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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. This is how coast line of Sunda shelf looked like in Upper Paleolithic: Extend it to the entire world coast line, e.g. 20k years ago, till now.. and you will have answer for Flood Myth. If increase of temperature, because of global warming, will continue melting ice, you will have Flooding v2.0.
  2. 1) electrolysis of molten NaCl or other metal chloride salt. 2) chlorine gas reaction with water Cl2 + H2O -> HCl + HOCl It's of course example reaction with sodium propionate. With sodium acetate reaction will be: CH3COONa + HCl -> CH3COOH + NaCl Eggshells are made of CaCO3. Acetic acid reacts with calcium carbonate, and it is releasing CO2. 2CH3COOH + CaCO3 -> (CH3COO)2Ca + H2O + CO2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calcium_acetate
  3. Besides what studiot said, NaCl salt dissolved in heavy water would introduce a lot more plausible reactions. Sodium has one stable isotope Na-23, and Chlorine has two stable isotopes Cl-35 and Cl-37. Na + n0 -> Na-24 which is unstable and decays by: Sodium-24 -> Magnesium-24 + e- + Ve + 5.51545 MeV Cl-35 + n0 -> Cl-36 which is unstable and decays by: Chlorine-36 -> Argon-36 + e- + Ve + 0.709681 MeV Argon-36 + e- + e- -> Sulfur-36 + Ve + Ve + 0.432536 MeV Chlorine-36 -> Sulfur-36 + e+ + Ve + 0.120219 MeV Chlorine-36 + e- -> Sulfur-36 + Ve + 1.14222 MeV Cl-37 + n0 -> Cl-38 which is unstable and decays by: Chlorine-38 -> Argon-38 + e- + Ve + 4.91645 MeV seawater is not pure NaCl salt, it contains Magnesium and other elements. See seawater elemental composition in this article.
  4. No, you did not... HCl is stronger acid than acetic acid. You can make weaker acid from salt of weaker acid and stronger acid, but not reverse. e.g. C2H5COONa + HCl -> C2H5COOH + NaCl
  5. 2Al (s) + 6HCl (aq) -> 2AlCl3 (aq) + 3H2 (g) Metallic Aluminium can be produced by electrolysis of molten Aluminium Chloride (>= 700 C temperature). 2AlCl3 -> 2Al + 3Cl2 (g) Then why not use magnet or better electromagnet? There can be also used centrifuge. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centrifugation "Centrifugation is a technique which involves the application of centrifugal force to separate particles from a solution according to their size, shape, density, viscosity of the medium and rotor speed."
  6. You should go with your sexual partner to the doctor, to check his sperm (quantity and quality (activity) of spermatozoons) under microscope. Or buy your own microscope (1000x-1200x would be enough). It does not cost much. https://www.ebay.com/bhp/microscope-1200x https://www.ebay.com/bhp/microscope-1000x e.g. Being lonely is very inappropriate reason for having babies..
  7. For every isotope, it's different amount of energy.. In the case of Oxygen-16: O-16 + 15.6635 MeV -> O-15 + n0 (alpha decay will happen at much lower energy) In the case of Nitrogen-14 N-14 + 10.553 MeV -> N-13 + n0 (proton emission will happen at much lower energy) Check my signature link how to calculate it..
  8. Yes, it's linear. The above code is just template, starting point, for further improvements. Start from replacing equation. Adjust it to your needs.
  9. From equation there can be created software application e.g. in .NET Framework or HTML code with JavaScript. So you will be able to use it. But we need to know where do you want it to work. Smartphone, desktop computer or laptop or both? HTML approach will work on both. I created this HTML and JavaScript code for you: <html> <script type="text/javascript"> function calculate() { var voltage_start = document.getElementById( 'voltage_start' ).value; var distance_start = document.getElementById( 'distance_start' ).value; var voltage_end = document.getElementById( 'voltage_end' ).value; var distance_end = document.getElementById( 'distance_end' ).value; //alert( 'Voltage Start=' + voltage_start ); //alert( 'Distance Start=' + distance_start ); //alert( 'Voltage End=' + voltage_end ); //alert( 'Distance End=' + distance_end ); var delta_voltage = voltage_start - voltage_end; var delta_distance = distance_end - distance_start; var distance; if( delta_voltage == 0 ) { distance = "Undefined"; } else { distance = delta_distance * voltage_end / delta_voltage; } document.getElementById( 'distance_predicted' ).value = distance; } </script> <body> <table> <tr> <td>Start Voltage</td> <td><input type="text" id="voltage_start" value="0" onchange="calculate();" ></td> <td>Start Distance</td> <td><input type="text" id="distance_start" value="0" onchange="calculate();" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>End Voltage</td> <td><input type="text" id="voltage_end" value="0" onchange="calculate();" /></td> <td>End Distance</td> <td><input type="text" id="distance_end" value="0" onchange="calculate();" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> </td> <td>Predicted Distance</td> <td><input type="text" id="distance_predicted" value="0" readonly /></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> Save it to e.g. index.html file, and open in web browser. Adjust equation from line "distance = delta_distance * voltage_end / delta_voltage;" to your needs. You can ask David @fiveworlds to add dynamic generation of image in JavaScript code to draw graph.
  10. Strange, you must have really bad day today.. don't you see correlation between analogy between "sound wave source in the black box" and "light wave source in the black box".. ? To the level in which you even gave negative?! Sorry, but initial OP question, I am reading as "can we get original sound wave from remains of it after millions/billions of reflections (or other interactions) with matter?".. By using analogy, I am just trying to give answer.. and it deserved negative rep.. ?! Are you completely blind.. WTF?!
  11. Without light from the Sun, entire life on the Earth would die, except extremophiles, in a matter of a few days or months.. The question was: if source of energy is behind a "wall" can you get any idea, about initial source of energy when photon was emitted.. e.g. you had single gamma photon with high energy, it has been absorbed, two gamma photons reemitted, with lower energies.. etc. etc. repeat millions of times.. and you end up with bunch of low energy photons instead of just one single high energy photon.. To rephrase it once again, are you able to tell what moves chess figures had to make on chessboard, looking just at it at the end of the game, to figure out path they took to end up the way, they are, when you view them (at the end of match)...
  12. Your question could be rephrased to "does light leave an imprint on the environment?".. Suppose so, you have lightbulb inside of hermetic sealed container/room, and it is turned on or off, periodically in random moments.. Are you (observer outside of the room) able to tell in which moments lightbulb was turned on or off... ?
  13. 4/3 = 1.33333333(3) 5/3 = 1.66666666(6) 1 + 1.33333333(3)^2 = 1.66666666(6) ^2 1 + 1.777777777777777777777777777777(7) = 2.777777777777777777777777777777(7) also: (4/3)^2 = 16/9 (5/3)^2 = 25/9 9/9 + 16/9 = 25/9 (lowest common denominator)
  14. Make timelapse video while making it the next time..
  15. Joule is obviously unit of energy. e can be elementary charge, it's quantization of electric charge (Q) or e can be used in natural logarithm equation (Euler's number). or e- is electron, e+ is positron. M can be mass. F can be Farad unit. It also can be Faraday constant. Or force.. It all depends on context, which you didn't provide..
  16. Example: If we will take height 1.9m, and follow your equation, we will get: sqrt(1.9)*1.9*1.9*20 = 99.5 kg If we will take original BMI equation, we will get: 1.9 * 1.9 * 20 = 72.2 kg But according to BMI tables >= 25 is overweight.. let's check what is mass for height 1.9 m for 25: 1.9 * 1.9 * 25 = 90.25 kg Divide your result by BMI one: 99.5 kg / 90.25 = 1.1 = +10% more So, according to your "speculation" what is already overweight by 10% of mass, is "ideal body mass".. ?! How come? Somebody (typically sportsman) can have BMI overweight, caused by large mass of muscles, but such person is already aware how to take care of his/her body..
  17. Rethink that. If you won't eat food which contain Carbon C-14, nor Potassium K-40, they won't be able to become part of your body and won't decay in your body, and you won't get cancer (at least not this way).. So.. you have choice.. To do that plants that people eat (and which are used as fodder for breeding animals) must not take CO2 from raw air, but it has to be filtered out from radioactive isotopes (e.g. coal from mines is almost C-14 free). Hermetic skyscrapers, with CO2 without C-14 gas in them, and you will have radioactive free food, either vegetables and meat. They should have hydroponics (to save water usage), adjustable parameters of environment and artificial light (extension of day time).
  18. Scientist with the right equipment can do it using mass spectrometer. Elements can be identified by their spectral lines. This method is used by astrophysicists it learn what is composition of stars.
  19. If the wrong atom of C-14 will decay in the wrong moment, in the wrong direction, in the wrong molecule, like DNA, molecule will be destroyed (and surrounding it molecules as well will be damaged in unpredictable way), cell will turn to cancer and it can kill you in the future.. 80 kg human body has ~2900 decays of Carbon-14 and ~10100 decays of Potassium-40 per second. ~250 millions of decays of C-14 per day and ~873 millions of decays of K-40 per day.
  20. Yes, you can. You're doing it all day long. e.g. drop tea glass, it will break, and you won't be able to drink from it anymore.. Throw away plastic shop bag to ocean (e.g. leave it on the beach after party, tides will take it).. some fish will tangle in it, and will die.. you killed ("caused death of") living creature.. What if that single living organism was supposed to be new branch of evolution (like amphibian).. ? You cancelled their existence.. You should better ask "is there just one version of the future or there is infinite/finite amount of versions of the future?"..
  21. The same can be said about lands on regular path of tornadoes, hurricanes.. lands below sea level, or on the edge.. lands with tectonic activity.. etc. etc. The problem is these territories, the most of time, are considered attractive for people and for developers (Florida, Hawaii)..
  22. It depends on what you are trying to read. If file is too big (>= few GB of data) reading stream directly from disk (instead of loading it at once to memory) is the only option (general rule, fortunately files that I am processing are smaller than 10 MB, but generally they can be any size). So while making the real parser you have to make two methods of reading file 1) fast loading to memory entire file 2) slow loading directly from file. If you will make just 1st option, it can fail sometimes, if file is too big to be loaded entire to memory (out of memory, or too fragmented memory to allocate one large continuous block of memory). 2nd option will almost always work (except really critical conditions). Reading entire line at a time is not an option in this file format (it's mixture of text and binary data, and you don't have idea where you are and what you're processing in advance). Reading in blocks, say 1024 bytes, would introduce a lot of complications (EOF are optional after control strings=commands.. and in three different versions \r, \n and \r\n), and it was supposed to be quick (to write) and dirty parser, not full implementation (it would take probably half-year to write full implementation of this file format).. BufferedStream class was supposed to make double buffer for programmer, read data in blocks and just give byte from buffer. Maybe because I am seeking in stream so often it has to flush double-buffer..
  23. Hi! My program, written in managed C++ .NET Framework (quick & dirty replacement for script), was processing a lot of data, using code: FileStream ^stream = gcnew FileStream( this->Filename, FileMode::Open ); BufferedStream ^buffered_stream = gcnew BufferedStream( stream ); and later: int data; while( ( data = buffered_stream->ReadByte() ) != -1 ) { [....] } Example test file was processed in 18 seconds. The bigger file twice that number. When we have thousands of such files, it will take "ages" to process them all.. While waiting over 4 hours to finish processing entire folder of such files, I had illumination (or rather impatience) how to quickly speed up process, without doing much changes to the code.. and changed these two above lines of code to: array<unsigned char> ^raw_data = File::ReadAllBytes( this->Filename ); MemoryStream ^buffered_stream = gcnew MemoryStream( raw_data ); Nothing else has not been changed in the code. Instead of ~18 seconds per file, now it is.. ~3 seconds per test file.. 600% speedup at least.. Best Regards! ps. I wish you all great illuminations while programming.. If something runs slow, drink beer and instead of impatiently waiting for finish, improve your code..
  24. Here you go.. <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function changeBackground( image ) { document.getElementById( 'duck' ).style.backgroundImage = "url( " + image + " )"; } </script> <style> #duck { width: 500px; height: 500px; color: red; text-align: center; font-size: 50px; background-image: url( "duck1.jpg" ); } </style> </head> <body> <select id="duck"> <option onclick="changeBackground( 'duck1.jpg' );">Duck 1</option> <option onclick="changeBackground( 'duck2.jpg' );">Duck 2</option> <option onclick="changeBackground( 'duck3.jpg' );">Duck 3</option> </select> </body> </html> I tried it with Firefox only.. So you will have to check whether it works also in Chrome, IE and Opera by yourself..
  25. Genius TV series. The first season about Einstein. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5673782/?ref_=tt_ov_inf
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