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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. It is kinetic energy of newly created particles and isotopes. Particle with high kinetic energy is causing ionization of matter through which it is flying, decelerating, and losing part of its energy. As a result medium particles are accelerated. Particle with high enough kinetic energy during collision can make pair of matter-antimatter e.g. electron-positron. They annihilate together producing gamma photons. Gamma photons passing through medium are scattering, ejecting electrons, ionizing atoms, etc. and losing their energies. From two gamma photons each with 0.511 MeV after a while there are created millions low energy photons. That depends on quantity of reactions per second. You need billions of them per second happening even to get 1 W. e.g. annihilation of electron-positron yields 1.022 MeV * 1.602*10^-19 J/eV * 10^6 = 1.637244e-13 J. 1 W / 1.637244e-13 = 6.108e+12 reactions needed per second !! There is no "single fusion reaction". That all depends on fuel. Typical star fusion reactions are pretty inefficient (and good, otherwise stars could not work for billions of years). While talking about man-made fusion, typically we are talking about fusion of Tritium with Deuterium as it yields 17.6 MeV per reaction. Star-like fusion of H-1 + H-1 gives just 0.42 MeV (and half energy taken by neutrino!) + 1.022 MeV from annihilation.
  2. mpz_rootrem(nthRoot,rem,n,initialI); int logic = mpz_cmp_ui(ithRoot,2147483647); In the first line you have variable "nthRoot", but later it is completely not used (you're comparing with ithRoot, not nthRoot). How is that possible? Computers with single core CPU are not produced and sold for maybe ~ 20 years.. Core 2 Duo had premiere in 2000 year.
  3. If you claimed that these genes have only localization of leg, without entire instruction how to make leg, this statement is obviously incorrect and easily verifiable. Gene found in one organism can be attached in laboratory to completely different organism DNA. In your example leg of fruit fly would be growing in animal which has completely no connection to fruit fly. So procedure how to create entire leg must be inside of this code together with localization on body. It's widely used technique to take genes from plant with natural resistance for some e.g. insects, or with required features, and transferring them to target plants. There are also ways to transfer genes other than inheritance from parents. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horizontal_gene_transfer
  4. At the moment, brain is the largest (or one of the largest) consumers of Oxygen, nutrients and energy from the all human organs. If it would be theoretically possible to accelerate speed of working of brain, you would also need to redesign e.g. lungs, veins, to faster provide required higher amount of Oxygen and energy.. Without them, brain won't be able to work faster. Or find alternative way to efficiently oxygenate blood and thus brain.. It's similar situation as upgrading old hardware computer. You're limited by e.g. speed of hard disk, memory speed, no matter how fast and new CPU will put in motherboard. It's called bottleneck.
  5. No. It should be long thin black pipe, like Externet showed on the photo. Pipe has larger area than simple box. Are you sure your numbers? It is 3000 L = 3 tons of water.. That's quite a lot of mass on the roof which was not designed to hold 3 tons... What will be usage of such amount of water anyway? Single person (full) bath per day is 120 L of water heated to 32-37 C.. 3000 L / 120 L = 25 peoples baths per day. Way too much for single family little house.
  6. To solve intolerance in the world kids should learn in primary school, high school, colleges and universities. Highly educated intellectuals are rarely intolerant for minorities..
  7. I think punishment is road to nowhere. No matter if we are talking about narcotics or intolerance. After prison these people hate more than hate less.. After prison have more contacts to people like they are, than less. (where they will get more contacts to e.g. aryan brotherhood than prison in US?!) Also e.g. it's complete plain stupid to put narcotics-making-chemist to prison. After he or she gets out of jail, you will have more narcotics on streets, instead of less. Other criminals will persuade, blackmail, scary, chemist to make narcotics for them.. Instead of reducing problem, you'll create them intenser in the future (that don't bother typical politicians as they will be out of office long time ago, and they have very short perspectives, but bother me). If somebody revealed its true face in private conversation by voice, SMS, e-mail.. and then this transmission or voice was hiddenly recorded and released to the public.. who should be punished? The one who revealed true face of somebody did good thing for community.. or the one who is actually lying the public community in official interviews?
  8. Can you show us your source code? It'll be easier to analyze.. If you open Task Manager how many CPUs/cores are used? If only one is used at a time, you can/should split to couple different threads, as many as cores and Hyper Threads. i.e. if 1st thread is working on n= 0,8,16,24,32 etc. 2nd thread should be working on n = 1,9,17,25,33 and so on (if you have 8 HT/cores). That will result in speed up equal to number of threads instantly. ps. Also you can use profiler to identify which part of code is the most CPU time consuming, and try to fix it the first.
  9. People who are not tolerant to minorities, to people of different races, LGBT, immigrants, etc. etc. learned it from somebody i.e. parents, teachers, populistic politicians and so on. Do you want to put them in jail as well? These is simply too many of them to put them all to jail (and for how long?) You're basically saying about making re-education camps which are part of totalitarian countries. Payback for what? For thinking? Openly expressing their stupid and ignorant believes and revealing their true face.. ? Shutting them up, won't fix their way of thinking. Such person will still "be sick" having to visit e.g. "immigrant doctor from middle east or southern Asia country" (UK example)..
  10. As with any project, start from making quick and dirty example code, which will verify proof of concept. Google for "cors example javascript" https://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/cors/ and make your own quick & dirty example basing on it. Google for "webrtc examples" https://webrtc.github.io/samples/ and make your own quick & dirty example basing on it. What video stream source? Located outside of your own HTTP/HTTPS server? Examples that I see in the above link are taking web camera image and renders in web browser..
  11. Do you have the real problem, or is it generic question.. ?
  12. Programmer making plugin for 3D application which is generating virtual 3D object of tree, or making stand-alone application generating tree object, should let user of application enter the all data. Check how it has been implemented in many plugins for 3D applications. Search net for "tree designer 3d", "tree maker 3d", or "tree builder 3d" etc. etc.
  13. If computer will be connected directly to the brain, and sending detailful data indistinguishable from the real world, you won't be able to tell if you're playing or living at given moment. ps. Maybe you are already? How can you tell? During playing human learns and have pleasure. Learning should not be boring and painful. People should not hate learning. Playing game which teaches you something is very convenient and effective way of gathering knowledge.
  14. If you want to base compression algorithm on primes you must 1) precalculate them 2) calculate at run time. What else options do you have?! Programmers precalculate data to have quick access to them, as calculation at run time would take significant much more time.. ...but it must be done in less than minutes or seconds... if it would be taking hours, days, months, or years.. useless for anybody.. Sounds you have no experience in programming.. Maybe you should start from making brute-force algorithm finding primes, for as start? To see how many primes it's able to find in let's say 60 seconds of execution?
  15. ..which cryptography algorithms rely on the least common multiple.. ?
  16. Even if you will manage to make such compression algorithm, decompression will be fast, but compression will be very slow. Do you want to make pre-calculated array of primes in memory? How many primes do you want to store? Classical approach of compression is to find pattern in data, and store indexes or so, to book of sub-strings. f.e. 0xFF00FF00 = %1111000011110000 we see there is repeated 0xFF and 0x00, and 0xF and 0x0, and 0xFF00, data stream %00 and book with 0xFF00, or data stream %0101 and book with 0xFF and 0x00, or data stream %00110011 and book with 0xF and 0x0. Additionally there can be variable number of bits for index in book. The more often repeated pattern, the shorter sequence of bits to store it in the stream. Such methods work especially good for txt file. The most used words as represented by the smallest number of bits in the stream.
  17. Newspeak https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newspeak George Orwell.. Replacement of one sentence which has bad connotations, with another sentence which sounds much harmless.. "Terrorists were eliminated", "suspect has been neutralized", and so on, so on...
  18. Average American is unable to show North Korea on the globe or the world map..
  19. They believe in their own race superiority, culture superiority and sexuality superiority over the rest.. They have been brainwashed at early stage of their life. By intolerant indolent stupid parents, irresponsible teachers, populist politicians, evil priests. It would cause reverse effect. They would hate more instead of less. How long would you like to imprison them anyway? Till they stop thinking the way they think? That's not their fault that they grew up in intolerant community, and their brains were brainwashed, by e.g. anti-LGBT propaganda.. or anti-immigrant propaganda.. etc. etc. It's hard (sometimes impossible) to fix somebody after brainwashing. Certainly it is long time going process. North Korea and other totalitarian countries have re-education camps.. Do you want to implement them in western countries?! In prison people find other criminals, make friendship with them, and instead of having less criminals, after they are out of prison, community has more criminals.. Learning tolerance to other people should starts at school, primary school. Especially if class is not uniform. Kids learn that black, white, yellow, gay and lesbian are also good humans and good friends.. ...increase of tension between minorities, between members of different races, between native and immigrants, between hetero and homosexual people is toy, is tool, of evil populistic politicians who want to divide-and-conquer minds and perhaps lands of community in which they operate. Weak minds are easily fooled.
  20. Learn about hydroponics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydroponics It is a method of minimizing water usage, which should be especially important in such hot areas as India. i.e. at the bottom concrete hermetic basin, with many levels of Aluminum shelves. Everything covered by transparent foil. Everything designed to disallow escape of water from inside of greenhouse. Water gathering at the bottom of floor, should be filtered and reused. Solar panels use to make electricity which will be used to power water pumps, filter water, making artificial rain at the top of greenhouse. Pipes with water should be going directly to each plant and have electronically controlled release of water and release of artificial rain. If you're not yet using greenhouse start from reading Wikipedia page about them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenhouse
  21. It's easy to imagine how enzymes were introduced by random mutation to living organisms. If we have organisms without enzymes, it has worser yield of production of some compound, or processing nutrients etc. Random mutation (caused by radioactive decay of C-14 or K-40 etc., or cosmic rays, or radicals etc.) at some point of time, changed RNA/DNA in such a way, that new compound has been produced, compound which was/is accelerating some process, enzyme/catalyst of some sort. It was (and is) useful in getting better yield, so organism with such mutation was more successful in surviving, and spread that mutation to further generations, spread itself around the world. Organisms without mutation died or were forced to move to some niches in environment. If we would make computer program which is going through the all possible states of memory with fixed size f.e. for 256 byte size memory, it's 256 ^256 states = 3.23e+616, one by one, and trying to execute it as program, at some moment, such loop would find some useful meaningful combinations of commands in the right order, doing something for real. It's just a matter of time by otherwise unaware, non-thinking algorithm, to find something useful, and interesting. The all books on the Earth has fixed/limited number of pages, with fixed/limited number of characters used to make them. One could go through the all characters one by one, pages one by one, to fill them with randomly chosen characters. After some time (counted in probably billions+ of billions+ of years) it would get the all books ever written and not-yet-written by humans. (examples of brute-force algorithm, which is very time consuming task for finding something useful from garbage of information) Catalyst is just helping getting better yield. Reaction can be going without it, but at slower rate.
  22. Human, animal or plant is performing previously learned task (or encoded in DNA f.e. reflex action) in specific moment. i.e. escape (action) if there is danger (stimulus). Non-reflex action can be controlled (also by learning and training). i.e. training how to not feel fear at high altitude, training how to not feel natural fear against wild predator animal etc. Chemical compound is going into reaction with other compound, if their molecules hit each other, and other environmental variables meet sufficient criteria. i.e. it happens spontaneously.
  23. ..tell me how to falsify, and will fix the code..
  24. Personally I think the all threads you mentioned are closed too soon.. Members out of timezone of participants of the threads were completely unaware of the threads you mentioned, and could not participate in them in any senseful ways.. Closure of "Neil deGrasse Tyson (...) " thread is premature and senseless..
  25. Obvious misspell..
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