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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. ..how do you verify if something is fact or bullshit.. ?
  2. ..when you don't know something, experiment.. do two or more and adjust the settings, remember/store the results and compare.. This way you will gain more knowledge than simply asking on the forum. In any field, not only in cooking. BTW, I'm not fond of liver unless I have to, but I tried (because of the discount, $4 for 1 kg) hare liver.. Wow! Completely different from pork, beef or poultry liver! When I see my salesgirls in the meat store I am now joking: when will the liver from the bear.. "Any news from the Canada?" etc.
  3. ..the whole story behind the movie "Matrix" does not make any sense.. 'humans created clouds to cover the whole world to prevent A.I. from taking sunlight, so they were placed in "carnisters" to produce electricity for A.I'.. This is what I remember from "The Matrix Part #1".... The creators created things on the fly, without giving much thought to whether it would even come together into any larger story (as is the case when there is an adaptation of a book by a writer who has been writing it for many years, and has thought through every page of the script). The second and third parts are tacked on to the first, which was a spectacular and unexpected success. So the creators must have added some explanation of something they didn't think too much about when writing the original. This is a video in which they mention that man is a battery, a source of electricity (bizarre!): (which is nonsense, because a 4-year-old would find a better source of electricity) When you live in a simulation, the creators (aka "superadmins", as someone said about me in the religious section), can do whatever want.. i.e., change "the script" and change someone's life (in hell, heaven or whatever)..
  4. ..so do humans..
  5. ..let me guess - you would turn on the language checker in your web browser...? ..I think it is different here.... It is easy for a layman.... and difficult for a non-layman.... ps. All this stuff, theoretical experiments, at the speed of sound, are not enough accurate.. Like I said, the Earth, rotates..
  6. The earth is rotating. The emitter rotates with the Earth. The receiver also rotates. With a home-made apparatus, no serious experiment can be conducted. Photons emitted by the emitter, travel a curved path to reach the receiver, while the Earth rotates? The distances are too small to make measurements.. All the experiments with "speed of sound" are useless.. The field of view is only 5 km near the ground. https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+kilometers+you+can+see+sea+horizon At the speed of light, it takes 42.5 ms for a particle to pass through the center of the Earth (12,700 km). Sound - one particle hits another particle, which hits another particle, and so on. Imagine that the Earth is rotating.. But his name was Lorentz.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hendrik_Lorentz
  7. If they didn't like the cold winter, they would move south, wouldn't they?
  8. Judges, especially in the U.S., twelve jurors, don't have that option, because they are ordinary people randomly selected from the crowd.. For such things, the simplest way is to run a computer program/script that will perform the most basic version of the equation in a loop. Don't know the result? It doesn't matter, use a (pseudo) random number generator and repeat the procedure over and over to average the results.
  9. An intermediate solution should be to simply draw straight lines between the control points.
  10. ..but where these data is loaded from the CSV...? There should be a curve, not a straight line....
  11. Newton's physics is relative.. Einstein's physics is special relative..
  12. I provided a link in previous messages. A map can be found there.. Decimal separator can be dot or comma or else. CSV usually use comma as separator. But it is not hardcoded. It can be other character. Comma decimal separator conflicts with comma separator in CSV (if parser is buggy). Download OpenOffice Spreadsheet, make some CSV text file, and try to load, try to save in CSV, it will ask what character do you want as column separator. It can be anything.
  13. If there is a double-quote character in the field, commas (or "commas") are ignored until the next ending double-quote character. Add quotes, add commas in them, and try loading again.. Some countries use a period as a decimal separator and some use a comma as a decimal separator. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_separator By default, computer languages use the user's local settings and the user's country settings when writing and parsing floating-point numbers. If a CSV, XML, HTML, etc. file is created, it will have an incompatible floating point/number format, and trying to load it in that form in another country will cause problems. For CSV, this will cause problems with simple/buggy CSV parsers, such as line.split( "," ) When each field in the CSV is in double-quotes, the parser can automatically detect where the separators are and whether we are importing data from a country with a different format than in the USA-UK-Australia-China and a few Africans countries. ps. Add padding/margins between controls. Reduce the inner padding from text to border. Text buttons should not glue together. (Image buttons can, if there is image inside of them without borders)
  14. BTW, CSVs are not as easy to use as you think. Files can have characters other than a comma as a separator (that's why the Open Office Spreadsheet asks the user what character is a "comma" - so you need entire window ("panel"/"GUI") to handle it) and there is a problem with escaping that character (double quotes in some fields). People doing a simple cols = string.split( "," ) create the buggy code. Example CSV: "1.0","2",3,"4,0" "1.1","2,1",4,"5,1" Commas are part of the record field. Using cols = string.split( "," ) will cause an error in the code. A simple solution is to use a CSV-compatible library. But nevertheless in-depth you need to test it on unusual files (like above CSV)..
  15. The app for making graphs should let the user to enter data, not just click and move with the mouse, the values must be precise, if it is to be 100.0, it cannot be done with the mouse. The mouse dragging procedure would have to have a snap-to-grid functionality - which the user should be able to turn on and off at will. (and edit grid size numeric text control - may be in the toolbox) This allows the user to click each point on the curve and see the value in the text (numeric) control and can change it. You can also select multiple points (Shift key) or use the region/lasso selection tool and drag them all at once. Or delete (you need del key event handler). Hovering the mouse over a point should display the value of the point in a floating bubble. You need some kind of threshold, a few pixels (editable in Tools > Settings), not an exact value (already at Full HD it's hard to hit something, at higher resolutions it would be a nightmare). Import and export various file formats. So the best way would be to make proprietary SDK to let other developers writing extensions. But it is way way more than your level of expertise (you would need to learn how to make C++/C# DLLs/modules) After creating menustrip, you need to create a toolbox with tools - images in buttons. So you need "Add", "Delete", "Edit" modes, "Select all", "Deselect all", "Invert selection" tools (all image-buttons). Have a Mode variable in the code. When you click Add Image button, you set Mode=Add (create enums). When you click Delete image button, you set Mode=Delete, etc. Select All, Deselect All, Invert are immediate operations. So you need in your project a list of control-points. Make C++/C# class for them, with properties: position, value, selection-state (which is altered by Select All etc. tools). Edit tool changes value property. Some other tool for sliding them to change position property. ..this is the Computer Science subforum..
  16. You should do some basic research before jumping into the topic in earnest to the level where you present the script to the public. For example, have you ever heard of Excel? Open Office Spreadsheet? You load a CSV file into them, for example, one click and you have a ready-made chart with many options to choose from. ps. It's good that you write some stuff. New code every day. Practice makes perfect. Do you have support for different curves? So far you have shown a straight line. Why didn't you click the Add Point button and present us with a nice, smooth curve? Let me guess - this function is not implemented yet.. Learn how to draw a Catmull-Rom curve: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centripetal_Catmull–Rom_spline https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_Hermite_spline#Catmull–Rom_spline (The Catmull-Rom spline passes through all control-points, unlike the Bezier and B-Spline). Once the control-points are created, they should be saved and restored each time the user runs the program. The program should allow loading and saving projects. Load from the resent list. Undo and redo operations. I always start writing an application in the .NET Framework (C++/C#) by creating a GUI and begin by creating the top menu. Typical setup is: File: Open, Resent list sub-menu, Save, Save As, (more stuff), Exit Edit: Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete (more stuff) View: (app context dependent) Tools: Settings, (more stuff) Help: (more stuff), About This is basically a standard in the industry that a good UI developer should follow. You do in the Visual Studio/Express. Download for free: https://www.google.com/search?q=Visual+Studio After creating a basic menu strip, double-click each entry to create actions in C++/C# code. Exit and About are the easiest, so I start from them. Tools > Settings should open another window. Settings depend on the application, and are different in each. Settings should have tree list control on the left, and on the right context dependent panel which the user switch by clicking on the tree entry.
  17. Let me paraphrase you: "Could a human output result in a spectacular failure ?" Apparently, yes: BTW, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/mar/29/microsoft-tay-tweets-antisemitic-racism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tay_(chatbot)
  18. ..or they can cause company to go bankrupt.. ..or wipe out entire sectors of the economy.. like Detroit.. or communism (people took to the streets not to fight communism, but to get higher wages). High wages that make up a significant portion of the product price = expensive end product that can discourage customers from buying (especially in tough years, during the economic crisis). Add to that strong labor unions that refuse to restructure the company (by lowering wages and/or reducing the number of employees), and disaster is ready. There must be a healthy balance between wages and company productivity and employee productivity.
  19. Whether someone is a terrorist or not depends on one's point of view. For one side someone is a terrorist, for the other a hero. And vice versa. In ancient times the word barbarian was used instead of terrorist. It is just such a word to disgust the other side and frighten the nation. ..and what do Israeli soldiers/terrorists say to their mothers when they return home? Exactly the same.. Watch some early American western (prior political correctness) and you will also see an American version of this, but with Indians instead. The Israelis have been displacing Palestinians over and over again and populating the new lands with Israeli settlers. Just as the US has been resettling Indians. But the US has enough land, unlike the Middle East. Do you have any idea how dense is Gaza Strip? 6500 people/km2 (London 5700). They were pushed into a "camp" there by Israeli settlers, and the soldiers working for them, and the entire apparatus ("government"). Now imagine what happens if you start firing rockets (real rockets, not home-made crap) into such densely populated area.. ...actually something like "I avenged the death of our father, grandfather, mother, grandmother, child" etc.
  20. Crocodiles (due to evolution) have their eyes and noses on top so they can see their prey and breathe while hidden under the surface of the water. Can you see such adaptation in the construction of the T. Rex?
  21. Analyzing an animal's appearance tells us what environment it evolved in and what it best fits into. Wetlands are rather poor in food. See what animals live there now - crocodiles and birds that catch fish. In Africa's wetlands, hippos. Your theory should show us what kind of animals would eat these T.Rex..
  22. You know the game from a first person perspective.. ? ..what happened to the buttons on the remote control.. ? ..I just did this.. in my previous post.. ..aren't we talking.. ?
  23. Want the source code of a search engine like Google? I give it away to mortals like you, like candy, these days..
  24. If I put your post into the translator and vice versa, I get: "Older people have sucked it up longer, so they are generally more up to date. " What did you mean when you said that they are more "fed"? Accustomed, indoctrinated, stupefied? The indoctrinated person shares the same view that was pressed upon him live.. Are you indoctrinated by government and mass media? What is happening in Gaza is basically mass murder and the creation of new "terrorists" in the coming years and decades.. When you bomb people who have nothing to do with the attack on X, Y, Z, survivors, family, friends, etc. etc. expect. Revenge. And the cycle begins... Hamas committed mass murder, (because of crimes committed by Israel you have no idea about..) And then Israel committed mass murder. Multiplied by 5x by now. And created even more enemies wanting to revenge and retaliation..
  25. ..the last time I saw an American IRL it was at the Casino and it was 10+ years ago.. We played black jack. It was a fun time, not like today..
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