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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. I know somebody who runs at speed of light. He/she is called a photon..
  2. Oil is insoluble in water (and less dense than water so it makes upper layer on top of water), while InCl3 is very soluble in water (195 g/100 mL) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indium(III)_chloride Why do you think you made InCl3?
  3. I can say the same about my the all posts here ever made.. Review 4k posts and fix them, without changing meaning.. "unfortunately"/"fortunately", I am not humanist...
  4. Smart parents are extending their children horizons, stupid parents are shrinking their children horizons.. Children are naturally curious of the world. Somebody with limited horizons, can destroy this natural curiosity..
  5. Intelligent parents (if they're not too busy their own career) are talking with children, teaching children, discussing with teenager (two-way conversation, not just one way transmission of orders). Not-so-intelligent parents don't have much to say and don't teach much their children, as they by them self, don't know much about this world. Intelligent parents, are giving them toys, devices, things, books, quiz, questions to rethink, that develop their intelligence. They're treating their children as partners instead of "yet another one head to feed" (one of the most liked parents phrases usually used here by farmers and poor people.. If they didn't want to have "yet another one head to feed" they should use e.g. anti-conception or abortion.. Going from medium poor status of family, to extremely poor status, is extremely easy, just don't do anything, which will result in borning children every year of marriage/relationship (while maintaining pretty constant income).. Extremely poor families can start committing crimes to feed their children.. and children can start to steal food because of hunger). While teaching, learning, talking, reading, playing, new connections in brain are created. Not properly stimulated brain won't develop connections. "Intelligence" that can be inherited from parents, in genes, e.g. genetic modification/mutation in better blood supply to the brain (the more Oxygen).
  6. Physical constants are remeasured using newly developed techniques all the time, every couple of years. What I said has nothing to do with the way Planck's constant is measured.
  7. Did you hear about Planck units? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_units But it's obsolete (it was made prior measurement of e.g. elementary charge in Millikan's oil drop experiment)
  8. Suppose so, we have points: x0 = 0, y0 = 0, z0 = 0 x1 = 10, y1 = 2, z1=5 Delta (aka "displacement vector") between them will be: dx = x1-x0 dy = y1-y0 dz = z1-z0 dx,dy,dz is 3d vector length = sqrt( dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2 ) (or length = sqrt( dot_product( delta, delta ) ) ) length is scalar. Distance between one point and another one. dx' = dx/length dy' = dy/length dz' = dz/length dx',dy',dz' is 3d normalized vector (aka "normal", "unit vector"). Length of it is equal 1. Multiplication of normal by length gives you original vector back. This is often used in 3d graphics equation: world_position = ray_origin + ray_direction * ray_length world_position, ray_origin are 3d vectors ray_direction is normalized 3d vector (it's length is equal 1) ray_length is scalar (>=0.0 typically) You can reverse entire equation: ray_length = sqrt( dot_product( world_position - ray_origin, world_position - ray_origin ) )
  9. Exchange of genes, and genetic material, between people who are not close relatives, like it might happen in closed society (e.g. village, town, island, sect, orthodox religious people who forbade contacts with people from other religions).
  10. I'm wondering what people have instead of brain, wasting time talking about celebrities...
  11. - fusion.. ? - liquefy helium, and create superconducting electromagnet.. ? From more realistic for you to make: - send balloon with attached camera to the sky.. But Hydrogen would work better as H2 molecule has approximately twice smaller mass than Helium atom. - perform experiment to check speed of sound in monoatomic gases vs H2,O2,N2,air,Cl2 ... - spectral lines of Helium..
  12. Because humanoid apes/hominidae which evolved to humans had white sclera..
  13. P = I * U Power is Current multiplied by Voltage. If we multiply both sides of equation by time t: P*t = I*t * U and use knowledge that energy E=P*t, and that charge Q=I*t, then: E = Q * U But charge Q is quantized to e (elementary charge = 1.6021766 * 10^-19 C). There can be 1 electron, 2 electrons, 10 electrons, billion of electrons, etc. but can't exist "half of electron", "quarter of electron" etc. So, we can write: I1 * U1 = I2 * U2 I1/I2=U2/U1 and Q1*U1=Q2 * U2 Q1/Q2=U2/U1 In other words large numbers of electrons with small voltage (and small kinetic energies) can be converted to small number of electrons with large kinetic energies, or vice versa, in e.g. transformer.
  14. Methyl nitrate is dangerous explosive.. CH2ClNO3 the most likely too.
  15. Why do you think extraterrestrial life forms from other galaxy are more advanced than you...?
  16. The Earth atmosphere gas molecules mostly N2 and O2 will decelerate any object... so keeping constant speed is not sufficient at low altitude.. This can be thought experiment when there is no atmosphere around cosmic object..
  17. I am often using conditional formulas for filtering in OpenOffice Calc. e.g. =IF(A1>10;A1;"") What I don't want to see, is not displayed at all.
  18. In the all local commissions (e.g. temporarily used school) counting votes there should be members of the all parties involved in election, members of UN, EU, and couple from other major countries. Each voting card should have unique ID (MD5/SHA checksum?), visible only in UV light, and printed in quantity equal exactly the number of people who can vote. After finished voting, there should be counted not just used voting cards, but also checked remaining empty not used voting cards, to ensure their quantity matches, and whether they all have the right checksums. Local commissions don't only send data to central commission, but reveal results on-line. Media counts by them self. Voter can use UV lamp and his/her own smartphone to make photography of his/her own voting card with revealed checksum. There should be on-line database with revealed voting cards with their checksums visible in UV light. So everybody could check whether their vote is correct by looking up unique ID/checksum. Without revealing their personal data to everybody (that was introduced to disallow attack on people supporting one party/person). That reminded me, one ancient way of voting. Using black and white stones. Everybody take stone with color they want (it represents person), and puts in jar. In modern version, if we have two opponents, voter receives two voting cards, one puts in box, second one is "canceled" and must take with him/her. So, if something is wrong with counting, voters can check it by revealing voting cards they took with them, and not used. ..please add your own ideas how to make cheating much more complicated.. ps.I modern world, in some countries, fraudulent elections have been replaced by influencing minds of "not so smart", uneducated and undecided voters. Brainwashing on a large scale.
  19. There are living organisms which have it swapped. Females are aggressive and dominant, and males are small, weak and helpless. There are living organisms which have it even more complicated. The all of females and males are impotent, except specialized entities, queens and drones. The most of living organisms do not have sex. Microorganisms clone for reproduction. Busted.. I could agree with this statement.. When there will be no separation to nations, races, religions, poorness, wealthiness, conflicting groups of interests, etc. etc. there will be almost perfect peace around the world.. Cooperation for a higher purpose. People should be too busy thinking how to extend life span, how to fight against the all possible and hypothetical problems which can wipe them out from the planet (like extraterrestrial object on trajectory colliding with the planet), to bother about such things like national interests, somebody color of skin, somebody personal believes, etc. etc.
  20. I like the name "Creator of the Universe"...
  21. Such scientists I would call uneducated.. because collision of Indian plate with Eurasian plate happened just recently, in Cenozoic. It started around 36 mln years ago. Not like you said "billions of years ago". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geology_of_the_Himalaya
  22. It already happened... Had Navalny withdrawn from Crimea, there might be an uprising. Regardless who is at charge, returning Crimea and giving up on Donetsk and Lugansk for real (instead of freezing conflict like right now), is the only way atmosphere between Russia and west world countries can be fixed.. Fear of nationalist uprising.. I should better not comment..
  23. There must be first really really bad, to people's uprising.. Lack of food, or money for food, no jobs etc. etc. So we can classify them by how much they enjoyed it.. He would not attack Crimea, nor attack Donetsk nor Lugansk.. There would be no sanctions (and counter-sanctions, restrictions on food import)...
  24. Better drunkard, than murderer....
  25. "Experimental smallpox in chimpanzees" "In an attempt to prepare highly specific antiserum to variola virus, a chimpanzee was inoculated with a virulent human strain of this virus. Three uninoculated chimpanzees were housed in the same room; two of these developed clinical disease with seroconversion, while the third developed no evidence of infection and no antibody. The three animals that became ill also developed antibody to vaccinia and monkeypox viruses. Human contacts during the study and following a break in containment showed no evidence of infection as determined by serological tests and lack of clinical disease." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2395827/ There is more of such experiments, if you will search for keyword e.g. "smallpox chimpanzee"..
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