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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. net = output - input It can be positive value when output > input, or negative value when output < input. In currently existing fusion reactors, a lot of energy is wasted on cooling superconducting materials, creating superconducting magnets, which squeeze plasma. Discovery of high temperature superconducting materials, or other ways to create powerful magnets, would help decreasing energy needed by fusion reactors.
  2. If we're at subject "musical instruments (nearly) nobody heard about", how about Theremin Yes, the guy is shaking hands in air, without touching it.. Some can call it magic..
  3. You don't have to do anything. Temperature will drop with time anyway. To quickly equalize temperatures you can f.e. place U-bended metal rod to both containers. Metal is good heat conductor. Hotter liquid will heat metal, other end of metal will heat colder liquid.
  4. Mathematicians know programming these days, I suppose so. You could get job as programmer in area requiring heavy computation especially. f.e. particle, fluid, solid simulations (game and film industry, CAD industry, weather prediction), simulations of stock markets or products price trends (financial industry).
  5. That's why you need to be careful when you start hearing noise from cooler fan, and replace it to new one in appropriate moment. When fan inside of power supply will fail (stop making loud noise), electronics is overheated, and destroyed, and unexpected high voltage can damage the rest of electronics on the motherboard. Replacement cooler fan cost $8 similar to f.e. this one https://www.amazon.com/ARCTIC-F12-PWM-PST-Controlled/dp/B002QVLBM2 Replacing cooler fan is much cheaper than buying new one power supply. It takes couple minutes:
  6. Your example does not want to compile on my Visual Studio Express, I had to add two lines: const char *LAST_LINE_DATABASE = "lastline.txt"; int filed(); Did you read MSDN entire section about inline assembly.. ? https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/4ks26t93.aspx That should be for a start. Here https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bf1dw62z(v=vs.140).aspx they're showing code: __asm mov array[6], bx ; Store BX at array+6 (not scaled) __asm mov array[6 * TYPE int], 0 ; Store 0 at array + 24 But it's always constant index, in your case it's variable.. ? In old times, around '80-'90, we were used to take variable (address of structure/array) to one register, then take another variable to other register, multiply it by size of structure/array entry, and add together to get final address. final_addr = addr+size*index
  7. What kind of evidences would you like to see.. ? Private e-mails between one side and the other side.. ? Face-to-face meetings.. ? In hotel or other public place, recorded by camera.. ? Or maybe even recorded voice what they're talking.. ? Built-in smartphone GPS records (or date/time of logging to cell site) showing they were very close, suspiciously close, to each other.. ? (that's the most widely used by police in criminal investigations these days (in accidental, not planned, crimes especially) ) Gathering data about the all smartphones from the all people now working for government.. ? Somebody who wants to send message does not need to use above traditional ways of communication. f.e. can write public tweet, or public forum message instead, with secret message, understandable just for the right people..
  8. I made shortcut "reverse vectors" = "reverse directions of vectors"
  9. Charged particle, charged object, charged plate, creates electric field: [math]F=q_1 E[/math] [math]E=k_e \frac{q_2}{r^2}[/math] Change r-distance, and you have gradient. It's the best to visualize in some 3D software, as 3D array of arrows, which have different length, or color, to indicate their strengths (scalar), and pointing in some direction (vector) (up or down, mostly, in the case of this experiment). [math]\vec{F}=q_1 \vec{E}[/math] [math]\vec{E}=k_e \frac{q_2}{\vec{r}^2}[/math] What you're interested in oil-drop experiment, is when Coulomb's force is cancelled by gravitation force (both force scalars at some point, have the same magnitude, but reverse vectors).
  10. If somebody would be making simulation of the Universe, he/she could/should test different physical constants, to check what is their influence on the result. Some constants might "catch", and such Universe will have living organisms like we do have here right now. f.e. what is consequence of different mass of electron (other than [math]\frac{m_p}{1836.15}[/math]) ? different ionization energy (thus different temperature at which fusion will occur), different energy released during annihilation with positron, different mass of Hydrogen atom, different spectral lines/energy of photons emitted/absorbed by atoms, different chemical reactions, different electronics, etc. etc.
  11. Sensei


    Many private companies bankrupted after having deal with government. It goes f.e. this way: there is auction, who will give the smallest price for building something for government, is getting contract. Couple years contract. If price is final, include labor cost, include cost of purchase of building materials f.e. concrete. Many years later labor cost is going up (especially after pressure from strong trade unions, or unexpected inflation), cost of construction materials, concrete is going up (because of higher demand for it in the country which is heavily investing and modernizing) and initial bid is not even enough for returning costs. Add to it, bank loans and there is huge chance of bankruptcy..
  12. Sensei


    From point of view shareholders of private prisons, the more people will commit crime, the better for their business (exactly reverse to what is good for entire community). It's ridiculous.
  13. How about setting up any two DNS daemons at normal port, and at f.e. port+1. Or on two different machines in intranet. Then in firewall set up rule that if IP address is connecting to modem-router-server at normal port, it's forwarded to port+1, and using completely different DNS daemon than somebody with legit IP. Just a thought.
  14. Equation [math]E=\gamma m c^2[/math] Is not the only one energy equation. There is also [math]E=h f[/math] Prior annihilation we have f.e. [math]E=2 \gamma m_e c^2[/math] after annihilation we have [math]E=2 h f_c[/math] [math]2 \gamma m_e c^2 = 2 h f_c[/math] (If gamma was >1, fc must be appropriately higher) If both sides of equation will be divided by Planck constant (normalization of h=1) we will get: [math]\frac{2 \gamma m_e c^2}{6.62607004e-34} = 2 f_c[/math] Can you have imaginary frequency.. ? [math]f=\frac{1}{t}[/math] Can you have imaginary time/period.. ?
  15. Oil drop is levitating. This is what you can see on your own eyes. This device should be presented to the all primary school students. Prior even learning about Coulomb's force. So, what are you asking.. ? Get device, and check results. This is not "theoretical physics".
  16. Static IP means it wont change, dynamic IP means it will change in days/months/years. (Now I have dynamic IP, but it didn't change for half year or so) You meant public IP rather. Which means it's accessible from Internet (can be created server/daemon on it, with listening TCP/IP/UDP port). Somebody can try to connect to IP:port and gain access. Reverse of public IP, is private IP, which is inaccessible from Internet. Like 192.168.x.x is not accessible from Internet (unless modem-router has port-forwarding feature enabled. Modem-router might be intercepted by hackers/evil government and modified to forward packets). If somebody has private-dynamic IP address, but caught virus/Trojan, and it'll connect to some external host, it can send whatever they like. So, we can have matrix: public-static IP public-dynamic IP private-static IP private-dynamic IP The most common are public-static IP and private-dynamic IP. On public-static IP anybody can have server/daemon of whatever they like service/server. Including their own. On public-dynamic IP anybody can have it, but they have to use no-ip like service to update dynamic DNS. On private-static/dynamic IP, people are screwed, and can't host anything. But their computer can/must start communication first.
  17. I will add to this, antimatter is nothing special in the Universe. It's created every day by the Sun during fusion. It's created during decay of unstable isotopes (beta decay plus/minus, double beta decay plus/minus, double beta decay plus neutrinoless). Annihilation of matter-antimatter on the Sun is responsible for approximately 7.64% of the all energy produced at the current stage of star evolution. If you're interested more, I presented fusion reactions in this thread http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/85656-solar-fusion-neutrinos-and-age-of-solar-system/
  18. Sensei


    Banks can be/are private owned (typically owned by investment/insurance/retirement funds), but money they collected are citizen money, corporate money, government money.. If such bank will collapse all people/institutions who had accounts could bankrupt as well. Here there is bank insurance just to 100k euros. So if corporate had account with f.e. 100m, they will lost 99.9m, and collapse would be almost inevitable..
  19. Sensei


    Almost the all larger countries of the world are wasting their resources, money from people taxes, on this silly armaments race.. That's example of not optimal redistribution of income from taxes by currently existing governments, Silvestru was giving in the 1st post (" Tax money is poorly controlled, poorly attributed to where it needs to be"). Trump wants to force other NATO countries to even more waste money (obviously buying weapons produced by USA).
  20. Sensei


    It's inevitable in the future. Public healthcare, police, teachers, and other services, everybody paid from money received from taxes, want to get more and more salary. Which forces governments to increase taxes and/or take loans. But they can't grow up to infinity. They can't exceed 100%. The same with prices and stock markets. They cannot grow up to infinity.
  21. Sensei


    Swansont, you are looking at it, very conservative way. If the all people would agree we don't use money, we don't do work for money, but still everybody fulfill their responsibilities, taxes would be not needed. And everything would work as usual. There would be no robbery, and murders to remove witnesses, economy crisis, etc. etc. In some Amish villages men are gathering together to build house for one of their family. Everything for free. They know that when their time will come, other will help building their house in revenge.
  22. The "greatest" moments of one country, can be the "worstest" moments of second country.. I was just asking what times, somebody, DT supporter especially, is considering as the "greatest". Nationalist typically will mention win in war, win in some battle.. ps. MigL has point, it's off-topic.. ps2. Imatfaal question can be rephrased (if I understand intentions correctly) as "why nobody competent (with Nobel prize especially) does not want to work in White House together with Donald Trump?"..
  23. What do you mean by "natural".. ? Whether it is found in wild living animals.. ? Whether it is found in hermetic environment created by humans for animals.. ? In the famous "mouse utopia experiment" by John B. Calhoun https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavioral_sink Mouses started having homosexual intercourse spontaneously.
  24. And that's the whole problem of nationalism, patriotism. It's based on lies.. What is the greatest moment of country XXX... ? When they win the battle in YYY year, and killed ZZZ opponent army... And remembrance of it, is resurrected over and over again, after centuries, or millenniums..
  25. I knew you're joking, but in this subject there is nothing to joke about.. There can be only enormous incompetence about history of country etc. etc. First, you used key words causing surveillance software to catch thread. Second, DT claimed US used to be great, and he wants to go back to these "good old times" in his speeches (and his voters too), and I want to know, when exactly was these good times..
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