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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Normal computer applications have all the time to do conversion from binary to decimal and from decimal to binary. To show results of computation in human readable format, and parse human numerical input to internal binary format. int number = 123; printf( "%d", number ); scanf( "%d", &number );
  2. In how many states single bit is stored internally is independent subject from communication. Ternary computer would have to use TCP/IP to communicate with other currently existing computers. BCD (Binary-coded decimal) is an example of data format which uses less states 0-9 than available in hexadecimal digit (0-15). Some states are simply ignored/illegal. Ternary computer to simulate binary system could simply use states 0-1 and ignore state 2, in each 3-bit. Analogous to BCD implementation.
  3. ...you could do paradox..
  4. That might be a sign that they already have access to your e-mails and read your correspondence or observe network traffic and knew you're awaiting invoice from specific company.. If you have e-mail account in local domain of your company instead of ISP like gmail.com etc. you could install POP3/SMTP server and log entire traffic to/from mail account. Use the same login and password for e-mail account as you used to. If somebody will log-in to your mailbox, you will have a proof. If you have gmail account you can check who logged in to it: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/45938?hl=en Smartphones and tablets have two cameras these days in each device.... and they can be used to remote observe somebody and record sounds... Wiser is to use virtual machine/sandbox. Install OS and everything to virtual disk in page file (SSD). Duplicate file. Mount virtual disk from duplicated file. Work on VM. Delete file. Repeat every day. You have always fresh new installation of OS and apps.
  5. Universe is made of atoms. So circle line on e.g. paper in the real world, at high enough magnitude of zoom will reveal quantization of circle line to constituent atoms.. Computer monitor is good analogy and good example. Circle on screen is made of pixels. It's human eye which is not distinguishing single pixels. A plank of wood?  I think he thought about Length of Planck. Agree. The entire post is irrational...
  6. @studiot I agree with you studiot. Closure of thread is tool of censorship, which we should avoid.
  7. Don't be so cruel! They are the future of IT!
  8. LOL! They are too young to hear your moaning!..
  9. Good script for Netflix movie.. Not at all, Honey.. Not at all.. Quote myself (again!):
  10. The most important part is "who own laptop prior you" including manufacturer, distributor, seller and postman.. at any time they could open package, "upgrade" BIOS on motherboard, and you have no bloody idea about it.. OS does not matter much..
  11. .... I love to hear such amount of ignorance... ...and tempted to prove you're mistaken.. but then you would call me per "thief".. (I can't steal the everything what is mine..)
  12. ...there is never 100% certainty... You need to make backups 1) every day 2) every hour 3) every minute.. (I doubt your data are so valuable to be worth backing them up so often) Do you have UPS? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uninterruptible_power_supply https://www.ebay.com/b/Computer-Uninterruptible-Power-Supplies-UPS/99265/bn_317517 That's the first stage of making the more reliable computer system, rather than RAID. Lack of power will shutdown computer in random moment.. and you might lose of data in the blink of eye..
  13. Very unwise, as the more people on the streets around the building will be able to catch it..
  14. ..."unpaid bill" as an excuse to shutdown of WiFi has more chance... ..or make special intranet just for party guests for a few hours.. then clear up after they are gone..
  15. The main rule of security of WiFi is to enable MAC filtering and add your devices MAC addresses to the list. So only listed devices are able to connect to the network and the all others are rejected at early stage (even if they would know your login and password they won't be able to connect!).. Might be troublesome if guests are visiting your house, but at least they won't abuse your bandwidth. Don't reveal MAC addresses of your devices to anybody, otherwise wise hacker will change MAC on his/her modified device to match the one on the list.. Allowing guests in house to use your WiFi, LAN or computers, is also unwise, as you, nor they, have any idea what they have secretly installed on their devices.. ps. Wiseness is indistinguishable from cynicism.. ?
  16. Mutation is random. Because it is caused by radiation from cosmic rays, radiation from the Sun, UV photons, x-rays, decay of radioactive Carbon C-14, reaction of free radical etc. etc. If mutation is dramatic, organism dies quickly, unable to reproduce and spread bad gene further to the next generations. That's usually the case. If mutation is less severe, organism is "left to its fate" in its environment. e.g. white bird is easily visible in green land, so predators can catch it more easily than camouflaged one. But on the snow, it's reversed, where white bird is camouflaged and harder to be caught by predators. If mutation is even less dramatic, organism can hold it and spread it to the future generations. Or if there is no predators which can make use of inappropriate mutation. It started much earlier than you think. There are single-cell microorganisms and plants which are light-sensitive https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photoreceptor_protein
  17. Building "house of cards" is too abstract idea.. but how about poker game, in which randomly picked up cards give you: poker, four of a kind, full house, flush etc. etc. It's relatively easy to calculate probability of picking up certain configuration of cards. Majority of time player has nothing interesting, rarely there is configuration that must win, no matter what.
  18. Your immune system kills living microorganisms cells the all day long to protect you against bacteria..
  19. Did not I say it already in the above post " The simplest is linear extrapolation using statistical data from the past. It assumes constant growth (which is not possible to sustain in the reality) " ?
  20. I like to visualize it using density of population. Take radius of the Earth ~6370 km = 6370000 m. Sphere area is [math]4 \pi r^2[/math], so 4 * 3.14159265 * 6370000 m^2 = 5.1*10^14 m^2 Remove from it water area 5.1*10^14 * 29.2% = 1.489*10^14 m^2 Divide area by quantity of people. 1.489*10^14 m^2 / 7.7*10^9 = 19,340 sqrt( 19,340 ) = ~139 m. https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=sqrt(5.1e%2B14*29.2%%2F7.7e9) 100 m x 100 m is hectare i.e. land with rectangle 139 x 139 meters (of soil, including ice, deserts, mountains, internal rivers and lakes etc. etc.) has to give everything to survive for a single human being. If the all people of this world would spread equally on the entire surface of the Earth's lands, each of them could see others just 139m in the all directions. Now we can imagine how this 139 x 139 rectangle is shrinking with time, when world population is growing steadily with the same rate like now.. At 50 billions world population it'll be ~ 55 m x 55m https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=sqrt(5.1e%2B14*29.2%%2F50e9)
  21. The simplest is linear extrapolation using statistical data from the past. It assumes constant growth (which is not possible to sustain in the reality) e.g. if you have equation f(t0)=x0 and f(t1)=x1, f(t)=x0+(x1-x0)*(t-t0)/(t1-t0) x0 at time t0 take from world population at some time like t0 = 2010 x0 = 6896 x1 at time t1 take from 2012 x1= 7052 f(2019)= 6896 + ( 7052 - 6896) * ( 2019 - 2010 ) / (2012-2010) = https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=6896+%2B+(+7052+-+6896)+*+(+2019+-+2010+)+%2F+(2012-2010) The result of this extrapolation is: 7598 It's pretty close as it should be 7600 millions of people as of May 2018 (according to world population article). So at the end of 2012 we could predict what will be at the end of 2018.. I was rather thinking about procreation (as we are talking about increase of quantity of people with time, rather than abuse of available resources).. But yes. These two things are correlated.
  22. Ice has smaller density that liquid water. i.e. the same mass but larger volume. Crystals growing inside of cells, are exploding cells, organelle, nucleus and tissue. "The current state-of-the-art in cryopreservation is replacement of water with organic solvents, followed by rapid freezing to achieve an ice-free state, known as vitrification." "Vitrification can also occur when starting with a liquid such as water, usually through very rapid cooling or the introduction of agents that suppress the formation of ice crystals. This is in contrast to ordinary freezing which results in ice crystal formation. Additives used in cryobiology or produced naturally by organisms living in polar regions are called cryoprotectants. Vitrification is used in cryo-electron microscopy to cool samples so quickly that they can be imaged with an electron microscope without damage.[11][12] In 2017, the Nobel prize for chemistry was awarded for the development of this technology, which can be used to image objects such as proteins or virus particles.[13]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitrification
  23. ...acceptance of Taiwan by China would be a good start to avoid the future conflict..
  24. ..but you can check how well offspring of parent with given age prospered in their life by analyze of statistical data i.e. take database of the all born people with connections between them with mentioned level of education, and building graph with age of parent in X axis, and degree of offspring in Y axis, material status of offspring in yet another Y axis 2nd line, etc. etc. If there is correlation, it'll be revealed on such graph.
  25. Paraphrasing OP "would you prefer a mechanical virtual body?"... ? .. it reminds me movie "Surrogates" with Bruce Willis..
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