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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. There is couple parallel Universe theories. f.e. in vision of String Theory coauthor, Leonard Susskind, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard_Susskind there are different versions of Universe with completely different physical constants. Leo made book "The Cosmic Landscape: String Theory and the Illusion of Intelligent Design" describing his vision: https://www.amazon.com/Cosmic-Landscape-String-Illusion-Intelligent/dp/0316013331 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cosmic_Landscape However, the most typical parallel Universe interpretation can be showed on example of experiment with laser and polarization filter. In this version, parallel universes have the same physical constants as this Universe. Suppose so you have polarization filter in your hand. And you have laser pointer in second hand. Laser is sending beam of photons. But they have random polarization. Or circular polarization. Photons hitting polarization filter are reflected, or passing through. One photon pass through, other photon is reflected, yet another pass through, yet another is reflected. 50% from billions of photons per second is passing through, 50% from billions of photons per second is reflected. Randomly. You have one photon initially: will it be reflected? will it pass through? In parallel Universe interpretation both answers are true: in one parallel Universe one photon pass through, in second one parallel Universe it does not pass through. You can't prove or disprove it, without communication between parallel Universes.
  2. Science forum can't lie, because it's a thing, it's just place where people gather and talk to each other. Some people could lie on purpose, some other could be incompetent and answering questions, some other could be incompetent to even understand answers given by competent members of forum. Science is many time repeated human made observation of how is working Universe. These observations are shortened to mathematical equations, with one or couple constants, and variables (f.e. time), and math equation can predict how physical system (typically isolated) will behave f.e. over time. f.e. "You have 10 kJ energy. How much it'll change temperature of 30 grams of water, when starting temperature is 20 C". Are you able to answer above question.. ? Where do you see lie? You're free to repeat scientific experiment by yourself. You don't believe in some scientific theory? Prove it's wrong. But you have to use widely available data. Or gather them by yourself, if you don't believe in source. Then from gathered data figure out math equation describing exactly what do you see in the experiment. And publish results.
  3. Can you show us fusion reactions pp, pD, DT, pH3, etc. using your "TOE".. ?
  4. Maybe they asked for "distillation at lower pressure" aka "vacuum distillation".. ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_distillation It's done with vacuum pump plugged to vacuum flask. And vacuum flask is typically heated from the bottom.
  5. 118. Did you check what are their half-lives... ? Elements (as long as made of proton(s) and neutron(s) bound together), with Z > 82 are unstable, very unstable or extremely unstable. There are known exotic atoms. Extremely unstable: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exotic_atom They could have nucleus made of not proton nor neutrons at all.. With normal proton-neutron nucleus elements, the rule is that the last electron ionization energy is approximately E=13.6 eV * Z^2 For Z=1 E= ~13.6 eV For Z=2 E=13.6*2^2 = ~ 54.4 eV For Z=118 E=13.6*118^2 = ~ 189366.4 eV You can see this trend on ionization energy table: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionization_energies_of_the_elements_(data_page) For theoretical element with Z=119 it would be E= ~192589.6 eV but electron mass-energy is 510998.928 eV... Do you see how closely we're approaching to rest-mass of electron with increasing Z... ?
  6. Ask him whether he knows Miller–Urey experiment https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller%E2%80%93Urey_experiment and similar equivalents making DNA/RNA nucleobases instead..
  7. There are known examples of committing suicide by animals. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_suicide
  8. What do you know about radioisotope dating? Read this article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiometric_dating How much percent of genes/DNA is common between man and apes.. ?
  9. Teacher who is truly honestly rejecting evolution shouldn't be teaching anybody anything..
  10. If you're seeking for, you (or world/universe) is simulation or not, you should search for abnormalities. Like in testing computer game: player can't walk through walls. But if there is error in code, some can bypass, and pass through walls (just an example).. What do you want to do with this knowledge.. ? Do you want to know, who is the main programmer.. ? The main programmer, doesn't bother about pray, doesn't want to be beloved, doesn't bother about money or power, etc.
  11. Obviously you're right. When there is literature about reaction, somebody can check whether it's safe or not, and what to expect (heat, explosion). Whether products or byproducts are harmful or not. But we're talking here about unknown reactions, from unknown chemicals. See how many dangerous, but not instant dangerous, substances were made in the past, and then introduced to business, and sold to people, and then many, many years later, more modern scientists discovered these substances were carcinogenic, or other way harmful to people or environment (to name a few Asbestos, some Haloalkanes). Even if precautions are made, if something is harmful, you can find it after years, many years of usage, when it's way too late..
  12. This way science would never develop. Person who discovered the largest quantity of elements, died because he liked to taste chemicals he managed to make.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Wilhelm_Scheele " Scheele would smell and taste any new substances he discovered.[18] Cumulative exposure to arsenic, mercury, lead, their compounds, and perhaps hydrofluoric acid which he had discovered, and other substances took their toll on Scheele, who died at the early age of 43, on 21 May 1786, at his home in Köping. Doctors said that he died of mercury poisoning."
  13. I would say sulfuric acid. If you have sulfuric acid you can make other acids when needed, like hydrochloric acid (from NaCl+H2SO4), nitric acid (from f.e. NaNO3+H2SO4). And then further to their salts.
  14. For me it was very easy. You just have to know C/C++. It took less than minute to make this: #include <stdio.h> /* If the number is divided by 3 , the remainder is 1 If the number is divided by 4 , the remainder is 2 If the number is divided by 5 , the remainder is 3 If the number is divided by 6 , the remainder is 4 If the number is divided by 7 , the remainder is 5 If the number is divided by 8 , the remainder is 6 If the number is divided by 9 , the remainder is 7 */ int main( int argc, int *argv[] ) { for( long long i = 0; i < 4e9; i++ ) { if( ( i % 3 ) != 1 ) continue; if( ( i % 4 ) != 2 ) continue; if( ( i % 5 ) != 3 ) continue; if( ( i % 6 ) != 4 ) continue; if( ( i % 7 ) != 5 ) continue; if( ( i % 8 ) != 6 ) continue; if( ( i % 9 ) != 7 ) continue; printf( "i=%d\n", i ); break; } return( 0 ); } SimpleArithmeticPuzzle.zip
  15. IMHO it's harder to remember any of these: [latex]\frac{355}{113}=3+\frac{16}{113}=3+\frac{1}{7+\frac{1}{16}}[/latex] Than simply remember 3.14159265. You just have to use it often during calculations.
  16. Small clarification. Because above post sounded like support of cheating. (sorry for off-topic) Anagramator https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anagram is very often IT homework exercise. Because it is very demanding to write for students. Minimum usable implementation requires making alphabetically sorted dictionary of words (with f.e. 3 mln words), with f.e. binary-search algorithm to efficiently find word in dictionary. App should create as many threads as cores/HT. And search the all possible to make combinations of words from supplied by user letters. Advanced implementation can use GFX card 1024+ cores, programmed through f.e. CUDA/OpenCL. 7 letters (English alphabet) is more than 8 billions of combinations to check. I recommend making it as exercise. ps. If chess, scrabble, or other intellectual game is considered "game", programming computers could also be considered a game.. f.e. "who will make the most efficient x=sqrt( double y) implementation." (eventually sin/cos/tan/ctg/asin/acos/atg/actg etc. etc. ) Mathematicians and programmers competing each other to get $1m prize, every year, with their own, more and more optimized implementations of algorithm. ps2. Do you see you need precisely define what is "sport" and "game".. ? For intellectual persons game doesn't necessarily mean the same what it means for you..
  17. Neutrinos and photons are passing through empty space all the time. There is flying approximately 65 bln of neutrinos (from Sun) per cm^2 area of Earth per second. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_neutrino
  18. Mathematical equations are describing how physical system is changing over time (for example).
  19. 1) Obviously karate (eventually tae-kwon do, kung-fu)... Favorite kick tobi yoko geri kekomi.. eventually ushiro mawashi keage/geri jodan. Some says "in healthy body healthy spirit".. 2) Chess (I even made my own in 3D OpenGL, it's one of the beautiful computer chess game ever made) 3) Scrabble (I even made two my own apps for cheating in this game). 4) does computer game also count? Counter-Strike (in the past), Counter-Strike: Source..
  20. You're poor programmer also. Inside of your the main loop you created infinite loop, as nowhere inside of it, x, y nor z are not changed by the code.. The whole while() statement is always equal true, and can be simply skipped. If there are just 3 dimensions, space has x,y,z dimensions and volume is in m^3 (with meter unit of length). If 3D space is expanding 3D volume is expanding. Then you can ask "how much it's expanding per unit of time (like f.e. second)". If space is collapsing, you can ask "how much it's collapsing per unit of time". You have no such considerations, nor code for it, in your the main loop..
  21. Maybe slightly off-topic. But did you think about buying them ball'n'stick kits to visualize chemical compounds.. ? http://www.ebay.com/bhp/molecular-model-kit
  22. Let me quote myself: In environment with the right conditions (presence of enough high and enough low temperature, presence of clouds and thunderbolts), with the right chemical composition (CO2 or CO, CH4, H2O, N2 or NH3 or HCN), there will be created amino acids, like in Miller-Urey experiment https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MillerUrey_experiment "Other experiments This experiment inspired many others. In 1961, Joan Oró found that the nucleotide base adenine could be made from hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and ammonia in a water solution. His experiment produced a large amount of adenine, the molecules of which were formed from 5 molecules of HCN.[15] Also, many amino acids are formed from HCN and ammonia under these conditions.[16] Experiments conducted later showed that the other RNA and DNA nucleobases could be obtained through simulated prebiotic chemistry with a reducing atmosphere.[17]" Two amino acids, join together through a peptide bond: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peptide_bond
  23. Google for "star system simulator online" https://www.google.com/?#q=star+system+simulator+online There are available simulators in web browser window where you can enter mass of object, start radius, and start velocity of object. After starting simulator you will observe how they behave over time. You could try this for instance: http://www.stefanom.org/spc/
  24. Lessons shouldn't be boring. Boring lessons discourage kids from learning. Teacher should love teaching. Not treat school as gulag. Just because he/she didn't find any better paid job. No. There is time for work, and there is time for vacation. Almost every time I see some US movie about kids in school, it's focused on football, baseball or basketball.. Quote from any such movie "Trainer, I beg, you can't fire me from the team! I will lose scholarship and won't be able go to collage".. (I was not in school for dozen years, but never heard about somebody here receiving scholarship for just being in team of players of any sport) Isn't "promotion" of sportsmen and cheerleaders as 1st league of scholar society.. ? At the same time nerds, geeks, etc. actually the smartest students in school, are showed as freaks and losers..
  25. Do you know how Newton's motion equations are derived? If you have object at time t0 (we can simplify it's t=0) at location x0 (also we can simplify it's x0=0), then it moves at time t1 to location x1, then it moves at time t2 to location x2. We can create equation describing this movement, to predict: 1) whether it's constant velocity (lack of acceleration, linear equation), 2) whether it's accelerating, or whether it's decelerating. 1) Movement with constant velocity equation will look like: f(t)=x0+v*t where v is in meters per second m/s: v= (x1-x0)/(t1-t0) = (x2-x1)/(t2-t1) = dx/dt 2) Movement with acceleration/deceleration equation will look: f(t)=x0 + (a*t^2)/2 a = (v1-v0)/(t1-t0) = ( (x2-x1)/dt - (x1-x0)/dt ) / dt = dv/dt Acceleration/deceleration is change of velocity in unit of time. Velocity has already unit m/s. After further division by time in seconds, you get m/s^2. If velocity remain constant. There is no acceleration or deceleration.
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