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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Pesticides and hormones are added not without the reason.. Mass production of food for large population at low cost forced farmers to find a way to prevent crops from being attacked by bugs, fungi and microbes (which always existed and caused starvation in the past since the discovery of agriculture thousands years ago).. Hormones are added to increase rate of growth. I agree with you that addition of them badly influences human body, so their usage should be reduced to reasonable minimum. The more people is living on the Earth (overpopulation), the more food is needed for them, which requires using mass production accelerating techniques such as pesticides, antibiotics and growth hormones. In my opinion the best would be to build hermetic agricultural skyscrapers, 50+ floors, with hydroponics, monitored in the real-time, with robots and drones which will take care of plants. If microbes, fungi or bugs would appear in them, single floor could be easily decontaminated. If overpopulation won't be prevented, future human generations won't be able to enjoy the real food, but e.g. artificial meat (aka "cultured meat", "clean meat"), artificial organic compounds, will be the only option. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultured_meat It's possible to make microorganisms (GMO) which will make the all needed for human proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, etc. and culture them instead of the real animals and the real plants. Animals on the farms won't suffer anymore (and won't even exist (only in ZOO), as not needed anymore).
  2. Electrons around nucleus are occupying electron shells and subshells. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_shell Neutral Lithium has 3 protons, 3 electrons in configuration 1s2, 2s1, but has just one valence electron on 2s1 which is given away if it's in ionic form. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valence_electron https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_configuration
  3. There are Darwin's trees (aka "phylogenetic tree") for viruses and microbes. Google for "ebola virus tree" in graphics mode. There are even real-time interactive one.. Search net for "phylogenetic tree virus [name of virus]"..
  4. What do you mean? To make AR you just need GPS, and camera.. and eventually accelerometer in device.. Application is taking photo in the real-time, analyzing position using GPS, and adding new 3D rendered elements on the photo, and show it to the user of device (instead of plain photo). It's very battery exhausting task. Even using GPS all the time (like 1 read per second) is very battery exhausting task. Smartphone/tablet developer does not need any special support from Apple, Google, Samsung, apart from already existing and mentioned sensors. That's nonsense. Nobody "develop software" (I assume "for smartphone") on the street. It's not even possible on smartphone itself (not on the street). You need to have Android Studio (or XCode) installed on PC/Mac/Linux. It requires a lot more memory than the real smartphone device. The majority of work is in thought what to make, not actual writing code.. What editing photo or video has to do with AR.. ?
  5. Without atmosphere, water would not be liquid anymore, because of lack of enough pressure required to keep it in liquid state (e.g. drop of pressure from 101 kPa to 1 kPa) . It would freeze (at least on the surface.. at larger depth and closer to volcano it could still remain liquid because of internal heat of the Earth) or turn to vapor. Ice is white, so it would reflect the majority of the sunlight, without significantly absorbing it.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowball_Earth
  6. ...conditions would be almost like on the Moon i.e. in the sunlight +127 C, in the shadow -173 C.. (Oxygen and Nitrogen are 99% of Earth's atmosphere) There is huge difference between title of your thread (Oxygen and Nitrogen gone), and contents of your post later (changed physics i.e. UV photons not absorbed by air and arriving to the surface).
  7. Plastic from bottles is transparent while caps have colorful one (and made of more precious plastic, thus in some countries they're recycled in lotteries i.e. "return X caps, and you will receive free gift" or so). So it would be trivial to verify if plastic found in stomach/stools are from bottles or caps.
  8. Just recently released article on The Guardian (two weeks ago): https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/oct/22/microplastics-found-in-human-stools-for-the-first-time "Microplastics found in human stools for the first time *). Study suggests the tiny particles may be widespread in the human food chain" *) hard to believe..
  9. What pH tells you about solution? What does it measure.. ? What reaction occurs between acid and base.. ?
  10. It's impossible. I have never heard of virologist or microbiologist disagreeing with microevolution and macroevolution, when they simply see it in their labs on daily basis. That's why they have so much of work (finding new medicament for viruses and microbes), just because of little mutations in microbes every day..
  11. Thermal radiation (aka "black-body radiation") https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_radiation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black-body_radiation Annihilation of matter-antimatter. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annihilation e.g. annihilation of electron-positron: [math]e^- + e^+ \rightarrow \gamma + \gamma + 1.022 MeV[/math] Decay of unstable particles like e.g. neutral pion meson. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pion [math]\pi^0 \rightarrow \gamma + \gamma + 135 MeV[/math]
  12. So you would be in the same position as scientist who invented Cloud Chamber (aka "Wilson Chamber"). That's Nobel prize worth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Thomson_Rees_Wilson They also didn't know how to interpret what they were seeing. So started experimenting. That's science. Discovery -> experiments -> results -> analyze of data -> conclusions and equations. These people spend their life making experiments.
  13. Particle collider like in CERN is not needed to make high energy particles experiments. Every second through your room there are flying cosmic ray particles, primary cosmic rays, and secondary cosmic rays. Alpha rays, beta rays, gamma rays etc. from decay of radioactive isotopes, or unstable particles. You can see them using Cloud Chamber (approximately $50 investment and willingness needed). You can see how it works on YouTube Google for "How to build Cloud Chamber", do it, and you will be playing with it even this week. The difference between particle detector at CERN or so, and your own, is that in home CC, you won't be able to make really high energy particles by yourself, but you will have to rely on the one which are from the Sun, cosmos, or external radioactive source. You will be at the same position as any quantum physicists from the first half of XX century. Cloud Chambers were used to detect positrons (anti-matter), muons, pions, kaons... Nobel prize worth receiving discoveries.. This comment shows how important are school experiments performed by children by them self..
  14. Living organisms learn the environment in which they live using their sensors like eyes, ears, nose, taste, touch. Undermining data from your own sensors would disallow learning about environment. Scientists are making observation of event, gathering data on timeline, creating mathematical model of it ("physical equation"), which allows later to interpolate or extrapolate data, and predict future and past. In the majority of scientific disciplines it is possible to perform experiment to repeat observation and gather data again, precisely control experiment to remove variables or add new variables if needed. Anybody can gain experimental knowledge, or verify existing ones, without having to believe on word just reading scientific book. The less variables the better prediction will be. It's called "closed system", "isolated system". Cosmos is not isolated system, therefor one day comet Halley won't return at the right time, when its path will be disturbed by other cosmic object. It's at the moment returning after 75.32 years. In the future it might hit planet, being captured by planet, path can be disturbed etc. etc. It's does not invalidate current observational data. They are true at the moment. After millions, or billions of years, they won't be true anymore. The main difference between religion and science, is that in science you don't have to purely rely on words in ancient books, but you can perform experiments from books, verify them, and get to the same conclusions, the same equations as living in the past scientists. And perhaps find out they didn't include some variable in their equation, and extend their initial thought, extend knowledge base of humankind by yourself.
  15. "Stable under normal conditions but will absorb the moisture in the air and react with carbon dioxide to form salts. Decomposes when exposed to sunlight. Oxidizes slowly in air, turns yellow and then brown. This reaction will accelerate due to the presence of heat and metals." (from Material Safety Data Sheet)
  16. People claiming that Einstein was wrong, or scientists are wrong etc., often even don't know and understand Newtonian classical physics..
  17. Hate speech is just manifestation of hate thinking.. So what, if people would be shutup by e.g. Internet censorship if they will continue personally thinking this way.. and teach their kids to hate others.. Because of freedom of speech such frustrates have opportunity to reveal their true face, and at least partially release abnormal and ridiculous anger at e.g. minorities (or whoever they hate).. Introduction of e.g. Internet censorship would not wipe out the problem, but just put it below carpet to darkness, where it would still exist..
  18. Many years ago, there was performed "mouse utopia experiment". Search YouTube for this keyword to see movies about it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavioral_sink Rats/mice were put in hermetic building, with abundance of food. They started breeding without limits. At the nearly end of the experiment, before final extinction, scientists noticed that they started having sexual intercourse with the same gender mice.. Overpopulation causes aggression, conflicts and stress. High stress level means high testosterone level in pregnant females. Which resulted in higher than normal amount of newly born homosexual offspring..
  19. We just discussed it in the other thread... https://www.scienceforums.net/topic/116643-is-our-response-to-be-happy-at-something-hardwired-in-dna-up-to-what-level-we-can-change-it/ The answer which you're seeking for is in the post #5.
  20. If you know who is your close relative (on the family tree we can check degree of kinship), this knowledge could be used during e.g. transplantation of organs, or predictions of possibility to have genetic illness in the case of marriage etc. Animals that are closely related to humans are used to check drugs before being released for human use.
  21. Do you remember you can simply plug it to regular hammer drill, right.. ? I have one (the cheapest one Dexter Power 810W for $30) which has switch to change direction, button which controls speed of rotation, and it supports up to 8 mm drill bits. Because speed of rotation is controlled by you, it's more difficult to hurt yourself. My cheap mini grinder has not control of speed of rotation, so it's much easier to cut yourself with it. It runs at full speed as soon as you press the button.
  22. Details how to build organs are inherited from previous generations in genes. Useless organs are vanishing (e.g. tail in humans). Useful organs are developing.
  23. After rereading your code, and revising fiveworlds comment, I see now why he could have objections (or rather advice), but he didn't mention alternative.. JUMPLT (in the real MIPS/Motorola code "BLT" = "Branch on Less Than"), together with EXIT, could be replaced by reverse of it i.e. JUMPGE (in the real code "BGE" = "Branch on Greater or Equal"). 33 line is right below EXIT, so after change it will be at 32 line (EXIT will be gone), and branch will skip entire section..
  24. There are devices (like watches) which measure how long distance you walked or run every day. https://www.amazon.com/slp/walking-meter/6opwejsn8xgu5pq They can store that data in database and show on timeline graph, day by day, hour by hour. (There are also available apps on Google Play Store and Apple Store, which will turn your smartphone to walking/distance meter. But enabled all the time GPS is exhausting battery very quickly) They would help you to measure your progress and encourage for training. Every day extend distance by some more.
  25. Many years ago, there was performed "mouse utopia experiment". Search YouTube for this keyword to see movies about it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavioral_sink Rats/mice were put in hermetic building, with abundance of food. They started breeding without limits. At the nearly end of the experiment, before final extinction, scientists noticed that they started having sexual intercourse with the same gender mice.. Overpopulation causes aggression, conflicts and stress. High stress level means high testosterone level in pregnant females. Which resulted in higher than normal amount of newly born homosexual offspring..
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