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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. It's not equation. It's assignment operator. http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/operator_assignment http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/copy_assignment Programmer can overload assignment and/or copy-assignment operators to implement custom operation executed after assigning something to object. Things that have basically nothing to do with mathematics.
  2. Studiot is not complaining about upvotes/downvotes, but that web browser does not update after clicking button, like it used to in previous version of software, in the past.. We just clicked upvote on his OP, to check it, and verify his findings. And confirmed observation. From computer programmer point of view, typically in such dynamically generated web sites, it's job of AJAX to download new updated page (or just fraction of page), after user interaction.
  3. There are revenge downvotes (causing negative feelings), and there are "revenge" (in positive sense) upvotes.. I like more second ones.. but still... they can be (mis)used by some people as a way to manipulate other people.. ("how can you dislike me, if I am 'liking' every post you made?!")
  4. They made it on purpose. The more controversial subject, the more people disagree. But there is no other way to share your point of view other way than writing essay in reply.. which brings more ads displayed, the more attention, and it's black hole sucking even more people in wasteless discussion.. etc. etc. recursive loop.
  5. FB/Twitter/Google+ are screwed up because of inability to say you don't agree with crap somebody said.. and it gives incorrect impression everybody agrees with it, when there is visible dozen "likes".. and nobody "dislikes" crap somebody said.. Down vote is often (always?) disagreement for somebody said. Without having to write entire essay about why do we disagree, which would be flooded by dozen of posts and basically disappear, in the ocean of discussion..
  6. Why not write C/C++ program? #include <stdio.h> int main( void ) { int counter = 1; for( int x = 0; x <= 15; x++ ) { for( int y = 0; y <= 15; y++ ) { for( int z = 0; z <= 15; z++ ) { int result = x + z - y; if( ( result == 0 ) || ( result == 15 ) ) { printf( "%d. X=%d Y=%d Z=%d\n", counter, x, y, z ); counter++; } } } } return( 0 ); } It generated 272 results, check results.txt in Release folder. MultivarEquationHelp.zip
  7. "Ant–fungus mutualism" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ant–fungus_mutualism There are many living organisms like ants which are farmers. They are finding food which their "cows" are "eating", feeding them, and use whatever their "cows" are producing, equivalent of "milk". Other example ant-aphids. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_symbiotic_relationships "A lichen is a composite organism that arises from algae or cyanobacteria living among filaments of multiple fungi" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lichen
  8. If you will write entire, step by step, instruction "how to make explosives" in your (hypothetical) science fiction novel, it'll be the bestseller for any terrorist-to-be.. Extracting fluorine from anything, to use it, to make explosives, I would call quite silly idea, as there are much easier ways to make explosives. If you think we will tell you here "how to make explosives step-by-step", you completely lost mind..
  9. There is Search Term field: You have to fill both, and then press Search Content button.
  10. Original HTML was static, and required to redownload entire page to update contents ("refresh"/"reload"). It causes lost of data entered in forms, heavy data transmission, and other annoyances. But later, there has been added AJAX, Asynchronous JavaScript And XMLHttpRequest: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajax_(programming) It allows website programmers to redownload just part of page. "dynamic web page" reacts for user action immediately, generating content on the fly, or redownloading them asynchronously. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_web_page Maybe forum software allows enabling/disabling AJAX by admins, and after update it has not been enabled again.. ?
  11. When you're searching using "Search By Author", you also have to enter something in "Search Term" field (don't leave it empty). It'll filter posts made by member of forum, to the one in which he/she mentioned term you're interested in.
  12. Particle nature of photon can be observed by naked eye in Photoelectric Effect. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photoelectric_effect or Pair Production: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pair_production Photons can have different energies/frequencies/wavelengths. He meant "Hitachi experiment" and "Young's experiment" separately. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PanqoHa_B6c
  13. Mass spectrometer can be used even to separate isotopes of the same element.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_spectrometry
  14. Sensei

    Yay, GUNS!

    e.g. they are repeating, and spreading around, NRA slogans..
  15. Sensei

    Yay, GUNS!

    Yes, I think that was brought up earlier in the thread. Repeating one more time won't hurt.. especially to people after brainwash, ex-clients of weapon dealers.. They are "smarter" after "accident" (asking "God, why it happened to us?!"), when one member of their family is dead, or entire family is dead..
  16. Sensei

    Yay, GUNS!

    Gun owners are the most common victims of owning gun in their house. Suicide, extended suicides, accidental shooting by kid, etc. etc.
  17. And it would be obviously wrong generalization. To have "catchy story" by incompetent/greedy journalist. Pedophilia, or other sexual abnormalities, can have various sources like: - chemical change (e.g. abuse of drugs and/or narcotics and/or alcohols and/or cigarettes. Also by pregnant mother and family) - physical change (e.g. tumor, undetected stroke, or other damage, causing abnormal functionality) - sociological (e.g. molestation in childhood) - genetics (e.g. damage of DNA) - ....
  18. Each case should be studied independently. Without generalization. Scientific method of checking whether brain tumor (if it has been found) caused change of preferences (like pedophilia) would be e.g. MRI scan of brain activity while showing series of images of women, men, child, at various ages, to check whether they caused excitement. Then remove brain tumor, and repeat scan. Obviously it's impossible to do it with dead body of convicted and executed serial killer.
  19. That reminds me about one pedophile and serial killer, who had the last wish prior execution, that scientists should receive his brain and examine it. They found that he had brain tumor. Execution and cremation of such persons disallow learning true reasons why they did it, and how it developed during their life.
  20. There is known just a few Argon compounds. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argon_compounds As it's Noble gas, they're in majority extremely unstable.
  21. Intuition is not measurable quantity..
  22. Everything what computers do, is math. GFX just have many cores. It's cheaper to buy one GFX card with 2048 cores, instead of 256 computers each with 8 cores CPU on board.
  23. Hi-end gfx cards have 1024-2048+ CUDA cores.. They can do any tasks requiring extensive math calculations programmers ordered them to do. https://www.geforce.com/hardware/desktop-gpus/geforce-gtx-titan-z/specifications "GTX TITAN Z GPU Engine Specs: 5760 CUDA Cores"
  24. Result of electrolysis is release of Hydrogen gas mostly, and Oxygen gas (if there is used e.g. Gold or similar metal as positive electrode).. So during electrolysis amount of water is decreased. While Na+ Ca2+ Cl- and other heavy ions still remain in the same water.. You could boil water, condense vapors, and receive distilled water. It can be done quite efficiently, especially in tropics (without additional power source from burning oil, gas or coal). Concentrate light from the Sun, using mirrors on hermetic container with water, with output going to Graham condenser. From time to time fill container with new amount of water. Output will be pretty good distilled water. Alternative methods of cleaning dirty water are reverse osmosis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_osmosis and active coal.
  25. Search for "baby monitor" on eBay/AliExpress. They're cheap, with night vision (unavailable in smartphone), camera can be rotated, with the all apps included.
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