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Did you try making red beetroots sour soup.. ? Put cleaned and peeled red beetroots to glass jar, fill to maximum level, by cooked and cooled water with a 1-2 salt spoons per L (preferably sea salt), with garlic, sliced onions, dried dill (fennel), whole pepper, dried bay leafs, and few other whole spices. Leave it undercover for a few days, maybe a week. From time to time open cover to release gases. After that you will have tasty pickled beetroots, with red looking liquid, don't throw it away. It's perfect for making red beetroots sour soups. It can be also drink as-is. You will have there also pickled garlic and pickled onions.
That was article for ill people, who have stomach problems like peptic ulcer disease.. infected by Helicobacter pylori.
Google Translate imperfections.. Same word has couple meanings, and Google Translate cannot find appropriate one from the context.. Basically they meant in the article about using grater or blender. "preferably the all ingredients be well cooked and shredded, preferably grated or blended" sounds better?
No, certainly not "meats". They used word which is every time translated by Google directly to "meals", but I think even better alternative word would be "ingredients". e.g. "preferably the all ingredients be well cooked and shredded, preferably rubbed". Imagine soup with cooked vegetables which is at the end put to blender for a few seconds. You will get cream (not really nice looking! typically rotten green color), which is much easier to digest. Something like https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=cream+blended+soup
That depends on what you are eating besides of soup. Whether it's complete source of vegetables and fruits (and produced by them nutrients). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helicobacter_pylori "Helicobacter pylori, previously known as Campylobacter pylori, is a gram-negative, microaerophilic bacterium usually found in the stomach. It was identified in 1982 by Australian scientists Barry Marshall and Robin Warren, who found that it was present in a person with chronic gastritis and gastric ulcers, conditions not previously believed to have a microbial cause. It is also linked to the development of duodenal ulcers and stomach cancer. However, over 80% of individuals infected with the bacterium are asymptomatic, and it may play an important role in the natural stomach ecology.[7] More than 50% of the world's population have H. pylori in their upper gastrointestinal tract.[6] Infection is more common in developing countries than Western countries.[4] H. pylori's helical shape (from which the genus name derives) is thought to have evolved to penetrate the mucoid lining of the stomach.[8][9]" If you will search for articles about diets when somebody is infected by Helicobacter pylori bacteria, you can get conclusion (simplification) that certain soups might help. e.g. "Diet principles for Helicobacter pylori infection People struggling with H. pylori should regularly eat meals. Under no circumstances can you let the feeling of hunger (an empty stomach produces large amounts of hydrochloric acid), or for over-eating, which also results in overproduction of irritating stomach acid. Therefore, breaks between meals should be 2-3 hours. You should eat min. 4-6 small meals a day, so as not to burden the stomach. Meals should be eaten slowly, thoroughly chewing each bite (preferably all meals should be well cooked and shredded, preferably rubbed). The first meal should be eaten shortly after waking up, and the last one should be eaten shortly after 2-3 hours before bedtime. It is best to have the meals cooked in water and steaming, stewed without frying and baked in foil. You should take 2-3 l of fluids during the day, preferably between meals. Do not drink during meals and half an hour before and an hour after eating (in the latter case, this may cause the back of the stomach contents into the esophagus). You can drink not only mineral water, but also green tea (but only weak) or herbal teas (from chamomile and St. John's wort) and cereal milk with milk, as well as vegetable soups. It is recommended that the drinks have a moderate temperature." (Translated by Google) Ukrainian recipe for red beet soup contains raw minced garlic and onions, which can help in killing the infection.
Scientists being remembered (Split from FTL travel in Science Fiction)
Sensei replied to Sensei's topic in Speculations
Maybe I should clarify, one bit more time (please excuse me, if I was not clear enough, since the beginning..).. Scientists, the most of the time are remaining anonymous except, exceptional personalities like Newton, Einstein, etc. The only way to get out of the crowd of other anonymous scientists is coming out with revolutionary thought.. e.g. proving violation of some kind of quantum number is the "numero uno", on the list of such scientist-to-be-remembered "how to be remembered for eternity".. That's why we have crowd of people making threads in speculation forum.. They're home-made-scientist-to-be, and they want to be remembered for eternity for discovering something,.. I am glad they bother learning something, and ask you to have patience for them, and learn them everything what you know, instead of punishing them for lack of knowledge.. There is needed exceptional amount of patience in learning somebody, especially somebody who does not want to listen and learn.. -
Scientists being remembered (Split from FTL travel in Science Fiction)
Sensei replied to Sensei's topic in Speculations
Let me rephrase my original thought once again, if you didn't get the picture... "Majority of modern quantum physicists, who want to be REMEMBERED and want to INFLUENCE development of physics further, work to try to violate quantum number conservation rules introduced in the earlier years... " Entire work in CERN is concerned on trying to break the symmetry.. -
"better late, than never"..
Just a thought. There could be item which player can get (e.g. buy as addition to the app in Google Play Store? ) to skip the all parallel Universes with the wrong physics (in non-deterministic parallel Universes). Pretty precious item..
In hypothetical cyclic and perfectly deterministic Universe you could simply always travel to the future Universe, but with slightly offset from current date. e.g. hypothetical deterministic Universe time of life is tu, current time is tnow so you travel just in time to t=tnow+tu-100y in e.g. 100y introduced offset, your spaceship will be able to travel up to e.g. 99.999 ly distance, with v = ~c. (While crew sleeping etc. without breaking speed of light limit) But entire Universe will die, new one will born (looking the same, because it's perfectly deterministic) and will be there waiting for your arrival, once again.. Your spaceship disappeared from now, and appeared 100 ly far away just-in-time. In non-deterministic Universe (parallel Universes, multiverse, probabilistic Universe ), such journey could end up in Universe in which nothing you recognize, and everything is strange to you, you have to relearn everything from scratch. It could be quite amusing in the game "oups! We ended up in completely different parallel Universe, with completely different physics!" (that reminds me old '80 years game in which when you wanted to move left, you had to press right, when you wanted to move up, you had to press down button etc.). You could add to this counter counting down, when such unstable Universe will collapse and player has to travel once again from this "hell".. Wrong Universe.. Sorry.. It could be quite amusing addition.. ps. Chess analogy: players often play old chessmasters games, that were recorded, remembered in books, but move couple figures back to their original positions on timeline, and try to figure out way to save them from failure. To train their brain. ps2. Whatever you will tell in game story, players won't bother much, I am afraid.. They're used to FTL travels, from movies and other games. You need to be innovative to catch their attention. You need to have good 3D gfx artist, and even better sfx/musician. After making trial/demo version, release it and upload to e.g. Kickstarter and ask people to donate development of project, if they think it's worth it. That depends on quality that you will show to people. You can get gfx artist on the street, there are people drawing caricatures of people for cash, and students in artistic universities.
Let's analyze decay of e.g. Uranium 238 atom. Eventual lost of kinetic energy by particles due to passing through electron cloud is ignored in this consideration. In the frame-of-reference in which it's in center-of-mass, we measure it's rest-mass to be m0. And energy E=m0c2 It's decaying via path (the most typical decay mode of this isotope): U-238 -> Th-234 + He-4 + 4.27 MeV Newly created Thorium-234 atom has smaller part of Decay Energy (4.27 MeV) (recoil effect much smaller), and newly created Helium-4 alpha particle has larger part of that energy (due to difference in rest-masses of newly created particles). But look at energies: [math]m_0c^2 = m_1c^2\gamma_1 + m_2c^2\gamma_2[/math] Rest-mass of particle prior decay is equal to sum of relativistic-masses of newly created particles. [math]m_0 = m_1\gamma_1 + m_2\gamma_2[/math] There are two (extremely unstable) isotopes, which decay to two equal particles. Helium-2, which is decaying to two protons, and Beryllium-8, which is decaying to two Helium-4. They will have (at least should have) symmetrical recoil effect, and carrying the same kinetic energy, the same momentum, the same relativistic-masses. [math]m_0c^2 = 2 m_1c^2\gamma_1[/math] [math]m_0 = 2 m_1\gamma_1[/math] He-2 -> p+ + p+ + 0.227212 MeV Be-8 -> He-4 + He-4 + 91.8378 keV
If there would be positive mass +M and negative mass -M, overall mass would be -M+M=0, isn't.... ? Electron mass is me= ~9.11*10^-31 kg, and positron (antimatter antiparticle of electron) mass is also me= ~9.11*10^-31 kg.. Photon needed to create pair of electron-positron has to be have energy E=2 * h * fc That's at least double rest-mass of electron and positron: E=2mec2
If you will put electromagnetically charged particle inside of electric field, it'll start accelerating toward opposite sign of field.. If you will put neutral charged particle, it'll remain there.. That's how charge of particle is tested in particle accelerators. Particle passing through electric/magnetic field has bended trajectory accordingly to charge, or lack of it, if neutral. If you will pass molecule which has not uniformly distributed electrons like e.g. water, through electric field, beam of water will change trajectory. Such compounds are called e.g. polar liquids. It's very easy to see if something is charged or neutral, due to reactions to external applied electric/magnetic fields.
Kinetic energy of incoming object hitting e.g. water, causes increase of temperature of target object. From dT (temperature after accident, minus temperature prior accident), multiplied by specific heat capacity of water (1 cal = ~4.185 J/K*g), multiplied by mass of water, you can calculate how much energy carried initial object. Temperature (or increase of it) can be measured from distance, without physical contact, by observation of black body emission spectrum of the object (analysis of light/photons).
Dolphins actually cooperate with birds to catch fishes.. Shoal of fish is attacked from one side by dolphins, and from other side they are attacked by birds (or sharks).. Either side of predators win this game, and they both eat.. "Voluntary and altruistic cooperation" is not equal "using opportunity".. If you would see animal rescuing other specie animal from death threatening situation (e.g. sinking in swamp), it would be example of true altruistic voluntary cooperation between species.. A dolphin saving a man drowning in the sea is yet another example.. ("no immediate and obvious reward for doing it").. (orthodox religious person would say God ordered Dolphin to save somebody life )
There are relationships which are required in e.g. cycle of reproduction, and relationships which are voluntary by specie..
They used to eat mice and rats ... The same could be said about ants which have livestock aphids or fungi..
And they are pretty happy about this, thanking God for help..
Buy microscope... https://www.ebay.com/b/Binocular-Lab-Microscopes/48741/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Koch Robert Koch received task "find out how to fight with livestock disease anthrax". He contaminated animals by anthrax from blood of dead body livestock. Checked blood prior contamination and after contamination, and noticed that microbes which were in livestock blood spread in contaminated animal, and caused death..
"mass" term is ambiguous. It can refer to "rest-mass" ("invariant-mass"), "relativistic-mass", etc. I am saying, don't leave room for different interpretations. It requires using unambiguous terms to express your thought. When somebody simply says "photons have no rest-mass" everything is clear from the beginning. If somebody would come here claiming "photon has rest-mass", you would ask him to tell frame-of-reference in which photon is at rest. Simple, quick and elegant answer. He/she should get the picture straight away, even if not scientist.
When scientists are saying photon is massless particle, they really mean that photon has no rest-mass. That is, they mean that there is no valid frame of reference in which photon particle is at rest, and thus it's not possible to measure its rest-mass (like it happens with other kind of particles). In the case of other particles to measure their rest-mass they can be accelerated/decelerated to see how they behave in well-known electric and/or magnetic field, to compare with other known particles.
finding the equation of a line ( continues data)
Sensei replied to steve crr's topic in Analysis and Calculus
Easy/quick way is simply to make envelope. Like ADSR. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthesizer#Attack_Decay_Sustain_Release_(ADSR)_envelope There are needed to store just a few control points enough to interpolate and/or extrapolate the rest of curve. -
Dimetric projection. See "Engineer projection" in this article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axonometry