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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. You can't solve it, because you don't know how space and time are quantized...
  2. ..per single particle... Then show equation of integrating them together for the all particles of the Universe at the same time.. ps. Damn, you love intercepting threads with your own stuff...
  3. But still it has nothing to do with "Bill Angel" speculation... So keep on subject thread is about...
  4. Vmedvil, you're in the middle of "Bill Angel" thread.. You should concentrate on answering "Bill Angel" questions, or questioning his speculation (using Standard Model of quantum physics) etc.. Instead of introducing your own, or String Theory.. Moderators consider it as "thread-hijacking", and your posts should be split to separate thread if you want to continue it this way..
  5. Dunno why, you're introducing to this String Theory....
  6. 1) Multiverses have different particle's rest-masses, different physical constants, than this Universe. Analogy: chess vs draughts (different figures, different rules (~ physical laws) ). 2) Parallel Universes have different history, past and future one (one particle traveled there, the other one traveled somewhere else, in random directions, repeat as many times as you have particles in the entire Universe). The all possible results inside of single multiverse-universe cell. Physical constants remaining the same. Analogy: chess with the all possible solutions.
  7. The first from the left could be Pasteur pipette (aka "transfer pipette") https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasteur_pipette
  8. Computer programmers don't need driving license and it's one of the most well-paid normal jobs. Also 3D gfx artists (f.e. making visualizations of interiors or exteriors, it's easy to get client), webmasters. To become 3D artist you just need free Blender and learn it (by watching free video tutorials on the net). To become webmaster you just need to learn HTML, CSS, PHP, some MySQL, later JavaScript, and how to make some gfx in Photoshop or GIMP.
  9. What CPU do you have? What CPU is on VirtualBox? If code is compiled to f.e. SSE4, but you have CPU with e.g. SSE3, and CPU code is just run, instead of being emulated instruction-by-instruction, it will result in crash.. Use Windows dxdiag to check what CPU is installed physically, and use MacOS X equivalent for the same, compare whether VirtualBox is not detected wrong CPU.. If you will use code which is not checking whether CPU has some feature from more modern CPUs, it'll cause instant crash (e.g. trying to run SSE2 code on Pentium 1 will cause instant crash). Additionally, typical thing to check is disabling multi-tasking/multi-threading, just to see whether it helps. Set emulator to use just one CPU core and in Task/Process Manager on Windows (probably 99% of programmers don't know how to do it: you have to open Task Manager, LMB click on process, RMB to open context-menu, pick up "Set Affinity..." and disable the all except one core).
  10. Sensei


    If you would just click John's post link to Wikipedia, you would have the all what you wanted to know.....
  11. Source: http://geant4.cern.ch/G4UsersDocuments/UsersGuides/PhysicsReferenceManual/html/img2497.gif cern.ch
  12. n is number of pions produced.. [math]p^+ + p^- \rightarrow \pi^+ + \pi^-[/math] This branch has ratio 0.37%
  13. Check table that I gave in other thread.. There can be created 3 pions as well. [math]p^+ + p^- \rightarrow \pi^+ + \pi^- + \pi^0[/math] This branch has ratio 6.9% [math]p^+ + p^- \rightarrow \pi^+ + \pi^- + \pi^+ + \pi^- + \pi^0[/math] This branch has ratio 19.6% [math]p^+ + p^- \rightarrow \pi^+ + \pi^- + n \pi^0[/math] This branch has ratio 35.8%, n>1 (so at least two neutral pions)
  14. There is no theory (even scientific theory) here. Scientists-biologists were putting plants to hermetic closed boxes, and observed level of gas vs time. f.e. you can get rid of entire air, replace it by CO2 (so initial concentration is 100%, fire cannot burn) (also deliver water and enough light), and see how it's decreasing with time when plant is consuming it on graph, hour by hour, day by day, releasing more and more O2 will appear in our hermetic box (fire can now burn).. It's similar experiment to the one in which scientists found Oxygen is sustaining fire: placed candle in hermetic glass container, and observed how fire is fading away (because of decreased concentration of Oxygen, replaced by CO2)..
  15. Fritz Haber created NH3 and later NH4NO3 from air and water. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritz_Haber https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haber_process For which he was awarded Nobel prize. He was also involved in making toxic weapon gases during I world war..
  16. There is no one good answer for that. In some cases, when there is danger of epidemic, cremation is a way to prevent it..
  17. Muon has ~ 206x higher mass-energy than Electron/Positron..
  18. I think so it should be split to yet another thread, to not downgrade initial Moontanman thread.. Go back to initial topic. About science.
  19. After burning CO2 and H2O are gases.. Eating means reusing molecules as they were in food, with just small splitting them by stomach juice etc. "you become what you eat" (therefore you should bother quality of food!) CO2 and H2O have to be converted by plants to glucose and fructose etc. in photosynthesis process. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photosynthesis
  20. If body is burned, CO2 and H2O are produced, which will be used by plants the same day.. ps. I am not great cremation fan, because for me it means lost of DNA data.. ps2. Bodies of almost extinct animals should not be especially destroyed.. Their DNA are priceless, and can be reused to resurrect them in the future..
  21. Majority of people worldwide are cremated rather than buried these days. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_cremation_rate Which disallows any living organisms to use human body as their food. And disallows getting DNA of person after death (if somebody would like to e.g. clone person, in the future)..
  22. What Strange wanted to say, is that you have to include link to the reference material in the post where you're using it.
  23. Here you have table:
  24. I just gave the most typical annihilation modes (the highest probability of happening). Theoretically there is even 13 pions plausible (above it, is not possible, because there is not enough mass-energy. [math] 2 m_p / m_{\pi} [/math] )
  25. The image above is incorrect. Proton-antiproton annihilation does not produce two gamma photons. The most typical result of annihilation of proton-antiproton is: [math]p^+ + p^- \rightarrow \pi^+ + \pi^- + \pi^+ + \pi^- + \pi^0[/math] other paths: [math]p^+ + p^- \rightarrow \pi^+ + \pi^- + \pi^0 + \pi^0 + \pi^0[/math] [math]p^+ + p^- \rightarrow \pi^0 + \pi^0 + \pi^0 + \pi^0 + \pi^0[/math] (and dozen more) Later: [math]\pi^0 \rightarrow \gamma + \gamma[/math] [math]\pi^0 \rightarrow \gamma + e^+ + e^- [/math] [math]\pi^+ \rightarrow \mu^+ + v_{\mu}[/math] [math]\pi^- \rightarrow \mu^- + \bar{v}_{\mu}[/math]
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