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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. @Phi for All @koti I just described how terrestrial material is compared and detected with hypothetical extraterrestrial material. If extraterrestrial material has the same isotopic composition as Earth's, then you detect nothing! If terrestrial material has abnormal isotopic composition than "Earth's average", you are fooled!
  2. Phi, you should be knowledgeable enough to know there is just one stable isotope of Aluminum with 13 protons and 14 protons. To confirm extraterrestrial object there is used isotopes comparison method. If there is different isotopic composition, it's at least "suspicious".. which is by some scientists extrapolated to extraterrestrial origin.. f.e. there are three isotopes of Oxygen O-16, O-17, O-18 (O-19 is decaying to F-19). We take Earth sample of stuff, and check Oxygen isotopes. And find it is matching "Earth's average". Take another sample, and find it has extraordinary abundance of O-17 or O-18... Why? Some scientists are interpreting it, that it must be extraterrestrial object, with suspicious isotopic composition, because it does not match Earth's average..
  3. ....but remote controlled or automatically controlled flying object can exceed speeds and accelerations possible for aircraft with human being on board.. It does not have to be extraterrestrial at all. ...are you sharing knowledge with chimps.. ? I am still waiting for decoding animal languages by humans...
  4. ..you are waiting for extraterrestrial knowledge given on "golden plate" for you to acquire.. ..like US military officers..
  5. Do you think: are you ready for it.. ?
  6. Extraterrestrial intelligent life forms on the Earth, are like humans in the jungle exploring it. Biologists who want to learn about species in their natural environment. Biologists do everything to cover against being noticed by animals under observation, as it scares them, and changes natural behavior. Humans also tries to keep the last South America tribes unaware about the world.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncontacted_peoples
  7. ..anything remote controlled can outperform airplanes which have human on board.. Human is limiting aircraft because of acceleration. Too rapid acceleration and pilot loses consciousness.
  8. I created little .NET Framework app to decipher it and removed "8" from "7482" chunk: Dumt means dumb in Swedish and Norwegian..
  9. thethinkertank, it is admirable you want to help solving modern world geopolitical and environmental problems. However your ways to solve them, are completely senseless. You didn't pay enough attention to research subjects you want to address. Which should be essential action. How can US decrease deficit with China? Find something which Chinese people need, produce it, and export it. Hard? I know.. Chinese wages are growing, costs of production of product they sell to the world is growing. The closer they are to western wages, the harder they will be able to sell them. So, deficit problem will solve by itself. There is limit at which cost of components+cost of labor+cost of transportation to entire world will be so close to western prices, product will stop being attractive (at least from price tag point of view) to western customers.
  10. ..because technology used, and its current name, is in reality irrelevant. It's discussion of electronic identification of a person.. Nightclub offers free WiFi for everybody and does have weak phone signal? They require guests to register and log-in to hotspot free WiFi with their e-mails, Facebook, etc. accounts? They have the all guests data already... don't need RFID chips..
  11. If one can read chip, can make duplicate which will give the same data in the same moments, and pretend legit user. It's technique already used by car thieves. People who have car with automatic blockage of device are disabling/enabling it from distance. So thief is placing near house reader of signal to get data. Then just replies stored signal and voila. Has access to device.
  12. You have "chip implant" already and have no idea about it. It's called smartphone/cell phone. Any phone can be traced because it communicates with cell towers around it, and leaves trace of communication in databases leading straight to the user of device. Regardless of OS of device. For example Android OS has function to give list of cell towers to which device is connected. https://developer.android.com/reference/android/telephony/TelephonyManager.html#getAllCellInfo() It requires fine location privileges if developer would like to use it. Why? Because if somebody would start building database out of these records of data inside of Android app, send them through Internet, then lookup these cell towers, would know your location and path while walking on streets.. Then verify video monitoring in that area to get closer look of a person with device. Hacked phone or OS directly can use such functions (or GPS directly) behind back of user of device. (GPS usage is very power consuming task, so easy detectable "something is wrong" if your smartphone is too quickly exhausted)
  13. You are too used to Twitter/Facebook hashtags... On this forum you have to use (at) character e.g. @koti not hash #..
  14. ..not without knowing longitude, latitude, altitude etc. etc. and so on.. What is true on Northern Hemisphere is not true anymore on Southern Hemisphere.
  15. Cooking destroys weaker bonds in some compounds, but new compounds are formed as a result. Compounds which are usually easier to digest. Some compounds require smaller energy (provided by heat) to split them, some other compounds require higher energy. Potatoes are practically inedible without cooking. Humans eat potatoes not to get vitamins but to get starch (~15% of mass, ~79% is water) "Digestive enzymes have problems digesting crystalline structures. Raw starch is digested poorly in the duodenum and small intestine, while bacterial degradation takes place mainly in the colon. When starch is cooked, the digestibility is increased. " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starch Vitamins don't give you energy. That's job of fats, proteins, carbohydrates... Indeed, vitamins are degenerated during heat processing of food. But at the same time vegetables are made more easily digestible.
  16. ..sounds nice only if you will tell it to somebody who is not orphan...
  17. ...propaganda, brainwashing, for weak minds...
  18. ...and the worst case is that majority of them are barely visible: plankton.. It will die the first due to increased temperature of oceans. Later fishes and sea living species which have plankton in their food chain. There are two politicians who have such initials.. Should be easy to guess, I think. Who withdraw from Paris Agreement?
  19. Currently the main rejecter from politicians is just D.T.
  20. The first rule of scientific equation is that it must have correct units, either on the left and right side of equation. If units mismatch, equation is invalid. Therefore: ...you cannot add point position (which is in meters), to time (which is in seconds).. Before you reply, read Wikipedia article about dimensional analysis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimensional_analysis
  21. ..yes, you should start your ideas from researching subject.. in the case of "underwater facilities" search net for what is pressure at what depth below ocean surface.. in the case of pumping CO2 (or O2) from air below water: how much of air is CO2, how much energy is needed to pump 1 m^3 of air, where you will get this energy (renewable energy source needed otherwise it'll all have no sense) etc. etc. RESEARCH, RESEARCH, and RESEARCH.. ...and then MORE RESEARCH!
  22. ...it is clear that you don't know even classical physics.. if you're claiming that pressure won't be a problem.. there is no difference between "diving" and "being there at rest at the bottom of ocean". Pressure is the same at such depth regardless of what you are doing there. Pressure is acting on underwater underground construction of facility. Nonsense. CO2 should not be dissolved in sea water. The way to catch CO2 should be GMO algae on deserts with large tanks of water, artificial hermetic lakes (i.e. concrete with steel bars). They will absorb CO2 and water and grow. Their body can be converted to biofuel, or stored in old mines etc. for later use. Why deserts? Because GMO algae should not contaminate sea water and environment. Additionally it will help solving political and economical problems of African countries.
  23. I think you have problem with English.. I never said the words you're putting in my mouth. Underwater facility require energy. So this energy can be acquired with mentioned by me methods. It won't solve pressure issue at all. It's not its purpose. Everybody diving are well aware of it.. That was the scariest thing for U-Boot crew during II world war (80 years ago!). Every submarine has some depth diving limit, which should not be exceeded, otherwise submarine is squashed, squeezed by pressure of water above it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Submarine_depth_ratings
  24. Start writing senseful post, then maybe you will reverse this bad trend. Refrain for a while from making your own new threads. Instead participate in existing threads. But participate in such good, constructive way, being helpful member of the community. Don't hijack threads (i.e. don't write something else than the main thread topic) People who are getting many negatives, start being aggressive, start insulting other members of the forum, and ends up suspended then banned. I am writing from past history of such members.
  25. Your negatives are well deserved for writing nonsense.. Underwater facility which will be burning fuel and releasing CO2 directly to water, would still require Oxygen from the air.. The large pump would have to pump tons of tons of air below surface of ocean? To couple hundred meters depth? To couple kilometers? Silly. Silly idea.. Underwater facility could use: 1) underwater currents 2) nuclear reactions (fusion, fission) 3) geothermal (i.e. underwater volcanoes). But in the case of any disaster, the all people working there would be quickly dead (pressure of water increase by 1 atm every 10m, which you obviously have no idea about), and contamination would be spreading on the entire planet with underwater currents. Silly. Silly idea..
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