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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. "Flat mirror".. under e.g. electron microscope flat surface to human-eye and human-made-devices is full of "mountains", "bumps" and "valleys" at quantum level..
  2. ...that is extraordinary far fetched statement... Check statistics of depression, bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia.. "Here are the latest depression statistics: 300 million people around the world have depression, according to the World Health Organization. 16.2 million adults in the United States—equaling 6.7 percent of all adults in the country—have experienced a major depressive episode in the past year."
  3. ..maybe instead of xy3 there should be (xy)3 .. ?
  4. Anti-vaxxers can be more effective than bio-weapons and nuclear-weapons joined together, if/when almost vanished species of microbes will mutate to some nasty vaccines-resistant forms.. Anti-vaxxers can kill themselves, children, neighbors, everybody, because of their incompetence and stupidity..
  5. That does not differ much from situation like in ancient Rome e.g. a few thousands of aristocrats and millions of slaves working for them.. Reminding you, in e.g. Europe, peasants were locked to village and local landlord, disallowed to move without permission of lord etc. etc. Now check what they did in China recently: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/mar/01/china-bans-23m-discredited-citizens-from-buying-travel-tickets-social-credit-system "People accused of social offenses blocked from booking flights and train journeys"
  6. You can derive it from Pythagoras formula. Observer is the right side. Object is on the left side.
  7. "you can't train an old dog new tricks".. ps. Personally I disagree with this sentence.. I was teaching local archbishop, 67 years old at that time, a bit of quantum physics and fusion.. It depends on personal resistance for knowledge and change..
  8. Imagine you have free particles (or molecules) A and B. They have (rest) masses ma and mb. There are possible two cases: 1) Together they have smaller (rest) mass mab than free constituents. ma + mb > mab and energies: mac2 + mbc2 > mabc2 dE = ( mac2 + mbc2 ) - mabc2 Energy released during joining them is dE. Joining them is exothermic/exoenergetic reaction (e.g. fusion) Separation of them requires external source of energy and is not spontaneous. It's example of stable isotope. Minority of isotopes are stable. Sometimes it is reversed.. 2) Together they have bigger (rest) mass mab than free constituents. ma + mb < mab and energies: mac2 + mbc2 < mabc2 Free particles A and B have smaller (rest) masses than joined together. dE = mabc2 - ( mac2 + mbc2) Which means that there is needed external source of energy dE to join particles A and B. Joining them is endothermic/endoenergetic reaction. Separation of them releases energy and can be spontaneous. It's example of radioactive isotope. Majority of isotopes are unstable. Did you read this article? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_bond
  9. That's essential operation. Measure mass and volume and calculate density. 4/3 * PI * 4^3 = ~268 cm^3 4/3 * PI * 5^3 = ~524 cm^3 I just filled beaker with water (up to 500 mL), and put my (not so big) fist inside, and it was 320 cm^3 (read 820 mL on the scale).
  10. I am sorry to hear about your loss.. Did you try to cut a small piece of it, couple mm, and put it in e.g. acetic acid and citric acid.. ? Do you have some strong acids like hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid? Yet another basic test is flame test. Cut small piece and put it in flame and make photo. What color has flame?
  11. What they will do when tickets for spaceship flight will be cheap enough for everybody allowing to flight to orbit and further,? Probably they will find new myth, to BS people, on their YouTube Channels and continue making money on yet another nonsense.. The more ridiculous, the more controversial, the better, for such video and performer..
  12. Look at C/C++ source code: for( int i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++ ) { for( int j = 'a'; j <= 'z'; j++ ) { for( int k = 'a'; k <= 'z'; k++ ) { if( ( i == 'c' ) && ( j == 'a' ) && ( k == 't' ) ) { printf( "cat!\n" ); break; } } } } It goes through the all letters present in English alphabet and finds the all possible and impossible 3 letters English words. It requires just 26^3 = 17576 executions of internal for-loop to find the all combinations. The larger number of letters, obviously the more combinations, and harder to match the right one sequence. In the above example, I stopped evaluation after finding "cat" word.
  13. Some says "sky is the limit".. There were hundreds of cases of people who played computer game, and when their player in the game died, they were desperate so much, that they committed suicide.. https://www.google.com/search?q=game+player+commits+suicide I am not saying that the all games should be banned, criminalized, penalized, etc., absolutely no. As with everything, there must be healthy balance between different kind of activities.
  14. You can't be so sure with 100% certainty.. That depends on their constitution, microscopical anomalies, admixtures, micro cracks. etc. etc. e.g. 4mm metal bolts could be stronger than 10mm plastic bolts.
  15. As long as their dimensions and other properties matches.. e.g. 10 mm bolt won't match for 11 mm nut.
  16. Oranges from second shop could be from different country, different specie, with different parameters (thickness of skin, average weight), than they were in the first shop. So, I would say, that for cook, it can make difference.
  17. Hackers are using proxy... Hackers are using intercepted 3rd party machines.. ..so IP that you might know, might be not belonging to hacker, but to innocent person, who is victim also..
  18. That's extraordinary well-thought. I have to remember it to implement it in the new version of the Universe.. ....but from historical point-of-view, you actually don't understand WHY Japan attacked USA... actually nearly nobody in US understands it, why "US was attacked" (because you're learning crap on history lessons)... So I will tell you the truth.. (similar like (almost) nobody in US understands Lockerbie (caused by murdering of daughter of Gaddafi) etc. etc.) It began in XIX century.. from 1st opium war... then 2nd opium war... after 2nd, US (not exclusively) sent warships to Japan and ordered to open ports for free trade.. (no big deal for US at that time! From their perspective) Japan was shocked how easily western countries destroyed "great armies of great China empire".. Just a couple ships versus hundred (legacy) Chinese ships.. ...then opened ports... opened to western culture.. opened to western knowledge.. to learn it... learned the everything what western countries knew... but they did not forget humiliation made by Americans to Japanese people at that time.. ...delayed revenge... Nationalists worldwide are cultivating such hates against other nations in their hearts and minds, and spreading them to the new generations.. sometimes to nations..
  19. @Strange and @nevim had to read some "Dating Manual" as "getting a dog" is probably the most widely recommended operation in such books.. ps. I completely agree.. Just one hour ago I went for beer to the shop, and some dog started licking my face on the street (after I ducked to pet a dog), and his owner, young girl, started talking to me..
  20. ...as long as you love your mum, not that bad..
  21. ...you are the one who is directing your life...
  22. ..you should be IT game-tester..
  23. I think it's good idea. It's easy to make new friends this way.. (as long as they won't start selling you drugs etc.) ..but in trance & techno club everybody are dancing alone.. so, you can be alone, and nobody will even notice it, nobody will judge you.. Alternative idea: subscribe to karate, tae-kwon do, or something like that. You need to repair your self confidence, and it will help you. New season is always starting in September here. Check how it's in your local area.
  24. ...start getting out to techno clubs or discotheques of some sort at Friday and Saturday nights (like now!), instead of writing tones of new posts.. People rarely attend here at weekend.. They are busy enjoying night weekend life (answering your private status question).. loud club might be a good thing, at least you won't have to keep conversation going.. just dance with girls..
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