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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Okay. Here you go: - annihilation modes of proton-antiproton. - decay energy of Uranium-238. Do you want simpler questions? - decay energy of Tritium. - helium-4 spectral lines Try the above four for a start.. ps. Obviously I am not expecting explanations using plain WORDS.. Just equations which will match experimental data..
  2. I know. They want to be famous.. But learning entire quantum physics would be too much of work and effort for them..
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multinational_state#Russian_Federation "Russian Federation Russia has more than 160 ethnic groups and indigenous peoples. The largest population are the ethnic Russians, who are Slavs with Eastern Orthodox religious traditions, while the Tatars and Bashkirs are predominantly Muslim. Russia is also home to Buddhist populations, such as the nomadic Buryats and Kalmyks; the Shamanistic peoples of Siberia and the Far North; the Finno-Ugric peoples of the Russian Northwest and the Volga region; the Korean inhabitants of Sakhalin; and the peoples of the North Caucasus.[16] Out of a total of more than 100 languages spoken in Russia, 27 have the status of official languages, the most widely spoken being Russian. More than 3 percent of the population speaks Tatar.[17]" OP said "someone born in Russia".. Only people who born after 26 December 1991, really born in Russia, the all others (=the majority of population) born in USSR.
  4. Quantum scientists should not see anymore 'delicious meal on the plate', instead just see bunch of CnH2nOn , CH3-[CH2]n-OH, CH3-[CH2]n-COOH, NH2-RCH-COOH, etc. etc...
  5. That's very large simplification.. Russia/USSR, is not single-nation country.. According to census from 2010, there is 77.7% (other source mention 80.9%) of Russians in Russia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_groups_in_Russia Preliminary language is usually the one which parents used in home and learned their children. Whether adult people think in their preliminary language is very subjective question. You would have to create worldwide poll to get large quantity of answers from the entire world, to get senseful amount of data for analysis.
  6. It has nothing to do with skin color, or human race. Far right conservatives, extremely religious people, creationists, are believing in superiority of human being. Animal for them is something worser, far less worth than human.. In their opinion, by calling other human per "animal", they are downgrading them.. For creationists, literally believing in Bible words (e.g. creation 6k years ago, direct creation of human by God etc.) one of the worstest thing somebody can say to them is that they're ancestors of monkeys..
  7. Uranium-238 has two decay modes. U-238 -> Th-234 + He-4 + 4.27 MeV and rarely known even by scientists double beta decay minus: U-238 -> Pu-238 + e- + e- + Ve + Ve + 1.144 MeV
  8. Air contains water, Air contains Oxygen. Air contains Carbon Dioxide.. If you leave some melted metal or alloy unprotected against the above three (at least), they can react with them.. e.g. Magnesium reacts with Oxygen, and MgO can react with CO2 (with eventual bicarbonate route), giving MgCO3
  9. There is many on-line dictionaries which have play audio button on them, so people can check how to spell word they're interested in. Try this: https://www.diki.pl/slownik-angielskiego?q=tripod and bookmark website (or similar). Some native speaker please check whether it's pronounced correctly. I picked up the first dictionary with audio play button, I could find from Google.
  10. The first radio transmission made by human was just a bit more than one hundred years ago. So the signal arrived at most ~124 light years from the Earth (ignoring fact of losing power (inverse-square law) and/or absorbing part of it by particles, interstellar molecules etc.)
  11. Evolution has no direction.. Who has the highest chance to survive is surviving.. If humans will accidentally, or on purpose, create rocket which will have microorganisms on the board... It will fly millions or billions of light years... and might end up in completely different galaxy.. Then they (microorganisms) will evolve to whatever they want, and what is able to survive in the new environment.. Will it be example of de-evolution? From macroscopic, multi-cellular life form, to microorganism single-cell life form.. ? And then go back to multi-cellular life-form somewhere else... on the other end of galaxy.. on the other end of the Universe...
  12. But why you used -1/x^2.. Butch said about 1/x^2 ...
  13. There is many cases in which extremely experienced pilot rescued airplane without any engine working.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_Transat_Flight_236
  14. Never. So they won't even know what is money.. So they won't do anything for money... Won't steal for money.. Won't kill for money.. Won't hurt other people (or other living organisms, or natural environment) for money.. Instead do things when they are simply needed to be done.. (repeat couple generations) and you won't have greediness, thieves, poorness, richness.. etc. etc. There is needed absolute awareness of such children e.g. they have to know entire quantum physics, and the entire science..
  15. Only 1, 2, rarely more, are free electrons in the single metal atom. Copper for instance has 1 free electron per atom. So you have at most the same number of free electrons as quantity of Copper atoms.
  16. Sensei

    Motion Graph

    I get this graph in OpenOffice Calc using code "=IF(A1<1.5;SIN(A1)^0.5;1)" for cell B1. Fill it down to entire column. Check also 0.333 instead of 0.5.. Example result for "=IF(A1<1.75;SIN(A1^0.8333)^0.33;1)"
  17. That is being said because of results of gold foil experiment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geiger–Marsden_experiment Alpha particles, from radioactive source at a time, were directed toward gold foil. Some of them passed through it without any change of direction, some other were bounced a bit, and some other reflected back by metal foil (from human perspective solid substance!). Conclusion from experiment: there must be nucleus in the center of Gold atom, which contains majority of the mass of atom, and if alpha particle hit it,.it is repelled, reflected. Alpha particle while passing through cloud of electrons, is interacting with them, ejecting them from atom (accelerating them), and decelerating itself, and there are appearing secondary rays (delta rays) and tertiary rays (epsilon rays). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta_ray https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epsilon_radiation All of the above things are visible by naked human eye in Cloud Chamber.
  18. Studies which don't take into account e.g. material status of parents, their own level of education, can result in inappropriate conclusions. Parents with better education, who have time and willingness to teach their children, talking to, discussing with them (not just giving orders!), giving them interesting games, books, interesting toys to play, which develop their intelligence, will have obviously higher intelligence than kids of material poor, uneducated parents with limited horizons.. In development of brain, there is important diet, in either pregnancy and childhood. Richer parents have more money for more diverse diet. ps. To estimate influence of environment there should be performed large scale studies, IQ tests on single-cell same-sex twins, separated in early childhood, which have been placed in dramatically different environments.. ps2. The number of children also plays a role, how much time parents can spend with each of them.
  19. (normal) beer does not have (significant amount of) sugar. To cause re-fermentation at the end of brewing process, there is added little amount of sugar, but it's converted to Carbon Dioxide gas bubbles by the last alive yeast. When they run out of the food (=sugar), they die.
  20. That's very easy algorithm. Visualization of it in GUI would be the most time consuming task while programming. Make a list of charged particles (position, charge). Load them from CSV/text file/allow them to be entered by user in stdin. Make 2D or 3D array (two or three loops, one in the another) making "virtual" points - force vectors. User should be able to control quantity of columns, rows, and distances between them. Inside the internal loop calculate, for each point in the array: F=ke q1q2/r^2 (r = distance between position in the array and position of charged particle from the list of charged particles) And sum them together, to get average. Display them, drawing arrow in starting point and length of arrow appropriate for strength at that point (scalar from F), and direction of arrow appropriate to direction of force vector. Place test particle(s) in such simulated electric field. Recalculate movement in loop and redraw everything.
  21. BTW, Japanese (language) is yet another word: 日本語 "Nihongo"
  22. If you will put "日本人" to Google Translate, it shows below it "Nihonjin". After swapping languages back-and-forth (click arrows twice), it changes to "日本の", and shows below "Nihon no". Then you can google for "Nihonjin" and ""Nihon no", to get examples of usage. e.g. "Are wa Nihon no kuruma desu." "That is a Japanese car." "Anata wa nihonjin desu ka?" "Are you a japanese person?"
  23. I would rephrase it to "If you have a massive particle and add energy it changes the relativistic-mass and relativistic-momentum, not the rest-mass (as it's invariant)." This way it's absolute clear to either scientists and non-scientists. When some scientists like swansont says about mass they really mean rest-mass (aka "invariant-mass").. Rest-mass of particle is measured in particle's frame-of-reference. You don't have frame-of-reference in which photon is at rest to be able to measure photon's rest-mass ("invariant-mass"). At least in current laboratory experiments.
  24. In Special Relativity object with non-zero rest-mass cannot move at speed of light c. [math]\gamma[/math] is going to infinity while approaching c. [math]\gamma[/math] for v=c cannot be calculated at all (division by 0). Object with zero rest-mass moving nearly at speed of light would have zero kinetic energy and zero momentum.. [math]KE = m_0c^2\gamma - m_0c^2[/math] , for [math]m_0=0[/math], [math]KE=0[/math] It's true in either Special Relativity and Classical Physics math equations. You would need to invent completely new math equations for kinetic energy and for momentum to be able solve your questions.
  25. Curve which is passing through the all control points is called Catmull-Rom curve. There is ready source code on Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centripetal_Catmull–Rom_spline https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_Hermite_spline#Catmull–Rom_spline ADSR envelope is even easier, because it's not curve, but series of linear equations, one by one, triggered by time..
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