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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Use silver nitrate salt. As shown in this video:
  2. That depends on what property of matter and antimatter you're examining. If in applied external electric field and/or magnetic field electron flies to the left, or circle left, positron is doing exactly mirror-like action and flies, or making circles, to the right. That's what is used to distinguish electron from positron. Mirror-like behavior in the same experiment. Due to opposite quantum number for e.g. charge q.
  3. I think that what you are interested in is anger management, not emotional IQ. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anger_management "Understanding one's own emotions can be a crucial piece of learning how to deal with anger. Children who wrote down their negative emotions in an "anger diary" actually ended up improving their emotional understanding, which in turn led to less aggression. When it comes to dealing with their emotions, children show the ability to learn best by seeing direct examples of instances that led to certain levels of anger. By seeing the reasons why they got angry, they can in the future try to avoid those actions or be prepared for the feeling they experience if they do find themselves doing something that typically results in them being angry.[19] There is not sufficient evidence of this needing to be implemented in elementary schools, but this activity is a common tool used in therapies, so it could lead to children writing down their negative feelings and anger and help them to re-evaluate their position and take personal time to cool down instead of lashing out and doing aggressive actions in person." So maybe instead of regular punishment of kid for misbehaving the first should be lesson about anger management. For a start reading of Wikipedia page about anger management. It'll maybe enlighten kid who is easily losing control to notice why and in what circumstances it happens. The next time kid is losing control, will remind content of the article.
  4. Population of fishes is limited by availability of plankton , primary source of food for almost the all sea living organisms. Plankton likes colder water. Global warming causes increase of temperature of water and plankton cannot reproduce and dies. Which causes decrease of population of fishes and the all animals which relies on them in their food chains.
  5. The largest amount of antimatter in the Solar System is in the Sun, created and annihilated every day.. and is responsible for emission of 7.64% of the all Sun radiation.. Primary fusion reaction between two protons is creating positron and electronic neutrino. Positron is antimatter antiparticle of electron. It's annihilating with electron yielding 1.022 MeV energy (in the form of two gamma photons typically). There are two such annihilation events per single 4He created during fusion. You can make your own antimatter (positrons) with device that cost couple hundred of dollars.
  6. That is rather reverse. If you have body which is made of N number of particles, which has certain temperature T, and it's surrounded by vacuum, it's emitting photons in the all directions uniformly (therefor obeying inverse-square law) with speed of light. Energies of these photons depend on temperature of the body. It's called black body radiation. As a result of black body emission temperature of body is decreasing with time, and so does energy peak of emitted photons. The lower temperature, the smaller energy of emitted photons. If body is surrounded by other body, liquid or gas, temperature will decrease till finding equilibrium of the both body and environment. Additionally there will be other kinds of energy transfer like e.g. thermal conduction, convection. Basically atoms and molecules of liquid or gas are hitting our hotter body, and takes part of its internal energy with them. This is done by e.g. acceleration of their velocities. Air molecule with smaller velocity (smaller average temperature) after hitting hotter body is absorbing energy from body and air molecule is accelerated, then it hits other air molecule and it's repeated over and over again, millions or billions of times. There are also emitted photons correlated to temperature of air. Therefor somebody with IR camera can see it from distance. Search net for IR camera videos.
  7. Not all mammals have stomach... egg laying mammals, platypus, monotremes etc. don't have stomach. https://www.livescience.com/41661-why-platypus-wont-regain-stomach.html "Since many animals have now had their genomes sequenced, researchers investigated 14 species with and without stomachs to see what genes they all might be missing. The scientists found that in all species examined, stomach loss was clearly linked with the complete loss of the genes responsible for pepsin and acid digestion."
  8. Extremely well said!
  9. In Standard Model, electron has Lepton number +1, positron (antimatter antiparticle of electron) has Lepton number -1 If they annihilate together there are created (typically) two gamma photons. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annihilation Photon has Lepton number 0. So we have equation for Lepton number conservation like: +1 -1 = 0 + 0 so 0=0 Free electron or free positron cannot disappear without presence of its antiparticle because that would violate Lepton number conservation (and many other conservations). Similar is with pair-production but in opposite direction. Charge q is also quantum number. Electron has -1e and positron has +1e. Some particles are their own antiparticles. i.e. matter and antimatter in the one. i.e. they have such properties that it's not possible to distinguish whether they are matter now, or whether they are antimatter now. Example of particle which is its own antiparticle is neutral pion [math]\pi^0[/math]
  10. Perhaps you meant antacid rather than "drying acidity"? "Calcium carbonate is an antacid that neutralizes gastric acid within the lumen of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. Antacids, which are used only for amelioration of symptoms, are the drugs of choice for the treatment of mild, intermittent, or transient symptoms." Check list of antacid drugs at eBay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/b/Antacid-Tablets/75039/bn_7023438436 Indeed, hyperacidity of the stomach can cause problems with sense of smell. https://www.google.com/search?q=hyperacidity+of+the+stomach+smell You should try to change your diet to such foods and drinks which decrease hyperacidity of the stomach, without having to take drugs.
  11. Slightly different perspective: if you are astronaut, cosmonaut, colonizer... you are origin of entire civilization on the other exoplanet... If you'll survive, millions or billions of newly born children will share your genes... ..on different planet.. perhaps on different galaxy.. If somebody tells "give me xxx money for yyy now" (on space station) is simply silly [...] ....
  12. If there is no money, there is no wealthy.. If there is no money, there is no thieves.. If there is no money, there is no cheaters (the one who are interested in money).. Money is a way to buy time of a person / force a person to work. Illusion. Which many people "buy". If you give Lottery ticket to ordinary man or woman, what they do the next day? Quit job. Why? They hate their jobs. If you will give Lottery ticket to quantum physicist, that person will go to job the next day. Why? Because they love their job. Want to learn about Universe. Want to explore Universe. Want to find something nobody knew prior him or her. On ISS, or any other spaceship, or in the future colony, there is no money also. Nobody has to earn money to buy food, to lend apartment (room on ISS). Everybody do their responsibilities. They are scientists. They love to be cosmonauts or astronauts.
  13. ...it's as easy as planting a tree... Calculate how much carbon dioxide there will be less in the air if every living person from 7.7 billion will plant one tree. ..or there could be created special automatic drones to do the job:
  14. In the worst scenario, Lithium is omnipresent in oceanic water with concentration between 0.1 ppm ... 0.2 ppm. Facilities for desalination of seawater could/should be extended to extract different kinds of elements normally dissolved in sea water, including Lithium. And extract Deuterium from D2O/DHO (will be needed for fusion). The less Deuterium in drinkable water the better. Tesla's 3250 mAh @ 4.2 V battery has 0.975 g of Li (according to Internet data). There is needed ~ 7k such batteries to have 100 kWh. And it's over 7 kg of Li per house. 500 millions of houses worldwide would require 3.5e+9 kg of Lithium.
  15. Once every house and apartment skyscraper will get their own solar panels on the roof and walls, it will be really hard to get them out, if people accustomize to free and clean energy source for their private properties. Fusion power plants will be for business and government needs.
  16. If electric cars industry, and solar panels industry, etc. will utilize Lithium for their hundred of millions of accumulators, there will be less fuel for future fusion power plants (and eventually will cause growth of Lithium price on trade exchange markets).. It would be wiser to pick up such element in advance which won't cause collision of businesses in the future.
  17. How do u do that? Using smartphone camera, and some kind of 2D painting application..
  18. What I meant, is that gamma rays from external source will fly through, and will react, or pass through. Done. If you ingest radioactive isotope which is decaying via gamma emission (or any other decay mode), you will have a much longer exposure. Radioisotope can become part of your body for real. It happens in the case of Carbon C-14 and Potassium K-40 on a mass scale. One of the products of Uranium fission is radioactive isotope of Caesium-137. It's I group element, so it's readily dissolvable in water, which is contaminated, and should not be used. It's easily ingested, directly or indirectly e.g. plants are growing on contaminated water, animals are eating contaminated plants and drink water, humans are eating contaminated plants, animals, and drink water. Other product of Uranium fission is radioactive isotope of Strontium. If somehow it's ingested it's replacing Calcium in bones, and stay there almost forever till it'll decay, and might cause bone cancer after dozen years after contamination really happened.
  19. That depends on whether it's external source of gamma radiation, or it's ingested unstable isotope which is decaying via gamma emission, and what is decay energy released in the process. The second one is even used in therapy (!).. Search net for "Technetium-99m nuclear isomer". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technetium-99m It's pretty low energy 140 keV gamma ray.
  20. There is better usage for Lithium than batteries.. If Lithium-6 is disintegrated, it decays to Tritium, which can be used in fusion reactors. Additionally it is exothermic reaction yielding 4.8 MeV energy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tritium#Lithium Lithium-7 also can be disintegrated to Tritium but this reaction is endothermic.
  21. If somebody has air conditioner with 3-5 kW running for 9 hour per day, must pay 0.63 zl/kWh (if I found correctly price of electricity in the Poland) * 5 * 9 = 28.35 zl / 3.76 zl/usd = $7.54 per day * 30 days/month = $226 per month. That's quite a lot for Polish customer. It's something like 50% of entire minimal net income per month of single person in Poland. If somebody has electric heated floor at colder months running all day long, also has very high bills for it. These bills would all be gone, if person would place solar panels at the roof, even without connecting panels to the grid nor investing in power storage (somebody who has air conditioner & electric heated floors has very high power consumption of self made electricity! So it's unlikely he or she has any serious surplus to sell to the grid, unless will turn them off of course). I don't have air conditioner nor electric heated floors (there is central heating) and my month electricity usage is 176 kWh. Mentioned by you battery pack with 85 kWh would last for... two weeks of my usage.. If somebody used to have solar panels in enough quantity to run air conditioner @ 5 kW and decided to switch it off, would get check instead of bill (if connected to the grid). In EU you can get 50% refund of cost of thermo heating/protection of walls of building or house. If he or she decide to add also solar panels on the roof, it goes even up to 80%. From 25k usd mentioned by you, owner of the house has to pay $5k from his or her own pocket.
  22. In California it does not make too much sense to sell your self made electricity from solar panels on your roof to the grid. Unless you have really huge surplus... After all, due to California climate, user has to use air conditioner (3000-5000 Watts 9h long *). Refrigerator. Family of four is making at least one clothes washing per day. Good idea would be to use electric powered water boiler. There will be needed to heat 4x 60-120 L of water per day, for bath all four people. *) 16% efficient solar panel is giving 1370 W/m^2 * 0.16 = ~ 220 W/m^2 at peak. To have 5000 W you would need ~ 23 m^2 of solar panels... That's quite a lot I think. If it's solar panel on roof on the top of private owned property, it is rather possession of house owner.
  23. Fliegenglas utilize pleasant to flies odors. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fliegenglas Bug zappers utilize high voltage https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bug_zapper Why would you like to extinct entire specie?? Maybe you should better start from learning of role of some specie in their ecosystem to not make serious mistake which could destabilize ecosystem..
  24. It's stored on some kind of non-volatile memory https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-volatile_memory e.g. Arduino has RTC module. You can read current time of real-time clock (RTC), write it, but can also read and write NVM which is on it. It's not much, just 56 bytes. (the rest (8 bytes) are used by time & date).
  25. Do you mean generally by humans? ...how human brain works is not understood very well.. (otherwise it would be no problem to create artificial brain simulator algorithm for AI).. ..there are science areas which are almost endlessly changing i.e. Computer Science programmers are making their own new APIs and upgrading existing, every day, so you have to learn every day something new..
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