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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Sensei


    Having to retype login and password every time you go to bank account allows key-loggers to catch it... Did you hear about virtual keyboards? Buttons are displayed on screen, and you have to press them by mouse, to enter login and/or password. So regular key-logger monitoring keyboard activity would be useless. Some people store logins and password on disk, and then open file, and ctrl-c,ctrl-v. This also disallows regular key-loggers, so they started monitoring clipboard also for changes.. There has been created special applications storing the all logins and passwords, and then copying them on demand to web browsers forms. They can protect logins and password quite efficiently (if they are written correctly) f.e. open file in read-write exclusive mode as soon as their service is started at early stage of OS boot. Some people even use virtual machines: make entire system in file-partition, completely off-line, then burn on DVD, and every time you need to, load it from DVD (so it's not possible to be altered in the mean time, if it would be kept on HDD), then boot virtual machine from that file.
  2. If you will make Sodium Acetate (or other acetate), don't throw them away They will grow as nice crystals.. You can sell them on eBay etc. I feel like you should start using fermentation lock.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermentation_lock http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=fermentation+lock
  3. If you do, what we think you do, it's rather Copper Acetate, not Copper Sulfate.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copper(II)_acetate BTW, Copper Sulfate is insoluble in pure ethanol: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copper(II)_sulfate (but you don't have 100%) You could also have too high temperature during distillation, acetic acid has boiling point 118 to 119 °C.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acetic_acid Once it evaporated and condensed on Copper pipes in Graham condenser, it reacted with it, giving bluish liquid in final container. When you have mash to distill, take 10 mL-20 mL from it, and add Sodium Bicarbonate, readily available in any market as Baking Soda, NaHCO3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium_bicarbonate If after adding it to solution, there are visible carbon dioxide gas bubbles, you have the most likely acetic acid. CH3COOH + NaHCO3 -> CH3COONa + CO2 + H2O But this time with Dephlegmator and glassware equipment..
  4. You concentrated on outside look, but what with inside.. ? How many hearts do you have? And it's not placed in the center of body, breaking symmetry of lungs.. The same question but about other internal organs.
  5. It will start burning only when there is ready access to air or pure Oxygen. If there is no easy access to air/Oxygen, it'll be dry distillation process. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dry_distillation "Dry distillation is the heating of solid materials to produce gaseous products (which may condense into liquids or solids)." "The method has been used to obtain liquid fuels from coal and wood. " "When wood is heated above 270°C it begins to carbonize. If air is absent the final product, since there is no oxygen present to react with the wood, is charcoal. If air, which contains oxygen, is present, the wood will catch fire and burn when it reaches a temperature of about 400500°C and the fuel product is wood ash. If wood is heated away from air, first the moisture is driven off and until this is complete, the wood temperature remains at about 100110°C. When the wood is dry its temperature rises and at about 270°C it begins to spontaneously decompose and, at the same time, heat is evolved. This is the well known exothermic reaction which takes place in charcoal burning. At this stage evolution of the by-products of wood carbonization starts. These substances are given off gradually as the temperature rises and at about 450°C the evolution is complete. The solid residue, charcoal, is mainly carbon (about 70%) and small amounts of tarry substances which can be driven off or decomposed completely only by raising the temperature to above about 600°C." Wood contains 40-50% Cellulose https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellulose "Breakdown (cellulolysis) Cellulolysis is the process of breaking down cellulose into smaller polysaccharides called cellodextrins or completely into glucose units; this is a hydrolysis reaction. Because cellulose molecules bind strongly to each other, cellulolysis is relatively difficult compared to the breakdown of other polysaccharides." "Breakdown (thermolysis) At temperatures above 350 °C, cellulose undergoes thermolysis (also called pyrolysis), decomposing into solid char, vapors, aerosols, and gases such as carbon dioxide." Thermal decomposition https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_decomposition Pyrolysis "Pyrolysis is a thermochemical decomposition of organic material at elevated temperatures in the absence of oxygen " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrolysis
  6. When something like this happens, unplug Ethernet cable, turn off wifi etc. prior starting cleaning. Good old trick is to rename folder/file, if folder/file is inaccessible because of privileges and/or it's already in use. Might be needed to do this in safe mode. After rename, create folder with the same name, as used by virus. Then create empty file(s) with the same name as executable that's started (in text editor, File > Save As.. empty file, then rename to .exe), but change its/their privileges and switch off file Writeable flag. Then restart computer. Hard to remove virus typically has couple executables. One executable is restarting other, and other executable is starting the first one. So if somebody try to shutdown 1st one, 2nd one is restarting it, and vice versa. 1st one is blocking write access to 2nd file, 2nd one is blocking write access to 1st file. It's protection against being deleted. Making fake folder with fake files, with blocked access, blocked overwrite, will disallow restart.
  7. Who said so they are from nothing.. ? If photon (light) is changed to pair of matter-antimatter, in pair production, it's not "nothing changed to something".. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pair_production But still, you didn't bother to learn them..
  8. I had to google for, what are "Falcons and Patriots".. WTF?! We're on science forums... How can you detect something that does not exist.. ? They could detect something else that's misinterpreted as gravitational wave, but couldn't detect something that does not exist, as it wouldn't make any sense. Then, the next day, length will be the same as 24h ago, so it's just a matter of repeating experiment.. Then, the next year, length will be the same as year ago, so it's just a matter of repeating experiment..
  9. Then why don't you start it.. ? That's not how it works.. Scientists dream about overthrowing somebody else theory. That would give them worldwide recognition and credibility and perhaps Nobel prize.. You can't overthrow f.e. existence of electrons, positrons, alpha particles, protons, muons, pions, kaons, as they're visible by naked eye.. in Cloud Chamber.. which you can build by yourself for $50 or less.. and see and detect by yourself.. That's WOW because you don't understand how it works.. Start from fusion to learn how different elements join together to larger elements and isotopes.. Then study how elements are attracting electrons, and becoming electric neutral, then how they are becoming magnetic neutral, when their spins are in appropriate configurations..
  10. That was because of "Today scientists measure stuff to better than 1 part in a billion (but rubbish nonetheless)" comment...
  11. The closer you're, the smarter you're, the more you understand, and the more you are able to do by your self.. Can you create antimatter? No? At least calculate how much energy do you need to create antimatter? No? Can you transform one element to other element? No? etc. etc. If you cannot do even above, you're tremendously very very far from the truth... Actually, you didn't even start journey to find your God.. If God created entire Universe, and you don't know, don't understand how Universe is working... Are not you simply insulting your God? If God is father/mother, and he/she/it would have children, who are not interested in his/her work, wouldn't he/she/it be upset/disappointed by lack of interest/ignorance.. ?
  12. That reminds me one (controversial) imam, who has been asked by western reporter, what for Iran needs nuclear weapon, after all they cannot use it... He looked surprised.. and answered something like "who would like to have AK-47 at home and not being able to use it?! That's crazy rubbish! Of course we would use it, on our enemies!".. Reporter (even more surprised by reply) "that's why western countries disallow you to have nuclear weapon, because you would certainly use it..." He was so off, he couldn't even grasp idea of weapons that cannot never ever being used..
  13. Unsaturated fatty acid + halogen -> Halogenated fatty acid http://www.cyberlipid.org/fa/acid0007.htm The main source of Halogens in typical house are, salt NaCl, and Teflon pan. I would take Teflon pan (brand new and used, with unavoidable scratches), bottle of unsaturated fatty acid, check whether it contains any Fluorine in mass spectrometer. And all day long cook unsaturated fatty acid on Teflon pan, and repeat check for presence of fluorinated fatty acid.. It's even mentioned in patent for "Greaseproof paper": https://www.google.com/patents/EP2894253A1?cl=en "In order for greaseproof paper to exhibit grease resistance, fluorine compounds, particularly fluorinated compounds containing a perfluoro group, have been conventionally used. However, fluorinated compounds containing a perfluoro group have caused safety concerns because it has been revealed that when subjected to heating treatment, they produce substances that will accumulate in and do harm to human bodies. Under these circumstances, greaseproof paper has been proposed in which the surface of a paper base is coated with a fluorine-free greaseproof agent as an alternative to fluorine compounds." http://www.silentspring.org/research-update/fast-food-packaging-contains-potentially-harmful-chemicals "In the most comprehensive analysis (link is external) to date on the prevalence of highly fluorinated chemicals in fast food packaging in the United States, researchers tested more than 400 samples from 27 fast food chains throughout the country. The samples, consisting of paper wrappers, paperboard, and drink containers, were analyzed for a class of chemicals called PFASs (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), also known as PFCs. These highly fluorinated chemicals are widely used in an array of nonstick, stain-resistant, and waterproof products, including carpeting, cookware, outdoor apparel, as well as food packaging."
  14. Because they are rubbish. Who would like to degrade quality of his/her journal by garbage.. ? Too late.. So far I have not seen any math equations from you, that would make any calculations possible...
  15. That's good. Because Technetium-99m isomer is widely used around the world... You might spend some more time reading how radio-isomers are used in practice here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technetium-99m Leave 'belief' for the Sunday mass.. Here you don't need realtors. You have the first hand data..
  16. I will give you example where conservation of mass-energy is the easiest visible, and easily to be calculated, and measured in experiment. Suppose so you have unstable isotope of element which is decaying by gamma decay https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_ray Prior decay we measure mass of particle, and see rest-mass m0, then after decay we detect gamma ray with energy E=h*f, and 2nd product isotope with mass m1, which is smaller than m0. The same quantity of protons and neutrons either prior decay and after decay. They are called nuclear isomers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_isomer Mass: [math]m_0 = m_1\gamma +\frac{h f}{c^2}[/math] Energy: [math]m_0 c^2 = m_1 c^2 \gamma +h f[/math] [math]\gamma[/math] is very very close to 1.0, so typically is omitted. Giving you equation: [math]h f = m_0 c^2 - m_1 c^2[/math]
  17. Adaptation to environment. Organisms which have better adaptation to certain environment, easier survive in that environment. Therefore their genes are spreading in offspring. And vice versa. Therefore you don't see polar bears in Africa. White fur is adaptation to snow, to easier hide, and being able to hunt. Darker bears simply died unable to catch anything. Mutation is random. If it's useful mutation, organism survives, spreading genes to further generations. If it's adverse, organism dies. What is useful or adverse is typically environment dependent.
  18. While saying about 'mass' you should specify which 'mass' you have in mind. There are rest-mass and relativistic-mass. Swansont is using "mass" as shortcut to "rest-mass". Neutrinos are detectable in f.e. Chlorine-based neutrino detector. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutrino_detector Reaction is like: [math]^{37}_{17}Cl + v_e + 0.814 MeV \rightarrow ^{37}_{18}Ar + e^-[/math] Neutrino is captured, and neutron undergoes decay to proton and electron. And scientists are able to measure newly produced Argon (that was not there prior accident). or wait for Ar-37 decay back to Cl-37.
  19. Why? There is plentiful atheists deserving biblical heaven, behaving like saints.. And there is plentiful religious people deserving biblical hell.. Starting from the all imams, priests propagating hate and superiority of their own nation, race, religion or superiority of humankind (and typically careless to devastation of,the planet), brainwashed terrorists committing suicide in bomb attacks, or other way attacking innocent people.. religious extremists..
  20. There is difference between creation of elementary particles and the all laws controlling how they behave, and creation of living creatures, and humans from nothing.. *) You have to decide which one you support. You can't support both at the same time.. And saying in posts that fossil skeletons are lie.. Because you're betraying your own God, calling him liar.. Somebody who is claiming Universe was created 6 thousands years ago, is incompetent, and is calling God liar.. As light from distant stars have to travel for millions or billions years to arrive here.. If 6 thousands years old world would be true, the whole universe that you see would be one big lie. Stars that you see on night sky, would not be stars. They would have to be fake.. *) I told you how to make amino acids from non-organic matter, but it was put to trash can, because you hijacked thread.. You might review it, again, and again.. until you understand that you can make your own amino acids by yourself.. Anybody can make their own organic matter by them self within minutes or hours..
  21. Police officers are not at crime scene when crime happened, but still they are being able to reproduce step by step what happened (if they truly want to do it, and are objective, smart and acute).. Geologists, paleontologists and archeologists are "police officers"/"detectives" of biology, geology, paleontology and history.. But they have to be much more intelligent, as there is much less evidence to work with..
  22. In other words in original post there should be: "Its melting point is between 105-130 degrees C.".. (Why so large dispersion?) You could try to search for it, on the list of unsaturated fatty acids: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unsaturated_fatty_acids How about its density? (do you have weight with +-0.01g or +-0.001g precision?) How about solubility of compound in various solvents (organic/non-organic/water) ? If it would be sugar, he could try caramelization.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caramelization (to read by OP)
  23. Magnetic field lines can be visualized by cheap device called "compass array". Anyone can build 2D compass array using f.e. 100 (10x10) compasses, attached on table with similar spacing between them. There is also 3D version of this device. Here are my photos. It has 117 compasses. While moving magnet, they obviously spin. While passing current through wire, or through electromagnet, we can see how they spin accordingly to direction of current. Visualization of electric field we do using f.e. Electroscope. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electroscope
  24. "Donald Trump's trade chief Peter Navarro accuses Germany of abusing euro for own gain" http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2017/01/31/donald-trumps-trade-chief-peter-navarro-accuses-germany-abusing/
  25. Scientific experiments can, and are, repeated over and over again to check them, even hundred years after the initial discovery, during school lessons, and in University laboratories. f.e. there is claim: water is made of two gases Hydrogen and Oxygen. You perform electrolysis, and 5-10 minutes later, you see these two gases in test tubes in right proportions.. But what are these gases? And again you perform experiment, f.e. connect electrodes on opposite sides of test tube, and provide high voltage. And you see that one is emitting violet light (Hydrogen), while other is emitting blue-white light (Oxygen). Additionally Hydrogen 'explodes' with air/Oxygen, in presence of flame/heat, and Oxygen does not, but flame is more extensive. Scientists are not restricting them self to believe, they check by them self somebody else theory or physical law.
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