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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Works for me: [math]\frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x} = \frac{f(x+h)- f(x)}{h}[/math] [math]y = \int{ f(x) dx }[/math] @113 After sending message with Latex you need to refresh website.. It's very annoying, because if you have error in manually typed Latex, you will have to reedit multiple times, prior there is final error-free version. Older version of forum software allowed to preview post with Latex prior sending it.
  2. Do you have any idea how much centimeters of solid Lead do you need to shield against radioactive radiation... ?
  3. The all things you mentioned in this list, are correlated. The more people is living on the Earth, the more they want to have, then the more resources are needed to be mined, and the more air pollution is caused by factories processing these resources.. the more people, the more garbage and waste, they produce.. and so on, so on.. The all these things are interconnected in very complex way.. The easiest to address is probably deforestation. People are cutting trees to have new lands for houses and farms. But they can (should) build skyscrapers, and "agricultural skyscrapers", to save land space. The more people are using computers, and electronics, the less they require the real paper. The more people are using concrete, the less they need wood for houses (they're also less vulnerable for insects, and last longer). I would add couple items to your list: Increase of water level (worldwide flooding, caused by melting of Arctic, Antarctica and Greenland). Shortage of drinkable fresh water. Extinction of natural flora and fauna. e.g. change of temperature of water can kill krill and plankton, breaking food chain, and causing massive starvation of upper level organisms. Change of natural oceanic water currents (which can change climate on the land).
  4. @005626f776RE Photoelectric effect is creating free electrons. Photon is completely absorbed and disappears from the system.
  5. If it is true, it's just to test of software whether it'll be able to make influence, and whether it'll be detected.. I would make database of IP of such bots, and when somebody comes to e.g. Google, YouTube, MSN, BBC, CNN (it requires cooperation between IT and media companies), there would be showed message on the top of page, that his/her IP was used to send such messages (with list of these messages with links and dates). These people might be unaware that hackers installed malware software on their machines, and are writing and spreading comments around the Internet, using their IP. It should encourage these people to format their HDD and install fresh new OS (without malware anymore, at least for some time). This is to make people aware they're part of botnet, so they will be able to do something with it.. @iNow Disagree. It would degrade value of the second word. Search engine bots would treat them as one. There is name for it: disinformator. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disinformation It has even Russian origin. They're called "bots", because somebody seating in control room, is controlling entire network of intercepted hacked computers ("botnet"). Such person is telling his/her bots what to spread, when to spread it, on which portals, and they are starting working at the right moment automatically. Such software can be also installed on intercepted routers, WiFi modems and smartphones. Somebody might pretend me, somewhere, right now. And writing compromising me words "on my behalf" (because it has the same IP).
  6. "The same particle" is indistinguishable from "particle with the same properties"..
  7. Photoelectric effect is different from photosensitivity... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_halide In photoelectric effect photon is absorbed, and slower/faster electrons are ejected..
  8. In Standard Model, having "no mass" often means having "no rest-mass"... Can you put photon to rest? No.. Particles with rest-mass can be accelerated on demand (in lab), decelerated on demand.. they can have various different speeds.. Photoelectric effect can be observed by naked eye, without any device. In XIX century, when photoelectric effect has been discovered, there was no precise electronic/electric instruments. Life on the Earth exists just because of light (=photons) from the Sun... Photons are absorbed/scattered, and increases energy of atoms they hit. Atoms are excited. Which can be detected by humans as e.g. increase of temperature. New photons (typically) with lower energies are emitted (in IR/MW spectrum range). Matter absorbs energy, and releases energy, all the time.
  9. Footsteps leaved on the Moon by astronauts will last millions or billions of year, as long as no meteorite will hit close to them...
  10. They're totally completely different. Web development is HTML, CSS, a bit JavaScript in something more complex (the more experienced webmasters can use PHP, Java, CGI (C/C++) on server side) .. but mobile apps development for e.g. Android is Java programming mostly (the more experienced programmers use C# .NET Framework with Unity/Unreal game engines).
  11. Definitely web development. You don't even have to install anything but you can use built-in web browser (Internet Explorer on Windows, or Safari on MacOS), with built-in text editor (i.e. Notepad, Wordpad). You can download special programmer's text editor like ConTEXT. It's highlighting HTML syntax, which will be useful for beginners. Use W3Schools for learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript and a bit of PHP. However, to develop mobile phone apps, you need to have high end machine ("for gamers"), with minimum 8 GB ram, GFX card 2 GB or more, Core i7+ 4-6 cores, 1 TB HDD is recommended. Otherwise you won't be even able to test your apps on emulator. It's plausible to test mobile apps on the real smartphone/tablet, instead of emulator, but it would very tiresome for somebody unexperienced (i.e. making many mistakes, which needs instant checking).
  12. In different languages momentum has different name, velocity has different name, energy has different name. And they won't match your "numerology" mom=eva anymore.. German momentum is "Impuls", velocity is "Geschwindigkeit". Common symbol of momentum is not Mom, but p. You altered it to match your hypothesis.
  13. Is the experiment just for you, or is it homework.. ? Experiment just for you, you can change at any time. e.g. use couple different LED diodes, red, green, blue and white, UV, IR. Same power of them. The same plants below them. And compare (record on timelapse!) how they grow under influence of different color light. From timelapse photo sequence you will be able to make video for YouTube (which will be able to make you money from ads for your future projects). Do you have Arduino? That could be used for gathering data from sensors like temperature, humidity, pressure. I suggest getting Arduino-clone with built-in WiFi module (costs $11). Thanks to WiFi, it'll be possible to read sensors from smartphone in the real-time. Put the all timelapse photos, and data from sensors in CSV database, with time of reading and their value at that time.
  14. Interesting and easy project for Arduino. IR diode with serial class used to get data on the computer. #include <Serial.h> static const int pinIR = A0; // let it be at analog pin... void setup() { pinMode( pinIR , INPUT ); Serial.begin( 9600 ); } void loop() { int state = analogRead( pinIR ); Serial.println( state ); } Then use Tools > Serial Plotter to see what has been received on graph. Press the all TV remote controller buttons one by one. If the above code will work, the next step could be LCD screen shield with buttons, with SD card shield. Press button to start recoding to memory, press button again to stop recording. Program buttons to pick up one of recorded already sequences, and replay them using IR emitting diode.
  15. You're writing nonsense. In Islam it is also forbidden to have intercourse and have children with your family members.. In very small, very close related communities, marriages used to be arranged, because older members knew how close men and women were related.. To disallow unwanted mutations (without knowing the truth = science). The more people are educated, the more they know about quantum physics, chemistry, biology, biotechnology, etc. etc. the less you have such accidental breeding with somebody who has very similar genes as you have (in the "Gattaca" movie, they put it to extremity where sexual partners are testing them self, prior having any sexual relationship). ps. (after your re-editing of post) you didn't understand my reply.. I was not arguing from religious point of view.. microorganisms, plants and animals have no religion at all..
  16. Quality versus quantity.. microorganisms, and very simple animals, can have multimillion of eggs and children. The more advanced living organism, the less chance to lose children, the less children they have, and instead they put more attention to their development. Marie Curie, had two, one of them received Nobel Prize as well.. Grandchild was also quantum physicists.. One can have sex every day, with different women, and have almost as many children as days of life, and then pay no attention to their growing up, development, and teach nothing.. Unless you will use website (like this one), which can be read by the all your children, at the same time, if they're interested..
  17. (simplified classical) potential energy of object at height dh, above the ground level, is given by formula: [math]E=m g \Delta h [/math] Your inputs are: what is mass of bridge structure (m).. ? what is dh (distance between road level, and water level)... ?
  18. Google addresses only visitor needs.. I am seeing just "Arduino Starter Kits", "Arduino WiFi modules", "Arduino Bluetooth modules" etc. etc. everywhere..
  19. I love either falcon and hawk.. "Flying alligator" could be misunderstood by some as message from "reptilians"..
  20. People want to "have"... to have something in this version of the Universe they have to pay for it.. using "money"... (some) people steal to get money, people kill to get money, (some) people kill to remove witnesses who have been robbed, (some) people kill even parents, and close relatives, wives, husbands, to get money from heritage.. No money = no reason to make majority of the crimes.. ps. Everything that everyone possesses is in the possession of the creator of the Universe, who has made the all atoms and the all particles of this and all the Universes. Nothing belongs to people. It is just borrowed..
  21. Proprietary DLL-s can have SDK on manufacturer's website. If there is no public available SDK, there is no easy way to access these functions (apart from reverse engineering applications which utilize these functions), as you have no idea what to call, and in what order and with what parameters etc.. Maybe because it should be /exports rather than /export ... https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/756as972.aspx (after going to \bin\ dir and trying to run dumpbin, I had error missing mspdb80.dll .. you have to locate it on disk and copy to the same folder as dumpbin).
  22. "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."... Albert Einstein
  23. [math]e^- + e^+ \rightarrow \gamma + \gamma + 1.022 MeV[/math] Prior annihilation we have charge Q=-1e + 1e = 0e After annihilation we have charge Q=0e + 0e = 0e Prior annihilation we have rest-mass 2*me (and energy E=2mec2= 2 * 0.511 MeV = 1.022 MeV) After annihilation we have energy E = 2 * 0.511 MeV = 1.022 MeV) in two gamma photons (after a while they're absorbed and/or scattered by matter, and changes to less energetic photons in much larger quantity).
  24. Majority of people think about "background radiation" as something which happens outside of organism.. But what I am talking about is taking place inside of living organism. Carbon C-14 and Potassium K-40 are ingested, in food and air, becoming part of living organism, and in the worst scenario becoming part of DNA, and then decaying in unpredictable, random, moment. Human with 80 kg mass, has approximately ~2900 decays per second of Carbon C-14 (~250 millions per day), and 10125 decays per second of Potassium K-40 (~875 millions per day). It's not a thing that happens outside of human organism, but inside of it. DNA or cell molecule is damaged, straight away. These decays have significant decay energies (in comparison to f.e. oxidants, or other chemical reactions). One such decay process has million times more energy than chemical reaction (Potassium-40 -> Calcium-40 + e- + Ve + 1.31108 MeV) Indeed, UV photons are not able to penetrate skin from outside. Can cause only small damage of skin, thus skin cancer. But I am talking about damage from inside, by ingested radioactive isotopes. If somebody wants to argue with me, then be my guest, and perform experiment. Prepare two samples of microorganisms from the same source. The first sample will get Carbon C-14 and Potassium K-40, in natural amount. Second sample will get no C-14 nor K-40 in any food, at any time. Compare samples after months, and years of experiment. Another experiment - make C-14 enriched CO2 , and give it to plants. And observe what happens with plants, and animals which are growing up on such feed, in months and years..
  25. Mention of Cloud Chamber was just to learn you that majority of primary cosmic rays have origin at the Sun. You claimed "they don’t originate from the sun.".. Anybody who has CC knows you said nonsense basing just on frequency of visible traces in day and night.
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