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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. You should ask whether mentioned 400 MW is peak power, or average power, etc. Average power from solar panels in winter will be much lower than average power in summer..
  2. Watt is energy in Joules divided by second.. from definition..
  3. They should also split isotopes to Deuterium for future fusion plants..
  4. I think it's wrong example. Energy from the Sun is absorbed by plants, which are consumed by animals, which are sold. I would say it's not extremely weak, if you can describe entire path so easily.. It would be harder if you would try describing selling of some immaterial "object". Knowledge? Information?
  5. Matter and antimatter annihilates together. Electron-Position annihilation creates two gamma photons usually. [math]e^- + e^+ \rightarrow \gamma + \gamma + 1.022 MeV[/math] This reaction is providing 7.64% of energy from the Sun. In electromagnetic traps. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ion_trap https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penning_trap
  6. Some said that working you are selling your time of life. Some person life time is cheap, other person life time is more expensive. It's correlated to how well somebody is educated. At the same time when education cost money, it creates endless loop. Poor people can't afford sending their offspring to school, so poorness is inherited in the next generations. Hard to break this loop. It reminds me the movie "In Time". http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1637688/ In the movie authors moved even further and made equation money = time. Time of life. Literally. ps. I wish the all people the best education (without addition "..which one they can afford")..
  7. When it's done by management/directors it's called here "operation to the detriment of the company". It can have various forms e.g. signing of unfavorable contract that will cause lost of company money and/or company property (usually it's connected to taking bribe for doing it). I believe so it's prosecuted from private complaint. One of shareholders must be feeling ripped off. So, if you're the only owner of company, it does not apply.
  8. I agree, large shares holder can influence company. I even said it right above the post you quoted. But it's direct conflict of interest if you own shares of weapon manufacturer, and at the same time you're pacifist (even indirectly, through investment and retirement funds).. From point of view of investor, you are interested in as largest revenue as possible from investment and steady income with expectable dividend.. and it won't come without production of guns and/or change of profile of the company. In other words management which wouldn't try to increase their profits would be working against interest of company (which is considered illegal).
  9. Imagine what would happen if the all (or majority) from Forbes 100 the richest list would declare that they don't invest or make any deals with funds which posses shares of weapon manufacturers in their pockets. Funds would have to start selling their shares ASAP to not lose the best clients.
  10. Aren't we in one of many threads "how to solve problems with guns", "how to get rid of mass shootings, suicides, accidental shootings, murders made by gun" etc. etc. .. ? If fund management is making sub-fund, addressed to people who are against guns, it's just marketing trick to attract investors. They will still continue supporting weapon manufacturers by their money. Just in different sub-funds. If majority of US fund managements will give up on supporting weapon manufacturers entirely, they will cause collapse of these companies, or force them to change their profile, to production of something useful for people instead. Fund managements with large stakes of shares can introduce their managers to board of directors, or even replace CEO. Basically, it's their company. Or rather investor's company who gave fund their money. Fund managements reluctantly reveal their investors exact target of investment (or they're not interested too much, just percent they will earn on it). They should be interested whether their money are landing in weapon manufacturers pockets, if they are against weapons...
  11. "The devil is in the details"... What you said shall be read "we will make special sub-fund ("product") for investors, in which we won't invest in weapon manufacturers" (just catchy phrase for advertisement!).. At the same time it means "we are investing people's money in weapon manufacturers in THE ALL OUR OTHER SUB-FUNDS!"... What I meant in previous post, is that the all retirement funds/investment funds should say "we do not invest any money in weapon manufacturers! We did it in the past, we regret it, but we sold them, because our investors/retired people don't want to support them!"..
  12. ..and there will be more, if nothing will be done, because weapon manufacturers have to earn money, year by year.. 1) what are the biggest gun making companies? 2) are they listed on stock markets (which one) ? are they private (which one)? are they owned by government (which one)? 3) who are their shareholders? (and in what percentage) 4) if shareholders are e.g. retirement funds, or investment funds, then which one.. ? 5) should not retired-to-be and retired people know in which companies their retirement funds are investing their money.. ? 6) should not they disallow their retirement funds to invest in company in which they don't believe is doing something good for people.. ?
  13. Practice makes the master..
  14. I think the main purpose of buyback program is to take illegal weapons from streets..
  15. Australian's gun buyback program in 1996 took 660,959 firearms out of private hands. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_buyback_program
  16. Regulations to control who can buy gun is not enough to limit mass shootings. There is also needed buyback of weapons available on 2nd hand market. And "do something" with existing weapon making companies. They demand steady (or growing) income year by year for their products. Buyback of their stocks, and then change of their profile, to production of something useful to people? That reminds me strategy used by U.S.Army in Iraq and Afghanistan. American soldiers offered cash for weapons given away by Iraq army after surrendering to everybody who wanted it (to destabilize country, which they actually managed to do anyway).
  17. That is, to some extent, Titus work (emperor-to-be at that time). He conquered Jerusalem, and took Jews as slaves and spread, sold them, around entire Roman Empire. Some of them were Christians. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Jerusalem_(70_CE)
  18. Playing on indexes, up/down,, or short-selling stocks that you don't own doesn't require revealing your strategy to the world.. I said it week ago, that's their aim https://www.scienceforums.net/topic/113669-trade-wars-are-good/?tab=comments#comment-1041234 ps. Somebody saw "Trading Places".. ? History likes to repeat.. If somebody is smart enough.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short_squeeze
  19. Not at all. I share your point of view, because I am not complete idiot.. But title "troller in chief" obviously belongs to somebody who owns "army" of paid Internet trolls.. I can happily teach you how can you fight with russian Internet trolls, but it must be done off-line, because they are reading this forum very extensively... ps. You = plural !! Don't take "you" personally! "laughing at you" != "laughing at iNow"... he didn't even know about you existence till now..
  20. Even if you'll buy thing in shop, even if you'll make thing by your self, it'll degrade with time (not necessarily because of use. It's not required). Constant interaction with the Universe.. Space shuttle, space ship, after space travel to cosmos, looks like cheese under electron microscope, because of constant bombardment by e.g. particles from the Sun and micro meteorites.. Things that contain Carbon will degenerate just because of they're not pure C-12 and C-13 isotopes.. but contains "contamination" of radioactive Carbon C-14.. which will decay with time and turn into Nitrogen N-14 making random damages.. etc. etc. the same with the all other things containing even minute amount of radioactive isotopes contamination..
  21. In quantum physics there are quantum particles. To distinguish one quantum particle from another there are set of quantum properties, quantum numbers. They're kinda like bits in IT... e.g. -1 or +1... -2/3... -1/3... 0... +1/3... + 2/3... (after multiplying them by 3 ("normalization"), we would not have to bother anymore about dividing and have e.g. -3.. -2... -1... 0... +1... +2... +3) Some speculate that properties are not intrinsic, but change with regards to some thing (e.g. time?)... we had multiple such persons on this forum in the past (they have been unfortunately banned from this forum by moderators, as they could not provide any real evidence to support their theory, and they were pissed off because of nobody wanted to hear their revolutionary theory.. I was trying to teach them a bit of quantum physics, giving references) Even Dirac (scientist who predicted antimatter), Nobel prize winner, speculated that antiparticle is kinda like normal particle traveling back in time. (I am not saying, I am supporting this view, or not supporting this view) If you place billions of billions of particles in one object.. it'll be macroscopic object.. you will have to sum the all their properties of this object together.. and receive macroscopic result.. e.g. 1 kg of e.g. water is sum of the all water molecules masses added together. Sometimes macroscopic object reveals quantum properties, if they sum up, instead of canceling each other. e.g. quantity of electrons don't match quantity of protons.
  22. Going from macro, would be like learning programming without explanation of what is bit, bytes, how they're added/subtracted/multiplied/divided, without description of binary/hexadecimal/decimal numerical systems, how they are put in larger structures, how they are put in OOP objects.. Micro in IT is bit, slightly higher level of micro is byte. ps. You didn't even mention in which area of science, you wanted to speculate..
  23. ?? Mountain peaks with 3500 km? Diameter of Pluto is ~2376 km..
  24. Putin is laughing at you. His tricks worked on the all people. You all concentrated on the servant, rather on the source of the all problems...
  25. They want to collapse stock markets, because they already set up short-sell, to earn on it...
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