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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. I would say two numbers are missing in this sequence..
  2. With this misconception/misinterpretation you're just giving bullets to guns of climate change deniers. It's not so simple. Global warming will melt ice on the North and the South poles. Right. It'll change e.g. underwater sea current in Atlantic. This current is causing warm winters in U.K. Now, if climate change supporter is simplifying global warming to just words like you said, and people see exactly reverse, like it can happen in UK after disappearance of underwater sea current, they will be confused, and say you're talking nonsense about global warming, if they will have severe winters.. Global warming is global change of moderate environment, to the more extreme environment.. Extremity not just in hotness (in some regions), but also extremity of coldness (in some regions).
  3. I thought so it is science discussion forum, not gossip portal...
  4. Do you realize how many electrons flow in wire in "usable electricity" circuit.. ? If you have current 1 Ampere, voltage 5 Volts, there is 6.2415*10^18 electrons flowing in each second. But it'll give enough electric power for just a single very weak 5 Watts LED lamp.. Movement of magnet, back and forth, in e.g. DC electric generator, or alternator, is causing movement of electrons in wire. Moving electrons are creating external magnetic field around wire.
  5. Fix: after reemission.. (missing 'e' character)
  6. Absorbed photon is accelerating mirror. Accelerated mirror is changing its frame of reference. After remission, newly created photon (reversed direction), should have slightly lower energy than incoming photon.. if you will use special relativity calculations..
  7. e.g. denaturation of proteins accelerates with temperature. It's irreversible process. Like while boiling egg, egg white is irreversibly changed from transparent liquid to white. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denaturation_(biochemistry) " Egg white is an alkaline solution and contains around 148 proteins. " "Ovalbumin is the most abundant protein in albumen. (...) Ovalbumin in solution is heat-resistant. Denaturation temperature is around 84°C, but it can be easily denatured by physical stresses."
  8. On the South Pole you can see majority of Southern Hemisphere stars. But if you're interested in the southern equivalent of the North Pole star, the closest currently is Sigma Octantis.
  9. You should have hair sample together with root, if you're interested in preserving DNA..
  10. Particles with mass (rest-mass!) can be accelerated/decelerated, can be put to rest, which means they are in the same frame of reference as observer (we or device).
  11. Photons are reflected from ball surface less efficiently than 100%. Remaining amount is absorbed by material. After absorption, material is heated, and loses reflective properties. e.g. heat metal and it will start emitting photons in MW, IR then visible spectrum (thermal radiation). Search net for reflectivity on graph, how it changes with temperature.
  12. Closure of strait of Gibraltar, would result in evaporation of Mediterranean Sea in couple thousand years. Reopening of strait of Gibraltar, would result in flooding of land which is now below Mediterranean Sea.. "It is estimated that, were the straits closed even at today's higher sea level, most water in the Mediterranean basin would evaporate within only a thousand years, as it is believed to have done then,[13] and such an event would lay down mineral deposits like the salt deposits now found under the sea floor all over the Mediterranean." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strait_of_Gibraltar
  13. What you are searching for mathematician would call searching for lowest common denominator. Suppose so we have rest-mass of proton mp , rest-mass of electron me, etc. etc. with the all other particles, isotopes and so on. After dividing mp, me, etc. etc. the all other known masses, by mq you will get integer multiply of mq which fits in all of them, without any fractions. To calculate mq, programmer should gather the all masses of known particles together in database, and start dividing until there is fraction. The problem here is that masses are measured with limited precision.
  14. What you are searching for is called Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin limit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greisen–Zatsepin–Kuzmin_limit
  15. Please don't be ridiculous.. I am using Pythagoras' Theorem couple days per day. In e.g. normalization of vectors, calculation of distance between two points in 2D/3D, or angle between them, etc. etc. basic programming things. We are talking about analogous situation to trying to use Pythagoras' Theorem to calculate distance, when you have no data about positions of points. Apply Pythagoras' Theorem in situation when you have a, b unknown variables, to calculate c.. But you have some data about the subject: you know what is radioactivity, you know what is fission and fusion, you know how many people is on the planet (potential terrorist), you know the ways somebody can acquire Uranium or other fissile material, you know the ways somebody can bring bomb on the place.. etc. etc. What is the probability that black hole will destroy Earth, in XIX century state of knowledge, when they didn't even know what is black hole.. ? What is "Kempton Park"? LOL! I will have a lot of data in game which I (possibly) don't know what are even rules of the game.. ...but results from them are not interconnected.. If I would acquire knowledge about the all horses, I could make senseful predictions (database of their results on graph, and how they changed with horse age)..
  16. You don't agree with my statement in which I said "you need to have enough or the all data about the subject. ".. ? Bayes formulated his theorem in 1763 year. Calculate probability of e.g. decay of neutron in unstable isotope, in state of knowledge of 1763 year, in which you don't even know what "radioactive decay", "neutron", or "isotope" even means..
  17. This subject was many times discussed on this forum. Instead of repeating over and over the same thing, I will simply give you links.
  18. To be able to calculate mathematical chance, you need to have enough or the all data about the subject. For instance, chance to win in roulette is 1/37 = ~2.7(027)% (if there is one "0" field), and 1/38 = ~2.63158% (in American roulette version, with two zeros, "0" and "00" fields). By placing bets on more fields, it's possible for mathematician/scientist/intellectualist, to calculate probability of winning particular round of game. The more complex system, or game, the harder is to calculate probability. Imagine calculation of probability of roulette game in which you don't know how many fields there is available on playfield. It can be from 1 to +infinity (only integers).
  19. 3.828*10^26 W / ( 4 * PI * ( 150*10^9 * 0.95 )^2 ) = 1500 W/m^2 (0.95 AU). So inner edge is at least "right".. It is several times mentioned on Wikipedia, in "Solar System estimates" section: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circumstellar_habitable_zone I picked up +- 10 % of power tolerance as an example values, which are acceptable for human. in "Solar System estimates" section, we can see there is no general consensus between scientists, how to estimate it. They make predictions which require e.g. special non-Earth-like atmospheres, with significantly different pressures. I would like to fix it a bit. The majority of Carbon-based living organisms will be dead at temperatures above 46 C, because their proteins will be denatured.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denaturation_(biochemistry)
  20. ..and stage of life of particular star.. In the future of solar system, also the Earth will be outside of habitable zone, when energy emitted by the Sun will be too high for living organisms on the Earth. Temporary *) solution could be building of cosmic-scale remote-controlled network of mirrors between the Sun and the Earth, that will reflect photons in different directions, reducing radiation reaching Earth's surface. *) temporary for millions of years.
  21. I would define "habitable zone" as distance from the star in which planet is receiving 1370 Watts per square mater of surface +- couple (or couple dozen) percent tolerance. 1370 W/m^2 is measured radiation of the Sun, and by applying reverse of inverse-square law, we can calculate total power of the Sun. [math]P=\frac{P_0}{4 \pi r^2}[/math] [math]P_0 = P * 4 * \pi * r^2[/math] [math]P_0 = 1370 * 4 * 3.14159265 * (150*10^9)^2 = 3.8 *10^{26} W[/math] So, if we will use +-10% tolerance, star must deliver (approximately) 1200 W/m^2....1500 W/m^2. You should be able to calculate min and max radii for this range by yourself now. Carbon-based organic life requires water. Water must be able to exist in liquid form. Which is in temperature range 0 ... 100 C (at standard pressure). Too large radiation from the star, and water will vaporize, like on Venus. Too low radiation, and it'll freeze. There are existing super cold stars which emit fraction of energy which is emitted by the Sun. So distance between such super cold star and planet would have to be very small. e.g. star which has 1% of power of the Sun, must have planet located at distance ~15 mln km.
  22. It's layman definition of volume.. Two different objects with the same shape and the same volume, can have significantly different mass. Example is water with 1 g/cm^3 density, and iron with 7.9 g/cm^3 density, gold with 19.3 g/cm^3. The same volume, but 19x bigger mass.
  23. Elimination of some species, which are part of bigger network in their ecosystem, without truly understanding this ecosystem, can have unexpected, dramatic, irreparable consequences.. e.g. you should ask what are animals eating mosquitoes (which also includes their larvae stage of life!) https://www.google.com/search?q=mosquito+eating+animals https://www.orkin.com/other/mosquitoes/mosquito-predators/
  24. ...a drop of water bores through rock ...
  25. For normal people of Ukraine and Russia, it would be great news.. for politician leaders, oligarchs and businessmen around the current governments, it would be complete disaster..
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