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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. "Food and drink"... how do you think "food and drink" became radioactive?! It's Carbon C-14.. which is created by cosmic rays in reactions: [math]p^+ + p^+ \rightarrow p^+ + n^0 + \pi^+[/math] [math]_7^{14}N + n^0 \rightarrow _6^{14}C + p^+[/math] It's very relevant, as they have the largest kinetic energies from the all radiation sources.. I just pointed out you made mistake saying they're not from the Sun! While Cloud Chamber is just to show, they're from the Sun (but you have no bloody idea about it).
  2. Wrong analogy. Driver is like user of network, mechanic is like admin of network, and engineer of car is like programmer who programmed protocols, and programs using network. The thing is, network admin who has no clue how to make network programs, or any programs, will be also clueless how to fight with serious hacker attack (especially from inside of network, when e.g. somebody with trojan will visit network and spread it inside of LAN).. I just said admins should be more knowledgeable.. and you're replying that you are fine with less knowledgeable.. I don't get it..
  3. Build Cloud Chamber, and you will see... almost nothing at the night.. almost no traces.. The largest quantity of traces in CC is at noon. C'mon.. e.g. C-14 which is part of DNA is decaying to N-14... in the middle of cell division, chain is damaged.. People want to have healthy children. I understand it. They beg for it. I understand it. If there is risk of unhealthy genetic mutation (because of past experience e.g. issues in family), there should be considered in-vitro procedure, to decrease chance of appearing illness in the next generations.
  4. Mutations happen because of e.g. cosmic rays, mostly accelerated to relativistic velocity protons from the Sun, primary and secondary cosmic rays. They are passing through atmosphere, then through cells.. and e.g. change Nitrogen-14 to Carbon-14 in the air... which is absorbed by plants (CO2), then consumed by animals.. and causes random change in cells, if primary cosmic ray or secondary cosmic ray passed through DNA, or Carbon C-14 decayed, in the wrong moment, in the wrong molecule, and damaged molecules it's part of, or surrounding it molecules, inside of cell.. The more cosmic rays (activity of the Sun, activity of surrounding stars (explosion of supernova, nova etc. cosmic event) ), the more mutations plausible. Gold is good protection against cosmic rays (Lead is cheaper, but unhealthy). On ISS there is used water, as it's cheaper than Gold, and can be used for drinking and making fuel, and Oxygen for breathing. Astronauts can see cosmic rays, by their own eyes, closing them, they see "white dots" (like x-rays can be "seen" by camera).. If 1 per 1000 has not toes, it's definitely not dominant.. The question is: whether they will have children, or not.. Mutation will spread only when they will have children. There are example of such mutations e.g. multiple sclerosis. There is such the real mutation which started living its own way.. "dwarfism".. (I don't mind it, no big deal).. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Achondroplasia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwarfism Parents (both) with "dwarfism", very often have children with "dwarfism".. It reminds me family of dwarfs, who survived Auschwitz.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovitz_family They survived Auschwitz, just because they were so exciting to Mengele.. (not really bright) people want to spread their genes at any cost (i.e. have children), even though they know (from scientists, or medics) it's unwise, because there is high risk of spreading unwanted genetic mutations to the next generations.. in-vitro procedure can help them to have healthy children even though they have (or one of them), unwanted, unhealthy, dangerous mutation of genes.. If people will check whether they have risk of having unwanted, unhealthy mutations in genes, which could spread to the next generations, they can decide to have no children, or use in-vitro procedure instead, to carefully pick up embryo which is healthy, instead of relying on random guess and spread genetic mutations (and illness) to his/her offspring, and then to the next generations.. Religious people are praying God for "healthy children". To some level, human can decide whether child will be healthy or not, without genetic illnesses.. (extreme version of such children planning is presented in the movie "Gattaca")
  5. Poland is pushing the EU into crisis: ps. koti and Silvestru should be the most interested in this subject, after all they're Polish citizens..
  6. I believe so network administrator can't be taken too seriously if he/she is unable to write TCP/IP/UDP client and server by himself/herself. That's essential part of networking. Understanding how TCP/IP sockets work, knowledge about different protocols, how to make network applications, clients, servers, DNS lookup, etc. etc. Hacker attack on network administrated by person who has no knowledge how to make such attack (starting from DoS, DDoS) by himself/herself, would have much higher chance to be not even detected.. How do you think you will fight with eventual hackers attacking your infrastructure, if you don't know e.g. HTTP, FTP, DNS etc. etc. protocols.. ?
  7. Whisky is distilled beer.. and aged in post-wine barrels.. Jews call it "kosher".. don't mix mismatching ingredients.. (because it can cause stomach issues) (orthodox turned it to absurdist level..)
  8. Personally I think that somebody really interested in subject can learn much quicker bypassing educational system. On studies people learn what teacher is asking them to learn. But somebody really motivated to gain knowledge, can extend his/her knowledge by himself/herself much quicker, concentrating on thing he/she is really interested. In IT you don't need license like in e.g. medicine. PhD is just to show potential employer that you mastered subject. IT projects made by programmer (programs), speak for itself, without paper.
  9. Why do you bother so much about PhD? The majority of IT companies don't (shouldn't) bother about person's education while interview at position of programmer, as long as programmer has knowledge. On studies you won't learn everything. Industry is constantly changing. Good programmer is learning new things every day. And you have to learn by yourself, while writing new programs, every day. Write programs for yourself, everyday, instead of just writing code for customers or employers, for money. Serious IT companies at interview will ask you to make exercises like you can find on e.g. https://coderbyte.com/ (Google for "programming challenges" etc.) If you're unable to finish such exercises, you're not good programmer, and the most likely will fail at serious IT company interview. Check how much you're able to make such challenges. e.g. do you have Android or iOS smartphone? Did you write applications for it? You should do it.. Write dozen test applications for your smartphone, to check different Java Android classes, and how to use them. On interview show your new potential employer your own applications. They will learn you have knowledge, not just on piece of paper..
  10. Well, not really.. "The human microbiota is the aggregate of microorganisms that resides on or within any of a number of human tissues and biofluids, including the skin, mammary glands, placenta, seminal fluid, uterus, ovarian follicles, lung, saliva, oral mucosa, conjunctiva, biliary and gastrointestinal tracts. They include bacteria, archaea, fungi, protists and viruses. Though micro-animals can also live on the human body, they are typically excluded from this definition." "Humans are colonized by many microorganisms; the traditional estimate is that the average human body is inhabited by ten times as many non-human cells as human cells, but more recent estimates have lowered that ratio to 3:1 or even to approximately the same number.[2][3][4][5] Some microorganisms that colonize humans are commensal, meaning they co-exist without harming humans; others have a mutualistic relationship with their human hosts.[1]:700[6] Conversely, some non-pathogenic microorganisms can harm human hosts via the metabolites they produce, like trimethylamine, which the human body converts to trimethylamine N-oxide via FMO3-mediated oxidation.[7][8] Certain microorganisms perform tasks that are known to be useful to the human host but the role of most of them is not well understood. Those that are expected to be present, and that under normal circumstances do not cause disease, are sometimes deemed normal flora or normal microbiota.[1]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_microbiota
  11. Some answers you will find on Wikipedia pages: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porter_(beer) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stout
  12. You need to have 1) Internet connection, 2) smartphone, 3) bandwidth (Internet can have download limits), 4) you have to be interested about news, to read such warning on website(s). Free alert SMS would arrive regardless of the all four above requirements. I frequently see older people who have no smartphone, just obsolete almost 20 years old phones. They don't know how to use Internet, how to use smartphones, and see no need to fill this gap in their knowledge. Agreement. Such alert system should not be abused for trivial things. On the other hand, tornado is local event, such alert requires knowledge about location (from e.g. GPS) of person. It can easily be misused for invigilation purposes.
  13. To "see" atom, there is just needed Cloud Chamber. Atom is ionized by e.g. x-rays, ion and electron are accelerated in external electric field, and send through Cloud Chamber, which reveals path of particle (and few properties, like rest-mass and charge).
  14. You (and I!), are too used to software engineers.. In my description, I was thinking about building engineer. Somebody who is managing group of workers to make building, or something like that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Building_engineer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_engineer Somebody who is responsible for finishing building project at a right time, within budget.. "Software engineer" I am simply calling "programmer", therefor misunderstanding.. (including "senior software engineer" aka "project manager" etc. etc.)
  15. Engineer job is intellectual rather than mechanical. Engineer is instructing workers, what they should do.. and/or verifying whether worker did job correctly, and eventually how to fix it (if it's done inappropriately)..
  16. Worldwide transmission of Internet data through satellites is slower than through fiberwires underwater of oceans. Therefor fiberwires are preferred route.
  17. Water molecules in solid state (ice) have smaller density than in liquid state (therefor ice floats on the surface of liquid water), smaller density means larger volume.. therefor frozen water can damage glass bottle, hermetic metal container, or in biology, damage organism's cell (they can be/will be blowed up by growing size of ice crystals).. However, some organisms, especially single cell microorganisms, can have mutations, which allow them to survive freezing and unfreezing.
  18. Which bank? Tell website URL.. This way somebody here will be able to check whether they use, or not, PHP, JavaScript, AJAX, CGI, Java, etc. etc. Each bank can use different software and different hardware. Any modern bank will have entire network of servers in server room, not just one single machine. It's unlikely they're exactly the same hardware. Servers are upgraded with time by newer more modern machines. The most likely dual-CPU server motherboards with dual Xeons (because Core i9,i7,i5,i3 can't be plugged to dual-CPU mb)
  19. 22 years * 365.25 day/year = 8035 days / 138.376 days/half-life = ~58 5 grams / 2^58 = ~1.735 *10^-17 grams.. 22 half-lives, not 22 years. 5 g / 2^22 = ~1 ug.
  20. You made error on the first page, in the simple addition and subtraction... Apparently not enough intuitive for you..
  21. You wrote: 50 = -11y -56z + 700 but it should be 50 = -11y - 54z + 700 .......
  22. Bismuth relatively stable isotope is Bi-209. After neutron capture, it'll become Bi-210. Majority of it will beta decay minus to Po-210 with half-life 5.012(5) days. The question is where do you get enough free neutrons to make enough Po-210 fuel.. ? 1 gram of Po-210 is approximately 1 g / 210 g/mol = ~0.0047619 mol * 6.022141*10^23 = 2.86768619*10^21 atoms (and free (slow/thermal) neutrons required to make it). (too fast neutrons will destroy nucleus, and cause e.g. proton-emission)
  23. Your values are incorrect. If they would be correct, substitution of x,y,z in equations would give correct results.. That's how you can verify correctness - by substitution (in the all three equations at the same time obviously)..
  24. Second equation is: 21x + 3y - 5z = 50 but after using your values we get: 21*11.51 + 3*(-25.25) - 5*16.57 = 83.11
  25. (Modern) strawberries are created by human.. "The garden strawberry was first bred in Brittany, France, in the 1750s via a cross of Fragaria virginiana from eastern North America and Fragaria chiloensis, which was brought from Chile by Amédée-François Frézier in 1714.[2] " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strawberry ...and humans made their own, sweeter, bigger, less vulnerable for insects, etc. etc... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breeding_of_strawberries
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