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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Get personal firewall, check in logs, what is true IP of website with given name, and then add to blocked by firewall. Alternatively if virus is asking for website by domain name, you can always replace local DNS in e.g. c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts e.g. if you will place there line: www.google.com you should block Google to show up in your web browsers.. This way you should be able to prevent anything which is looking up true IP address by name (gethostbyname() in BSD socket library), by giving incorrect result. If virus is prepared for it, it will detect such thing, it'll try different domain name or/and will try by direct IP address. Modern antivirus apps, are for idiots, which means its client does not have to have any knowledge about subject and still have to use it, which means client has no idea what he/she is doing and/or relying completely on authors of the app..
  2. Sensei

    Hot ice

    Yes. But cheaper would be to get sodium hydroxide and acetic acid alone, and mix them in the right proportions. They are used in kitchen and toilet for unblocking pipes.
  3. No. It's response in the correct thread. ..or you didn't understand my reply.. Suppose so human being meets omniscience entity, and asks some important for him/her question e.g. "when will I die?".. Omniscience entity can tell exact date of death only exclusively when there is existing one and only one perfectly deterministic Universe.. In non-deterministic parallel Universes human being is dying at any picosecond/femtosecond/fraction of second of his/her life.. so any given answer will be true in some parallel Universe. Many people would treat such convoluted reply as sign of not being omniscience, because they learned that there is just one possible answer (it would be true in the single perfectly deterministic Universe). If multiverse/parallel Universes theory is false, then there must be only one Universe. This one. Then there can't be infinite many universes if there is just 1. Maybe you misinterpreted what I called "question about state of Universe".
  4. In Multiverses and parallel Universes any answer to any question (about state of the Universe, pure mathematics excluded) is true in "infinite" quantity of parallel Universes, and is also false in "infinite" quantity of parallel Universes.
  5. Good timing. I bought today YL-96 moisture sensor for Arduino. Similar to this one: You connect it to analog pin on Arduino e.g. A0. This code can be used to read sensor, and send data directly to the computer: static const int pinHumidity = A0; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: while( !Serial ) { delay( 100 ); } pinMode( pinHumidity, INPUT ); Serial.begin( 9600 ); Serial.println( "setup ok!" ); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: int state = analogRead( pinHumidity ); Serial.println( state ); delay( 1000 ); } It's returning 1023 when sensor is in the air, and lower, and lower values, when it's put deeper and deeper in water container (that's what I checked). Fully immersed in the water was returning ~240. Notice that your pH and moisture sensor (unlike mine), has two different metals used for two different electrodes. Their tips is yet another metal.
  6. Multiverse is hypothesis that there is infinite quantity of Universes with different quantum constants. Because they differ from this Universe, they evolve differently e.g. if you will change mass of electron (~510998.928 eV/c^2), you will have different ionization energy of Hydrogen (~13.6 eV) and other elements, and different spectral lines. It affects everything, e.g. inorganic and organic chemistry, gas collapse, star formation and its life cycle, galaxy formation, planet formation etc. etc. Parallel Universes is hypothesis that there is infinite quantity of Universes with the same quantum constants as this Universe, but with different history. e.g. in one parallel Universe you exist, in second one parallel Universe you don't exist. In one you dies today, in other one you dies tomorrow, in yet another one you dies at 100 years and so on, so on..
  7. No, you should go to MRI, to verify internal fat in your body. From plain BMI you cannot get enough information about it.
  8. Not at all. It's story about conservation of energy (which is stored in food or other resources). There was story for children about squirrels (or other animals). One squirrel entire summer was busy gathering nuts for autumn and winter. Second was busy enjoying life and playing. The squirrel, who collected food for winter, survived harder times. He is like animal who in summer was not gathering food for winter.. There is needed healthy balance between learning, working, training & enjoying life. Somebody who is concentrating on just one of them, will have problems (economical, healthy or mental problems). Majority of people on this world would say that you also don't have "true job".. i.e. job that is indispensable.. e.g. if there would no worldwide abundance of food, no mass production of crops, plants and meat, or there would be collapse of global economic, writer (or other intellectualist) would be the first one who would be jobless (people can survive without books, but can't survive without food). Somebody producing food, fuel, energy for production of food, creating, programming and maintaining electric and electronics devices, would have indispensable job position.
  9. If you're getting crashes (and application is shutdown) you can try to surround potentially crashing code by e.g. try { [..code which is crashing..] } catch( Exception e ) { Log.e( TAG, Log.getStackTraceString( e ) ); // or Log.e( TAG, MSG, e ); } Prevent shutdown of application. Replace it by user-friendly error message. Then do what I said in the 2nd post and surround code by e.g. if( Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21 ) { ... }
  10. Men with depression usually are choosing to hang them self (in the country with easy access to guns, they are used instead). This method has almost 100% efficiency. Nobody of friends and family know about their internal problems, as they are reluctant to reveal their state of mind. Women with depression usually are choosing to overdose medicament. This method has pretty small efficiency. They're also more keen to reveal that they have mental problems to friends and family. Looking up absolute numbers might give you misleading information. You should also look up for unsuccessful attempts, and diagnosed depression. What is your diet? Are you liking or not liking extremely spicy dishes? I recommend e.g. Vietnamese spicy and sorrow soup, double portion or twice a day. You should immediately see you're feeling better after eating it. Capsaicin is an active component of chili peppers. It is common for people to experience pleasurable and even euphoric effects from ingesting capsaicin. There are produced and released endorphins (natural narcotics). Search net how to produce and release endorphins other ways.
  11. I meant configure emulator to the same Android API level as is in your physical device.
  12. @tim.tdj was asking about TOFI (thin-outside-fat-inside). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TOFI "To classify an individual as TOFI, it is essential to measure their internal fat content. This is done by using magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI) or CT scanning.:"
  13. Try running emulator configured to the same version as your target device. If you will use method not existing in old API, it will obviously cause crash.
  14. I would use comment in XML i.e. <!---- ..... ---> to disable the first android.gms.common.SignInButton (compile and check logs), and then disable second com.facebook.login.widget.LoginButton.. then both.. To check which one, or both, are causing issue.. What are privileges required by login/sign in buttons?
  15. Old-school debugging (I am using it all-the-time every day, as I am old-school creator ) method is to add lines which print text and/or numbers e.g. printf( "1\n" ); [..code..] printf( "2\n" ); [..code..] printf( "3\n" ); [..code..] printf( "4\n" ); [..code..] printf( "5\n" ); Add equivalent in your app, run it, and you will see which part of code is causing issue ("drm.service.enabled true" will be between your debugging texts/numbers). (multi-threading could complicate it a bit) In the first stage, it does not have to be at every single line. It could be at the begging of function (or method) and at the end of function, to learn which function is troublesome. Then fill function with more denser debugging. After learning troublesome line, remove debugging lines. See debugging info couple lines above error lines there are warnings about unresolved methods. If you see such, you should check Android SDK website to check which API is needed to call them e.g. "setTintMode added in API level 21 public void setTintMode (PorterDuff.Mode tintMode) Specifies a tint blending mode for this drawable. Defines how this drawable's tint color should be blended into the drawable before it is drawn to screen. Default tint mode is PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN." The same setTintList() API level 21. You should use something like if( Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21 ) { ... } or API names, instead of numbers, from Build.VERSION_CODES https://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/Build.VERSION_CODES
  16. Show source code.. and line which is creating this error..
  17. 'Box' word has couple different meaning depending on context. In UI (user interface) programming there are control elements such as text-box, list-box, check-box, combo-box. Moderators jump in just a few cases: 1) somebody is rude 2) thread is derailed to off-topic 3) thread was put in the wrong section of the forum (e.g. to Mainstream Physics instead of Speculations).. I don't think so this forum is life business for owners of this forum. And we hope so it will stay this way.. That would easily degenerate this forum..
  18. There was couple fatal airplane accidents and crashes, in which thousands of people died because airplane pilots were tired.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilot_fatigue "A Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) study of 55 human-factor aviation accidents from 1978 to 1999, concluded accidents increased proportionally to the amount of time the captain had been on duty" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effects_of_fatigue_on_safety See graph of how percentage of crashes increase with hours of driving. If you were a genius, you would not ask us for help in answering your questions.
  19. It's more difficult (and more expensive) to build human-like android with full AI, than building remote controlled robot prepared just to single task..
  20. Electric neutral particle called photon, with energy E=hv (in English units E=hf), where h - Planck constant, v and f - frequency of photon. The larger frequency, the shorter wavelength, the larger photon has energy.
  21. FFI has been diagnosed in 40 families and 100 people worldwide (according to Wikipedia). Are you one of them? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatal_insomnia "If only one parent has the gene, the offspring have a 50% risk of inheriting it and developing the disease. With onset usually around middle age, potential parents must be tested if they wish to avoid passing FFI on to their children." The easiest fix would be not having offspring and let mutation to disappear from human population. ...or a bit more complex, replace normal sexual intercourse impregnation, by in-vitro method (obviously just these 100 people worldwide).. Each embryo should be checked against whether it has unwanted mutation of gene and only the one with correct DNA should be used..
  22. During sleeping human brain is translating short-term memory and working memory to long-term memory. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-term_memory#Encoding_of_information There are neurological malfunctions (caused by e.g. accident in which brain has been damaged) in which people are remembering just a single day of life. After waking up the next day, they don't remember what happened in previous day, but remember their entire life to the moment of accident. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2914200/
  23. I "invented" flying agricultural drones for cutting fruits when my grape covered neighborhood tree. Every single branch, up to 15 meters of height of tree, had bunches of grapes..
  24. Computer is a tool. You can make better tool using worser tool.
  25. Single apple has mass 250-300 grams. Single apple tree can have at max 100-120 kg of apples (300-500 pieces) (from what I found on farming forum). Flying drone is using its camera and computer on board to find apple (simple analyze of pixels from camera in the right colors), fly to it close enough automatically (up to e.g. 10 meters (height of tree) above the ground). Then control is took by human who can precisely cut fruit (transmission of drone's camera through Internet). Then control is took by computer and fly back to the ground where is waiting bigger container. Fruit is released. And everything is repeated. Drone at single round is doing at max. just 20 meters up-and-down route (double height of tree).
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