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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. They complain that you used words "iron" and "gas".. not that you used word "nebula".. Iron to become gas.. wow.. it must be really high temperature.. "Boiling point 3134 K (2862 °C, 5182 °F)" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron
  2. How about radioactive decay of unstable particles.. ? There is nothing moving much. Nucleus remain in pretty much the same frame of reference. f.e. solid piece of Uranium. U-235 half-life is 704 mln years, and U-238 half-life is 4468 mln years. Did you hear about radiometric dating of stones (Rubidium-87 radioactive isotope), or radiometric dating of organic remains (mostly archaeological organics remains up to ~50,000 years) using Carbon-14 radioactive isotope?
  3. Make salad with vegetables with mayonnaise. Found recipe on the net, and used Google Translator: "Cut the (cooked!) carrots, parsley, celery and potatoes whole. Remove the peeled vegetables and cut into small cubes, then gently squeeze out the excess water. Boil the hard-boiled eggs and cut into small cubes. Pickled cucumbers, if they have a hard skin, peel and cut into a cube of the same size, gently press the excess water. Put all ingredients in a bowl, add drained peas and mix gently. Season with salt and pepper. Add mayonnaise and mustard. Mix. Place the salad in the fridge for about 2 hours to cool" In my version of salad, don't use eggs, but canned corn, canned peas (excess water out), don't use mustard. But there must be enough of mayonnaise. Use more pickled cucumbers. It can be kept in the fridge even couple days 3-4. It's dish for breakfast and supper, with bread, with ham and cheese.
  4. What I wanted to say (in #2 post, my initial edgy comment), the all three things, actually four things, must be done simultaneously, without just picking up one favourite. Fight with global warming (by moving to renewable energy sources, actively filtering green house gases, stopping devastation of environment, resurrection of natural environment by making new forests, filtering oceans from trash, etc. etc.). Get rid of oil & gas, coal,. gun lobbyist once and for all. Acceleration of discovery of cosmos, and massive, every day, launches of spaceships and rockets, building space stations far away the Earth, also on the Moon, and Mars, other planet's natural satellites, etc. etc. Fight with disease is forever going task, as new one will appear due to mutations, dangerous to the all living organisms. And probably the most important thing (because only the smart people will be able to achieve the above three tasks), free high quality education for everybody. Free to not exclude poor people from the knowledge.
  5. But certainly they have negative consequences. 1) fixed levels of CO2 and CH4 and other global warming gases in atmosphere, will decrease pressure on moving to renewable energy sources. Lobbyist will persuade governments to continue using coal, oil & gas (they are getting paycheck for this task after all), and global warming will be again, but delayed one or couple hundred years later, again. 2) if "average human" (only 16-20% of humans live in western countries, only percent of them with decent education) will be taken to Mars, without any additional requests (books, computers, access to knowledge, communication, equipment, astronaut suits, tools, etc. etc.) and leaved there in the box.. Such average human (knowing nothing about science, with really poor general knowledge), will be locked there unable to explore Mars, unable to transform planet by his/her own hands any further without knowledge, equipment and tools.. And you will have soon overpopulation on the Mars.. 3) lack of diseases on the Earth ("of human body caused by microorganisms") = overpopulation at an accelerated rate..
  6. Getting rid off entire CO2 from atmosphere would obviously disallow plants to grow, quickly killing plant eating animals, but I was thinking about just reducing CO2 level to what was f.e. 200 years ago. Yeah, term "End Global Warming" might be simply interpreted as "kill the all humans". Effect almost the same..
  7. I suppose so, filtering out atmosphere from excess of CO2 and CH4, to the level prior industrialization.. Fixing level of O3.. etc. etc. But after that some oil & gas & coal lobbyist would persuade governments that it's great idea to burn them again..
  8. The largest disease on the Earth, is stupidity.. The largest danger is stupidity (madness?) of influential political leader..
  9. Looks to me like different experiment- checking whether white material reflects light and black material absorbs light (therefore increase of the temperature). ps. Nevertheless, worth showing to kids.
  10. Actually early XIX century scientists split light using prism and placed couple thermometers at different colors of rainbow. They noticed that different colors of rainbow increased temperature by different amount. That's how IR was discovered- William Herschel placed thermometer in area of spectrum where was no visible light. "The discovery of infrared radiation is ascribed to William Herschel, the astronomer, in the early 19th century. Herschel published his results in 1800 before the Royal Society of London. Herschel used a prism to refract light from the sun and detected the infrared, beyond the red part of the spectrum, through an increase in the temperature recorded on a thermometer. " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infrared
  11. Where can I buy a 20 Teraflop iphone? iPhone and Android applications are developed on regular iMac or PC with Windows/Linux installed together with iOS and Android OS emulators taking memory dump file as argument. You would not need single 20 Teraflop iPhone, but 10,000 (or less) emulators, which are run in loop on the same raw copy of entire memory card of smartphone. ps. If some auto-updating application (or OS component) was checking for update at startup of device, they could inject code to device, pretending app or service, and read what was needed. This would not be done on the real device, but copy of memory of device running on emulated smartphone on regular iMac/PC. You didn't write any smartphone application.. ?
  12. It gave 1 on my calculator..
  13. You didn't tell whether you want to see IR, night-view or visible spectrum of light.. But let's assume you wanted visible spectrum. You didn't tell how long experiment will be taking.. I put my own cheap digital camera on tripod, connected external power source, connected to computer, and wrote special application which was sending commands "make photo", "download photo" (from device to computer), (to simulate missing feature of cheap device - timelapse).. Long time taking experiments will exhaust battery within minutes. So you need to have external power source (fuel power aggregate/diesel generator? They are making loud noise, can ruin many types of experiments, which require absolute quiet). Long time taking experiments will exhaust memory card (how long will depends on quality of image (resolution, compression)). Therefore timelapse app required downloading photo and removing them (from device memory card), otherwise I could store just ~10-12h of full quality images. Long time taking experiments in raw environment (like forest) might require setting up solar panels giving enough power from the Sun (in dense forest might be problem getting enough sunlight). You should be informed by device what is power level, so you won't waste time to find out battery was gone in the middle of experiment and didn't take photo any more. Some experiments require timelapse, some other experiments require higher than 30 FPS.. What you can see through Internet depends of how good is working Internet in your area (in deep forest there is no access to LTE, or extremely poor).. How many Mbps upload do you have? Upload and download speeds in asynchronous asymmetric ASDL/LTE differs. ps. I could probably find dozen more questions..
  14. Yep. It just changed ordinary people to criminals, after being arrested with meaningless quantity, they lost jobs, lost homes, lost families, and they ended up homeless hopeless full-time narcotics-abused (selling stuff to others, having to stole to have money for stuff etc.) criminals as a result..
  15. Electron is stable particle.. so its trace is curve (in strong external electromagnetic field), without new traces coming from the end.. Because it doesn't decay.. However, it could annihilate with positron (electron's antiparticle), and change to two (or more) gamma photons. Yes, it's dozen of particles. High energy unstable particle, decays to a few new more particles, then they decay a while later to few more, as so on, until they are all stable (or they annihilated).. and it ends up in image like I showed.. Bubble chamber is quite old technology, but what they make is visible on photos (500+ x-ray photos made in fraction of second right after collision between stream of protons (or other ions) at target). Physicists analyse these traces, and figure out which particle decayed to which other, and analyse their decay modes (high energy particle has usually very large number of decay modes). No, it doesn't imply anything like that..
  16. x-ray photo from Bubble Chamber: Path of charged particle (and therefore its trace) after applying external electromagnetic fields is deflected.
  17. When physicists are saying "photon is massless particle" they really mean "photon has no rest-mass". Rest-mass is measured after slowing particle down. f.e. electron or proton can be accelerated nearly to speed of light (relativistic velocity). Majority of particle energy will be in kinetic energy, while minority will be in rest-mass (*c^2). To measure rest-mass of such relativistic particle, scientists slow it down, and pass through region of external electric field and/or external magnetic field, to see how particle will behave, how will turn in one direction or other direction, how many circles it will make..
  18. 1) charge of particles prior decay is equal to charge of particles after decay. 2) energy of particles prior decay is equal to energy of particles after decay. Some rest-mass of particles can change to relativistic-mass of particles, and they start to travel at relativistic velocities. 3) particle with larger rest-mass decays to particle with smaller rest-mass. For example: [math]\pi^+ \rightarrow \pi^0 + e^+ + v_e[/math] Charged pion has larger rest-mass than neutral pion. 139.57 MeV/c^2 is larger than 135 MeV/c^2. (spontaneous decay of neutral pion to pion+ or pion- is forbidden) [math]K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ + \pi^+ + \pi^-[/math] [math]K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ + \pi^0[/math] [math]K^- \rightarrow \pi^- + \pi^+ + \pi^-[/math] [math]K^- \rightarrow \pi^- + \pi^0[/math] Kaon has larger rest-mass than three pions, either charged and neutral. [math]\rho^0 \rightarrow \pi^+ + \pi^-[/math] Rho meson has rest-mass 775.49 MeV/c^2, one charged kaon has 493.667 MeV/c^2... 2 * rest-mass of kaon is more than rest-mass of rho meson. [math]\phi^0 \rightarrow K^+ + K^-[/math] Phi meson has rest-mass 1019.445 MeV/c^2, 2 * rest-mass of kaon is smaller than rest-mass of phi meson, therefore phi can decay to two kaons. Charge and rest-mass can be measured in Cloud Chamber, Bubble Chamber, or other particle detector, when charged particle pass through medium, leaving trace. The longer trace, the larger energy had particle. If trace is splitting to two or more traces, it means particle decayed. External electric and external magnetic field is used to bend traces, so they go in circles, prior particle will decay.. Number of circles, curvature of circle is used to calculate mass-to-charge ratio.
  19. It's not so simple as you present it. Microorganisms that have host can mutate, and render already existing vaccines useless, to new species of microorganisms.
  20. Are you thinking about this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Dewey_Decimal_classes
  21. Try analysing what I said also from point of view of somebody who is not in the USA, nor western countries.. f.e. Africa.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boko_Haram "The name "Boko Haram" is usually translated as "Western education is forbidden". " Some (at least "short-sighted") western politicians say (or think) that 3rd world country problems are not their country problems.. just problems of local (usually weak, corrupted, poorly educated, militarised) government problems.. But it can easily get out of control in such case like this, because microorganism once it'll appear, due to enough hosts, due to mutation, won't bother about country borders, nor nationality, nor anything and will simply spread around the world "in the blink of eye"..
  22. IMHO, making 'criminal offence' from anything is failure of education.. Well educated person in the primary school (as it's obligatory), in the worst case, high school, should understand why they should do something, or not do something, which can kill the all (or significant amount of) people of the world.. Lack of vaccination, can have serious consequences, not just to people who were not vaccinated, but entire population. Somebody who will not be vaccinated, gives chance to virus or other microorganisms to grow, and mutate, and potentially being resistant to existing medicaments and existing vaccines.. and resurrection from current "almost extinct microbe" state (because of lack of hosts, allowing them to mutate and spread around the world).. If somebody after primary school does not understand properly words "evolution", "mutation", what is "DNA", "chemical compounds" etc. etc. He/she is not after "primary school" in my vision of "primary school", just some joke of "primary school".. "Primary", in my vision, should learn everything what is essential. What is required to know for somebody living in XXI century. Primary schools should learn quantum physics, chemistry, organic chemistry, in very tiny detail, not to mention IT, mathematics..
  23. Random (in the case of decaying particles) = without one preferred direction. Other word for it is uniform in the all directions. Decay billions point particles, and have 1 bln / 4*PI*1m^2 in sphere with radius 1m around it, and it's uniform distribution... (ignoring gravity etc.) ??? CERN or other high energy physics particle accelerator, and particle collider, does not play with just atoms and electron's orbits.. Check decay of f.e kaon, pion, muon, and so on....
  24. No, it does not have to always falls off the table, you can use x-ray machine, which will ionize egg (eject electron from egg shell), and use external electric field to hold in place levitating if you would like to.. as long as you want to.. Like in oil drop experiment.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_drop_experiment
  25. No problem. You can check current model by yourself using Cloud Chamber, then Bubble Chamber, then Spark Chamber and so on, so on.. You SHOULD... Don't believe in just word... Unstable isotopes in the above video are decaying in the random direction, and alpha or electron particles are flying, leaving traces..
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