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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Read Wikipedia articles about different numerical systems. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_number https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexadecimal These two are widely used in computer programming.
  2. Buy him C/C++ book, download free Visual Studio Express from MSDN, and he will quickly find millions challenging things during programming.. Does your son know of (and how to do math) binary system, octal system, hexadecimal system, etc. ?
  3. The all scientific findings first start with observation of phenomena.. except some really sophisticated things like prediction of antimatter by Dirac (but still he made mistake thinking it'll have negative mass)..
  4. I am wondering why nobody mentioned "Ulysses" James Joyce.. Everybody liked it.. ?
  5. D.T. wants to be remembered as one of the greatest disruptors of current times...
  6. In the real world "pigs" (analogy from book) were uneducated people mostly.. the first generation of peasants who learned how to read any text.. If it would be sophisticated cleaver (clever?) satire, nobody would hear about book, nobody would understand it, except intellectual community.. Message has to be understandable by receiver (adjusted to current level of knowledge) to be useful..
  7. You could represent it, if number is not irrational and has repeatable parts which can be compressed. e.g. 1.(234) means 1.234234234234.... ("234" part repeated infinite number of times) You don't need to store entire book in raw format, like ASCII/UTF. You can use indices to words together with library of words or entire sentences instead (lossless compression).
  8. Observer does not have to be human or other living organism. It can be (and often is) machine/device. Observation does not mean living person is literally looking at event by naked eye. Observation is alternative (misleading?) word for measurement.
  9. I think so it is plausible idea. However it has some issues like hurricanes and storms. The main question is how big these oceans food farms should be. If you need to spend more energy (in fuel) for boats to bring ready product back to land, entire idea has no economical sense. If entire world economic won't change, in the face of overpopulation, prices of food will grow to the level, in which even currently silly ideas will start making economical sense.. I think so genetically modified algae (or other microorganisms or plants *) ), which will produce ready fuel, in the middle of nowhere (like desert), using large tanks and/or hydroponics, is more senseful idea at the moment. When there will be no more empty land, in the middle of nowhere, there will be no other option, but ocean/sea-farms or underground. But better if they will produce liquid fuel which has smaller density than water and is not miscible with water (it'll be easier to separate and deliver to land) rather than food directly (food has very short expiration date.. You would have to build not only food farm but also entire factory which will process food at place and conserve it for longer time). *) Imagine farm-skyscraper with GMO plants which is making fuel in its GMO fruits, and when they are ready, release fuel which is simply gathered and flows like juice in pipes to the ground..
  10. This is also very cool simulator: https://hermann.is/gravity/ It has couple nice features, not present in other simulators: - cosmic objects grow when they collide each other. - change of focus (reference frame), so we can see from perspective of star, planet or moon.
  11. Collision is not the only option. One (especially massive) object can change (otherwise stable) path of other cosmic object, because of close enough flight. To calculate force of attraction of gravity we use inverse square law. The closer flight to object, the stronger attraction of that object. Calculation of overall force between three and more objects is very complicated task. It's called three-body-problem. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-body_problem You can see it playing one of many games simulating stars, planets and moons. e.g. https://dan-ball.jp/en/javagame/planet/ http://www.testtubegames.com/gravity.html (or search the net for "planet simulator online", "star simulator online" etc. keywords) ps. There is no stable orbits. There are only metastable for billions or more years. Close enough flight of high velocity star (e.g. ejected from binary star system by black hole) can easily perturb orbits of entire solar system.
  12. But OP was asking about external influences on human evolution.. Think about it from perspective of probability. Every day somebody dies because of car crash, airplane accident etc. etc. Obviously genes present in dead person are gone (if dead person had no offspring, that's essential thing). But because it's just per mille of the all deaths, influence on evolution of human as a whole, is negligible. On the other hand, death of at least 60 millions of people during II world war was not negligible for human evolution (e.g. decreased diversity of genes of Jews, Germans, Poles, Europeans). What I wanted to say initially was that humans kill significantly much more humans than wild animals do it, so their influence on human evolution is much more stronger. Accidentally you reminded me about one much more evolution influential thing - diseases, microorganisms and viruses..
  13. For a very long time, in human evolution, the only "predator" capable to hunt and kill other human, is other human..
  14. Fusion is releasing energy... and fission also is releasing energy.. Reverse of fusion, is artificial radioactivity in laboratory. Scientists are adding missing energy (aka "binding energy") to split nucleus to its constituents. *) e.g. you had Helium-4 nucleus, and turned it to 4 protons.. Then after millions or billions of years they collapsed in newly born star and started fusion again.. and you have new place to live in couple billions of years from now.. *) Artificial radioactivity has been found by Irène Joliot-Curie (daughter of Marie Curie-Sklodowska) with husband. She with her husband received Nobel prize for describing this reaction: Al-27 + He-4 -> P-30 + n0
  15. "Web 2.0 refers to World Wide Web websites that emphasize user-generated content," (quote from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_2.0 ) If corporation with large enough user database will install forum software (such as this forum), users ask questions, and the more experienced users answer them, without requiring and bothering employees of company to do it, which will optimize their work. Customers are acting like free-of-charge company call-center for troubles of newer customers. When issue is really serious, the real employee is jumping in and answering questions, and the all other people can see it and learn from it. It can work pretty efficiently when there is enough people registered on forum, in companies which are working in IT sector and are selling computer related software product. On the other hand, when there is issue with their software, or somebody is complaining at company, entire community of users is learning about it immediately. IT companies (now constantly) are forcing their customers to register to their forums while purchasing their products, or even requiring registering prior being able to buy product. Everybody wants your data, e-mails, phones, addresses, credit card details and so on.
  16. Gamma photon which is able to create pair of electron-positron must have at least 1.022 MeV energy. [math]\gamma + 1.022 MeV \rightarrow e^- + e^+[/math] After annihilation of electron-positron there are created two gamma photons with ~ 510998.928 eV energy each (it's just one of few annihilation channels, but with the highest probability of happening, therefor other channels are typically omitted in discussions). [math]e^- + e^+ \rightarrow \gamma (0.511 MeV) + \gamma (0.511 MeV) [/math] It's shortened to: [math]e^- + e^+ \rightarrow \gamma + \gamma + 1.022 MeV [/math] So, after annihilation photons have not enough energy for pair-production. When photon is scattering with matter (or antimatter), part of energy from photon is given to matter/antimatter, and new photon with smaller energy is created. Particle which received energy from photon is accelerated. It can be repeated over and over again, and from initial 0.511 MeV photon after millions of such interactions, you will have millions of photons with very low energies (e.g. visible spectrum, then IR).. One of scattering is Compton scattering. Here is article if you want to read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compton_scattering
  17. Uncontrolled decompression (e.g. caused by debris from engine) can force pilots to immediately decrease altitude from ~10 km to ~3 km, which decreases possible to flight range (on one or none engine).. Inability to decrease altitude can have tragic consequences like in Helios Airways Flight 522. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helios_Airways_Flight_522 (irreversible coma, damage of brain and organs, caused by lack of Oxygen)
  18. Jump inside of train.. Are you leaving train.. ? Jump inside of airplane.. Are you leaving airplane.. ? Particles, molecules, or objects which didn't reach escape velocity will be attracted toward Earth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escape_velocity Planets are losing their atmosphere all the time, when highly accelerated particles from cosmos, and mostly from the Sun are giving them enough kinetic energy. Earth and Venus are leaving tail behind them. When Sun will start burning Helium-4 fuel, and other heavier elements, temperature will increase and even more energy will be reaching planets, and entire inner planets will be vaporized..
  19. I would start from drawing two right triangles on piece of paper. In small scale e.g. a=10 cm, b= 1.5 cm (and c=sqrt(a^2+b^2) obviously). You can check angle using simple protractor. If you will understand idea behind parallax in small scale, you should be able to solve it also with millions or billions of kilometers.
  20. Did you check crackpot websites? Quark-model is a method to unify previously discovered "particle zoo".. When particle accelerators were created, new and new and new particles have been discovered, one by one, introducing consternation, confusion into quantum physicists community. "Particle zoo" in quantity a couple hundred of particles, mesons and baryons. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Particle_zoo List of particles: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_particles The first was discovery of so many different particles, later there was attempt of reunification of them to smaller quantity (and introduction of quantum numbers which are conserved during creation (or not), and conserved during creation and decay). Sometimes particles differ just by half-lives and/or decay mode (like neutral Kaon long and neutral Kaon short, while their rest-masses are the same (at least according to current methods used to measure their masses))
  21. Imagine following experiment. We start with object at altitude/height h=20m, then we release object, and while it's flying we record position of object on timeline (easily done with modern high speed cameras). We received graph h(t). It can be put to e.g. Excel or OpenOffice Calc Spreadsheet. They have simple unit meter m. One entry of table per single exact time. Altitude measured from the ground. If you subtract entries in spreadsheet, A2-A1, fill it down, you will receive distance traveled each second, you can (in memory) divide this distance by e.g. 1s time delay between them. Put it in column B in spreadsheet. First row will be empty because of lack of data (B2=A2-A1... B3=A3-A2... B4=A4-A3... and so on..) (h(1)-h(0))/(t(1)-t(0) = dH/dt = local velocity at 1st second (h(2)-h(1))/(t(2)-t(1) = dH/dt = local velocity at 2nd second (depends on initial altitude whether there will be 2nd second of flight) (h(3)-h(2))/(t(3)-t(2) = dH/dt = local velocity at 3rd second (depends on initial altitude whether there will be 3rd second of flight) dH/dt has unit m/s. Now imagine that you're interested in how this velocity changes over time. It's acceleration. You have to take B3 and subtract from it B2 (In memory you divide by 1s). You have dV/dt. With units (m/s) / s = m/s^2 = m * s^-2 And this is how such example spreadsheet could looks like: I used 0.1 time delay between entries to show how it changes. Initial A1 = 20 - 1/2*9.81*T1^2 and then Edit > Fill > Down
  22. There is needed context in which they are used. e.g. If you have energy E0 at the beginning of experiment at time t0=0s and after 1s delay at time t1=1s there is energy E1, you can write equation (E1-E0)/(t1-t0) = dE/dt and then you use multiplication/division of units to find out what are new units of newly created power P. Energy was in kg*m^2*s^-2, subtraction E1-E0=dE and t1-t0=dt don't change units, but division by time does.. (kg*m^2*s^-2) *s^-1 gives you kg*m^2*s^-3.. Second to third power looks weird, but you have to remember how to get to this result knowing equations P=I*U=dE/dt .. It will help. Equation where energy has been multiplied by energy (J*J).. or where volume has been multiplied by velocity (V * v)... or where area has been multiplied by other area (A*A)... etc. ?
  23. It often ends up this way, when there is collapse of society, education, knowledge, trade. Such times are called now "Dark Ages" (because of lack of written information about what exactly happened) Ancient knowledge has been many times lost, forgotten, and remained just shreds of knowledge unable to be read, interpreted, understood by many generations of people living after collapse. Some day, somebody, priest of new religion, can repeat E=mc2 without even having any idea what each of these letters mean, in some temple (like this happened with YHWH).. I don't share your optimistic opinion. It can be very easy. At the moment, you can't even read data from tapes which were created 30 years ago. Knowledge gathered on CD/DVD/Blu-ray, won't be available when the last CD/DVD/Blu-ray reader/writer will stop working, and new one won't replace them. There is just a few people (perhaps less than per mille of per mille of population) knowing how to make these devices, how to fix them, and how to recreate them, if the all devices would be gone.. Couple thousands years ago knowledge gathered on stones was less vulnerable for loss.
  24. There is such a tool: webarchive... You can try going "back in time" to older version of website (as long as it was backed up by them.. this requires that site must be publicly available, so web crawlers added URL to their databases). e.g. https://web.archive.org/web/*/scienceforums.net
  25. I could dismiss iNow from his new, unexpected, god position, within seconds, asking some "wonky" questions about quantum physics.. (but putting into consternation Nobel prize winners in physics is even more amusing..)
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