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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Excellent thought experiment. IMHO worth to try in the reality. ps. Random number generators, are generating over and over the same numbers, when you use the same srand() initial value From these data you would not get any diffraction pattern...
  2. If you will look at Wikipedia "Isotopes of [element name]" pages f.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isotopes_of_holmium https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isotopes_of_gold https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isotopes_of_lead You will see whether isotope is stable or unstable, mentioned decay modes, and what is measured half-life. There is also note "observatory stable", which means that theoretical models are predicting isotope is unstable, but scientists never observed it in reality.
  3. You don't have to measure mass of diapers. You just have to measure mass of body prior poo, and after poo.
  4. It could be used. Electron and positron (antimatter antiparticle of electron), have the same rest-mass ~ 0.511 MeV/c^2 So, once they annihilate together, they release two photons with energy ~ 0.511 MeV each usually. Energy prior annihilation is equal to energy post annihilation. Charge prior annihilation (-1e + 1e) is equal to charge post annihilation (0e). Photon energy and momentum is transferred to metal (W), and electron (K.E. of photoelectron). Photon disappears. If hf<W nothing happens. No photoelectric effect. No photoelectrons ejected from metal.
  5. It was not "strange notion", but how "typical Van de Graaff generator is build and how it's working", f.e. mine. If you would have Van de Graaff generator, you could check it, by yourself. Size is important to charge. As long as spheres are made of the same material with the same thickness, larger sphere has larger area, larger mass, and large quantity of metal atoms, thus larger quantity of free electrons that can be torn off. The most powerful Van de Graaff generator was entire building, with lab rooms with working scientists inside of it.
  6. f.e. In photoelectric effect, single photon is absorbed, and single electron, called photoelectron, is ejected from metal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photoelectric_effect Kinetic energy of photoelectron corresponds to photon energy minus energy required to eject electron. [math]\frac{1}{2} m_e v^2 = h f - W[/math] When electron and positron annihilates together, there are created typically two photons, going in opposite directions in CoM FoR of matter-antimatter prior annihilation. [math]e^- + e^+ \rightarrow \gamma + \gamma + 1.022 MeV[/math]
  7. In Van de Graaff generator, on bigger metallic sphere there is positive charge, because the electrons are torn out of it, and they are moved to smaller metallic sphere, usually on stick, with wire connected to transport belt. Smaller metallic sphere will have negative charge, because of abundance of electrons on it. When you place small sphere say 10 cm away from bigger sphere, it's like one huge capacitor, with air acting as isolator. But only to the moment in which voltage between electrodes-spheres is too high and discharge will reunify electrons on bigger (positive) sphere. In example it'll be approximately 300 kV. Presence of ions in the air, will just speed up discharge of Van de Graaff generator. f.e. if you would place there radioactive isotope which will be decaying and newly created particles would ionize air medium, discharge would happen faster than without radioactive isotope. That's how Geiger counter/radioactive meters are working.
  8. Certainly, if there would be reunification of Korea, there would be plentiful US, and worldwide, venture capital investors willing to take a risk and invest in North Korea country. I bet McDonald's would be one of the first to invest, the same as they did it soon after '89-'91 in the all post-communist eastern Europe countries. Who is the first one, on nearly desert-like market, has very large chance to monopolize it, receiving extraordinary return from investment.
  9. For organic matter (or used-to-be organic matter f.e. ancient papyrus) there is used Carbon C-14 radio-dating method. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon-14 C-14 isotope is created in upper level of atmosphere where atoms are bombarded by cosmic rays from the Sun, and for example following reaction occurs: [math]N^{14} + n^0 \rightarrow C^{14} + p^+[/math] Neutron is captured and proton is ejected to conserve energy, momentum, charge and Baryon number. Carbon C-14 isotope is unstable and decays via following path exclusively: [math]C^{14} \rightarrow N^{14} + e^- + \bar{v}_e + 156.5 keV[/math] Its half-life time is 5730 years. That means if you would have 1 kg of C-14 at the beginning, after 5730 years, you would have 500 grams, after yet another 5730 years (11500 years total), you would have 250 grams, and so on, so on. This allows dating organic matter to something like 50k years. Calcium Carbonate rocks have organic source, but were made a long long time before 50k years ago. Carbon C-14 produced in atmosphere is absorbed by living plants in Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Plants are eaten by animals, and either of them are eaten by human. Dead body, dead plant, does not absorb Carbon C-14 anymore, so its amount is decreased when it's decaying. So scientist can take sample of ancient dead body, and measure amount of Carbon C-14 isotope remaining in it. To measure date of non-organic matter, rocks, there could be used radioactive isotope of Rubidium Rb-87 which is decaying exclusively to Strontium Sr-87 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubidium-strontium_dating It has astonishing high half-life 49.23 billions years. Therefor only a tiny fraction of it decayed after rocks were made (melted the last time).
  10. If there is somebody who don't understand what I am talking about, such person does not deserve for finishing primary school IMHO.. At least not in XXI century.. SVN is replacement, extension of typical backing up methods, that will take care of versions, so each machine has up-to-date correct version of data user is working with..
  11. That's why I said he needs to propose alternative math equations (which won't lead to division by zero like in SR).. SR Kinetic energy equation (indistinguishably) matches Newtonian's kinetic energy at low velocities, so "alternative physics" should extend it, and match either Newtonian's physics at low speed, and SR at higher speed (which is experimentally confirmed in experiments decays of unstable particles and high energy physics at CERN), and then introduce something at extreme speeds.... or nothing to discuss.. ?
  12. You should know already from equations that they cannot fly at speed of light (in Special Relativity).. Speed of light is reserved exclusively for photons = light. That's why it's called "speed of light", not "speed of matter".. If you want to redefine relativity, go ahead and propose your equations which are matching experimental data..
  13. Mobile phone system doesn't reveal the real link URL target prior clicking.. On desktop, one can hover link by mouse pointer, and it'll show up what is target in bubble help, while on mobile device, nobody is hovering link prior clicking. On Android user can click on link, wait 5-10 seconds, this will show pop-up, with details, and then user can decide whether to go or not. But who will be doing it for EVERY single link they have on screen.. ? Usage of device would be unbearable.. Hackers in HTML e-mails are using <a href="true url">false url</a> to fool user. (such mails can go from your legitimate friends/family members/workmate etc.) When something like this is used on page user is visiting, user must know in which server they are in, whether service will be redirecting to other server, or not, and if it'll be redirecting, whether new url is right one or not right one.. Hacker can attack PHP server, and enable buffering with ob_start() http://php.net/manual/en/function.ob-start.php and the everything what server will output will pass through hacker filter, which can add compromising stuff..
  14. Typical problem with backups, when somebody is doing them frequently (daily/weekly) from various machines used to work (laptop,desktop,tablet at least), after a while, there will be complete mess of them, with dozen versions of them, backed up at different times.. Content will desynchronize. If somebody has his/her own public static IP server, with HTTP server installed (even in LAN), I recommend him/her installing SVN (Apache Subversion). It could be used for storing data regardless whether they're programmer's projects or something else. And then you can backup entire SVN folder, with the all projects at once. TortoiseSVN is very cool client https://tortoisesvn.net/ It integrates with Windows explorer via pop-up menus. When user clicks RMB on element/folder in explorer window it shows context-dependent commands.
  15. It's 9.81 m/s^2 only on Earth, and only at the surface (sea level) of Earth. At 200m a.s.l. it'll be different, At 2000m a.s.l. it'll be different, At 20 km a.s.l. it'll be different. It's variable, gradient depending on various things (even what is below ground f.e. iron mine), not constant. Are you familiar with Gravitational Redshift equation? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_redshift If you're making conjecture that photon is accelerating (and decelerating in reverse direction): - is photon accelerating differently depending on its energy/frequency/wavelength, or is it uniform regardless of their properties.. ? - you should make equations which will predict how much they accelerate/decelerate which will match (or not?) gravitational redshift.. - you should learn how gravitational redshift is tested in lab experiments (f.e. elevator/tower experiment), and provide alternative explanations (including math calculations) which will match result of experiment.
  16. 1) something that will turn seawater to ready to drink clean water, and pump it from countries that have ready access to sea, further to countries without access to water (f.e. Africa). 2) something that will redirect tsunami or at least decrease its power (and perhaps produce electricity?), and save seacoast people life. 3) imagine what are problems of people around the world, and try to solve them..
  17. Planck constant has unit [math]J * s = \frac{kg * m^2}{s^2} * s = \frac{kg * m^2}{s}[/math]
  18. Moment (=stop please). Isn't (at the speed of light, c,) light standing still wrt to the other photons? (E.g. those photons going in the same direction wrt the earth.) Isn't speed c also a reference frame? What do you mean by shortcut? Please explain (a bit). "Mass" can be understood as "rest-mass", or "relativistic-mass". It depends on who is using it, and in which context. You should start from reading articles below: Rest-mass aka invariant-mass https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invariant_mass Relativistic-mass https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_in_special_relativity etc. = Latin Et cetera https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera
  19. Sensei


    Well, you forgot to subtract mass of electron as well (later fixed in #6 post). mn = 939.565 MeV/c^2 mp = 938.272 MeV/c^2 me = 0.511 MeV/c^2 (Mass of Hydrogen mh = mp+me-13.6 eV = ~ 938.783 MeV/c^2 ) mn*c^2 = mp*c^2 + me*c^2 + D.E. (Decay Energy) (meaningless/unknown mass of antineutrino) Reverse equation: D.E. = ( mn - ( mp + me ) ) * c^2 = ( mn - mh ) * c^2 D.E = ( 939.565 MeV/c^2 - ( 938.272 MeV/c^2 + 0.511 MeV/c^2 ) ) * c^2 = ( 939.565 MeV/c^2 - 938.783 MeV/c^2 ) * c^2 = 0.782 MeV If somebody will take 0.511 MeV/c^2 + 0.782 MeV/c^2 = 1.293 MeV/c^2 (difference between mass-energy of neutron and proton) and divide it by 0.511 MeV/c^2 he will get 2.53, subtract 1 (mass of single electron) = 1.53.. This is how he get these 1.5.. That mass is converted to kinetic energy of newly created particles after decay. Capiert, you need to remember that Decay Energy is calculated in rest-frame of particle or nucleus that's decaying. So you have momentum p=0 in this FoR (it's called CoM = Center of Mass FoR) After decay they are accelerated, either proton, electron and antineutrino (especially). To try to calculate it in Lab frame you need astonishing knowledge in Special Relativity. See example here (creation of pion meson and antiprotons): http://galileo.phys.virginia.edu/classes/252/particle_creation.html [math]n^0 \rightarrow p^+ + e^- + \bar{v}_e + 0.782 MeV[/math] Electron and antineutrino split decay energy as their kinetic energy. If electron takes more, antineutrino takes less. If antineutrino takes more, electron takes less. Proton is barely recoiled, because it's 1836.15 times more massive than electron.
  20. "Photon has zero mass" is shortcut from "photon has zero rest-mass". Which means there is no frame-of-reference in which photon is at rest. Particles with non zero rest-mass, you can accelerate, deaccelerate etc. etc.
  21. In presence of magnetic field of Earth, highly accelerated charged particles, emitted by the Sun, are changing trajectories, and hitting atoms in atmosphere, and Polar Aurora is appearing. Collision causes ionization, excitation of atom, and they release photons.
  22. If you calculate tax, you use mathematics.. Isn't it also branch of science.. ? Quote from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematics "Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855) referred to mathematics as "the Queen of the Sciences". "
  23. Would not be easier and faster for you to put these keywords to search engine like Google and read Wikipedia pages that will show up, instead of waiting for us, doing your homework, for you (which will never happen anyway).. ?
  24. Each laser distance meter has mentioned on the box to which range they are accurate. On eBay people selling them even mention it in the title of auction.
  25. It sounds to me that he was talking about mass-spectrometer to layman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_spectrometry But he overestimated it ("every substance in the universe"), or you misunderstood/misinterpret what he said. Mass-spectrometer can tell you what is mass of compound, and what elements are constituents of compound. f.e. if you place Gold in mass-spectrometer it will tell you whether it's 14, 18 or 24 carat Gold, and tell you what metal is secondary in alloy. But couple different compounds can have the same mass, and the same formula. f.e. glucose and fructose have the same chemical formula C6H12O6
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