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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. I am glad to help you.
  2. Warren does not use his own ideas released to public audience, I am afraid so. He is buying company, and using dividend from it, to buy stocks of other company, and then it's repeated over and over again. ...or company which BH bought, was forced to buy BH stocks, pumping its price.. ...and he did not use stock split... That's why only a few people can afford buying Berkshire Hathaway stocks ($300k for each @ 2018, $7k in 1990, +4200% increase).. Stock split mechanism is often used to increase liquidity of the company (i.e. if somebody would like to quit investment quickly, there is needed high liquidity of stocks).. Lack of liquidity disallows speculations.. Think about it while drinking Coca-Cola (~10%), and clicking on iPhone (~5%). He is one of the largest shareholders.
  3. Smartphones store date and time inside of EXIF metadata, inside of your photo file. It's dangerous, invigilation friendly, feature. If somebody has access to the all photos ever made by people around the world (because wrote search bot engine, similar to Google or MSN, or has scraper on router), can detect where and when the same smartphone or digital camera was used, GPS location where pictures have been taken (it's just a matter of analyze a lot of metadata, to find the all apartments and houses somebody visited and made some photo). Google, FB, Instagram, YouTube, MSN, etc. etc. (and the all who have access to raw jpeg), know exactly where you're living, with precision to couple meters, and where are your parents, children, friends, lovers houses. They just have to analyze metadata from photos that you voluntarily uploaded to their servers.
  4. I would say invest in your own business. You might lose money, but at least you will gain a lot of knowledge.. e.g. you could start your own IT company. IT has one of the smallest cost of starting up required (as there is needed computer, and Internet, which you obviously already have). At the beginning, make (or hire somebody to do it for you) templates of websites from various industries. It'll be portfolio for your own website and template for changes for specific client. Search for companies which don't have yet website (because they just started business like you, or their owners are old date, and don't understand why they should have one) and offer them your service (making website, custom program writing etc.). Learn your clients need. Maybe they will give you ideas for future programs for them, and other clients. You don't have to do everything by your self, hire graphician for making nice looking web when you will have client (the one who made templates for you). Businessmen is often middle man between people who are seeking for knowledge and people who have knowledge. In the mean time, search for ideas for websites or smartphone apps, which do something useful or entertaining for users. There is needed flexibility and creativeness.. The most of time in IT, you will be searching for clients. e.g. you could start your own renovation & painting company (interiors). It also has one of the smallest cost of starting up. As there are just needed employees, and advertisement (website, business cards, paper ads) and a few cheap tools. After couple done renovations you will have photo portfolio for your website for future clients. Such service is highly demanded, so problems won't be clients (they have to wait for months for a team of painters, you know what is situation in your country), but problem in this business can be employees..
  5. Do you realize that to make nitric acid from some nitrate salt, you would need sulfuric acid (or other stronger acid).. ? Yes we know. Use nitric acid with some base, or metal oxide.
  6. ...only if you will put money in them when markets are at the bottom... Good moment to follow your advice, in the majority of western countries (except Greece and Cyprus), was the beginning of 2009 year.. Looking at Polish stockmarket charts: increase of the main index +62% from Feb'2009 to Jul'2018. From $5k he would have $8100 minus 19% tax from $3k = ~$7.5k (direct investment without fund costs). $2.5k in 10 years = $250 per year. If he would give up drinking one beer per day, he would save more.. Silvestru lives in Poland, not USA.. there is no IRA in his country.. What you're used to is irrelevant in his country (different tax brackets, different discounts etc.)
  7. Aren't you talking about "Dyson sphere".. ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyson_sphere
  8. Like we can read in Python documentation: https://docs.python.org/3/library/random.html random.seed( value ) initializes random number generator. But if it's not present in code, current time is used, but time is changing all the time.. Different seed, different results from random.randInt().. So, if you want to have each time the same results, use random.seed( 0 ); at the beginning of script. It's reverse from C/C++ implementation of random number generator, in which you must execute srand( time() ); manually if you don't want to have exactly the same results.
  9. Some individuals can create art for them self. They're the only user, the only "observer" of what they did. I am example of such person, as majority of my programs were never released to public, and I am the only user. It does not mean they're made slapdash (at least I try not to do it). But majority of artists are making art for other people. Without appreciation, audience, critique, they would not able to work anymore.
  10. You would have to born in black box, completely void, without any signals coming from environment, to exclude external influences on inspiration. Somebody living alone on island is inspired all the time (simply not by other living human, but by environment and past experiences and knowledge gained prior arrival to island): birds are showing where are shoal of fish, coldness at night is inspiring to make fire, illness after drinking seawater is inspiring to find fresh water... etc. etc. Somebody who saw survival documents in TV will be inspired by them. You (or OP) made assumption that inspiration must come from other human. But it's not necessary. Other living organisms, or inorganic objects, can also being inspiring.
  11. Programmers all the time are inspired by other programmer's work. They see what somebody did, and think "I could do it better! It needs to be fixed here, there, and there... (list grows very quickly)".. Some of them even end up remaking 3rd party product, just to include what they noticed was missing in primary product. While making product/program/game, programmers are enlighten, and start noticing things they forgot to include in their initial version. Sometimes this leads to complete rewrite of program, to include new features, and make product even better for customers. e.g. Windows explorer copy files function. When it finds out file is already present in destination folder, it shows up requester asking what do it. Fine if you're copying just couple files. And have to click 1-3 times in requester what to do. But what if there is thousands or millions of files with the same names (but with different dates, different size and content) and with GB sizes.. ? It is damn annoying. User can't simply go for tea/coffee, and has to be there while copying and clicking it over and over again.. When requester is showed entire copying is stopped, increasing time of copying while human is reading what requester showed. Programmer's immediate thoughts (at least my) 1) why they didn't give option to continue copying in background (asynchronous, multi-threading) while requester is open and waiting for user action 2) why it doesn't compare byte-by-byte files to check they're binary the same file (or compare checksum of files) 3) why it doesn't queue similar requests in the list to batch process them at the end... 4) why there is no option "replace if newer date"? etc. etc. So basic functionality of any operating system and it's so inspiring for improvements.. Aren't you inspired/annoyed while working with computer programs which don't work the way you would like.. ? I assume artist also have "creative inspirational impulse" while watching some other artist work.. i.e. "I could do it better!"
  12. Even some quantum physics who worked on Manhattan project died because of radiation released because of their mistake in couple days after accident: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Slotin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Daghlian Byproduct of fission of Uranium-235 is e.g. Caesium-137, which is soluble in water, and can spread on the large area, in clouds and rain, and then drunk by people in liquid contaminated water. When radioactive isotope decays inside of living organism, it's causing random damage of cell and DNA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesium-137 Other byproducts of fission are Strontium and Barium-141, which replace Calcium in bones of living organisms, and can remain in them for longer time, and then decay. Barium-141 can beta minus decay to Lantanum-141 and then can alpha decay to Caesium-137: [math]^{141}_{56}Ba \rightarrow ^{141}_{57}La + e^- + \bar{v}_e[/math] [math]^{141}_{57}La \rightarrow ^{137}_{55}Cs + ^4_2He[/math] or it can alpha decay to Xenon-137, then it can beta minus decay to Caesium-137: [math]^{141}_{56}Ba \rightarrow ^{137}_{54}Xe + ^4_2He[/math] [math]^{137}_{54}Xe \rightarrow ^{137}_{55}Cs + e^- + \bar{v}_e[/math]
  13. While mirroring there is needed synchronization mechanism, which will prevent change of data, when archiving is in progress. When file size is small, or database is just few MB, chance for user to accidentally access website which is the middle of mirroring is pretty low. The larger amount of data, and the more often it's done, the chances grow. Typical mirroring is done once per day, in time, when server is the less frequently visited (which depends who is the largest user of server, typically at 4 at night local time *). *) There is always place on the Earth where is 4 at night for somebody...
  14. I have 24 carat Gold, and it's not dissolving when it's used as electrode during typical electrolysis of water...
  15. Gold from unknown source, can have 24 carats (24/24=100%), can have 18 carats (18/24 = 75%) or it can have 14 carats (14/24 = 58%).. (rarely different than 24/18/14) Somebody lied to you, and sold you, not 24 carats Gold, I am afraid so.. Measure mass of "gold electrode" using electronic weight with high precision i.e. 0.1g or better precision.. Then use it as electrode.. for hours.. and then measure mass again.. Calculate, and you will learn how many carats it used to have..
  16. Molecules are made of atoms. Atom is made of nucleus and electrons. How many electrons atom can have is defined by number of protons. (aka "atomic number Z") Sometimes they have smaller number of electrons than protons, or more electrons than protons, and in such case we call them ions. Positive ions (positively charged) and negative ions (negatively charged), depending on sum of number of protons minus number of electrons. Electrons occupy shells and sub-shells, in specific configuration. Atom of the same element can have different quantity of neutrons. They're called isotopes. There is known 118 elements and 3142 isotopes (majority of them are unstable and decay very fast). Nucleus can be destroyed, and free protons and free neutrons, are released. To do it, there is needed external source of energy. Bound proton(s)-neutron(s) of stable isotope has smaller mass-energy than free protons and free neutrons alone. Energy needed to make the all protons and neutrons free from given isotope is called nuclear binding energy. Nucleus can decay by itself, if it has more mass-energy than decay products (aka "daughter isotopes") such decay would make. It's called radioactive isotope and process radioactivity. Atom can be ionized. i.e. electron(s) ejected from nucleus. To do it, there is needed external source of energy. Bound nucleus with electrons has smaller mass-energy than free nucleus and free electrons. Valence electrons have the smallest energy required to eject them. Ionization can be caused by photons (aka "light"). If it's done typically with metallic metal, it's called photoelectric effect. Ionization of atom requires significantly less energy than destruction of nucleus. e.g. to ionize Hydrogen there is needed 13.6 eV, but to destroy Deuterium nucleus there is needed 2.22 MeV (that's 2.22*10^6 / 13.6 = ~163 thousands more energy) Energy for ionization, or destruction of nucleus, can be delivered by highly accelerated particles i.e. electrons, protons, neutrons, alpha etc. or by photons (aka "light"), or neutrinos. They must exceed threshold required to destroy nucleus or reaction won't happen. If highly accelerated particle or photon ejects one of inner electrons, one of outer electrons release photon, and replaces it, and perhaps one of other outer electrons replaces it, and so on. Such cascade effect, releasing many photons. Sometimes they are so strong that they emit light visible by naked human eye. It's called radioluminescence.
  17. If you're converting from m^2 to cm^2 you need to divide by 100 twice (because 1 m^2 is 100*100 cm^2 = 10000 cm^2). e.g. 1.9*10^9 N/m^2 is 1.9*10^5 N/cm^2...
  18. Jews made a lot to the world people to hate them ("we're chosen nation!"... hard to imagine the worser, the more arrogant claim..) and made very little to be loved by people.... Current direction ("nationalistic") is driving them straight to the hell.. If somebody cannot live in peace with neighborhood, instead building walls, attacking them by tanks, and armored soldiers, disallowing people live in peace, harmony and cooperation etc. etc. ... It's sign of weakness if you have to use brutal force, in revenge for meaningless hit by minority radicals.. After such hit, minority grows because of assault.. D.T politics is to increase tensions in this region of world (and the whole world!).. so moved embassy to Jerusalem.. wise people of the world should ignore it completely and use old embassy, like in the past, as the main..
  19. Making game or program is easy part.. Hard part is how to make it worldwide recognizable, famous and used by millions of users.. Without millions of users playing it frequently (and eventually advertisement displayed on your website, which brings you steady income), it does not have too large value to eventual buyer. Show us what you have done (i.e. screen-shots), so members of forum will be able to estimate its value.
  20. In 1 dimension we have line. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-dimensional_space "Dimension of a point (...) In all of the common definitions, a point is 0-dimensional. " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point_(geometry) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-dimensional_space
  21. 1) escape from the Earth at rate 300k people per day (quite unrealistic, looking how many people ever traveled to cosmic space so far). 2) anti-conception 3) abortions 4) [...worser than above...] Did friend say what they should learn? How to protect against having babies in inappropriate moment of their life, and how to control their quantity. It's mostly problem of 2nd and 3rd world, as western countries have exactly reverse problem - there is less newly born child per couple than 2. China is an example of country, in which they thought, it can be forced by government ("one child per couple"), and they made serious problems instead ("killing of newly born girls and unbalanced gender of entire generation"). People escaping the Earth for real in rockets, must be extremely well educated. They will never return back.. People building these rockets ("space stations with at least 300k capacity"?) must be extremely well educated. So, the entire world population must be extremely well educated in the all areas.
  22. Paraphrasing you a bit, a tooth for a tooth, leaves the world toothless.. I don't think so "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth", should be understood literally, but it's metaphor of "appropriate punishment for specific crime". What is worth thief with severed hand? Useless ballast for the entire community to the last his/her days.. Won't be able to work anymore, and will have to stole again to survive.. So somebody who ordered cutting his/her hand, will cause repetition of crime, not prevented repetition of crime. The best way to prevent crimes to happen is to teach people, at the right moment of their life, so they won't have to commit crimes to survive. Accidental unplanned crimes are also less frequent in community of smart and intelligent people, who rarely use brutal force in anger. Many not really bright politicians/jurists believe that way to prevent crimes is to increase years in jail.. They are seriously wrong..
  23. You can try using up-side-down aquarium instead of your incubator, with some kind of thermostat, which will keep steady temperature inside. And fan from old computer for airflow. This way you will be able to see what is happening (and eventually recording) from outside. Yet another possibility is Arduino WiFi Camera https://www.google.com/search?q=arduino+camera+wifi Cost $3-$4. Together with Arduino module $25 or so. https://www.ebay.com/bhp/arduino-camera (but it has worser parameters than GoPro, as it's just VGA resolution, but you could write custom program controlling it) (e.g. program uploading photos to FTP server, and observe it from home on your smartphone any time you want it)
  24. Chemical properties changes. e.g. slightly different melting and boiling point temperatures. Mass of molecule is smaller by 2.016 u. Google for "bromine water test unsaturated oils" to see e.g. movies or articles how to detect unsaturated fat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bromine_test
  25. That's true if potential list is not balanced and you will be lucky to have answer in chunk of the list that has smaller quantity of answers. e.g. "am I woman?" with a list of 10% women and 90% men (list is not balanced), and answer "yes" will reduce list to 10% (and you will reach the correct answer quicker), but answer "no" will reduce list only to 90% (and you will reach correct answer slower).. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-balancing_binary_search_tree
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