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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. True. Some. But the question is whether their dumbness is genetically encoded, or their dumbness is result of poorness of parents unable to give them as good start as other people, good education, or their dumbness is result of environment influence like indoctrination, brainwashing, inappropriate friends and family.. James Watson born in Chicago, where is large population of Afro-Americans. He noticed poor and simple people without money for education for generations, and extrapolated it further to entire population..
  2. Generally numerology is nonsense. Take for example numerology in which you have to add the all digits in multi-digit number e.g. 1234 -> 1+2+3+4 = 3+7=10 -> 1+ 0 = 1 But it gives this result only for decimal numeral system! Numerologist, not being scientist, nor professional mathematician, does not even know about existence of different numeral systems. Decimal system arrived to Europe from Middle East (thus called Arabic numerals). It arrived to Middle East from India. "The first mentions of the numerals in the West are found in the Codex Vigilanus of 976.[22]" I have seen usage of this algorithm for calculation of checksum. BTW, the words algebra and algorithm are of Arabic origin (Arabic mathematicians)
  3. "Problem" are people who don't write "microwave in 1000 Watts oven 5 minutes". i.e. some of them skip wattage of microwave oven. You won't force entire world of cooks and kitchen chiefs what they should do and how to write their recipes. 1000 W * 5 * 60s = 300 kJ. That would be really weird to see recipe with info "total required energy needed to make your meal in microwave oven is 300 kJ".. Almost nobody reading recipe would be able to use this information, as majority of people has no idea how to convert it to wattage and seconds/minutes. Go to somebody, e.g. your neighborhoods, and ask what is wattage of their microwave oven. I bet they won't tell you without having to lookup manual or device.
  4. You're talking about different situation. Threads are merged only if the same member of forum made two or more threads about the same subject. (Merging threads started by two distinct members of forum?) I was talking about situation when newbie member of forum made posts in old legacy thread, made by completely different person, who might not be with us anymore. If somebody tries to write in old (but not closed) thread, message which would be normally sent to thread, should go to mod, for review whether it contains novelty in thread. Whether it is valuable content. That's not possible to be done automatically. Requiring writing to mod to reopen old thread, that's crazy TBH, newbie has not idea who are mods, and doesn't know about he/she must write post to reopen etc. etc.
  5. Seriously, if newbie, with unknown reputation, with unknown knowledge, would request reopening of some legacy thread, it would be dismissed straight away..
  6. Tag in title: yes. But closing? I don't think so. Somebody in the future (in just couple days) might have something worth adding. But, if thread is really old, like month+ no activity, if somebody tries to reply in it, moderator should be informed about it and confirm whether to allow reply or not, to avoid unpleasant resurrections of legacy threads, with little value added (usually by newbie member of forum, who does not know netiquette).
  7. Nazis, slightly before, and during II world war used different tactics: "Thou shalt not kill" was understood as "Thou shalt not kill human".. Using such (incorrect) interpretation, human can kill somebody who is not human. Then they downgraded some races, some nations, some minorities, to the level "subhuman"... The same interpretation is used right now by many far-right conservatives, who have no objections for shooting animal for enjoy..
  8. If production of NaOH is aim, wouldn't it be simpler to heat NaHCO3.. ? At high enough temperature it will start decomposition (above 50 C). 2NaHCO3 → Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2 "If anhydrous sodium carbonate is heated, loss in weight — due to dissociation and volatilization — begins at 400° C (752° F). Carbon dioxide is evolved as indicated by the reaction equation. Na2CO3 → Na2O + CO2 The following table lists the decomposition pressure at various temperatures." Na2O + H2O → 2NaOH
  9. I don't have HP ATM, but typical way printers work is that you need to press and hold button to reach hidden features. It's to save space and money for additional buttons. In my printer case, the longer you hold button, the different special operation. You can hear beeping, start counting them, 1...2...3. Release button when it's at the right number. Expected hidden features: test print, cleaning up printing head (required after replacing cartridge/head), wider fuller cleaning up.
  10. Electrostatic devices are collecting charges i.e. electrons on the small sphere and holes on the bigger sphere. Charges are creating electric field around them and has unit V/m, Volts per meter (in neutral particle or molecule, electric field from negatively charged particle is cancelled by positively charged particle).. How much charges you can extract from one sphere and move to second sphere depends on e.g. radius of sphere and its size and what it's made of (free electrons in metal). The biggest Van de Graaff generator was entire building, and scientists were working inside of it. These are the first missing parameters in your question. On the Moon there will be freely striking it photons from the Sun during Moon day, and high-energetic cosmic rays from outer space. After hitting sphere by high enough energetic photon metal is emitting electron in photoelectric effect. And it would be accelerated toward positive sphere. The more photons, the more cosmic-rays will hit spheres, the faster discharge rate.
  11. Professional computer calculators (rather not what is built-in OS) can theoretically handle as big number as there is available memory (or virtual memory on disk). But it requires making dynamically expanding floating point implementation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbitrary-precision_arithmetic List of arbitrary-precision arithmetic software https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_arbitrary-precision_arithmetic_software
  12. Take a look at how my bike speedometer works: wheel has attached e.g. little magnet, laser or LED, when magnet is moving close to wire (or photoactive element) on the body of bike, there is created electric signal. Electronics is counting the all wheel spins. Wheel radius and circumference are constants. So distance travel by device is [math]2 \pi r * spins [/math]. Electronics is counting also time. Divide distance by time, and you will get average speed to show to driver.
  13. Westworld: "Logan: I told you this place would show you who you really are"...
  14. Take a look at the simplest analog voltmeter. It contains resistor with known resistance, very high value like 1 Mega Ohm. Wire goes through electromagnet. There is also solid magnet. When current is flowing through wire, electromagnet is turned on, and repels from solid magnet. The larger current, the more powerful electromagnet, thus needle is repelled more on the scale. Ohm's law is I=U/R, so U=I*R. R is constant 1 MOhm. So U is proportional to I. The difference between analog voltmeter and analog ammeter is just in this additional resistor. If you switch to ammeter mode, resistor is bypassed. No, it's not. E=Q * U, so U=E/Q. Voltage is electric potential energy (in Joules) divided by charge (in Coulombs).
  15. If it would be possible, it would be stupid movement, because diversity in genes is good. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_drift https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inbreeding Genetic drift in small populations quickly leads to inbreeding.
  16. UV photons are killing microbes. "Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) is a disinfection method that uses short-wavelength ultraviolet (UV-C) light to kill or inactivate microorganisms by destroying nucleic acids and disrupting their DNA, leaving them unable to perform vital cellular functions.[1] UVGI is used in a variety of applications, such as food, air, and water purification." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultraviolet_germicidal_irradiation Kids should not be present in the room when it's turned on.. That's because UV light present in the Sunlight stimulates production of Vitamin D in the skin. "The major natural source of the vitamin is synthesis of cholecalciferol in the skin from cholesterol through a chemical reaction that is dependent on sun exposure (specifically UVB radiation)." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_D
  17. It's kinda like saying "1000 meters running exam is measure how good you are at running", or "push-up fitness exam is measure how good you are at push-ups". I don't fully agree with it. They can show general condition of organism. If exactly the same test is given to group of people, it allows classifying them and objectively judge. The problem with I.Q. tests is that there is no uniform I.Q. test for everybody. And on-line I.Q. tests were in majority made by people who created them just to earn money from ads (downgraded and uncontrolled quality of tests). If somebody has problems with concentration, it'll be revealed on exam. If somebody has problems with abstract thinking, it'll be revealed on exam. Obviously the more somebody trains, no matter if it is push-ups, running, or intelligence tests, the better person is at such exams the next time. But if somebody learned how to solve tests, it means new connections in his/her brain were created, and such person better thinks abstractly. Brain training might be useful outside of just I.Q.tests, similar like training running is influencing human health, just in different area.
  18. There are privates, corporals and there are higher ranked officers. Stupid and/or incompetent private, will hurt mostly himself/herself. Stupid and/or incompetent officer can cause death of large number of his/her soldiers.. Happened in history.. (e.g. Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in 9 A.D. or Battle of Stalingrad) There are primary care physicians and there are surgeons. Stupid and/or incompetent primary physician could e.g. subscribe wrong drug, with wrong dosage, resulting in illness and/or death of patient. Stupid and/or incompetent surgeon will cut wrong organs.. Happened in history..
  19. In "infinite" sea of Multiverses everything is plausible..
  20. What is density of water? 1 g/cm^3.. What is depth of Pacific ocean? Search net for "Pacific depth map" in image mode. What is average density of rock? 2-3 g/cm^3. If it contains significant amount of metal ores, it's more. Hotspots appear mainly below oceans because that's where is the smallest thickness of ground above them, with the smallest density of matter above them, and there is the smallest pressure. If you would make balloon, with various thickness of gum on one side than the other side, and start pumping it, you would see that area where is weaker thinner gum is growing the first.. Is air intelligent to find out the weakest place on the balloon? Or is it just physics.. ?
  21. Maybe try "Windows ADK usage"? e.g. https://www.google.com/search?q=Windows+ADK+usage https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Windows+ADK+usage
  22. Title of your thread and this comment suggests that you are rejecting entire theory of plate tectonics (and geology and paleontology as well, which you didn't realize). Which is IMHO extraordinary claim. Entire your post suggests that you're relying only on map analysis in your hypothesis. You're completely ignoring paleontology and geology. Scientists are drilling holes on the entire Earth. Couple kilometers to over 12 km https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kola_Superdeep_Borehole Then sample data are placed on the map in 2D, and depth map is giving 3rd dimension. Physicists use radiometric dating to measure age of layers (each sample layer from drill independently) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiometric_dating If the same pattern exist in one area (let's say it's a-b-c-d) and in slightly other area (or even at the moment disconnected land) is b-c-d, geologists have proof that one plate subducted other plate. Sometimes there can be reversed pattern e.g. d-c-b it's proof that plate folding happened in the past. Older layers are on the top, while newer layers are on the bottom. Paleontologists are finding remains of the same animal or plant living on (currently) two or more different continents or plates, multi-millions years ago. Their remains are in one older layer, but are missing in newer layer. Their successors were evolving independently. There was no free transfer of genes, between two different continents, separated thousand kilometers wide ocean. Conclusion? Separation of land must happened in the past. This can be reversed (and happened hundred times in the entire Earth history). Animal/plant is living on plate A, and there is no remains of them on plate B (in the same age layer). Later there is created connection between plates, so animals and plants are able to settle on new lands, and their remains are appearing in newer layer the first time. Then there is disconnection again, and successors are evolving independently. And so on, so on, during hundred millions of years of evolution on the Earth. Paleontologists are finding remains of sea water creatures from prehistoric times, on the top of the highest mountains, at the moment reaching couple kilometers. Conclusion? These mountains used to be below sea level hundreds millions years ago. Paleontology and geology are confirming theory of plate tectonics, and are essential source of data about plate movements, collisions, and interactions. From such data we can make videos like this one:
  23. ...to make statistics more clear we should check how much of these incarcerations/dropouts were caused by narcotics usage.. (e.g. student is caught on usage of narcotics -> dropout from school -> lost chance for education & no money -> abuses narcotics more.. starts dealing narcotics or stealing to get them -> incarceration)
  24. But such people are rather exception, invisible in statistics, rather than rule. "Source: Becky Pettit, Bryan Sykes, and Bruce Western, “Technical Report on Revised Population Estimates and NLSY79 Analysis Tables for the Pew Public Safety and Mobility Project” (Harvard University, 2009)."
  25. IMHO, the best way to reduce criminal activity in society is free of charge higher degree education..
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