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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Caesium-133 used in atomic clocks is not radioactive isotope of Caesium. Radioactive is Caesium-137, one of products of fission of Uranium-235.
  2. You have two options: - forget about main.py... just copy its functionality to main(graphics).py.. and instead of taking arguments from shell replace it by GUI equivalent code. - call main.py from main(graphics).py. To learn how to do it search net for "call python script with arguments from python" e.g. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3781851/run-a-python-script-from-another-python-script-passing-in-args Then you will have to analyze output.
  3. Search net for "tkinter example", "tkinter tutorial" or similar keywords. For instance https://likegeeks.com/python-gui-examples-tkinter-tutorial/ What you need is Entry widget https://likegeeks.com/python-gui-examples-tkinter-tutorial/#Get-input-using-Entry-class-Tkinter-textbox After clicking button, there is called procedure: https://likegeeks.com/python-gui-examples-tkinter-tutorial/#Handle-button-click-event Inside of it, you need to read Entry widget user data, parse it the way you want (like in command-line script), and show output. How to show output? Try Label widget or yet another Entry widget (it could be with disabled editing of content).
  4. How are you measuring time of delivery? Are you using cars? Bikes? Electric bikes? Do you have GPS installed in these devices? How many orders is delivered at once? Are there used applications which tell what route to drive to couple points the most optimal way? Famous "Travelling salesman problem" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travelling_salesman_problem Sometimes it's better to invest in bikes/electric bikes, as they can pass through the city even if there is traffic jam.
  5. ..if mortal humans will wipe themselves out of the planet Earth, some day, billions years latter somebody will visit Mars, and find out some piece of [.....] and W.O.W. we have evidence of that intelligent life form exist(ed) in the Universe!
  6. "Reset of playfield in chess" is like going back in time for the all particles to the moment of BB, isn't? Differs by quantity of the possible solutions..
  7. @Strange If you play a chess and have one set up of figures on playfield... you can move figure one way... and follow game that way... after resetting game, and repetition of movements (which looks like doing the same things yet again ("restore game from backup") ), you can pick up other way to see what happens.. Pawns like to press "the Master" at play, while "the Master" have absolute control over pawns at any time of history of playfield..
  8. Religious people are typically unaware of the all evil things done. Starting from burning of "witches" and "warlocks" by inquisition, and murdering innocent people ("pagans") when they did not want to change their faith.. the earliest Christians spread their faith with love and acts of good.. later something went wrong on mass scale...
  9. Really? I thought so newly elected U.S. president-to-be is holding hand on Bible taking the oath of the president of the USA... There are only three exceptions in the history https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oath_of_office_of_the_President_of_the_United_States Hm.. Quite surprising statement from somebody who is almost exclusively active on politics section of this forum. Nothing justifies any of the violence against any nation throughout history..
  10. Extinction of insects will cause extinction of birds, reptiles and amphibians as well, as they are serious source of food of higher level animals. Without flying insects many plants will extinct as well unable to exchange their pollen and reproduce. Agricultural skyscrapers can be designed in such a way, that they will work without any pesticides. Hermetic single floor. Much easier for selective decontamination.
  11. You can not change the history.. "The Torah and Talmud encourage lending money without interest. But the halakha (Jewish law) that prescribes interest-free loans applies only to loans made to other Jews. Jewish law allows making loans with interest to persons who are not Jewish.[3]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loans_and_interest_in_Judaism "Economically, Jews played a key role in the country. The Church then strictly forbade the lending of money for profit, creating a vacuum in the economy of Europe that Jews filled because of extreme discrimination in every other economic area. Canon law was not considered applicable to Jews, and Judaism does not forbid loans with interest between Jews and non-Jews.[5] Taking advantage of their unique status as his direct subjects, the King could appropriate Jewish assets in the form of taxation. He levied heavy taxes on Jews at will, without having to summon Parliament.[6]" "The reputation of Jews as extortionate money-lenders arose, which made them extremely unpopular with both the Church and the general public. While an anti-Jewish attitude was widespread in Europe, medieval England was particularly anti-Jewish." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edict_of_Expulsion (read between the lines: English kings by heavy taxation forced Jews to usury) More about the subject at hand: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Europe
  12. I know other learning difficulties such as: - problems with concentration on the one thing at a time (which might be in very extreme case symptom of mental illness. I know such people with bipolar disorder, and their brains are all-the-time bombarded with impulses, hyperactivity of brain, which can be observed as can't stop talking and dreaming on loud about everything what comes to their mind. One minute can't concentrate on talking, thinking and doing only one thing. Changing subjects of monologue without any obvious direction). - abuse of psychoactive drugs and substances can cause damage of brain, change of personality, change of personal aims, change of what is important in person life (no more get decent degree, no more get to university, then get decent job, etc. etc.) - depression - lack of enthusiasm and motivation learning new things. Learning should be fun. A lot depends on teacher.
  13. Neutrinos and antineutrinos, in the all three generations of subatomic particles in Standard Model, have neutral charge (thus name). How from particle with neutral charge Q=0 e can you get other subatomic particles such as electron, positron, pion+, pion-, kaon+, kaon-, proton and antiproton.. ? Addition of two or more neutral charge particles Q= 0e + 0e = still gives you 0e.... However, if neutral charge particle would not have absolute and constant charge, but oscillate between let's say -2/3e, -1/3e, 0e, +1/3e, +2/3e.. then we could have more senseful discussion.. But because we're on scientific forum, you would have to make math equation which is describing such oscillation (with time as input parameter?), and how to check your idea in scientific experiment which will prove or disprove your hypothesis.. You should start from learning how to detect neutrinos and antineutrinos. How to build your own neutrino detector, and why it's so hard. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutrino_detector CMBR are normal photons. Does not require any special technology to detect them. Even your ordinary old CRT TV is able to detect them..
  14. Distance at which photons passing through glass will focus is one of the most important variables.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Focal_length
  15. ...3D printer, 3D scanner, licensed 3D applications, 2D plotter, CNC plasma cutter, CNC water-jet cutter, induction furnace, chemistry lab equipment including electron microscopes and mass spectrometer... (that's what comes to my mind the first) Typical equipment for business incubator office skyscraper for startup-companies. To be able to create prototype of device without having to buy or rent the all required tools.
  16. There are already existing businesses in which somebody seeking for help is contacted with expert in the field. But it requires a lot of money to be invested at the beginning. There must be created platform, on-line website, with on-line chat, and obviously you must sign contract with scientists, paid per answer, paid per availability, paid per week or month. University students the last years in the field might be the most interested to be experts on such platform, as they need money for their studies. Without couple millions of dollars of investment, I don't see how such platform would be able to work.. Experts will generate cost at the beginning of operation for months or even years. See for instance Stack Exchange https://stackexchange.com/ People seeking help are asking questions, and experts are answering them. They required $12m funding. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stack_Exchange
  17. "In biological classification, the term subspecies refers to a unity of populations of a species living in a subdivision of the species' global range and varies from other populations of the same species by morphological characteristics." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subspecies
  18. So the entire discussion is about terminology coined couple hundred years ago, terminology which was accepted and widely used by now... If you want to change terminology of entire scientific community, good luck, but I don't share you opinion that you are able do it.. The more important is, to what would you like to change it? Replace by what? You didn't specify.. Newly created terminology should also straight forward express what is now meant by "natural selection" and "artificial selection"/"selective breeding". ps. Going by your logic, artificial intelligence, is also wrong terminology, because as you said human is part of nature, so everything human made is also natural..
  19. @Ten oz Just a side note. "Pleading guilty to crime" does not mean you made the crime for real. It's just a such lawyer's trick, widely overused now, that prosecutor gives you "opportunity" (!) that "you will plead guilty or else we will went to court which will just give you much higher punishment" (and you will spend a lot of money on attorneys, which will suck the all money from you during process, appeal, and reappeal). In communist country everybody "pleaded guilty" on tortures and/or after being "softened" in the jail. There are millions of people around the world who "plead guilty" while being in-guilty.. No, they didn't have chance, if there was agreement off the room..
  20. Reverse of "natural selection" is not "supernatural selection" but "artificial selection" (aka "selective breeding"). Artificial selection is selection made by human on farm animals.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_breeding
  21. Unlikely. That would require searching and finding evidences that he earned directly and/or indirectly on U.S. and worldwide stock markets (and/or commodity exchange) causing failure via Twitter etc. done on purpose.. He wouldn't pass lie-detector exam.. Unlikely. This is even silly to comment. Unlikely. That would require superb personality.. That begs for statistics: how many times candidate from the same party replaced president from the same party in the history of U.S. ? (instead of second term of working president). Absolute number and percentage of the all cases. Per party. Please. Quite likely. Unlikely. That would require finding "tickets" for counter-candidate which would damage his/her reputation..
  22. Your free will is in the hands of tobacco industry managers. They stole your free will. Take it back.
  23. "The appetite grows with eating.".. Sell of iPhones, high-end smartphones, top-notch computers, is example of it. (Some) users want to have the best one on the market, even though they don't need them at all, or worser they can't afford them.. I could understand it from point-of-view programmer (who must check if the all his/her games and applications run flawlessly on newly released machine). But somebody who can't afford them?! They are pretending to be reacher than they really are..
  24. I would not place "depression" and "burnout" in the same sentence like you. These are two different things. Modern western people have the bar set high. It's hard to reach it once. And after reaching it, it's even harder repeating it, and put it even higher. Jumping for millions of times and being unable to reach it, put some people upset, they give up, don't care anymore, loses motivation, loses interest. Wants to do something else, something new, something refreshing. Pressure from management, boss, plus living on credit, acclimatization to high living standards (thus high bills), afraid of losing job if selling-targets or production-targets are not reached.. Now, that can be depressing..
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