chrome"), but it's being attacked by Trojan app. It has nothing to do with Google or YouTube. ..I am not getting ANY porn ads to be honest. But I also don't have any free-app-with-ads on my devices. Where did you see porn on regular YouTube?!
  16. When we enter phrase "math is language of" to Google, there are appearing hints: "math is language of universe" "math is language of god" "math is language of science"
  17. ..so this is the law of Internet censorship? Hidden under "saving people's morality" or "saving kids/teenager's morality".. ? I don't think so it is doable in democratic country. Anybody can make his or her own Internet crawler and scan entire Internet. Then offer results for anybody on the other side of the world. US law cannot control what 3rd party programmer from 3rd country is offering to (usually anonymous) people around the world. Unless you will filter, block and censorship the entire US Internet traffic like in Russia, China or in other totalitarian countries.. I don't think so it's worth bothering problem i.e. teenagers by themselves are searching and creating such nude photos and videos and spreading them to their lovers or lovers-to-be in private correspondence. That's quite natural. Sexuality is natural. If parents don't want their teenagers to make such nude photos or videos, should explain that such acts could be used for blackmailing in the far future, when they will be adult and filing for respectable job requiring having unblemished reputation. That's parents job, not government job.
  18. Professional IT company HR doesn't bother and does not pay special attention to what bachelor you have or not have in CV. They will give you one or couple of exercises from websites like: https://www.coderbyte.com/ Internet disabled during making exercises! Here is list of such websites for coders with challenges (they're often used by HR of IT company, for quick verification of competences of employee-to-be) https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-10-most-popular-coding-challenge-websites-of-2016-fb8a5672d22f/ ..if you won't be able to solve them, game over.. regardless of your education..
  19. Hilariously... US government is currently made of climate change deniers who reject human-made global warming.. and do everything to destroy previous efforts of people who tried to reverse destruction of this planet.. Current US government will accelerate destruction of the planet, rather than trying to fight with global climate change, they don't believe in.. Regardless of their attitude toward global warming they will hold new cash from such taxes and do whatever with them what they want i.e. misuse and embezzle them, if they don't believe in global warming...
  20. Improvement of the environment must be in the head of people, not ordered by law... Then it will only work... If we have two cars of two companies X and Y.. X is burning fossil fuel, Y is electric (and we have solar panels on the roof of our house already (must have!!) ).. then we choose product of company Y.. Simple. Then company making car will adjust to users need or vanish from the market bankrupting. Another pressure can be from owners of stocks of company. Current companies are so big they have very diverse ownership. i.e. financial owners want to keep less than 5% of shares at max, for easy get out of investment, just in case (above 5% there must be issued public statement "we X, just sold/bought stocks of company Y, and now below/above 5%" etc. so everybody are informed, depends on local country stock market regulations). If owners of these funds which own company will decide they (through fund) don't support companies which have bad attitude toward environment, they (fund) can force management, or change management, to support pro-ecological attitude.. You don't get much from economy.. do you.. 10% of profit tax for environment, or 1% of revenue for environment.. That doesn't matter. It will just increase worldwide or local prices of their products. So actually the end pay taxer will be buyer of product of company, not company by itself. It does not work the way you think it works! Damn. It's kinda the way D.T. thinks! He thinks "let's increase duty for Chinese products". Who is paying these duties? Not Chinese, certainly. But Americans having to pay more for the same product in the shop.
  21. That's what is used by NASA to connect to and receive data from satellites and deep space spaceships. There are used directional antennas. I can't see how it can be put in regular smartphone now.. I used to connect two apartments on both sides of the street via directional antennas, transmission through WiFi 2.4 GHz. It did not work well in rainy or snowy conditions though *). I also used to have HD satellite receiver for a couple of years. 1mm +- in the wrong direction, and you lose the all signal from satellite. Adjustment of antenna is very annoying and troublesome. *) with non-directional transmission (e.g. transmission in the all directions), in city, because of buildings and trees and other obstacles, you still have chance to get reflection of the original signal, if direct signal did not reach you.
  22. Users agree to it, by using application which is using p2p technology.. Skype used to be p2p before it was bought by Microsoft. https://www.lifewire.com/skype-changes-from-p2p-3426522 https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2012/05/skype-replaces-p2p-supernodes-with-linux-boxes-hosted-by-microsoft/ Not once, I saw in firewall that Skype was taking significant amount of bandwidth, without me sending or receiving any data through it.
  23. At the beginning of Internet there used to be just server-client communication. i.e. centralized network, server is providing content, and clients connecting to powerful server, and eventually overloading it, because it has to handle too many requests and physically is unable to do so. Later programmers invented p2p. i.e. decentralized network, every peer in network is either server and client at the same time (dynamic and private IP addresses being the most troublemakers) Wireless communication can go this route as well. i.e. every smartphone/device connected to network could be what cell tower is now. For static, the same data, it could be convenient method of decreasing of cell-only communications. F.e. you watch Internet TV channel, device is downloading 100 KB of data, and informing devices around you (within f.e. 100m), "I have 100 KB of file X from offset Y", if owners of these devices watch the same Internet TV channel, their devices ask machine which downloaded data they don't have yet to give them these missing chunks. and immediately sharing (sending, offering to download) them with other peers.
  24. Nobody mentioned Westworld? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0475784/
  25. ..you should record it using smartphone and attach .wav or .mp3 or .mp4 so we could hear it.. Apart from what Swansont mentioned, some types of relays are quite loud. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relay This one, that I have, is clicking every time, my Arduino circuit is sending signal to turn it on or off. You can hear trigger sound around 4m 10s in this video: Older/cheaper relays can have moving parts and electromagnets inside. SSR (Solid State Relays) have no moving parts, therefore they are soundless.
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