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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. E=mc^2 is a way to convert from one classic physics unit (kg) to other classic physics unit (J). Look where E=mc^2 is used in calculations: pair production, annihilation, decay of radioactive isotope, decay of unstable particle, fusion, etc. etc. m in E=mc^2 equation is rest-mass of particle. f.e. If you have f.e. annihilation of matter-antimatter [math]e^- + e^+ \rightarrow \gamma + \gamma + 1.022 MeV[/math] On the left side of equation you have two particles, each with rest-mass me , therefor each with energy E=mec^2 after annihilation, on the right side, there are two particles without rest-mass, but with energies E=h*fc fc is Compton frequency = 1.23559*10^20 Hz https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compton_wavelength And full equation is: 2*mec^2 = 2 h*fc Energy prior annihilation is equal to energy after annihilation.
  2. In the real code you should call thread.interrupt() to stop execution of the thread. Inside of the main thread loop have if( thread.isInterrupted() ) break; to quit thread gracefully. And in the main() thread.join() to wait for thread to die.
  3. Did you try MouseInfo.getPointerInfo()... ? https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/awt/MouseInfo.html PointerInfo class has member getLocation() returning Point object: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/awt/PointerInfo.html Point class https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/awt/Point.html Instead of waiting for user to click outside of window, you could check mouse coordinate whether it's f.e. left-top corner with some small tolerance f.e. 0 <= x <= 100px and 0 <= y <= 100px. Do it inside of the main thread loop, and break loop. You should have some delay between click and release mouse button, and other one after mouse movement. See method Robot.delay() https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/awt/Robot.html There is also MouseListener https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/awt/event/MouseListener.html https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/events/mouselistener.html
  4. How can you know that government data are not biased? Do you straight away release everything to the all government officers during being investigated.. ?
  5. Sensei


    Wine grapes. They covered entire tree up to 8-10 meters. I was even thinking about modifying drone, to fly and cut grapes.. They love wire fence. Red pepper, yellow pepper, and chili pepper. Lemon trees. I recommend South Africa RPA and South America Argentina species, they are very good. Thin skin fruit. Very forgivable plant. And very fast growing. I disrecommend spanish lemon. Thick skin fruit. Very thin branch (at least young plant), therefor it hates wind. Almost the all dead after year. Aronia (black chokeberry). It's good for drink with vodka. And various other fruit trees. Garlic, onion. The more info and photos of couple plants in the thread from last year: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/93636-fruits-and-vegetables-plantation/
  6. I am confused.. Sending data to cloud drive, is equal to releasing these data to everybody, starting from CIA, NSA, KGB, FSB etc. Can somebody bothering about his/her privacy do something the more stupid.. ? Or simply CD/DVD. They're write only. Once written data is there for a long time. And not being able to be overwritten/changed.
  7. OneDrive He rather meant partition. Although, having multiple HDD/SDD, would help with hardware failure (especially when they are set up as RAID in copy mode). Unfortunately it won't work with really nasty viruses/Trojans, as they simply might scan entire system drives, and encode the all files, regardless whether they are on C:\ or D:\ or Z:\ ... The real backup must be on external, not readily accessible, medium..
  8. The real knowledge (=science) is based on direct (rarely indirect, typically in astronomy and astrophysics) evidence. Math equations are derived from experimental data. Scientists are measuring some physical quantity, and recording it on the list, f.e. how it changes over time. And try to figure out math equation which would fit above curve. Anybody can repeat and check law or theory by himself/herself. And should get exactly the same data (+- some small tolerance), thus confirming usefulness of math equation in law or theory. There is no dogma, there is no omniscience, in this. You're free to show your models, laws, theories, and they will be challenged against experimental data. If they will better fit with experimental data, your work will be accepted by scientific community.
  9. See its half-life/mean-life on wikipedia. It's extremely unstable particle.. Matter, and antimatter, is created all the time, from high energy photons, or in collisions of particles with high kinetic energy (double as much as mass of electron/positron >= 1.022 MeV).. So, it's nothing special. Without sucking matter BH would not be growing, and increasing its mass and radius.
  10. Chalk (for drawing on blackboards) doesn't have to be made of CaCO3. It could be CaSO4. You can check it by using acetic acid. CaCO3 reacts with CH3COOH and release CO2 gas (a lot). Yes, you can use it to dry gas. Like it's showed f.e. on this page http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/standard/chemistry/plasticsandothermaterials/fertilisers/revision/6/
  11. Click "Quantum Physics", then on the right there is "Particles".
  12. I would start from learning what are elementary particles, pair production of matter and antimatter, and further annihilation of matter and antimatter. Then go to fusion, and isotopes, and periodic table. How one isotope can be transformed to another isotope, another element.
  13. Try HyperPhysics http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/hframe.html +1 for healthy and honest interest in how Universe is working.
  14. You don't have ready access to Calcium Carbonate rocks.. ? It decomposes to Calcium Oxide and Carbon Dioxide CaCO3 + heat -> CaO + CO2
  15. Dead bodies of sea living animals, plants and algae, gather at the bottom of the ocean. Some of them are consumed by living organisms, some other not. Then they're covered by layer of f.e. sand. It's repeated over and over again. And after millions years, due to pressure and temperature, turns to oil & gas.
  16. Doppler effect depends on velocity vector (not speed, like Strange said, which is scalar). If somebody is flying toward sound/light source, he/she will find out frequency is increased, but while flying in opposite direction, he/she will find out frequency is decreased..
  17. Try what I said, and you the most likely won't need to shutdown, just disable/enable WiFi/network transmission.. You didn't specify whether it happens on Windows/Mac/Android/iOS.
  18. I have seen messages that my Android device has been compromised while using mobile phone and browsing this forum. Not exactly the same thread as you, completely different threads. I think it's coming here as advertisement. There are "good" ads, which don't cause it, and from time to time, there are bad ads, and they are intercepting browser in Android phone.. After seeing one of such, immediately (without clicking anything in browser), you have to disable WiFi/transmission, shutdown browser, restart browser. It will try to open the same (this) page, but because you disabled WiFi/transmission, page won't be found. And you will be able to close tab. (This code disallows closing tab in Android web browser any way)
  19. There is just up to 14-16 mg/L of Oxygen dissolved in water in 0 C according to this article http://www.fondriest.com/environmental-measurements/parameters/water-quality/dissolved-oxygen/ That's ~20 times less than in 1 L of air.. How about plants? They consume CO2 and release O2.. You would have to check how much CO2 single plant consume, and how much release O2, then check how much single person would consume O2 divide one by other, and you know minimum quantity of plants do you need. How about electrolysis of water with f.e. Gold electrode? It would release Oxygen in amount controlled by current. But you would have to figure out what to do with Hydrogen also produced in the process. ps. Someone who is in a panic, consume much more Oxygen than during normal breathing..
  20. In environment with the right conditions (presence of enough high and enough low temperature, presence of clouds and thunderbolts), with the right chemical composition (CO2 or CO, CH4, H2O, N2 or NH3 or HCN), there will be created amino acids, like in Miller-Urey experiment https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller–Urey_experiment Two amino acids, join together through a peptide bond: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peptide_bond
  21. David, did you check your code? You're using "Hello World" string with "H" letter as first character to find. But you're doing if( a > 0 )... But H is at index 0... Your examples the most likely won't work. a,b should be initialized to -1 (or use string.indexOf/string.lastIndexOf), and then check whether they are not -1... 0 is valid index.
  22. You made here mistake at the end of line, there is character ; BTW, did you think about using string.indexOf() and string.lastIndexOf() instead.. ? You should not use string.replace() like you used for this task. Think what will happen if start index,end index will be very close, just single char, substring could be f.e. 'a'.. and the all occurrences of 'a' will be turned to empty string..
  23. Read this http://www.chemguide.co.uk/atoms/properties/atradius.html It describes differences between different radii calculation methods.
  24. Sensei

    The Wall

    Great = great waste of money... It will be easy to bypass it, through sea, on boats, if needed. Like in Florida.
  25. Obviously what you showed is beautiful and it is art. It also requires days or even weeks of work to finish, and years of learning. Showing above result, and saying "you can make it in couple weeks" would completely discourage him from even trying 3D application. Counter-productive answer. But I was trying to convince somebody who said "I am not patient with art," that he can try non-organic 3D first, to see whether he likes it or not, and it'll be like engineering type of work (working in AutoCAD nobody would call "art", isn't? It's also 3D..) I didn't mean to insult anybody. Especially hard working artists (we all know how realistic could be modern movies). But OP clearly is not one of them (yet). It's normal that somebody who has no idea about 3D is starting from non-organic modeling. As it's fast to learn, and fast to master, and can easily be monetized. Which seems priority of OP. Organic modeling is further level of education. Here is example video of modeling organic object, dinosaur: It took more than 3 hours..
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