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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Buy second phone just for international travel.. Dump of memory of device prior travel, disable the all transmission, don't use device, travel, dump of memory of device after travel. Comparison of these two, to find changes. If they differs, what are differences, which files and directories have changed... ? It could be infection from external source (not necessarily government of countries which you just visited)..
  2. They are fooling you. They can make duplicate of entire memory of device, and then run brute-force method on emulator of device on supercomputer cluster with thousands machines running parallel.
  3. @Nightmara Tiny amount of Lead is everywhere, in the air that you're breathing, because it is/was used by oil industry to produce certain types of fossil-oil-based fuels like gasoline/petrol (Lead compounds as addition to fuel) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gasoline#Leaded_gasoline_controversy,_1924–1925 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetraethyllead Some countries banned fuels with Lead addition not so long ago. ps. If you bother about yours and family health, you should buy solar panels, install them on the roof, and buy electric car. If everybody would give up fossil-based fuels, many problems with people health would be gone..
  4. You're using the same equation ([math]F(r) = (1-\frac{R}{r}) k_e \frac{q_1 q_2}{r^2}[/math] ) for either force and energy (page 3).. But they have different units.. You need to address it first. It's obvious omission.
  5. Potassium Nitrate, and Magnesium Sulfate, are salts of stronger acid than ascorbic acid..
  6. To fight with serious fire of forest there is used completely different technique than water. Cut (or even burn in controlled manner) trees in direction of wind before fire arrives to area, and fire stops because of lack of fuel (wood). Fire can't pass through region in which there are just ashes.
  7. There used to be couple threads on this forum about possibility of creation of silicon based life forms, and conclusions were that silicon compounds don't have many solvents which could play similar role like water in Carbon-based life forms. Google for "scienceforums.net silicon life"
  8. On very hot planet Carbon-based organic compounds could not exist enough long to support Carbon-based organic life. e.g. some proteins are starting denaturing at >= 41 C. Majority of them in range 44-50 C. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denaturation_(biochemistry) Google for "denaturation temperature of protein" and then "denaturation temperature of dna". However, if some civilization created artificial life forms, AI/AGI, and only electronic life forms survived, they could stand temperature ranges impossible for Carbon-based organic life forms. Majority of human TV/Internet data transmission is not using radio waves, but fiberwire these days. Cellphones and cells have so small power that even somebody on the Earth couldn't catch everybody, not to mention, somebody on the Moon, Mars, or distant planet in other star system.
  9. Compulsive behavior.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compulsive_behavior Was Pioneeer amp turned on? If it was turned on, maybe he didn't like the music? Or it was too loud for him.. That depends on parent, whether child is talking, reading and writing. People spending little time with kid and/or not talking with him/her, not reading books, not teaching how each letter is looking like etc. etc. obviously will have illiterate kids..
  10. Did you ask him why he is doing it.. ? Such behavior has some source. Lack of attention from parents comes to mind the first. By doing something which he knows will upset you, he is informing that "I am here!".. At such age some kids are even able to read books.. Did you teach him?
  11. To disallow making mistake there is typically added % character prior binary number e.g. 1 = %0001 2 = %0010 4 = %0100 8 = %1000 Hexadecimal number should have prefix $ or 0x e.g. 255 = $FF = 0xFF
  12. Professional hackers are using key-loggers. They send to victim Trojan software (in e.g. e-mail with link which after clicking it, is infecting their computer), which installs on their machine, and when user is logging in to some website, and pressing keys on keyboard, hacker is informed about what is password straight away without having to guess it. It does not require brute-force method of manual searching for password (or very limiting it). If website is not using secure HTTP (HTTPS), password can be send in raw form through Internet (or md5(password)). If somebody already own your router, or ISP, can get password or e.g. md5(password) straight away in transmitted packets. e.g. ScienceForums.net website got HTTPS just recently in January 2018. https://www.scienceforums.net/topic/108148-upcoming-next-week-https-support/ (in the other words, prior this date, the all passwords could be intercepted by somebody already, and they can pretend legit members of this forum right now, or in the future)
  13. It's called bitfield/mask/flag: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_field You could reduce amount of data which is required to inform which direction is "clear", and which is wall, using bits, instead of decimal digits. It can be done with just 4 bits. 1 bit for up, 1 bit for down, 1 bit for left, 1 bit for right. 2^4 = 16 possible states (from 0...15).. Suppose so 1 is left, 2 is right, 4 is top, and 8 is bottom. To check bitfield there is needed to use bitwise operation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitwise_operation AND bitwise operator is & OR bitwise operator is | so checking if object can go left/right/top/bottom could be done using: if( field & 1 ) printf( "Object allowed to move left\n" ); if( field & 2 ) printf( "Object allowed to move right\n" ); if( field & 4 ) printf( "Object allowed to move top\n" ); if( field & 8 ) printf( "Object allowed to move bottom\n" );
  14. I would add that if somebody has to open document from unknown source should do it on virtual computer (simulation-emulation of the entire computer inside of the real computer). They have custom fake disk space, with completely separate memory address space, with completely separate resources etc.
  15. Your LaTex codes don't work on this forum..
  16. That's what for is (pseudo-)random-number generator.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random_number_generation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudorandom_number_generator
  17. You can join interest in biology with programming.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway's_Game_of_Life "artificial life" in "artificial world".. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_life
  18. You can ask this forum for ideas what to make this "day of programming".. Google for "programming job challenges" etc. There are websites which are checking candidates for job in IT software company. Exercises from the simplest one to the hardest one. Forget that you're not applying to job in IT, and use them as exercises ("inspirations") what to program today. They are not programs with GUI though. But your brain might hurt by some of them..
  19. Download Visual Studio 2008 Express ISO from this link: https://www.google.com/search?q=download+visual+studio+express+2008 (Do you know how to burn ISO?) Then install it. It has Visual C/C++/C# .NET Framework. Try it instead of Visual Basic. Watch this video "how to make calculator in C# in Visual Studio": There is couple parts of this video. Simply install VS, and follow this tutorial.
  20. It's good that you have passion, and enthusiasm to learn something new. I just gave you idea what can be done later. Don't give up. The more you're programming, the better you're in it. It doesn't matter at what age you started. More matters if you want to learn something new and improve your skills or prefer watching TV or other works.. (I am programming and watching TV at the same time ).. Do it on daily basis, and you will be master. One day, one (small) application. Pick up subject by yourself. 3D visualization is natural thing in modern times, so I wrote about it. You would learn matrix multiplication, how to create projection matrix etc. etc.. In the first year of programming, I believe so, students at university are learning how to program OpenGL, and make some "boxes and spheres" (rotated in animation or spin by mouse or keyboard by user). These two things can be joined easily and made ball-n-stick model of chemical compound. Two sciences (computer programming and chemistry) at the same time.
  21. This weekend assignment (to improve your skills ): What Visual Basic can offer in 3D visualization? Make box rotating in 3D, with shading.. It could be done with couple (actually 6) draw polygon commands.. Do you know how to rotate vector in 3D? And how to transform from 3D to 2D screen display (perspective projection).. ? Do you heard about scan-line algorithm? (you will have to check Visual Basic if drawing pixel-by-pixel is not too slow.. will depend on your machine specification a bit) Are you using double-buffering? (to have no flickering of fast changing animations, obviously) If you will master 3D visualization, you will be able to make 3D versions of your games.
  22. Why are you using such crazy colors? Later people think/say that programmers have no good artistic taste.. Applications/games should be designed such a way that they are pleasant to eye of user.
  23. Particle with the highest kinetic energy that has been detected to this moment, has been named OMG particle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh-My-God_particle Couple articles to read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultra-high-energy_cosmic_ray https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greisen–Zatsepin–Kuzmin_limit After collision of such (charged) particle from cosmic ray, with so high kinetic energy, with detector, there can be created one of the highest energetic gamma photons.
  24. Sun is not solid body but plasma (i.e. ionized Hydrogen and Helium mostly and free electrons). Sun rotation is not uniform i.e. it changes with latitude. Sun rotates with different speed at its equator than at other latitude. Moving charged particles (ions), are creating magnetic field around them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_rotation
  25. Here you go: ps. Just search YouTube for the right keywords, and pick up alternative video about the same subject..
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