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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Hint, hint..
  2. You did not say in which area of science.. Van de Graaff generator https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_de_Graaff_generator Cloud Chamber https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_chamber Cockcroft-Walton generator https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cockcroft–Walton_generator These are from physics.
  3. Some will say I am "prophet".. I am not.. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/02/us/politics/trump-tweet-north-korea.html "Trump Tweets 'Mine Is Much Bigger Than Kim Jong-un's'... "
  4. If spacecraft would have one side always pointing at the Sun, the other one to cosmos, temperatures wouldn't spread uniformly. One side would be always overheated, and the other one would be always overcooled.
  5. Lakes and tanks have three dimensions, width, height, depth.. You just have to reach deeper level with light. Vertical farms also use LEDs, R & B, with little G, to deliver light. ..as long as they are vertical farms.. They allow control what isotopes of Carbon get to plants (radioactive Carbon C-14 should be filtered out) and later to animal body and human body.. and allow better optimization of land and water.. That's the whole point. Microorganisms/algae don't require external source of power. They use whatever is delivered by the Sun. If you will be using nuclear plants to convert CO2 and H2O to fuel, and then burn in vehicles, why not deliver nuclear plant's energy straight to vehicles since the beginning.. ?
  6. Open ocean's farms of algae was my previous idea. But it also has some issues. 1) weather. 2) you can't use gravity to auto-separate fuel from algae/microorganisms (and they will die if concentration of whatever they produce will be too high). 3) If fuel is miscible with water, ocean would have to be completely separated from farm.. 4) you would have to transport them to land, and ferment on land, to convert them to something more usable. We can imagine GMO algae which have "fruits" filled by some kind of fuel. After squeezing them, fuel is released. Like olive oil extraction.
  7. Here is video tutorial how to mount (map) shared folder to virtual drive letter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZURjAaSGQRE Map network drive to some letter, and try whether it's possible to show content of it inside of cmd, using cd and dir commands.
  8. That depends on what you meant. Did you simply mean to legally display content of shared folder, or shared disk, or disk mounted in local network?
  9. How about other procedure: Genetically modify microorganisms and/or algae to produce fuel of choice *). Place them in in the middle of nowhere (e.g. desert) inside of large tanks, artificial lakes, pump to them carbon dioxide (solar panels) and fertilizers. Filter/gather produced by them fuel. *) ethanol is miscible with water. Benzene is weakly soluble with water. I think it's better choice, because it will be easier to extract from water.
  10. That's why many herbivorous animals have eyes with very wide field of view, near 360 degree (e.g. many birds).. They evolved to have "eyes around the head" to be able to see predators, and be able to escape them. On the other hand, predators, carnivorous animals, have binocular vision, to be able localize prey, and precisely measure distance. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bird_vision https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binocular_vision https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monocular_vision Bird's predecessors were carnivorous and used to have binocular vision, but some species lost it during evolution when they changed diet and became herbivorous animals. Binocular vision is useless for searching plants and fruits, monocular vision is useful to detect predators. Predators killed and ate binocular herbivorous birds, preventing them to have offspring (and spreading their genes).
  11. "Winter is coming".. GoT lovers will think you have torrents..
  12. They are redshifted... no longer in human visible spectrum of light.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift Add to it inverse-square law. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse-square_law [math]I = \frac{I_0}{4 \pi r ^2}[/math] Black means lack of photons at visible spectrum between 400 nm .... 700 nm.. Black materials are emitting photons in IR spectrum depending on their temperature. You can see them using IR camera. Analyze where is peak will tell temperature (that's how IR thermometers are working (from distance)) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wien's_displacement_law
  13. Do you have to? Everybody see it's wrong since the beginning.. In his vision: [math]E=\sqrt{G*D} \hbar[/math] [math]m=\frac{\sqrt{G*D} \hbar }{c^2}[/math] Replace m by me (rest-mass of electron): [math]m_e=\frac{\sqrt{G*D} \hbar }{c^2}[/math] [math]m_e c^2=\sqrt{G*D} \hbar[/math] [math]\frac{m_e c^2}{\hbar}=\sqrt{G*D}[/math] At the beginning he said [math]\sqrt{G*D}[/math] is frequency But Compton frequency of gamma photon created during annihilation of electron-positron pair will be: [math]\frac{m_e c^2}{h}=f_c[/math] Division by reduced Planck constant will give you angular frequency.. not frequency.. [math]\frac{m_e c^2}{\hbar}=\omega_c[/math]
  14. Dark material absorbs visible light spectrum... White material reflects visible light spectrum. Radiators increase area which is emitting photons in the all directions.
  15. Gravitational time dilation (in GR) has the same/similar influence on the all rocks here on the Earth. I was just explaining how age of the Earth is measured.
  16. Earth's age is measured using Rubidium-87 Strontium-87 radiometric dating method. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubidium–strontium_dating It uses fact that Rubidium-87 decays exclusively to Strontium-87 via beta decay minus. Half-life is 49.23 billions years Strontium-87 is stable isotope, so it's not decaying anymore (and remain that way in the rock). It just tell us "when the last time rock was melted". (melting of rock will mix atoms and destroy proportions between Rb-87/Sr-87) I showed calculations in OpenOffice SpreadSheet in this thread: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/104881-isochron-plots/?do=findComment&comment=983374
  17. At lower pressure (or lack of it) water boils at lower (e.g. room) temperature. Buy vacuum pump ($500+), piece of meat, and try making experiment like above one.. Make video, and you will have return from investment straight away..
  18. In science we're observing physical event, measuring physical constants and variables changing with time, and creating mathematical equations which can be used later again to predict result when the same circumstances will happen again.
  19. 2 Na + Cl2 -> 2 NaCl + energy Melt NaCl, perform electrolysis and it will release Chlorine gas.
  20. I am little "confused", don't fully understand your question.. What can you do with computer language? You can write computer program.. It's up to you, or your clients, what kind of application you will write. Python script interpreters are now often used by large applications to extend their functionality. You can write scripts to e.g. 3D applications. User-client in that case will be owner of 3D application, who needs some functionality that's missing in base-application, and script-programmer is making script which will fill this gap. You can f.e. make script which will be speeding up some slow-annoying-manual operation like parsing text from websites or documents. People who don't program, have to open browser, find interesting them data, copy and paste them to spreadsheet (Excel/OpenOffice). Repeat as many times as they have websites/documents to process. Person who is programmer will write script which will download websites, find interesting data, extract them, and write them to CSV or other spreadsheet file format. Instead of manual-boring-task, automation. Better productivity. The most common seek data is e-mail address (to be able to send offer of company to new clients).
  21. Versatile A.I. would read the all books ever written, read the all scientific papers, including thousands of everyday released (human can read just couple per day, so will never be up-to-date with the most recent scientific research). A.I. does not have to eat or sleep, can spend entire time on reading, learning, analyzing data and thinking.. Human spend only 1% of 1% of daily activity on learning, or less.
  22. While maintenance service is in progress it's good to redirect website to some alternative temporary website saying "we will be back again" etc. So people are not scared that website vanished for real..
  23. Heaven is morons free.. I assure you.. If somebody cannot create antimatter by himself/herself, is definitely not ready... Only 'enlighten' can go to heaven.. If you can create entire new Universe, from scratch, you are ready... ... but you don't have to.. you can jump in your newly created parallel Universe instead...
  24. That was Phi for All.. I am canceling this "go to hell" anyway.. ..for now.. It's "merciful year"... or maybe it was year ago.. ? Anyway... any year is good, to be merciful..
  25. Did you register your patents @ God ..... ps. I don't care about human's patents..
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