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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Sensei

    Massless things

    Neutrinos/antineutrinos are detected when they interact with regular matter. f.e. in Chlorine-based neutrino detector, there is used reaction: [math]^{37}_{17}Cl + v_e + 0.814 MeV \rightarrow ^{37}_{18}Ar + e^-[/math] Relativistic mass/energy of neutrino capable to trigger this reaction must be equal or higher than 0.814 MeV. If it's smaller, neutrino remain undetected. So the all neutrinos from proton-proton fusion in star are excluded by this detector!
  2. That reminds me TV document about workers in China, on air week or two ago or so. There was showed life of workers from Chinese "nowhere", village thousands km away, in big cities. There was question "how much money do you save?".. Answers were "I am saving 50%", "I am saving 60%", "Oh, she is greedy! She is saving 80%!" (80% from the whole income week/month!) Some of them were living together in the same room the same bed (night shift/day shift = empty bed half of day = can be used by somebody else). Beds = bunk beds to save room space of course. Other question was "how many days off/vacation you had this year?" Answers were "long consternation" (trying to remind what means vacation perhaps?) "Ah, (Chinese) New Year. 2 days off. Year ago.". They were saying to work at Sunday 14h, and no other day off. Claiming to be at work for 363 days (in 365 days long year). In one Chinese IT company (in TV document), owner of company (woman) bought bunk beds and put them to company office. To "save time of her programmers for travel to apartments and back".
  3. That does not matter. They are the same equation, just before transformation..
  4. I have the same error, so will attach screen-shot for others to see. It's probably reminder after Holidays server problems?
  5. Sun is know to give us 1370 W/m^2, with average green visible spectrum photon with 532 nm, E=6.62607004*10^-34 * 299792458 / 532*10^-9 = 3.734*10^-019 J energy per single photon. Divide 1370 W / 3.734*10^-019 J = 3.67*10^21 photons per second per square meter of Earth @ 150 mln km distance from the Sun (before absorption by atmosphere). 1 photon per square meter would be even hard to achieve in the middle between two galaxies..
  6. ??? How? If You have R=1 and r=1 then [math]F=-\frac{GmM}{4Rr^2}*(2R+2R)[/math] [math]F=-\frac{GmM}{4*1*1^2}*(4*1)[/math] 4*R cancels with 4*R... [math]F=-\frac{GmM}{1^2}[/math]
  7. Like fiveworlds showed (without revealing details), it works. Just use full tag name. Read this: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?/forums/topic/37701-guide-how-to-use-bb-code-acronyms/ Click on 3rd button from the top-left (in full text editor), pick up Acronym from drop-down, and enter texts. He was suggesting that "Science Forums Etiquette" thread http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/7813-science-forums-etiquette/ should be updated (1st post, made by Cap'n Refsmmat). From [acr=Laughing Out Loud]LOL[/acr] to [ acronym=Laughing Out Loud]LOL[ /acronym] to receive this: LOL
  8. In one of interpretations of QM, The Cosmic Landscape made by Leonard Susskind, one of String Theory authors, there is infinite amount of parallel universes each with different physical constants. https://www.amazon.com/Cosmic-Landscape-String-Illusion-Intelligent/dp/0316013331 Get book, and read it, and tell us your thoughts.
  9. Welcome on the board!
  10. We don't know where to start... Go to primary school.. ? Is it enough helpful?
  11. Well deserved -2 negatives for writing such nonsense, Brownsfan77, from me..
  12. If your calculations disagree with experimental data, your "law" will be dismissed.
  13. Iron does not have 77 neutrons. Iron has 26 protons, in Fe-54 54-26= 28 neutrons, in Fe-56 56-26= 30 neutrons. These are the most abundant Iron isotopes. Also stable are Fe-57 and Fe-58. Element is defined by quantity of protons, not neutrons. Number of neutrons in different isotopes is variable. If nucleus has too much neutrons, it's unstable, and it will decay by neutron emission, alpha decay or the most typically by beta decay minus. Rarely by double beta decay minus. Neutrons and protons are bound together in nucleus. If nucleus has too few neutrons, it's also unstable (except H-1 and H-2), and will decay by proton emission, beta decay plus, eventually double beta decay plus, eventually electron capture. If Iron nucleus would have too few neutrons, it couldn't exist, being extremely unstable. Basically unstable particle decays to more stable particle. It could be repeated until finding stability.
  14. Which software are you using to open Word Document? Microsoft Word? OpenOffice Writer? Something else.. ? What if you copy from Word document, and then paste to Notepad? I noticed that while pasting to this forum reply box, it's trying to preserve formatting of text. You can disable formatting of text by clicking top-left button (above Bold, on the left of Remove Format buttons), the all buttons will be disabled, and the all formatting tags will be in raw format in square brackets [ ] Then try to paste your text from Word document. It's possible that Word's formatted text is broken (or using incompatible/unknown tags), and forum code disallows copying in security checks, to not destroy formatting of text.. ps. Some documents/PDF are scans or have been on purpose frozen to images. ps2. If nothing else works, you can always press print-screen key button, then paste it in MS Paint (as image), cut interesting part, and attach such little screen-shot.
  15. Heavier elements than Nickel are made only in minute amount during supernova explosion.. 7874 / 5513 = 1.43. Earth could be just 43% more heavier, if, and only if, it would be made of pure Iron. But it's not. Additionally, gravity on surface is not uniform, and can be disturbed even by existence of ores, minerals, etc. below the ground. And it's used during mineral exploration. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_of_Earth https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_anomaly https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploration_geophysics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_gradiometry Gravity anomaly map: . http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=3666
  16. Flat Earth.. good to know... Sorry, but which psychiatric hospital you escaped? That's tough, since weight F = m*g.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weight when g is different... it's variable even on Earth, at various altitudes especially, it's completely different on Moon, or Mars.. You will get completely different results.. They don't do PERFECT circles..
  17. Suppose so you have metal from I,II group, and point white light source at it, there will be visible electrons, leaving small traces. Length of trace tells its kinetic energy. And you see traces with small length and traces with long length. Their kinetic energy is energy of photon (white light- full spectrum), minus energy needed to liberate them. Photon is gone from system after being absorbed, and photoelectron is emitted instead. Then the next step is using various monochromatic light sources (or split white on prism, rotated accordingly that only one color +- little tolerance, is reaching our metal) Say you use red, and see absolute nothing, no photoelectrons emitted. Then you use yellow (true yellow, not mixture of RG like in TV), and some start appearing, but they have very little energy. Then you use green, and you see their kinetic energy is higher than for yellow one. Then you use blue, and you see their kinetic energy is even higher than for green.. etc.
  18. Then maybe you should learn how mass of Earth, and mass of Sun is calculated/estimated? p=m/V Average density is mass divided by volume. If you reverse equation you have: m=V*p V is volume of Earth, V = 4/3*PI*r^3 r - average radius of Earth r=6371000 m Then you just have to measure average density of object, to estimate its mass.. Density of water is 1000 kg/m^3 Density of CaCO3 is 2711 kg/m^3 Density of Iron is 7874 kg/m^3 But Earth is neither made of pure Iron, nor pure water, so average density must lie between these two values. And it's 5513 kg/m^3, slightly above the middle between 2711 and 7874 kg/m^3. ps. What is mass of Earth and Sun according to your calculations?
  19. Yes, I can. In f.e. photoelectric effect. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photoelectric_effect
  20. There is not even data for Francium electro negativity.. so the same with extremely unstable elements/isotopes with very small half-life.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francium "Linus Pauling estimated the electronegativity of francium at 0.7 on the Pauling scale, the same as caesium;[9] the value for caesium has since been refined to 0.79, but there are no experimental data to allow a refinement of the value for francium"
  21. What is "midpoint of gravity field"? How to calculate it? It is point where forces cancel each other between two objects? By "midpoint of mass" you probably meant center of mass, I suppose so.
  22. I completely agree. Title was "For all Chess geniuses"..
  23. You're contradicting yourself. "(...) solves entanglements apparent spooky information at a distance, problem. (...)" "problem" is created right now, not in distant past, but in laboratory experiment, and observed microseconds or so after the creation of entangled particles..
  24. In typical entanglement experiment, there is no antimatter created, just photons...
  25. Deuterium nucleus has larger radius than free proton and free neutron, Helium nucleus has even larger radius, Gold nucleus has dozen times bigger radius. Nuclear cross-section https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_cross_section is in barns (which is 10^-24 cm^2 area unit) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barn_(unit)
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