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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. There is finite amount of frequencies at which TV/radio can broadcast. Regulation in TV/radio has to assign one frequency to certain broadcasting company (otherwise they would interfere each other). Internet has no such obvious limits (domain name is assigned by the first one who made purchase, so no conflict which needs to be resolved by the law). Complete different media. Russia (under influence of V.P.) already implemented unacceptable laws that even web bloggers have to register, and are unable to write anything what is against line of the main ruling party (obvious consequence of having to register.. beating by "unknown perpetrators" etc.).. Nonsense. If D.T. would be at charge while making such law, you would get banned the all medias which are spreading "fake news", according to his personal opinion and judgement...
  2. Zuckerberg understands that entire value of his company is in trust of people. If they will stop trusting FB, it will be gone.. He is the most (at least should be) interested to FB being as trustful as possible in such environment.. Laws-makers (U.S. politicians) have no idea how it all works.. It's impossible in such environment to make any senseful laws, and the one which they can make will be invigilation-friendly, privacy-antifriendly, censorship-friendly, etc. etc. Even if the all law-makers in U.S. would be programmers, I would be against Internet regulations.
  3. Laws are not prepared for certain company, but are general, without mention of name of company.. ps. Did you watch Mark Zuckerberg testimony in Washington? I did. (search YouTube and watch) Senators etc. had no bloody idea even what to ask... That's job for programmer to examine other programmer...
  4. No. Internet does not need regulation. Otherwise you will end up in highly censored Internet and complete lack of privacy.. Protection of privacy and freedom of Internet is beyond Trump..
  5. You're confirming PayPal account, by adding bank account to PayPal account. There is sent couple cents to bank account, and you have to enter it in verification stage. After that when money appears on your PayPal account, you can withdraw it to verified bank account (or use it in on-line stores which accept PayPal and payment method).
  6. I didn't give PayPal my card data..
  7. Credit card info should not be stored by regular or on-line stores.. Because what for they need it? I can't imagine any senseful answer.. They use it while purchase, which is done once, and then not need it anymore.. They store it just to "make easier second and third purchase from the same store" which might never happen. I am never buying using debit card (I don't have credit card). Using many other alternative methods. e.g. upload money to PayPal, then use it in store.
  8. You would be the more irritated by not-targeted ads, reading about things that are simply not for you.. ps. FB allows to disable targeted ads, and simply receive the all random ads.
  9. Buying perfumes through Internet was/is silly idea, regardless of sex, as we can't smell them anyway.. Buying perfumes as gift is also silly idea, as we don't know whether gift-recipient will like their smell.. One of many examples of things that should not be purchased through Internet. I never bought cloth and footwear through Internet. It would probably require couple times return back and forth (that is what for are fitting rooms in the real shops, to reduce chance of returning items back).
  10. There are job offers which discriminate young people as not having experience, and promoting/requiring older person (who should have more experience, which might not be true). If somebody will go to meeting and not meet company internal criterion, he/she will just waste time.. Better if somebody is filtered out at early stage.. This way save his/her personal time. If business owner is reluctant to hire somebody with certain age (because past experiences with e.g. unsolid similar age persons in the past), nobody will force him/her to hire.. After meeting face-to-face such person will be excluded anyway as not meeting criterion (without revealing true reasons why he/she was excluded). (this example can be easily skipped/bypassed, by criterion e.g. "20 years of experience in business" (too young person can't have "20 years of experience in business") ) Suppose so I am Windows software producer. I want to exclude Macintosh, Linux, Unix, Android, or iOS users straight away, as I am not producing and selling software for them.. Why to show them ads when from their metadata it's clear they don't have operating system which allows running my application.. ? Somebody could say I am discriminating Macintosh, Unix or Android, or iOS users.. But product was not for them in the first place.. Suppose so I am advertising perfumes for man or woman. I would like to exclude the wrong sex, as it's not for them. In shops there are also shelf for man and woman (and the main question is whether it's self purchase or gift). Actually everybody would LOVE to be all discriminated in showing ads.. as they would like NOT to see them at all..
  11. Answer yourself questions: - is oxalic acid stronger or weaker than e.g. acetic acid and/or carbonic acid.. ? - what happens if you will use stronger acid with salt of weaker acid? - what happens if you will use weaker acid with salt of stronger acid? Did you really mean this... ?
  12. Buy solar panels once and use them to the rest of life to produce the all energy that you need.. I used to have 353 kWh per month usage, couple years ago, when I had my own server, but after ISP changed (my ISP was sold to other company), they changed everything, and there was no way to have static public IP address which rendered server service useless (cost of previously free of charge static public IP was double Internet cable costs). After getting watt meter, and measuring the all devices in the apartment, and shutting them overnight, or using them more wisely, now it dropped to 154 kWh per month (44% of old one usage). When I had 353 kWh I calculated there is needed 18 m^2 of solar panels on the roof to handle all my needs. 18 m^2 / (1600 mm x 800 mm ) = 14 solar panels (each costed at that time equivalent of $250) = $3.5k investment (now they're for $160 each). So, in my new electric energy usage I could have the all needs fulfilled by just 6-7 solar panels * $160 = $1120 investment..
  13. The easiest thing would be to let microorganisms consume it and build their cells and sugar, which eventually could be fermented to produce ethanol, and release more CO2 (which will be reused by microorganisms in 1st stage).. Ethanol would have organic origin, so it could be consumed, or used as a cheap fuel, or used to produce acetylene C2H2, which could be used in e.g. chemistry industry as precursor to e.g. plastic.
  14. That's certainly not true.. Unsaturated fat differs from saturated fat that it has one or more C=C bond. Unsaturated fat HAS Hydrogen atoms. (at least) two less Hydrogen atoms than saturated form.
  15. Keyword to get undeserved attention for video (to earn money on advertisements). Similar keywords are "flat Earth", "hollow Earth", "anti-vaccine".. etc. etc. the all stupidest ideas just to get attention..
  16. He wrote his full name and address in .pdf..
  17. "The amount of americium in a typical new smoke detector is 1 microcurie (37 kBq) or 0.29 microgram."
  18. Do you know how CaO is produced? Mostly from CaCO3... CaCO3 + heat -> CaO + CO2..
  19. Cloud Chamber is the least accurate from the all particle detectors, but it is the cheapest to make. It costs $30-$50. Electric version slightly more. So anybody can repeat experiments by himself/herself at home. Later it evolved to Bubble Chamber. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bubble_chamber It uses liquid Hydrogen (so you need entire factory to make liquid Hydrogen to build Bubble Chamber, as you won't get it in shop around the corner).. Later it evolved to Spark Chamber. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spark_chamber LHC can test collisions of the highest energetic particles (accelerated to the highest velocities possible to be made on the Earth by modern humans). After such collision new particles are created. They are usually very unstable, so there is fraction of second to do the all possible experiments on such particle..
  20. The easiest is Cloud Chamber. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_chamber If charged particle is flying through Cloud Chamber, there can be placed electrodes with uniform electric field, permanent magnet, or electromagnet, inside of the device. In external electric and/or magnetic field particle paths are bended. e.g. electron is attracted toward positive electrode, positron is attracted toward negative electrode. Electron has the same electric charge as pion-, muon-, or kaon-, positron has the same electric charge as pion+, muon+, or kaon+.. But their rest-masses are different.. So their traces look different in particle detector.. Same force applied to particles with different masses bends paths slightly differently, and they can be distinguished.
  21. If you have 5.5% of X mixed with Y, reducing X to 1% means.. adding more Y to have less X.. You just have to calculate and add exact amount of Y.. e.g. you have 96% ethanol and 4% water, you need to add more water to reduce ethanol percentage to 40%..
  22. (...) Strange is working the nutt cases in physics (...) Strange joined this forum in Feb 2013.. Zolar V couldn't know him.. Air forces don't offer Internet? Very nice, at least we will have somebody new, knowledgeable. Welcome back!
  23. "Chicken scratch" changes with time, and because of temporary or non-temporary influence of drugs or other mind-changing substances like alcohol.. Somebody with e.g. shaking hands because of e.g. illness, can have extremely hard to read text.. It does not tell anything about state of mind.. The more important is what somebody wrote, than how somebody wrote it..
  24. Sensei


    I see reason. To become smarter.. I am always entering my LaTeX by hand using codes. The more you're using it, the more comfortable you feel using it.
  25. Actually it's easy part. When application is connecting to the server, it negotiates encryption method. So if person is under "legal surveillance" (which the real judge approved! After seeing the real evidences which make crime plausible to happen, not "one big stamp" (quote from "Snowden" movie) ), server set up weak encryption, or none at all, and everything can be caught and decoded.. User is not even aware whether encryption is hard, weak or none.. I am against any type of electronic surveillance. There is no proof that somebody said or wrote words which were delivered through Internet. Anybody can pretend anybody. e.g. I could hack in Swansont, Phi for All, String Junky etc. etc. accounts on this forum, wrote anything on forum, and nobody would notice it's not message from the real member of forum. What is worth such "evidence in the case".. ? Almost nothing. But it's treated as very hard evidence right now! Anybody (hacker, programmer, ex-girlfriend, ex-boyfriend, ex-wife, ex-husband, co-worker in office etc. etc.) could pretend, and wrote something compromising (e.g. utilizing moment of distraction of the device owner).. Smartphone localization? It proves that smartphone was in that location, not owner personally of the device! One could "borrow" smartphone (or even make duplicate of SIM!), then commit crime, and return smartphone to owner who will have no idea about the case...
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