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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. The level of damage made to cities is not strictly correlated to strengths and quantities of tornadoes, storms or hurricanes. They can go through sparsely populated area, while their strengths might be extreme. Your conclusions? They had to be weak storms because small damage in $$$.. !
  2. ...or you can use your smartphone as Remote Controller.. ps. "Peel Smart Remote" demands extraordinary amount of unnecessary for this functionality security privileges.. so I disabled this app..
  3. 1 per 1000 is 0.1% not 1%. After summing the largest cases of your numbers, we are receiving ~0.35%. That's 1 per 300 or so. Yes, if these numbers are accurate, there might be even 25-30 millions of people who are neither male nor female. Only extremists conservatives tend to dismiss their existence.. Or even worser, if they are attacking them, killing (like in Syria and in other totalitarian regimes).. in soft version of conservative community dismissing their existence by not allowing them to have their "sex"/"gender" mentioned in the papers. So affected people have to lies in the papers, as there is appropriate field to pick the right option for them.. Somebody who has body of male and feels internally female, finds attractive gender male. Somebody who has body of female and feels internally male, finds attractive gender female. Which results in e.g. excitement and erection etc. Similar like with gays and lesbians. It can be checked even on MRI, by providing photography of naked male/female, and checking brain activity. Similar with gays and lesbians (and pedophiles). Brain activity during MRI can reveal sexual preference of a person.
  4. @Silvestru BTW, remember that HTML element can be in multiple classes at the same time. For instance: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> .bold { font-weight: bold; } .red { color: red; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="red bold">Example red bold text</div> <div class="red">Example red text</div> <div class="bold">Example bold text</div> </body> </html> Therefor class name cannot have space " " inside. It's used to separate one class from other class when element is in multiple classes at the same time ("red bold"). On your example from screen-shot we can even see that internal <span> tag is using 5 different classes.
  5. Reedited.. On his screen-shot sideNavBox is ID not class.. CSS qualifier for IDs would be #sideNavBox Okay. Let's try this instead: #sideNavBox span.menu-item { background-color: red; } or span.menu-item { background-color: red; } This class mentioned in the first post ("menu-item-text") is nowhere on his screen-shot. But there is class with name "menu-item"..
  6. How are you interpreting @Silvestru words "Could you please help me change the actual background colour with a similar script? " ?? Example: We have HTML code <span class="menu">MENU!"</span> to change menu text color, you will use CSS: .menu { color: red; } to change background color of it you will use CSS: .menu { background-color: red; } to change both text and background color of it you will use CSS: .menu { color: white; background-color: red; } After rethinking.. maybe you're talking about "border" property in CSS.. ? https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_border-left_color.asp It's indeed possible to change left, right, top and bottom properties of border. Such "bar" of single color on the currently picked up menu for instance. It's often used nowadays in modern websites. Either left or right and bottom, below some menu item.
  7. Try rather: span span .menu-item-text { background -color: red; } The left side of CSS row are qualifiers. There are qualifiers for tag-names (e.g. <span>), for classes (prefix "." (dot) e.g. ".menu-item-text"), and for id (prefix "#" e.g. #myID). You should better read W3Schools https://www.w3schools.com/
  8. In CSS it can be done using background-color property: https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_background-color.asp JavaScript code should call document.getElementById()/getElementsByClassName()/getElementsByName()/getElementsByTagName()/getElementsByTagNameNS() https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/getElementById This article has example of how to make buttons that change color of text dynamically if user is pressing them in JavaScript. background-color in JavaScript is called backgroundColor: https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/prop_style_backgroundcolor.asp Actually you have here entire code for setting backgroundColor from button. Click on "Try it Yourself".
  9. That was the way for thousands of years. People invented something, used by themselves, eventually selling it, then they were dying and with them details of production of the thing (like e.g. procedure of production of some chemical compound). New people after centuries and millenniums had to reinvent it once again.
  10. To protect against stealing intellectual property there have been introduced patents. U.S. patent cost between $10k-$30k. So better if your idea is worth something otherwise you will end up with a lost of huge amount of money. And you need to be prepared to license and/or start production right away after acquiring patent. You will need to earn money to sustain patent (maintenance fee) You might find interesting to read this article "The Top 5 Mistakes Inventors make with their Invention": http://www.ipwatchdog.com/2015/07/18/top-5-mistakes-inventors-make-invention/id=59286/
  11. That depends on particular one Peltier of your choice. Typically 12 V. If you're using batteries you need to use stabilizer ("boost","step-up") (aka "voltage regulator"). That's monster. It's at least 12 cm x 12 cm x 20 cm looking by size of computer fan.. 12 Volts * 10 A = 120 Watts. You will have to dissipate it somehow.
  12. Yes, they are. Recently. Guy made thread, went to sleep, didn't manage to log in back, and the less than 24h later "thread closed". C'mon! Wait at least a week to see if somebody is revisiting forum and logging at that time (and reluctant to reply for questions), prior closing his/her thread..
  13. Among strong force, weak force, electrostatic force and electromagnetic force.. there are also ion-ion interactions, and so called Van der Waals forces e.g. dipole-dipole, dipole-induced-dipole, induced-dipole-induced-dipole, etc. etc. e.g. they keep together piece of water (polar solvent). Intermolecular force https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intermolecular_force
  14. I believe so different producers use different techniques and different materials to make their product, regardless of the time, in which product was made. So if you're interested in, what your product from your photo was made of, go there, take a sample, and examine in mass spectrometer or so.. You will have definite answers just for your particular case. Without examination of the sample, nobody can give you permanent definite answers about its material composition.
  15. Make couple well-known solutions with the same compound (different amount of water + the same amount of compound). Add them to plants. Leave control group without any additions. ps. If you are unsure what to do you should ask your tutor for explanation, or explain him/her what you intend to do, and ask if it's the correct way to perform experiment.
  16. ..download Visual Studio Express, and write some C/C++/C# app..
  17. Think more about the future, not about the past.. If I were you, I would bother only whether some genetic illnesses or disorders were inherited from the past generations. Lack of exchange of genes with people from other regions of the world in some closed for too long communities leads to inbreeding , genetic disorders and genetic illnesses. ps. Russians also had a few great personalities in the history of the world. Such as Dmitri Mendeleev
  18. Brute-force method would be manual go through the all elements in array, compare, and if criterion is met, remove element at specified index..
  19. ...or make Möbius strip from piece of paper, and ask child where it has the beginning and the end.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Möbius_strip
  20. It depends on producer of particular product. http://www.escapechute.info/faqs.htm "2. What are they made of? (....) Each platform is constructed on a modular basis from aluminum with external dimensions of 620mm x 620mm. Any additional construction or support elements to the base plate are made from either aluminum or galvanized steel or stainless steel."
  21. This experiment was a joke, to be honest. "From January 2017 until December 2018, 2,000 unemployed Finns got a monthly flat payment of €560 (£490; $634)."... BUI must be enough for paying the all costs required in given country to survive. I don't think so 560 euros is enough to survive in Finland... They have average wage 3900 euros or so.
  22. People with money (e.g. from past generations) rarely rely on FED controlled interest rates, because they are close to zero profit and simply not interesting for them, if they are smart. FED controlled interest rates hit more people without money (therefor they need to lend it in the first place) rather than rich man. Increase of interest rates can ruin their full-of-debts poor budget which was barely closing-up at lower rates.. We should distinguish investing in start-up new businesses, investing in stocks, investing in lands and buildings, investing in resources etc. etc. If rich man is investing in building new property for lease, somebody else still has to work harder, earn and pay him/her rent.. Tenant is pushed more, not property owner.. Pressing property owner by government (by increasing land and property taxes), will result in increase of rent for tenants, and again they are struck the most.
  23. "spires" is French equivalent of "turns"..
  24. ...or they can even start cult with Opportunity Mars Rover as the creator.. That reminds me this song:
  25. I think that they are downgrading I.Q. of humankind and embarrassing humans in the entire galaxy...
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